A place with eaves to shelter from the wind and rain was soon found among the forgotten ruins, a church that was almost scrapped. There are still many worship chairs in the church, which do not seem to be decayed, and there are still many things to pick and choose.

There is also a confessional room inside the church, which, in addition to a lot of dust, has a sofa and bed that is not particularly shabby. I just don't know why there is a bed in the confessional room, and I really can't understand what the bed in the confessional room is used for.

The sheets on the bed did not have some strange traces in those ribans, but they had turned gray because they had not been used for a long time. If you don't clean up, the sheets will definitely have to be replaced. Fortunately, Bell's thinking space has a changing sheet in it.

It was three hours after the simple cleaning was done.


Hestia did not have the image of a goddess and lay directly on the cleaned bed. It was really physically demanding and energetic to clean this ruin, and three hours of time to do a lot of things, even more than the things that descended to the Nether combined. So, now Hestia is super tired.

Lying on the slightly hard mattress with a sore body, "It's much worse than Hephaestus's house" Hestia couldn't help but miss her wasted life in her heart.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw Bell, who was also just busy, and the decadent look just now disappeared instantly, and even sat up directly from the bed.

"No, Hestia! Now you are not the same waste mode as before, you now have a child."

Hestia, who was just thinking so, sat up instantly.


Bell, who had just finished his work, saw Lord Shangjin sitting and watching him. It's just that sitting position made Bell take a step forward and say "Faux pas, Lord God", slightly changing Lord God's wild sitting posture. The white dress really saw it all when I sat up cross-legged, and this picture is still not very good.

"Lord Shangshin, wearing such thin clothes usually needs to pay more attention. That kind of sitting position is too easy to walk away. "

Just listen to Hestia "Ah!" He quickly pulled the hem of his skirt with both hands. The cute face instantly turned red. Apparently she had forgotten that they were going to live together in the future, and that they were still living together as a boy.

"Well, if you want to live with Bell-Jun in the future, this aspect of the problem also needs attention."

Hestia took a deep breath and made some adjustments before speaking.

"Bell-kun, from today onwards, you will be the first dependant of my Hestia clan, so you also need to pay attention. Because you are my only dependent, if something happens to you, I will be very devastated. "

The implication of this sentence is that "please don't die casually" written on your face.

Bell certainly understood the implications. He is not an idiot, and he does not take risks and dies casually. Many things need to be gradualized to get results, and overnight they often become a piece of loess. Just because he craves strength, he will also cherish himself more.

"Lord God, please don't worry. I long for strength, not for death. It is inevitable that effort and risk will take to gain power, but I will also move forward step by step, and I will not suddenly go into the dungeon. "

"Whew~ that's good."

Hestia was visibly relieved, she was also really worried that her child would not be too hungry for power to plant in the dungeon. Although she never had a dependent, Hestia often heard from her friends in Eulalie that many children would jump into danger. She didn't know about the others, but for Bell, Hestia really didn't want such a thing.

"So, what does Bell-kun do next? Go to the dungeon first to acclimatize? "

Bell nodded slightly.

"That's what I intended. The outside environment is dangerous, but I've heard that dungeons are much more dangerous than outside. "Cannibal City" means the dungeon I know. The upper level close to the surface is safer, but the further down you go, the more dangerous the dungeon becomes. I don't plan to go to places that are too dangerous until I get used to dungeons and before I level up. "

Dungeons are undoubtedly dangerous. However, as long as the danger of the dungeon is controlled within a certain range, then the danger of the dungeon will become its own nourishment little by little.

Given the dangerous nature of the dungeons, Bell also doesn't intend to go too deep. Whether now or in the future, he must do his duty as a coward. He is not an experienced adventurer, so he needs to go through the dungeon to quickly accumulate experience.

"Sure enough, this kid doesn't have to worry too much about me."

Hestia was really relieved at this moment. It is not a bad thing to have a desire for power, but this desire needs to be contained. You need to do as much as your own strength, and beyond this stage will only bring you trouble. Hestia doesn't have to worry about it.

Hestia looked at her child with approval.

"Well, Bell-kun, you're right. Dungeons are a dangerous place, and as an inexperienced newcomer adventurer, what you need to do is not to enter the lower level of the dungeon, but to better absorb the experience. You need to get used to dungeons, and you need to know that dungeons have the desire to devour everything at any time. "

"The desire to devour everything... Is the dungeon really alive? "

Bell raised his eyebrows, and then his brows began to lock.

Hestia nodded solemnly, and said with caution and caution at the same time.

"Dungeons are living creatures. It's just that it doesn't have self-consciousness itself, but only an instinctive reaction. It has always been alive, it is like a mother and fetus that conceives a monster. It hates the gods and can give birth to monsters at any time in order to devour the whole world. "

"That's why Eulari was built on top of the dungeon. This is to suppress the number of monsters bred in the dungeon and control the number of monsters in the dungeon. If the dungeon is not suppressed, the monsters bred by the dungeon will erode the entire world. The lowest level of the dungeon is the core of the dungeon, and it is said that because the core of the dungeon is controlled, it will become a hotbed for constantly breeding monsters. "

Hestia knew only that. The secret of the deep dungeon is not something she can know, or there are not many people who know this secret among the gods. As for why he told Bell, it was to let Bell know how dangerous the dungeon was.

And the first reaction in Bell's mind when he heard this information was "black dragon with only one eye".

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