
Li Bing reminded the warden with dull eyes in a low voice.

After reacting, the latter coughed twice, trying to calm down his inner restlessness.

Why is this guy named Jiang here?

Did labor and management not read the almanac or something? Only a few good days have passed?

"Well, what do you think this new prison chief has done?"

"First: Release the three felons in Area B as soon as he comes."

"Second: When he had lunch for the first time, he instigated the prisoners to occupy the canteen and used all the good rice and meat in the camp."

"Third: Not only did the prisoners side with him, but even the jailers defected!"

Wang Dayong's heart trembled.

Completely unconventional behavior, coupled with such a similar appearance.

It's pretty much the same as a hot man.

"Fourth: His test today was zero!"

Originally, Li Bing wanted to ask Jiang Xiao to sort out the test papers, but in the end he didn't dare to ask.

Wang Dayong: (benefit) "Zero points? Tsk! Mad, such a stupid chosen one, he is the one who is the best!"

The warden's forehead was twisted into the character "Sichuan", secretly thinking that things were going to be very difficult.

Is he the bad guy?

Seeing the constipated expression of the warden, Li Bing couldn't help but ask questions.

"Does the warden know him?"

"No, no, no, no, I don't know him? By the way, what did he say?"

"Regarding the three people from Da Guang, he said that human resources cannot be wasted and the three people in Area B cannot be left idle."

"Nothing wrong! In fact, I think so too!" The warden said with righteousness.


"But according to our Hengshui regulations, people in Area B."

"Rules are dead, but our tricks are alive. We should be flexible and adaptable according to objective conditions! This new ward chief has a great idea! I very much agree with it!"

Li Bing:.

"As for the canteen, he said that we should follow the menu posted on the wall, and today we will eat braised pork."

"That's right! That's absolutely right! It's official business, and the prisoners should be fed whatever the target is, and there's nothing wrong with it!"

"But he also ate our share."

"Can't we just buy something after eating? We in Hengshui have no money? Anyway, I think there is nothing wrong with this and I support it! Our Hengshui Prison is a prison that respects human rights very much!"

Li Bing looked at the evasive warden and took a deep breath.

"Warden, I think you most likely know this new warden, right?"

Warden Wang Dayong's evasive expression suddenly froze.

"Xiao Li, did you notice that I was so inconspicuous?"

"This is so obvious."

Even the female secretary on the side nodded. The warden's acting skills were really not that good.

Okay, now that it's been seen.

The warden stopped pretending and showed his cards.

"Hey, this kid almost broke me down before."

"Can you elaborate?"

the female secretary asked cautiously.


The warden felt a prickling sensation all over his body as he recalled the events of that night.

"I won't be too careful. He is a pervert and a lunatic. Anyway, he is definitely not a human being! I don't want to see him!"

So strong?

Li Bing's expression also became serious. Let's not talk about the character of the devolved warden in front of him.

Although this strength is not top-notch, it is still one of the real high-end combat powers!

Now, just hearing the name of the other party are so frightening?

"Xiaohua, you go out first, I will talk to the warden alone."

Hengshui Prison cannot make any mistakes!

It was time for the rest of the Chosen Ones to eat.

No surprises.

All of them were eating rotten and smelly food.

The Chosen Ones do not have the same physical fitness as the prisoners, and many of them cannot eat for a while.

If they eat it too much, it will cost them half their lives?

But if you don’t eat, you will starve to death

Only Sakura's Nako is white as snow.

The chef actually arranged a separate small stove for Nako!

This also makes people more and more doubtful about what her talent is.

Even if the charm is high, it won’t achieve this effect, right?

Nako was eating cabbage and pork stew and found that many prisoners were staring at her and swallowing their saliva.

To be precise, he was staring at the food in her bowl.

"Private Marseille, Master, can you make the food a little better next time? I think everyone eats poorly."

The chef had a pleasant look on his face, completely different from when he was facing Jiang Xiao.

"Oh, haha, what, no problem, I will report this to the warden."

Nako was obviously not particularly satisfied with the chef's answer.


According to the usual practice, there is no sound after reflection, right?

Seeing the hungry eyes of the prisoners, Nako had no choice but to pick out some dishes and share the meat with the thinner looking prisoners.


She regretted it after dividing it up.

How does this make those who don’t get a share see themselves?

Sure enough, some prisoners lowered their heads with gloomy expressions and continued to eat the bran in their basins.

Nako stood up immediately to comfort everyone.

"Don't worry, everyone, I have just reported the food problems to the kitchen, and I will improve it for you in the future."

Although I don’t know if it will have any effect, I still have to say it.

After Nako finished speaking, she found that everyone's faces did look better.

Although I know that there will be no improvement in the cafeteria, it is always good to have some hope.

Let’s eat~

Anyway, I'm used to eating this kind of thing every day.

If you don’t eat, how can you have the energy to work in the afternoon?

"What do you mean? Not only is this prison chief mentally ill, but he's also a pervert, and he's still immortal?"

The warden nodded to Li Bing.

"Immortal, don't confront him head-on, 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, you really can't handle it."

"Then what should we do?"

Li Bing had a headache. This guy was so strong that the prison rules could hardly restrict him.


There is another place!

"By the way, Warden, can we find a way to put him in the cell in Area B?"

Li Bing's words opened a door to a new world for the warden.

"What do you mean?"

"Haha, warden, this is our Hengshui's big secret~"

"But it's difficult, isn't it? And you forgot that he still got a zero in the test."

"It's okay, I'll go talk to him!"

Li Bing stood up to say goodbye. He already had a plan in mind to deal with Jiang Xiao.

Back in the cafeteria, the prisoners are still eating

Seeing the deputy warden coming, no one even bothered to raise their heads.

This feeling of being ignored made Li Bing feel as if there were ants crawling on his body.

"Chief Jiang, I just talked to the warden about the issues you reported. From now on, the meals in the cafeteria will strictly follow the arrangements on the menu."


Many prisoners who were licking their plates were stunned.

What does this mean?

Did the uprising succeed? !


Li Bing's "but" made Jiang Xiao raise his eyebrows.

"According to regulations, this is what our prison is supposed to do, right? But what?"

"But your cultural level is too low!"

Li Bing took out Jiang Xiao's test paper and slapped it heavily on the dining table.

"See for yourself, none of them are right. Is this ridiculous? Is this reasonable? You are still the ward chief!"

Many prisoners also glanced at it with their heads raised.

And then directly petrified on the spot?

Did the warden do this on purpose or on purpose?

This is so wrong.

Li Bing took back the test paper and explained his requirements.

"Chief of the Ward, I have provided good meals to the prisoners in accordance with the regulations of the canteen. Are you also going to give me a qualified test paper in accordance with the regulations? The worst prisoner has scored 40 points. What do you want to do?"

There is nothing wrong with saying this.

I do my part, and you naturally have to set an example.

Jiang Xiao rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

He also knew that he probably wouldn't get a perfect score, but in his heart, 40 or 50 points was definitely no problem.

How could this be all wrong?

Is this the honey confidence that comes with exams?

I think I am inseparable from ten, but in fact I am far from the original.

"Warden, I'm just a rough guy and haven't studied much. You're making things difficult for me by asking me to take the exam, aren't you?"

"I don't care about that. If you fail to meet the requirements, according to regulations, you need to be detained."

Jiang Xiao was also anxious and retorted with his throat raised.

"No, we are just a superintendent in charge of 60 people. I think when the independent group of labor and management grew to more than 7,000 people, they didn't need to be literate. Are you kidding me?"

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