I Was Kicked Out By A Bear And The Organizing Committee Thought I Was Cheating.

Chapter 42 Wait A Minute, Holy Crap, All Seven Of Them Got Away?

Jump ahead? The competition results of seven people cannot be counted?

Qin Mo didn’t know this.

His spirit in participating in the competition is commendable, but it is an indisputable fact that his results were not good.

Facing the cheers on the field, Qin Mo turned around and was about to walk off the field.

In his opinion, it was time to go back, pack up and leave.

He wasn't the only one who thought so.

At this time, the live broadcast room and the scene are the same.

"Qin Mo can go."

"It's gone, it's gone!"

"Although I still finished the game, it was really useless."

"Who says it's not..."


However, just as Qin Mo was about to walk off the track.

The media reporters gathered over there planned to come up to Qin Mo for an interview and ask Qin Mo about his thoughts on this competition.

Right now.

The organizing committee over there began to announce the results.

Those who won the top three unanimously believed that it was a sure thing that they would reach the semi-finals.

But just at this second.

When the results appeared on the big screen in front of everyone, the entire stadium was in an uproar.

I saw it on the big screen.

First place, results cancelled!

Second place, results cancelled!

Third place...

All the way to seventh place!

All results have been cancelled.

Saw such a scene.

You can imagine how stunned the audience in the stadium and even in the live broadcast room were!

"Damn it! What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"All the results of the top seven have been cancelled!"

"Holy shit!!! What's going on? Why are all the results cancelled?"

It exploded.

On the spot, the stadium exploded.

The noisy sound reached the sky in this second, and continued continuously.

At this moment, even the commentary is unbelievable.

"Uh... the scene... there seems to be an accident at the scene! It seems that all the results of the previous contestants have been cancelled?!"

At this moment, in the live broadcast room.

"what is happening?!"

"Ten people entered the competition and seven were cancelled?"

"Fuck me, what the hell happened?!"

"What a ghost, what a ghost?!"

Just by looking at the comments in these live broadcast rooms, you can tell what the situation is in the live broadcast room at this time.

Not only that.

Even Qin Mo was ready to leave at this time.

After seeing such an outrageous scene, they couldn't help but stop.

Those media reporters who originally planned to interview Qin Mo...

He even pointed the lens at the big screen.

At this time, Qin Mo is no longer the focus.

Seven people canceled their results together, which is absolutely unique in history.

These media reporters were eager to press the shutter a little faster.

Also at the same time.

The top three couldn't sit still.

The remaining four people are pretty good.

After all, it has been eliminated.

Even if the score is cancelled, it will not have any impact.

But these three...

"Protest! Protest! Why do you want to cancel my results!"

"I've already reached the semi-finals, why should I cancel my results!"

"Referee team, referee team!!"

Results are crucial to athletes.

It was immediately cancelled. Who could bear this?

It’s not just these contestants.

At this time, the event is live in the live broadcast room.

Even the organizing committee!

Even the leaders of Yuyang Municipal Government.

They couldn't help but pay attention.

To know.

The Yuyang Municipal Government has put a lot of effort into this event.

He even didn’t hesitate to invite Qin Mo.

If this goes wrong...


"Explain clearly! Why do you want to cancel the results of seven people!"

"The referee team speaks."

"A black whistle? Damn it!"

"What the hell, blatantly?"

Amidst the roaring sounds at the scene.

The referee team can't sit still either.

He quickly stood up immediately.

and explanations and explanations were given.

"The first seven people jumped the gun! According to the rules of sports competition, no matter what kind of results are achieved, they will be invalid!"

The moment this explanation came out.

Everyone was stunned at this moment.

Jump ahead?

Follow the rules of the game.

There is nothing wrong with having a false start and being disqualified from the race.

No matter what the arena is, it can be voided directly.


"No, even if it's a false start, why do you want to invalidate the results of seven people...Wait a minute, holy shit, seven people have a false start?"

"...I'm going to go!"

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