I was mentally ill and was selected to participate in the strange rules talk

Chapter 622 Clear the level! 【Complete spreading flowers】

Jiang Xiao's brows furrowed, and he felt an unprecedented anxiety.

The words of the high priest hit the depths of his soul like a heavy hammer, and the identity known as "Demon" seemed to be an unshakable fate.

"High Priest, since you mentioned the devil, please tell me, what does this identity mean to me?"

The doubts in Jiang Xiao's heart were like a surging river, surging uncontrollably.

The high priest's projection did not seem to intend to give a direct answer. Its figure swayed in the light like a crystal ball, as if it might dissipate at any time.

"Mako, your fate is far more complicated than you imagined, but now is not the time to reveal everything."

After a pause, the high priest smiled again.

"Actually, it's good to keep it like this. You don't need to delve into it, and you don't need to simplify complex issues."

Jiang Xiao felt dissatisfied and was about to ask again.

Only to find that the projection of the high priest had dissipated in the air like smoke, leaving only a bottomless silence.

Jiang Xiao took a deep breath and tried to calm down the fluctuations in his heart.

Since the high priest refused to reveal it, he could only find another way.

Jiang Xiao turned around and decided to find Bai Liu and Niu Jiujiu, two old friends with strange personalities.

They are also weird, and their status is not low. Maybe they can know more information about Mako.

Jiang Xiao walked through the corridors of the Shanghai-Hong Kong base, and every step he took felt like he was stepping on a thick fog.

Arriving at Bai Liu's residence, Jiang Xiao didn't hesitate and knocked on the door.

The door slowly opened, and Bai Liu's figure wrapped in a bathrobe appeared at the door.

Now that he has reached a settlement with the deep diver, the relaxed Bai Liu will naturally be rewarded with a hot bath that all women like~

"You should have cleared the level again this time, right? Why don't you go home quickly and come find me while your wife and children are on the hot bed?"

Jiang Xiao nodded and got straight to the point.

"Bai Liu, do you know about Mako? Or, have you ever received a document about Project

Bai Liu was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke.

"Where did you get this news? Even on our Weird side, not many people know about this document."

"Don't worry, I'm just asking you, can you tell me what you know? This is really important to me."

Bai Liu bit her lip, but her emotional side finally defeated her rationality.

"Maiko, this title is not common among our weird high-level people, but it represents a special existence."

"It is said that Mako is the incarnation of the source of weirdness and has the potential to change the world of monsters and even the real world. Let's put it this way, he only needs a simple thought to make a top weirdo like me who is carrying a nine-star ghost talk miserable, even Nervous breakdown.”

Jiang Xiao's heart was shaken.

He never thought he would be connected to such a huge secret.

At the same time, he also instantly understood what the high priest just said to him meant!

At the end, Bai Liu also glanced at Jiang Xiao with an extremely strange look.

If you say so.

Judging from Jiang Xiao's style in the strange story at the beginning, it is really similar to the legendary devil.

It was a good nine-star ghost story, but it was suddenly blown up by him.

Wang Dayong still has a strong psychological shadow on Jiang Xiao.

One can imagine how much psychological trauma Jiang Xiao caused to him at that time.

And you must know that at that time, Jiang Xiao was entering the ghost story for the first time, and his brain was not very clear. He could produce this effect simply by relying on his own heart and doing whatever he wanted.

Jiang Xiao's heart beat wildly several times, and he took a deep breath, trying to suppress the shock in his heart.

His eyes became deep, as if he was thinking about his identity and destiny.

Jiang Xiao also thought of everything Bai Liu thought of.

So, is it really possible that I am that kind of devil?

It's just that I don't seem to be growing up according to Mako's "script".

For example, now, he rarely breaks Wei Wei's mind, but prefers to use the methods of the chosen one to solve problems.

Put yourself in their shoes.

If according to the normal script, he is the "devil" in Weirdness, he is also the strongest chosen one in Blue Star.

If he falls into the "magic path", the entire Blue Star will probably be invaded by ghost stories in a very short period of time.


So is this change a good thing or a bad thing for you?

"It's actually neither a good thing nor a bad thing."

The high priest quietly appeared again, with a little helplessness in his eyes.

"I told you not to pry, not to pry. You have to get to the bottom of it. In fact, you just need to be yourself? You can help whomever you like. There is nothing wrong with that."

There was a hint of joking in the high priest's voice, as if he was laughing at Jiang Xiao's confusion.

At the same time, he also explained that all of their communications are now blocked by its power and will not be discovered by people from Blue Star.

At this time, the picture in the Longguo live broadcast room had begun to distort.

Everyone is presented in a crooked way, and I can’t even understand a word they say.

"You know what? When I found out that you, a devil, was actually helping humans, I was stunned."

The high priest sat on a chair nearby and said leisurely.

"I have to say that you are a really weird guy. The last time we met, more humans died at your hands than anyone else."

"What are you talking about? I've killed a lot of humans? Also, this is the first time we've met!"

There was a hint of justification in Jiang Xiao's voice, but more of it was confusion about his behavior.

However, the high priest seemed not to give him a chance to solve his doubts. Its figure was shaking in the air and seemed to disappear at any time.

"The last time we met, you indeed killed more humans than anyone else, and your methods were extremely cruel. Your whole person showed a sense of madness. You are a nightmare in the eyes of all humans."

Jiang Xiao's brows furrowed and his palms began to sweat.

As the high priest finished speaking, some memory fragments did flash through his mind.

The high priest's voice echoed in Jiang Xiao's ears, and every word was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart, causing ripples.

"I will never mistake anyone. The last time we met, I was just an ordinary deep diver. That was more than five hundred years ago."

"By the way, your name was Jiang Ren at that time. You were a benevolent person, not Jiang Xiao. This was the only difference." The high priest added.

Jiang Xiao felt an indescribable strangeness.

Five hundred years?

How could he have lived for so long? In his memory, he was only in his twenties.

With this gap in between, could it be that I really lost my memory?

His heart was racing and the fog in his mind seemed to get thicker.

He forced himself to stay calm, trying to keep his voice sounding steady.

"High Priest, I have no impression of what you said. How could I have lived for five hundred years? And why did I lose all my previous memories?"

The shadow of the high priest swayed in the light, seeming to be thinking about something. After a moment, it slowly spoke, with a hint of helplessness in its tone.

"I don't understand why you lost your memory, but I am certain that you are that person. The you five hundred years ago and the you now, although different in appearance, are essentially the same. "There is absolutely no way I can admit my mistake."

Jiang Xiao's breathing became rapid, his hands clenched into fists, and his fingertips sank into his palms. The pain made him wake up a little.

In his mind, fragments of scattered memories began to emerge uncontrollably.

But they are all blurry and cannot be pieced together into a complete picture.

At this time, Wang Dayong, Niu Jianjie and Shi Shi also came over.

"So, can you tell me what I was like five hundred years ago? What did I do?"

There was a hint of urgency in Jiang Xiao's voice.

The high priest was silent for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"Five hundred years ago, you were a legend in the weird world. Your power was strong enough to influence the direction of the weird world."

"Not only weird and human beings, but also our deep diver family have heard of your name."

"And your strength is worthy of your reputation. At that time, you dived to a depth of nearly 40,000 meters in the deep sea with only the strength of your physical body, and you seemed to be able to do so with ease. I also met you at that time."

When he said the last words, the high priest's face showed a look of remembrance.

At that time it was just a mediocre deep diver.

But by chance, I met a shocking boss. That scene will be remembered for a lifetime!

"As for your memory, I feel that it may have been lost in a certain battle. Well, I don't think the possibility is high, because you were invincible at that time and no one was your opponent."

"I'm more inclined to think that you chose to forget your own memory, or maybe outside forces interfered with your destiny."

"But no matter what, you can't escape your essence - the devil."

Jiang Xiao's heart stirred up a storm. Is he actually a devil?

Was he once a legend in Weird?

Was his memory lost due to his own choice or due to external forces?

All these mysteries made him feel more confused and uneasy than ever before.


Bai Liu suddenly slapped his head and said with his eyes shining brightly.

"Because I have a very high status, in addition to the encrypted document, there was also a message, which roughly stated: "It's time for the devil to get tired of playing."

Tired of playing?

These three words represent that if Jiang Xiao is a demon, then his memory is most likely sealed by his own choice.


A dog barking attracted everyone's attention.


With the senses of so many people present, they didn't notice a dog sneaking over.


Shi Shi, who was already drowsy because she couldn't understand what these adults were talking about, immediately pounced on the dog when she saw it.

Jiang Xiao was stunned.

Isn't this the dog?

It was the dog that had been lying under the table eating in "Where Did Dad Die?"

Jiang Xiao still vaguely remembered that when he passed the level, the dog looked at him with a very human look.

"You?" Jiang Xiao pointed at Gouzi: "Are you also weird?"


The dog has spoken!

Gouzi's tone was extremely helpless, and could even be described as dumbfounding.

"Isn't that right, boss? It was you who said you wanted to break into humans to see how disgusting these humans are, but you ended up getting so far?"




Oh, yes, if he is a devil, then he is the source of the weird power, and naturally the boss of all weird things.

"Hey, tell me what's going on in detail!"

Everyone stretched out their ears.

Dahuang barked helplessly and began to tell everyone everything Jiang Xiao had experienced.

It turned out that Jiang Xiao at that time, or rather a man named Jiang Ren.

He has reached the pinnacle of this world and has become an invincible existence.

However, just like the strong men in all stories, Jiang Ren also felt endless loneliness and boredom while being invincible.

There was a hint of emotion in Dahuang's voice, as if he was recalling the glory of that era.

"You know, you were so powerful at that time that nothing could bring you excitement."

"You look at the world, the good and evil, the weird cunning and cruelty of human beings, but you can't get any pleasure from it."

Dahuang's eyes became profound, as if he could see through the mists of time to see Jiang Ren of that era.

Gouzi said that not only did Jiang Ren like to kill people at that time, he also killed a lot of Weird people!

It's just that because the power comes from the same source, it won't take long for Weiyi who died under Jiang Ren to be resurrected automatically.

"So, you were extremely bored and made a decision, a crazy decision. You decided to seal your power and memory, and go deep into the human world as an ordinary person, to experience human life first-hand, to feel the things you have never known before. Emotions that have never been truly understood.”

Dahuang's tone became deeper, as if he was telling an epic legend.

Jiang Xiao's heart was filled with shock when he heard Dahuang's words.

He was once so powerful, but he chose to give up everything just to experience human life?

Am I crazy about riding a horse?

"So, how did I seal my power? How did I forget all this?"

Jiang Xiao asked eagerly, he wanted to know everything about his past.

Dahuang shook his head.

"I don't know about this. After all, at that time I was just an ordinary dog ​​lying at your feet."

"But I know that you said at the time that you wanted to experience the most real human life. You wanted to see how bad these disgusting humans can be."

Jiang Xiao's heart was full of mixed feelings. Was he ever that kind of person? Had he really ever hated humanity so much?

"But, you see, you are no longer the devil you were back then. You have become the guardian of mankind. You use your own power to protect the world."

Dahuang's eyes became tangled, as if he was praising Jiang Xiao's growth, but also seemed to be scolding Jiang Xiao for betraying Weiwei.

Jiang Xiao was silent, he didn't know what to say.

His past, his memory, his power, all of them are so far away, yet so real.

He looked up at Dahuang, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"No matter who I was in the past, I am Jiang Xiao now. I will use my power to continue to protect the existence I want to protect."

Da Huang nodded, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes.

"That's fine. I'll give the order to stop all the weirdos from slaughtering the chosen ones and humans indiscriminately."

"I am no longer a demon."

"No, you have always been! It's just that you now choose to reach reconciliation with humans."

After a pause, Dahuang looked at the other weird things at the scene.

"Stop killing, isn't that good?"


Bai Liu, Niu Jianjie, and Wang Dayong all agreed with both hands and feet!

Human beings hate the fear of strange rules.

Why are they so weird? Aren't they deeply troubled by weirdness?

With this opportunity to get rid of the shackles, they will naturally not object!

"That's good, within a month, all the strange stories will be cleared away!"

In just one sentence, Dahuang put an end to the strange rumors about rules that all humans were afraid of.

"Dad, we are going to Sunset Mountain to play with Huahua!"

"You're not allowed to go!" Sun Wei refused coldly: "Have you finished your summer homework?"

The three little ones stood in a row, looking at Jiang Xiao pitifully as if they were minions.

"Huahua said she was bored to death by herself!"

"Nonsense! As a famous tourist attraction, the Sunset Mountain dungeon is already overcrowded!"

Sun Wei exposed them mercilessly.

In the end, it was Jiang Xiao who came forward to speak for them and allowed the three little ones to get this opportunity.

Dahuang is very fast and does what he says.

It has only been a few days, and some things have been done.

In addition to travel dungeons like Sunset Mountain, there are also some game dungeons and food dungeons.

More featured copies are still in development.

In order to satisfy the diversity of human tastes.

"Jiang Xiao, tell me, what if one day your memory belonging to Jiang Ren is restored?"

Facing Sun Wei's question, Jiang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled easily.

"You know, I have a man who once lived in Patrick Star in my mind. Even that kind of thing can't affect me, just Jiang Ren? How is that possible?"

There is also

A strange black light flashed in Jiang Xiao's eyes.

How do you know that my current memory has not been restored?

It’s over!

How should I put it, there are very few people who are following up, but I know that there is something wrong with my own state.

I really sincerely say thank you to everyone who saw this. It was finished in a hurry, but I have to adjust my state. (My health is failing and I have problems with my eyes and kidneys)

If I continue writing, I will feel like an old lady's foot wrap is smelly and long, and there is absolutely no need to drag around bad money.

I will check and fill in the gaps later, and add more extras. If you have favorite characters, you can leave a message directly in the book review [all extras are free]

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