"What is magic to you?"

"Power. The power of simplicity, the power to open a new era for yourself. "

"What does magic look like to you?"


"So, what kind of magic do you want to pursue?"

"Let myself become a thunderbolt, as fast as thunder, let me seize that fleeting opportunity. Erratic thunder, swift thunder. It may be just a faint light, but I also want to illuminate my future with this faint light. "

「...... Seize destiny. It's really a naïve idea."

"Ah, I'm such a naïve person."

The world Bell saw changed drastically, and a pitch-black dragon stood in front of him. The pair of flesh wings that could be seen with the naked eye were torn off, and the black qi that was full of black qi continued to spread around, and soon came to Bell's face. But Bell faced the situation head-on without taking a step back.

"Click" gritted teeth continued to come out of Bell's mouth. It is not that he does not retreat, but he cannot retreat. Behind him was an endless abyss, giving him a way back from the beginning.

This is his destiny. That's his choice!

The huge dragon eye stared at Bell, who gritted his teeth and insisted. Even it, which has only hatred and disdain for humans, put away that contempt. He is not afraid of any human challenge, and it is his destiny to give it the opportunity to challenge. Just as humanity is destined to challenge him, it is just a matter of fate.

He does not give any contempt or contempt to humans who can look at him in the eye. One by one, those human heroes left a permanent mark on his body, and the injuries on his body were also an acknowledgement of those heroes. It's like acknowledging the weak challenger in front of him.

[Try to cross me, human hero! 】

This sentence was so abrupt in Bell's ears. Cross me? The black dragon, which symbolizes "evil", actually said such words.

But Bell didn't have time to consider the deeper meaning of this sentence. He himself is not a particularly good minded person, and he is not clear about the significance of the existence of the black dragon. However, Bell understood that this was the death situation for him, and it was also a situation that had to be faced.


Blue lightning appeared from the surface of Bell's skin. In the next second, the skin of Bell's whole body flashed with blue-white thunder, and the pressure on his body also decreased sharply. The footsteps that could not step forward moved forward, and then his body turned into a ray of thunder and rushed towards the black dragon.

"Let me cross over!"

Bell knows that he can't be a hero, he's just a little man. Isotopes of different worlds? Is that the same person? Perhaps they are different in nature, and even wishes and thoughts are not synchronized. But they are doing the same thing, only in this case they are all the same.

Overcome the impassable hurdles in front of you!

Excited! Pleasure! Yearning! Fantasy! As well as power!

There was everything he had fantasized about, but everything formed a less flattering but old-fashioned story.

Bell, who was good at expression management, couldn't help but grin. Turning into thunder and lightning, he stepped heavily on the ground and jumped high, waving his fists, like an idiot to meet the mouth of the black dragon.

"You are my death."

"So I must cross you and kill you with my own hands!"

There is absolutely no superfluous reason. Just because now the black dragon was in front of him, blocking his way to continue his progress. Bell doesn't care about any other reason.

Save the world? That kind of reason is too lofty, and such a reason is not suitable for him.

Little people don't need so many high-sounding reasons, just one is enough.

At the moment when Bell's fist and the black dragon's mouth came into contact, everything began to turn into nothingness. The two consciousnesses that came into contact returned to their respective bodies.



Bell opened his eyes suddenly, and the lack of oxygen made him unable to help but take a big breath. The black dragon that the eyes saw just now, and the voice of the black dragon heard in the ears did not seem to be fake. So, is the so-called "isotope" just now true?

"It's not."

"The real Bell Cloney wouldn't have that idea. Failure is never allowed, and he who stands in that position will not be allowed to fail. "

Yes, Bell doesn't admit that those people are who they used to be, or that Bell Craney was. People who will admit their failures will not be the protagonists. At least Bell didn't think that naïve guy would choose to throw in the towel easily. Perhaps, the essence of that guy is just a relatively astringent little ghost.

"Is it guidance?"

Bell wasn't sure which one it was. It was too sudden, and his brain was really not fast enough. But he was sure that at least it wasn't made by the black dragon. If that black dragon said it, it was obvious that he would not do such a inferior thing.

Although he didn't know what was going on now, he admitted that he was just a crosser. It doesn't matter to him whether it's an isotope or not, but it's still the same thing to do. He needs to bear the fate borne by his original identity, which is a fate that he simply cannot escape.

After Bell "exhaled", the bloodshot brain just now calmed down again. Perhaps the one just now was just the product of a deep fantasy in his brain. That's a good explanation, and something like a person like him who doesn't speak very well can do. So much content just now may just be the effect of the "magic guide book".

"My brain is really not suitable for thinking about these complex questions."

Once again, Bell felt despair in his brain. Obviously, YY is a good hand, but when it is the turn to think about things, he always can't turn a corner. Bell thought for a moment, whether it was true, fake, or even YY, or it was better to write it down first, so that he could forget about these things later.

After making a simple note, Bell lay back on the bed. The experience just now made him mentally exhausted. Obviously, he has only woken up not long ago, but he began to feel sleepy again after reading a magic guide book. The limbs relaxed on the bed, but the feet touched something hard-shelled. Bell sat up and saw the magic guide book at his feet and opened it curiously.

"The text has disappeared, it seems to be useless."

After stuffing the magic guide book into the four-dimensional space, Bell lay back on the bed and closed his eyes.

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