"Huh? The big riot in the dungeon? "

Aegina listened to the adventurers who came to the guild to complain with a strange look.

"Yes, Miss Aegina. Don't you know, it started early this morning, it's like the whole dungeon has opened a monster feast. "

The complaining adventurer pointed to the strap on his hand.

"Miss Aegina, look, the injury on my hand was caused by the commotion in the dungeon."

The bandage still looked bloody, and Aegina was sure it wasn't a simple scratch. But at this moment, Aegina's heart was not worried about the male adventurer in front of her, but about the child who had not been seen for a long time.

That kid shouldn't have been involved, right?

Aegina quickly retracted her attention and seriously inquired about the specific situation.

"What exactly is Mr. Dolan's situation? What kind of number is the monster feast ~ exactly? "

The male adventurer named Doran still had palpitations when he recalled what happened in the dungeon just now. Although he wanted to be close to Aegina, the bad memories just now made his back chill.

"It's sudden, and it's still pieces of monsters born from the walls."

"It's not that I haven't seen a monster feast, but has Miss Aegina seen a monster feast with hundreds of them appearing on the upper echelons?"

After saying these words, Dolan still felt his hair stand on end. Really, if it weren't for the fact that he and his friends were teaming up, or if the adventurers of other layers were also retreating, it was a question of whether he would have come back alive.

Looking at Dolan's pale face and palpitations, Aegina didn't think he was lying. At least Aegina doesn't think the next adventurer can maintain a calm posture in the face of that situation.

However, it is indeed rare for hundreds of monsters to appear on the upper level.

And if this phenomenon occurs on the whole floor, then this situation is indeed quite strange. If the dungeon has such an action, then the city of Eulari will not be able to support it for long. So what's going on with this sudden full-floor monster feast?

"Mr. Dolan, do you have any clues about this phenomenon in the dungeon?"

This made Dolan a little speechless, how could he possibly have a clue to this kind of hurt feeling, who was not a high-ranking adventurer?

However, in front of Miss Aegina, he really didn't want to look like he didn't know anything at this time, and Dolan tried to remember if there had been such a phenomenon recently. Unexpectedly, Dolan thought.

"There you have it! I remember the same situation in the dungeon seven or eight days ago. It was also a sudden appearance of pieces of monsters, which were exactly the same as today. "

Aegina, who had no expectations, was slightly startled.

It's really strange that something equally serious happens twice in a month.

But what really stunned Aegina was not this problem, but at this point in time seven or eight days ago. She was still very impressed by that day, after all, the child came to her with more than two hundred goblin knives, and she was not impressed.

At that time, Aegina was actually wondering that the goblins on the first floor could not generate so much, how did a person brush such a goblin short knife in a day?

Then it was confirmed that the reason was the child.

However, that day did not cause as much sensation as today, and there was no phenomenon of adventurers escaping from the dungeon en masse.

"Mr. Dolan, but I don't remember that day caused such a sensation as today."

"Ah, I guess that's because the speed at which monsters spawn doesn't appear together. I remember that the dungeon was also born with a lot of monsters that day, because my teammates and I spent almost the whole day in the dungeon and knew how many monsters were spawned that day. "

Dolan, who recalled the situation of that day, did not notice that Miss Aegina said exactly that day, he himself determined that the specific day was as an adventurer, but Miss Aegina as a receptionist was so clear about that day.

But Dolan did not notice, but tried to remember the day.

"The other floors that day also seemed to be spawned monsters of the Great Explosion. However, those monsters are not one-time, so everyone just can withstand it. It was also because there were a lot of monsters that day, and many of the adventurers I knew that day went crazy. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Dolan remembered that the sale of magic stones alone had earned sixty or seventy thousand faris. Other adventurers have earned more, even hundreds of thousands of faris, but they envy him miserably.

Ask for flowers

For the next adventurer, hundreds of thousands of Faris is really not a small number.

Everyone usually soaks in the upper floors of the dungeon, which is basically 2 to 8 floors that rotate continuously. The best case scenario for a day is thirty or forty thousand faris, which is still a matter of luck. The result of a bad day may only be 10,000 or 20,000 faris, and that is really bad luck.

If you think about it carefully, the situation that day is similar to today, the only difference is that the speed of monster generation is different.

The speed of that day was very slow, just after a wave of killing, almost continuous.

But today's speed is very strange, those monsters are simply generated to scare people to death. As soon as it came out, there were dozens, and dozens more were born on the wall without noticing in the blink of an eye.

When I thought of this, Dolan felt a pity.

But a cold sweat appeared on Aegina's head.

Was it really caused by that child!?

What exactly did that kid do on the first floor today? How did you make such a big move?

This kind of high-impact situation even if Aegina closed her eyes, she knew that the guild would intervene in the investigation.

After all, things are getting bigger, and the guild must want to know who caused this phenomenon in the dungeon.

Bell-kun, are you in the dungeon!

If it weren't for work, Aegina already wanted to go to Hestia to ask Bell's location, but now that she was working, wasn't she waiting to be suspected if she left rashly?

This time, the matter was very influential, and it only took a morning to spread throughout Eulari, and all the gods knew what happened in the dungeon.

But this is also a matter of early evening, after all, even if the gods do not investigate, the children of their clan will tell them what they know one by one.

This also made the gods very interested in the commotion caused by the dungeon.

One of the gods is typical.

On the upper floor of the Tower of Babel, a goddess looks out the floor-to-ceiling window at Eulari with a wine glass.

"Those mice? Or is it the dungeon itself? "

PS: The new book is on the shelves asking for subscription data, I really don't want TJ Ahzhang!.

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