I Was Kicked Out By A Bear And The Organizing Committee Thought I Was Cheating.

Chapter 52 It’S Qin Mo! It’S Qin Mo! The Result Was Ten Seconds Thirty-Three!

Athletes are ready.

No one made a sound before the game started.

Everything subconsciously quieted down.

This is even the case in the event live broadcast room at this time.

Everyone was staring at the screen or watching the game on the field.

A voice rang in his ears.

"Everyone is in position!!!"

This sound immediately made many contestants feel nervous.

At the same time, countless people in the event live broadcast room and on-site audience had ideas popping up in their minds.

"It's about to begin! It's about to begin!"

"There won't be any more jump-starters, right? There won't be any more ones?!"

"Will anyone else fall?"

"It's the final, it's the final..."

No sound comes out of his mouth.

But there are a lot of thoughts in my mind.

In fact, it's not just them.

This is not the case for these players who are holding their breath and waiting for the competition.

"Come on, I must come on! I must win!"

"Attention, be sure to be careful, don't jump the gun, don't jump the gun!"

Players with this idea have never had a false start.

I've never made such a stupid mistake.


He had watched the games two days ago.

Then all seven of them got away.

Even if you haven't done it yourself.

Don’t forget to remind yourself this second!

There are also players.

He moved his feet.

"Stay away from the edge. He has a big frame. Don't run into me and it will be troublesome..."

It can be said that at this moment, the contestants have different ideas.

Or remind yourself to pay attention.

Or cheer yourself up.

Of course.

All contestants have exceptions.

Take Qin Mo as an example. At this moment, the thoughts in his mind were changing rapidly.

His thoughts are different from others.

“The system is awesome!”

"This is the last one!"

"Get the championship!"

"I beg you..."

All right.

Others rely on themselves.

At this time, Qin Mo put all his hopes on the system.


That is, in this second.



The sound of the starting gun sounded.

Like a thunder.

The moment the sound resounded, Qin Mo's face instantly condensed with a painful expression.

The whole person ejected involuntarily.

When the sound of the starting gun came.

Just as he was about to exert his strength, he felt an unprecedented sharp pain in his bent thighs and calves!

The pain was unbearable.

It makes people feel that way directly.

If you don't stretch your legs yet.

It's like suffering the most uncomfortable torture in the world.

Such a feeling.

Qin Mo's current time was ejected directly.


Simply can not stop!

It seems that the only way to get some relief is by running and lifting your legs.


At this time, Qin Mo screamed fiercely deep in his heart.

Speaking of which, when he was preparing, he might have been thinking about...

"I want to win!"

But by this time, my mind was blank.

There is only one subconscious mind.

"Don't hurt!"

Because it doesn’t hurt.

So you have to run! Stretch your legs!

And because I have to bend my legs when running, the pain is excruciating.

It's almost like a cycle!

Qin Mo was so forced that he had no choice but to rush forward.


However, there was only one thought left in Qin Mo's mind.

Don't feel pain.

However, in the eyes of the audience at the scene and in the event live broadcast room, they saw a different scene.

I saw the sound of the starting gun just falling.

Everyone starts at the same time.

But even though they started at the same time.

But there was a figure who jumped out quickly!

At that second, the commentator in the live broadcast room of the event.

I didn’t even have time to explain this scene!

I saw that figure jumping the hurdles, jumping the hurdles, and jumping the hurdles again! ! !

It's like a wild horse running wild.

A few seconds is no more than a few blinks.

There is no obstacle in front of this figure!

He rushed forward again.

When the remaining runners sprint for the last hurdle...

That figure...

Hit the line! !

At this time, the voice of the commentator in the live broadcast room of the event came belatedly.

"The game has begun... there is a figure rushing out at the lead..."

"Hit the line!! He hit the line!!"

"No. 1! No. 1 is born!!"


"It's Qin Mo! It's Qin Mo! The score is ten seconds and three three!!!"

There was a boom.

The scene and even the event live broadcast room were ignited in this second!

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