The choice of dependents is a headache, choosing "Loki dependents" then the early growth will definitely be very fast, and you can get a lot of resources to grow, but this exposes the four-dimensional space, her unique skill.

But if you choose the "Hestia family", then it is unrealistic to want to get help in the early stage, all the things you need need to create by yourself, the benefit is that there is a cute and painful god, and you can hide your special skills.

Then the images of "Lord Loki" and "God Hestia" appeared in Bell's mind.

The evil god Loki is not a male god in other world myths, but a flattened red-haired squinting girl, who is also very fond of her dependents, but she especially likes women, and has bad thoughts about her female dependents. Usually a bit of a big grin, but very reliable when it matters.

The god Hestia, one of the twelve main gods of Olympus in the original world, and the eldest sister of Demeter, Hera, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, is almost the eldest sister in Greek mythology. Of course, the status here is also unusual, and the "immortal" power of the commander who orders the eternal burning of the sacred flame is also ridiculously high among the gods. The figure is quite exaggerated, only 140 cm tall, completely belongs to the category of "loli", but the figure is convex and upturned, which is a typical representative of people who can't look away.

"Good! He decided to join the "Hestia Family". "

After thinking about it again, Bell decided to choose the "Hestia family" with no basic ability just like the original book.

After all, who can refuse the attraction of "Loli God"?

Can there be such a loli god who sent it for nothing, what else is there?

Lao Tzu directly against the sky!

Just like Tiamat in FGO, who can not immediately become a filial son when Tiamat says "my child"? Who doesn't want to bury their head deep in that motherhood-filled bosom?

But they are not wrong to do that, after all, it is right that Tiamat is the mother of all things, but this does not prevent Xiaozi from wanting to give his mother a good future and let Tiamat experience a life different from God.

Well, Bell actually didn't have any bad thoughts in his heart, in short, he rushed his Lord God first.

Forget about meeting other girls, Hestia is undoubtedly the best encounter.

Since the decision has been made, there is no need to continue to entangle the issue of choosing a dependent.

It's just that now there is another problem, the beauty goddess Freya.

Freya has the essence of seeing through the human soul, what kind of qualities she possesses, she can hide it with words and disguise, but the soul does not hide it.

Bell was worried that he would be seen something.

But thinking about it, his psychology is not as simple and flawless as Bell who debuted at the age of fourteen, he actually doesn't have to worry about Fereya seeing something, he is not the kind of person who shines, Freya is no different from looking at ordinary people when he sees him.

That beauty god will not have any interest in ordinary people.

"Go to the city to inquire about intelligence."

After collecting his belongings, Bell put on a trench coat and walked to the main road pretending to be a very ordinary passerby.

It turns out that the probability of ordinary people getting into trouble is really low, as long as they show the appearance of ordinary people and do not carry so many things on them, then they will not be regarded as targets.

The last ten kilometers Bell also walked with surprising caution.

It's easy to pretend to be an ordinary person, but you have to pretend to be an ordinary person who is downcast and poor... Well, he really is such a person.

Isn't it a model of poverty that he doesn't even have a backpack on his body except for a trench coat?

Bell saw that at the fork of the road in front of him, many carriages came up on the central road.

Curiously glanced at the side of the path, there is still a steady stream of carriages pulling goods here, and I don't know what kind of goods are pulling, looking at the wheels are stuck under the dirt, there must be a lot of goods on it.

"It seems that there are still a lot of things that are transported to Eurali from outside."

Business Bell is actually very excited, after all, the dangers that need to be faced in business have obviously decreased.

"If I'm smart enough, I might be able to make a name for myself on this road."

In the blink of an eye, Bell gave up the idea of doing business, not to mention that his five-star dress could not play enough value in business. In addition, business requires enough brains, and Bell does not think that his straight brain cells can do the complicated thing of doing business.

After the heartbeat, Bell quickly accepted reality.

Pulling down his hood to hide his true appearance, he didn't want to get in trouble, and he didn't want to be disposed of as a threat before he even grew up.

Bell carefully walked on the side of the road, avoiding the central carriage, but immediately heard their conversation.

"This time the transportation was also not smooth, and I even ran into an earth dragon on the road, which was simply a hell."

"Who says it isn't? If the team we hired wasn't strong enough, our cargo would have all been destroyed under the claws of that earth dragon. "


Bell frowned, he knew that anything related to "dragons" was not a simple monster.

He pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"Fortunately, it is not a flying dragon that appears, otherwise our group will plant it."

"You think too much, this time we encounter the earth dragon outside is already a probability in case, how can we meet the flying dragon directly? And you don't want to think about how low the probability of the existence of a flying dragon is? "

"Also, there are not as many flying dragons as earth dragons. The production capacity of the earth dragon is strong, but the flying dragon does not have such a strong production capacity. "

"Earth dragon and flying dragon, this world is full of dangers everywhere."

"Without strength, you really can't go anywhere, even bad luck, bump into some monsters outside, and you will be killed before you start to get stronger."

Bell sighed secretly in his heart, and then turned his attention to the group of mercenaries in front.

All the equipment on his body was removed, only the lightest coat, and some people were wrapped in bandages on their heads, hands and legs, and it seemed that they had experienced a brutal battle.

Although I don't know what kind of strength these mercenaries are, it is certainly not easy to solve the damage that an earth dragon can cause so many people.

"The dragon species is indeed a legendary creature no matter which world, and it would be strange if that creature could be killed in a simple way."

"Compared to the unstable outside, the dungeon is really the most suitable place for me."

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