Wobuju's body was shaken.


Or the constant knocking on the door?

That's right!

What Bai Liu heard and what he heard must be the same voice!

He saw the security guard and the doctor staring directly at him.

Bai Liu shrank his neck and asked as if he was a little scared.

"What's wrong? Didn't you both hear just now?"

The security guard looked at Wobuju playfully and said slowly.

"Perhaps Dr. Wobuju can answer your question."

Of course, Wobuju did not answer directly, but planned to hold off for a while.

So he turned around and asked the security guard if he could go back to rest after checking the room.

"Of course it's no problem, Dr. Wobuju, you can go back to sleep now."

Before Wo Buju left, he took a deep look at Bai Liu.

He found that Bai Liu's mouth was staring at him with a strange smile.

Wobu shivered suddenly.

Now that's for sure.

She definitely heard the 'dong dong' sound, and Bai Liu said she heard it too.

But both Wang Hai and the security guards seemed to turn a deaf ear to the thumping sound.

It seems that I have to have a good talk with Bai Liu tomorrow.

There is no other reason. In any case, this Bai Liu must be the breakthrough, and she is the most normal person.

At the same time, the proud Lighthouse people outside also felt the pressure.

【damn it! It seems that the omnipotent Professor Wobuju has encountered a problem! 】

[Man, you are right, this is not an ordinary strange talk about rules. There is obviously no answer this time. 】

[There is something wrong everywhere in this mental hospital. I feel like everyone is Satan! 】

[Okay, family, it’s almost gone. I have to go see how the smart Jiang Xiao is doing~]

At this time, Jiang Xiao also returned to the room from the dean's office.

Not long after he returned, someone knocked on Jiang Xiao's door.

‘Dong dong dong~’


Jiang Xiao opened the door without asking.

Although I was mentally prepared, some people still complained on the barrage.

[This is very Jiang Xiao! 】

[Well, tell me, you may not believe it, but I successfully predicted a mental illness. 】

[Yes, I knew this guy would open the door directly! 】

But unfortunately, there was nothing weird outside the door, but a security guard with a baton.

"Hey Xiabao, do you have any business with me at this late hour?"

Shrimp bully, no, it’s the security guard whose face still has a trace of tangle that hasn’t dissipated.

What Jiang Xiao said to him today has touched his soul.

Why did the dean give himself both a decent job and a decent salary?

What is the dean trying to do with me?

He has been worrying about this problem all day!

"Dr. Patrick, I think it's time for a ward round with you."

"Oh, I'd love to."

Jiang Xiao looked at the door and had a sudden thought.

"Xiaba, why do you think you can drink when the water is boiled, but you can't drink when the door is opened?"

security guard:.

Okay, I haven’t thought through one question yet, here’s another one?

The extremely depressed security guard and the dull-eyed Jiang Xiao opened Wang Xiaoai's room.

The girl with heavy makeup was sleeping very soundly.

The moonlight outside the window just reflected her face, and even her body was much less charming than during the day.

"Shh, Shrimp, we shouldn't disturb Sandy's rest."

The security guard nodded, quietly closed the door and entered the second psychiatric room.

At this point, Wang Hai still didn't sleep, sitting by the window wondering what he was thinking.

Facing the security guards and Jiang Xiao's rounds, he just smiled bitterly.

"Do you think that remembering the past is like trying to find a sword in the long river of time?"

"Brother Squidward, you asked a good question!" Jiang Xiao pondered for a moment and replied: "So, does looking forward to the future count as looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst on the way forward?"

Wang Hai was stunned for a moment, and then asked again.

"Dr. Patrick Star, when people say they can't see the future, does that mean they've already seen the future? The future they see actually means they can't see the future?"

Jiang Xiao shook his head and retorted seriously.

"I think what you said is wrong. Everyone's future is not the future they want. In other words, how can the future you know be the future? The future cannot be fathomed and cannot be determined. It is equivalent to Schrödinger's cat."

The two mentally ill men asked and answered questions, leaving the audience in the live broadcast room stunned.

[Tell me, is this what two mentally ill people can say? Why is it so full of philosophy? 】

[As we all know, genius is on the left and madman is on the right! 】

[Can anyone explain it to me? I think I’m about to gain enlightenment.]

【I have realized it! Wang Hai feels that the future is not the kind of future he wants, so he feels that his future has no future! 】

[Oh, then I understand, so what Jiang Xiao means is that he feels that the future he sees cannot actually be regarded as a future? 】

【No, no! You are on the first floor! I think what Jiang Xiao means is that when Wang Hai said there is no future, he does not mean there is no future, but that there is no future in the future]

[I beg to differ, I think the understanding upstairs is at best on the second floor]

【Stop, stop, stop! Stop! Hey! Shut up! ! I'm so confused, please stop talking and get some brains! 】

[Don't think about it too much, it can easily lead to mental illness. I don't care if he has a future or not. It's so annoying. Now I just want to go to the fandom area to find Hatsune Miku and fire a few cannons at her to get rid of the evil fire! 】

[Hey, this Jiang Xiao, I really doubt that he is not a psychopath at all. 】

Jiang Xiao's words made Wang Haiqian think about life.

And he and the security guard came to Bai Liu's room.

At night, Bai Liu took off his weird psychiatric clothes and put on pure white slim-fitting pajamas and a light blue jacket.

At this time, she had already made tea and was reading quietly.

"Calculate the time, you are almost here for ward rounds. Try it, it has just been brewed."


After thanking the security guard, he picked up the tea cup and tasted it.

"Tons, tons, tons~"

Jiang Xiao on the side didn't say anything, picked up the teapot and looked at the spout to show off how full he was.


Seeing Jiang Xiao patting his belly with satisfaction, Bai Liu sighed helplessly.

Don't you think it's too hot for your mouth?

But what else can be done? She is helpless because the new doctor is a psychopath!

[Okay, I take back what I just said about Jiang Xiao's condition. This guy is a pure psychopath. 】

[I found that Bai Liu is so beautiful, even a mental illness suit one size larger cannot cover her figure].

[She is indeed beautiful. I think the kind of ladies from famous families in ancient times, the daughters of prime ministers, were probably Bai Liu. 】

[Cut some beautiful pictures of Bailiu and save them for the evening. 】

[It's a pity, if only she had taken off her shoes and rolled up her trouser legs]

[Go ahead, buddy, you can be rude, but don’t be perverted! 】

"What are you looking at?"

After drinking tea, Jiang Xiao pointed to the book in Bai Liu's hand.

"Oh, this is my picture album, which records my life outside. No, this is the dog I raised."

Bai Liu smiled and showed Jiang Xiao the photos in the album.

"Or a guide dog?"

"Well, my father was blinded due to an accident in his early years. This dog has been with him for most of his life."

"Hey, let me ask you a question. There are signs in some places that prohibit entry of guide dogs. Is it for blind people or for guide dogs?"

"Yes for...yes."

Bai Liu's words were stuck, and he froze on the spot.

The security guard sighed. If nothing else happened, Bai Liu should have been touched by Jiang Xiao's words just like him.

"You two, go back after checking the ward. I also need to rest."

Bai Liu was furious. Because he couldn't answer Jiang Xiao's question, he directly issued an eviction order.

[Should I say it or not, what Jiang Xiao said seems to make sense. 】

【if not? Bai Liu couldn't stand it anymore and directly issued an eviction order. 】

[The angry Bai Liu seemed to be more aggressive. 】

[Haha, I hope you can say this when Bailiu is alienated~]

[Hiss, I think this Bai Liu may really be a normal person. She has performed very well so far. 】

[The more this happens, the more it represents the terror of this woman]

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