With today's harvest, Bell returned to the ruins of the church. After seeing the people standing outside the ruins of the church, Bell immediately quickened his pace and ran over.


Standing outside and waiting, it was naturally Hestia, who had been worried all along. She had been worried at home since Bell went out in the morning, this was the first time her children had entered the dungeon, and she was worried that something would happen to Bell. Now that she saw that Bell had returned safely, her worries were finally relieved.

With a relaxed sense of relief, he rushed directly to Bell, and before he could react, he directly hugged him.

Two slimes collided directly into Bell's abdomen. The sensation is so clear that there is a rough outline across the clothes. Even the calm Bell had a momentary tension on his expression. It's not that his patience for women is too low, it's mainly that this Lord God is too top.

"Hmm~ it's the real Bell-kun, not some ghost."

That firm touch made Hestia confirm that it wasn't her own feeling that was wrong. His hands involuntarily placed on his heart, and the heart that had been hanging all this time could finally be put down.

"Lord Shangjin, I said I would definitely come back from the dungeon. And it's just the first floor of the dungeon, I can still handle it. "

"Well, Bell-kun, it's not a question of whether you can handle it or not. Even if you know you can handle it, you should still worry. "

With a white glance at Bell, Hestia was now much relieved. As long as Bell can come back, it'll be fine.

"Bell-kun, how did it feel to go to the dungeon for the first time today?"

It's also important to listen to your family's first dungeon experience. As a god, she is the one who is rejected by the dungeon, and she will not have the experience of entering the dungeon anyway. Hestia also wanted to learn about the situation of the dungeon from Bell's mouth, which was regarded as satisfying her curiosity.

"It feels... The monsters in the dungeon are stronger than I thought. "

Speaking of dungeons, the first thing that reminded Bell of was the goblins who kept killing today. Those guys are intelligent and will choose to besiege when they know that they can't fight. If you see the tricks, you can't easily use them a second time, and those guys will easily become vigilant.

"The first-layer goblins are faster and more flexible than ordinary people, and their strength is also extraordinarily large. If the skin of those goblins could not be cut by ordinary short knives, it would be difficult to kill those goblins. "

"And those goblins have a certain intelligence. The trick used once is not very good to trick them the second time. "


Hestia's eyes widened at the word. She couldn't believe her ears, she actually heard from Bell's mouth that the goblin had some wisdom. Hestia looked at Bell seriously and confirmed it again and again.

"Bell-kun, are you sure it's not your feeling wrong?"

"Probably not. I explicitly used the same method in battle, but the goblins who saw me use it immediately countered my actions. I guess this is a symbol of a certain amount of wisdom, right? "

Bell doesn't know if it is, but he judges it is "yes" from the goblins' actions. Those goblins are definitely intelligent. It's just that Bell is not sure if that wisdom is only temporary in battle, or if the monsters born in the dungeon have a certain amount of wisdom.

Hestia also fell silent after hearing this. If it really is as Bell said, then the goblin does have some wisdom. But how did this happen? Monsters should be creatures that do not possess any intelligence. If monsters have a certain amount of wisdom, then doesn't this mean that monsters and humans are no different?

The reason why adventurers can kill the monsters of the dungeon at will is because those monsters do not have any wisdom. The monster threatens all the civilians in this land, and if the monster is not killed, it may be the civilians themselves who die.

But if the monsters have a certain amount of wisdom, and it is even possible to develop the wisdom of the civilians on the ground, then is it really pure monsters that adventurers kill those monsters?

Hestia didn't know the answer.

She didn't dare to think about it.

After all, whether this is really the case in the dungeon, Hestia herself cannot be sure. But what if there really is such a day?

Hestia stared straight at Bell.

"Bell-kun, what if those monsters in the dungeon will have the same wisdom as humans in the future?"

Bell shook his head slightly. Bell didn't know if that situation existed, but he didn't think it was a difficult problem to deal with.

"Lord God, this was decided the moment I became an adventurer. There are no enemies in my way, and I will not bother. The enemy in front of me, sooner or later I will cross over. "

It's really a simple truth.

Bell's past world has long been ruined by morality because "it's not you who hit why you want to help", and he has long discarded the things he learned in elementary school like "helping the elderly cross the street". Only morality can be targeted by morality, so Bell has long learned to be an indifferent person.

Old man lying on the ground? Does it have anything to do with me? Since it has nothing to do with me, why should I help?

"If intelligent monsters do appear, the way to deal with them is to use the same attitude as adventurers. If those monsters want to trouble me themselves, then I will not show mercy to their subordinates. "

"Of course, if they give me help. Then whether or not someone pokes the spine, I will also choose to help them. "

Bell looked at Hestia's stunned look, and he didn't know if his answer was too good. So he scratched his face and asked.

"Lord God, is there a question with my answer?"

Hestia, who had returned to her senses, smiled gratifyingly. "Sure enough, Bell-Jun is a good boy" With this thought, Hestia's mood also relaxed. Whether the dungeon had such a secret she didn't know, but Hestia knew that Bell was one who was ready to enlighten.

"No problem, Bell-kun. Bell-Jun is a good boy, and it is most appropriate to make such a decision. There is no way to forcibly distinguish between good and evil, and good and evil are only words for individuals. Bell-kun, you just have to do what you think is right. "

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