With a slight sour taste, I felt that the tacit understanding between myself and Bell was surpassed by Hephaestos. The jealousy and sourness that had never been felt before made Hestia feel uncomfortable. The hanging eyes stared at Hephaestus deadly, and an inexplicable emotion grew from Hestia's heart.

Hephaestus and Bell didn't think much of it.

"That's your own slow reaction."

Hephaestus directly gave Hestia a roll of her eyes.

"Bell is your child, have you forgotten even your child's skills? Didn't we say that last time? "

Hestia paused slightly, and her jealous mood was barely restrained. The last time they said the question, or was it something related to Bell?

"Yes... How many monsters spawn? "

"That's right."

Hephaestus snapped his fingers like a wise man, and everything was attributed to the "lucky" skill. Last time, Hephaestus wondered why so many monsters would be born on the first floor, obviously the number and time of monsters born in the dungeon have the law of floors, and the first floor will definitely not give birth to 264 goblins in one day.

"Under normal circumstances, the number and time of monster birth on a floor are fixed, especially the floor closest to the ground. However, under the influence of Bell's skills, a large number of monsters were born unusually, which directly affected the operation of the dungeon. "

"The impact of this anomaly directly caused the same phenomenon as the first floor on other floors, and the monster feast on the whole floor came from this."

"And this!?"

Hestia was stunned. She didn't even know that the dungeon could be affected like this.

"Nature can be done. Dungeons hate the gods as much as adventurers who possess the bounty of the gods. Bell's luck only increases the dungeon's drive of adventurers, because the dungeon feels that Bell is a difficult adventurer to be expelled, so the dungeon works together on all floors to expel Bell from the dungeon. "

In Hephaestus' thinking, Bell's luck is actually a bad luck. He was not favored by the dungeon, but disgusted by the dungeon. Otherwise, can a lucky dungeon run? But disgust can.

Just because Bell's luck makes the dungeon unable to find his existence, the natural dungeon will generate monsters according to normal laws. But once Bell's luck stops working, then the dungeon will attack Bell like crazy, so there will be a crazy birth of monsters that should not exist at all.

However, this also made Hephaestus interested in Bell's life.

Without a trace, he glanced at Bell. "Driving the power of the gods and being disgusted by dungeons, what is your identity?" Hephaestus is now interested in Bell's identity.

Although he cared about Bell's identity, Hephaestus didn't worry much about Bell as a person. In general, this kid and those dark factions should not be the same people. Moreover, this child does not seem to be very clear about his identity.

"Although the time is short, judging by your expression, I have gained a lot today, right?"


Speaking of his gains, Bell has answered many questions in his heart, which is also a great gain.

The power of the low-star dress cannot be underestimated, and the system of the type moon is also extraordinary.

The idea that I had always thought that the dress effect of Low Star might not be too great was like a loud slap in Bell's face.

Today's test proves the power of low-star dresses.

At the same time, Bell is also looking forward to whether other dresses can show more power.

Four-star and five-star dresses are all some perverted abilities.

Of course, Bell did not forget that the game developed in the later stage, and the number of one-star to three-star dresses increased very rarely, but the four-star and five-star dresses continued to increase. It's just that most of the four-star and five-star dresses are limited to Valentine's Day, and it can be said that most of the waste dresses.

However, now that he can continue to draw, Bell is looking forward to the three-star dress "God-made weapon". If you are lucky, it is a holy sword. Although I don't know if I can use it, even if it can't be liberated, the level of that holy sword is definitely better than the first-class weapon.

"The goblin's short knife is the same, and 241 are harvested. The problem of sales is going to trouble Hephaestus. "

"Can you get so much in such a short time?"

Hephaestus was also slightly surprised to hear the number of goblin daggers harvested.

Based on today's time, Bell didn't stay in the dungeon very long. However, it didn't take long to kill so many goblins, which is enough to show how much Bell's strength has improved compared to the last time.

"Well, after all, it is a precocious skill and almost powerful magic, and it is not surprising that there is such progress in a short period of time."

But even so, Hephaestus was still surprised by the trend of Bell's strength.

The other adventurers grew up slowly in one point, but Bell completely seemed to be open, almost sitting on a rocket. If this situation continues, perhaps the attributes will accumulate to the limit of Lv.1 adventurers in a few days.

"Bell, how much do you think you'll grow the second time you enter the dungeon?"

“...... Hephaestus, I don't know about this question. Only after Lord God has updated my data will he be able to know. "

How much did you grow when you entered the dungeon for the second time?

This question Bell does not know. However, Bell believes that in addition to durability, he should have a high level of growth.

These growths are not only obtained by entering the dungeon for the second time, but also by the previous three days of training on the ground. It's just that Bell didn't update the data at that time, he could only feel that his magic power had increased a lot, but he didn't have an impression of how much he had grown.

Hephaestus then looked at Hestia, who was holding Bell.

"Hestia, aren't you curious?"

What does this make Hestia say? She was certainly curious about how much Bell had grown during this time. But seeing such an interested look from Hephaestus, Hestia couldn't help but let out some gambling whimper.


Looking at Hestia's reluctant look, Hephaestus knew that this fool must be making a fuss. However, Hephaestus already knew how to deal with Hestia in this state.

It's good to stir it up.

"Don't you even care about the growth of your own children?"

"Who said that!"

All of a sudden, Hestia jumped straight from the ground like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on. However, Hestia is still bulging, and it seems that it will take a while for Hestia to defuse her. But she didn't want to go to Hephaestus for the time being, and this guy was starting to become annoying.

"Bell-kun, let's update the data!"

PS: Ask, now the data is bad because I write badly? Or do I have a bad reputation?

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