The activities inside the submarine became busier, with operators nervously adjusting various instruments.

The so-called external detection certainly does not mean letting people out of the nuclear submarine, otherwise it will be crowded in an instant.

Following the order of the supreme commander, a batch of specially designed small detection robots and scanners were activated.

As if they were given life, they carefully slid from the launch bay of the nuclear submarine into the darkness of the deep sea.

The robots and scanners are designed to be extremely sophisticated, with casings that can withstand extreme water pressure and built-in sensors that pick up on tiny signals.

Their power systems are very advanced and they can flexibly shuttle in the deep sea, just like elves in the deep sea.

As robots and scanners were put into use, the large screen inside the submarine began to show the situation outside.

The team members gathered in front of the screen and watched the images and data sent back by the robots intently.

The robots swim in the deep sea, and their cameras capture all kinds of bizarre underwater landscapes.

Huge undersea mountains, deep trenches, and shimmering marine life form a shocking picture.

Suddenly, a weak sound wave appeared on the monitoring screen again, which was very similar to the signal captured before.

The operators immediately locked onto the source of the signal and directed the robot to approach.

As the robot gets closer, the signal becomes stronger.

But soon, they discovered that these fluctuations did not come from some unknown giant creature, but from a group of strange deep-sea fish.

These deep-sea fish appear to possess some special bioluminescence ability.

Their body surface is covered with glowing spots, and it is these spots that vibrate in the water, producing the previously captured signals.

The team members were both disappointed and excited about this discovery. Although they did not encounter the legendary unknown creatures, these deep-sea fishes were a major discovery in themselves.

After all, it is a depth of more than 10,000 meters, and few people have been there before. This is almost the first time that humans have seriously explored the ocean at this depth.

Oceanographers are fascinated by the creatures that can survive at such deep depths.

After confirming the discovery, the top commander ordered operators to leave some robots behind to continue monitoring the deep-sea fish while collecting as much data as possible.

Then the order continued to fall.

As the engine of the nuclear submarine sounded again, the numbers slowly climbed up on the depth gauge until the astonishing number of eighteen thousand meters was frozen on the screen.

At this depth, even the powerful searchlight of a nuclear submarine can barely shine very far. The sea ahead is like an all-devouring black hole, mysterious and deep.

The faces of the operators were reflected in the blue light of the screens, and their eyes were fixed on the monitors, trying to capture a glimmer of information from the endless darkness.

The atmosphere inside the submarine became heavier, and each team member could feel the endless darkness surrounding them, suppressing their souls.

"Team F, feeling dizzy."

"Team G is having some difficulty breathing and is adjusting."

"Team T-9, I seem to be hallucinating! Report, I seem to be hallucinating!"

The team members' reports echoed through the headphones, each struggling with their own fears and discomforts.

The supreme commander held the pen in his hand tightly, his eyes were firm and deep, as if he could see the unknown world through the darkness.

He knew that what these people faced was not only the pressure of the deep sea and unknown challenges, but also the test of human beings' own fears.

"Team members, stay calm, we have reached a depth of 18,000 meters."

The supreme commander's voice echoed inside the submarine.

"This is a great adventure in human history, and each of you is a witness to this history."

"We are not witnesses of history, we are the creators of history! Each of your names will appear on a certain page of our human textbooks in the future!"

Encouraged by the supreme commander, the team members gradually calmed down.

They took a deep breath and adjusted their equipment, preparing to explore this unknown sea.

At this time, the submarine's detection system once again captured an abnormal signal. This time the signal was stronger than before, and it seemed to be conveying some kind of message to them.

"Operator, mark the location of the signal source. We need to conduct a detailed detection of this area."

The supreme commander quickly issued the order.

The operator's fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard, and soon, a set of coordinates flashed on the screen.

The submarine adjusted its course and slowly approached the source of the signal.

As the submarine moved, the surrounding darkness seemed to become thicker. The light of the searchlight quickly dissipated underwater, unable to penetrate the darkness of the deep sea.

The team members observed the surrounding environment through the submarine's external camera.

Their heartbeats accelerated with every movement of the submarine, and everyone silently prayed that the expedition would be completed safely.

Suddenly, the camera captured some unusual images.

On the dark seabed, something is moving slowly. Their outlines are blurry, but they emit a faint light.

"Look there!"

One team member pointed at the image on the screen, his voice filled with excitement and nervousness.

Everyone's eyes were focused on those mysterious images, and they knew that they might be facing a major discovery.

The submarine's searchlight is like a torch in the hands of an explorer. Although it is weak, it cuts through the dark water firmly.

As the submarine slowly moved forward, those faint lights became clearer and clearer under the surveillance of the camera.

The breathing of the team members could almost be heard, and the tense atmosphere filled the small submarine.

When the submarine finally approached the shadow, everyone was stunned.

The images returned by the camera showed that it was not a strange rock on the seabed, nor was it some unknown marine creature.

But the corpse of a marine alien creature!

It lay quietly on the seabed, its limbs swaying gently with the weak current, as if it was telling something silently.

The most shocking thing is that the corpse looks exactly like the deep diver detained at the Shanghai-Hong Kong base.

They remembered the bulging eyes of the deep one and the unexplainable features about him.

Now, the same features appeared on the corpse in front of them, which made people feel frightened.

The team members looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The supreme commander's voice broke the silence: "Attention all, stay vigilant, keep moving forward."

The submarine's engine sound sounded again, but this time, no one could ignore the scene behind the body.

As the submarine advances, more bodies appear on camera.

They were like an army sleeping on the bottom of the sea, densely packed, with countless remains of deep divers covering their field of vision.

These corpses are arranged in an unusually orderly manner, like a huge cemetery. Each corpse maintains the same posture, as if waiting for something.

The hearts of the team members were beating wildly, and fear was like a cold current running from their backs to their heads.

"What the hell is this place?" one of the team members muttered to himself.

"Is their cemetery?" Another team member's voice trembled in the headphones.

The supreme commander was silent for a moment and then gave the order.

"Recording these coordinates, we need to conduct a detailed investigation of this area, and at the same time, maintain maximum alertness. We don't know what else is hidden here."

The submarine slowly moved through this dead underwater cemetery, and each team member was dealing with the horrific scene in front of him in his or her own way.

They know that this expedition may rewrite mankind's understanding of the deep sea, but at the same time, it may also be the beginning of a nightmare they will never forget.

The tension inside the submarine reached its peak. The team members' faces were pale and their eyes were full of fear.

The pressure of the deep sea and the corpse cemetery in front of them made their psychological defense almost collapse.

Some team members began to tremble slightly, while others closed their eyes tightly and held the handrails hard, trying to find a sense of security.

"Team M, his physical condition is unstable and his heartbeat is tachy."

The medical officer's voice came over the communicator. His hands were busy adjusting the medical equipment, trying to stabilize the team members' vital signs.

"Team R, vital signs disappeared!"

The voice of another team member was filled with despair. His companions had completely lost their lives in the horror of the deep sea.

Despite this, the supreme commander's face remained calm, but he could not hide a trace of sadness in his eyes.

He knew that every deep-sea adventure was full of unknowns and dangers, but he did not expect to encounter such a tragic scene here.

The supreme commander's voice came through the headphones, giving the team members a glimmer of hope.

"All team members, immediately check their equipment and confirm that the life support system is operating normally. We cannot stop here. Since the bodies of these deep divers have appeared, it means that we are close to their species range. This operation , If you don’t succeed, you will succeed!”

Although the team members were still frightened, they still carried out the inspection mechanically under the orders.

They know that any small mistake can cost a life.

"Team member K, the life support system is abnormal and we are trying to repair it."

Team member K's voice was weak and his hands were shaking, but he still persisted, unwilling to give up his last hope.

The supreme commander stared closely at the surveillance screen ahead. There seemed to be some kind of secret hidden in the darkness of the deep sea, and he had to uncover it.

"Keep diving, we have to find answers."

The supreme commander's voice remained firm, but his heart and eyes were full of contradictions.

He is responsible for these team members, but he is also responsible for the future of mankind. He cannot let this expedition be sacrificed in vain.

The submarine's engine sound sounded again, and the submarine continued to dive deeper into the sea.

The darkness around them became thicker, as if there was an invisible giant hand trying to swallow them up.

The team members held on to their seats, their eyes fixed on their monitors, praying in their hearts that the dive would go smoothly.

The depth gauge of the submarine continued to climb slowly. Each increase in depth from 19,000 meters to 20,000 meters was accompanied by an acceleration of the heartbeats of the team members.

The supreme commander knew that they were entering a new realm, and everything here would become a new chapter in the history of human exploration.

But he also knew that this chapter might be stained with blood.

Jiang Xiao, Shi Shi and Wang Dayong stood aside in silence.

Although I feel a little uncomfortable, this is indeed a necessary sacrifice to welcome the dawn.

Twenty-five thousand meters!

The submarine's alarm system suddenly sounded violently, the piercing alarm sound echoed in the small space, and red light filled the entire submarine interior like blood.

The operators' faces instantly turned pale, and the tense atmosphere reached its peak at this moment.

"Report! Our energy detection system has detected a powerful unknown energy fluctuation!"

One operator's voice was trembling with nervousness.

The top commander quickly approached the console and stared at the data on the screen.

The wave graphics on the screen were beating wildly, showing that the intensity of the energy was far beyond their expectations.

"Everyone, initiate emergency procedures immediately and check the integrity of the submarine shell!"

The supreme commander's voice was filled with urgency.

The team members acted quickly and hurriedly carried out inspections at their respective posts.

Under the influence of this unknown energy, the submarine began to vibrate slightly.

"Team S, the shell integrity test has been completed and there are no abnormalities."

"Team L, the power system is stable and has not been affected."

"Team C, the communication system is normal, keep in touch."

A series of reports were passed inside the submarine. Although the situation was urgent, the professionalism of the team members allowed them to respond quickly.

But their vital signs began to beat wildly, and more than half of them died in just an instant!

"We have dived to a depth of 25,000 meters, and the environment here is much more complex than we expected."

The supreme commander thought silently in his heart.

At such a depth, the water pressure around the submarine has reached unimaginable levels, but what is even more worrying is this unknown energy.

The emergence of this energy undoubtedly brought new variables to this expedition.

"Team J, activate the deep sea detection radar. I want to know the source of this energy."

The supreme commander issued new orders.

Team member J quickly operated the console, and the deep-sea detection radar began to work, trying to penetrate the dark seawater and find the source of the energy fluctuations.

With the launch of radar waves, the tension in the submarine seemed to reach its peak.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the echo of the radar wave.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and every second seemed extremely long.

Suddenly, an abnormal echo signal appeared on the radar screen. The signal was strong and clear, indicating that the energy source was somewhere not far from them.

"The source of energy has been found! The coordinates are being calibrated."

There was a hint of excitement in team member J's voice.

The supreme commander quickly approached the screen, a determined light flashing in his eyes.

"All team members, prepare to detect the source of energy. We may be about to uncover the secrets of this deep sea."

His voice was full of determination, because judging from the coordinates given to Jiang Xiao and others by the deep diver, the thing was roughly at this depth.

The submarine slowly adjusted its course and headed towards the source of energy.

As the submarine advanced, the surrounding darkness seemed to become thicker and thicker, as if there was an invisible force trying to stop them from moving forward.

It is indeed that thing!

A huge, cold altar is suspended in this sea area.

Its appearance is even several times larger than a nuclear submarine!

The whole thing shows a kind of bronze color, and it floats up and down like this magically, but in general, the floating height does not exceed one hundred meters.

The most important thing is that for some reason, the surroundings are obviously dark and there is no light source on the altar.

But even without the need for searchlights, the altar can be seen by all.

It's as if its existence is the only visible "light" under the sea.

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