"Wow! Bell-kun, I like you the most! "

Bell, who received the straight ball, directly ushered in a different kind of straight ball, and it was still two.

Even Bell, who has always been very rational, is a little bit of a horse at the moment.

Such a young and cute girl in her arms is difficult for a person to endure.

Bell couldn't help the impulse in his heart and hugged Hestia tightly in front of him.

Hestia also hugged Bell tightly, and Bell was unique to her. As her first dependent, Bell seemed to be labeled as the only one in her heart. Coupled with Bell's presence in her good ball area, Hestia couldn't help but want to have an encounter with her own children between gods and nether children.

Before she officially went to the Nether, she had often talked about this with the returning gods of the Celestial Realm. It's just that Hestia is not very interested in the opposite sex, and those male gods in the celestial realm are not bad-looking, but she can't have any mood swings.

The only time was when the Nether met her first dependent.

Hestia admits that she is Yan Control, and because Bell is her first dependent, she also has special feelings for Bell in her heart.

"Bell-kun, let's kiss!"


Such a blunt desire left Bell slightly speechless.

"Lord Shangjin, is it too early for 11?"

"Will it?"


Bell took a deep breath, he was originally the god Hestia before he finally determined Hestia's dependents. However, the relationship between the dependents and the gods also needs a certain foundation, so Bell believes that his relationship with Hestia does not need to be rushed further now.

"Lord God, how about you listen to my thoughts first?"

Hestia immediately turned around and sat sideways in Bell's arms, looking at Bell with anticipation in her eyes.


Bell can now talk about his thoughts.

"Lord God, I should also have said that the reason I came to Eulari in the first place was to gain strength. My grandfather was driven to death by wild beasts in the hunt outside, and it was in that situation that I chose to come to this labyrinth city. "

"Hey~ Bell-kun, is it really just for strength?"

Hestia blinked and looked straight at Bell.

“...... Well, actually, I also had in my heart looking forward to meeting girls. "

"Uh-huh, that's right."

Hestia didn't have any opinion about such an idea, every adventurer had such an idea.

The people who come to the city of Eurali are nothing more than for fame, for money, for women, and for power. Everyone has their own desires and goals, and there is no low-level statement that it is wrong to meet beautiful girls.

"Bell-kun, who are you actually trying to meet?"

Can I say it's you?

Bell couldn't help but chant in his heart.

In fact, the object he wanted to meet was not some other girl, but Hestia.

In the labyrinth city of Eulari, it is estimated that there is really only one god who can gather loli and big attributes.

From the perspective of God, he dotes on his dependents and is willing to take out high loans for his dependents to move forward.

From the perspective of being a beautiful girl, it is also an almost perfect score.

Choosing the god Hestia in addition to finding the best object of encounter, but also found the most suitable dependent, isn't this killing two birds with one stone?

"Lord Shangshin, don't you think it's you?"

"If it's me, how did you find Hephaestus not me in the first place?"

I was looking for you in the first place!

But what did Bell say about this? It can't be said that he knew from the beginning that Hestia was looking for dependents, so he targeted Hestia's dependents from the beginning. But because he couldn't find Hestia, he could only choose to try his luck with Hephaestus.

Bell collected his thoughts, these words were not suitable to say.

Tightly held the somewhat jealous Lord Shangshin in his arms. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"No matter what I thought before, now the only person I want to meet is Lord Shangjin."

That's pretty much it.

Hestia, who had pantothenic acid just now, was in a much better mood.

As for why Bell went to Hephaestus first, she didn't want to ask it, and saying too much about this question would make her and Bell's relationship just started very bad.

Moreover, Hestia considered herself no worse than Hephaestus.

In addition to height.

"Ahem! In short, gaining strength and meeting God-sama was my goal in Olari. "

Bell coughed lightly, not ready to continue the topic just now.

"Now that I have successfully met Lord Shangshin, even if I have achieved half of my goal, the other half will be left to gain power."

"But beyond that, I have another problem to face."

"How can I live a little longer?"

Encountering the goddess is not a big problem, but how to increase your lifespan and make this encounter longer is a problem that needs to be considered.

When it comes to the problem of lifespan, Hestia is also trying to recall, carefully thinking about whether there is a way to extend life in the Nether.

She also didn't want Bell to accompany her through her ordinary life, she also had desires and longed for a longer time.

"Hmm... If it is in the celestial realm, there are many ways, but in the nether realm, unless the dependents break through their own limits and surpass the limits of ordinary people to reach Lv.10 and become demigods, there is no other way to extend their life. "

After thinking about it for a while, Hestia finally came up with a solution.


Bell's face twitched, Eulari, the highest-level adventurer in the city in the past, was not Lv.9, and his target was Lv.10, which was really far away.

But after the distress, Bell's mood also calmed down a little.

After all, it is to increase your lifespan, it is normal to be more demanding, and reaching Lv.10 should not only be longevity.


"Lord Shangshin, if there are really dependents who can reach this height, can they have almost unlimited time like the gods?"

Hestia confirmed carefully, and then nodded in affirmation.

"yes. Even demigods also cross the level of life, so demigods are not much different from gods except that they do not have the power of gods. "

It's just that Hestia said this, but she was still worried in her heart.

Theoretically, neither humans nor subhumans in the Nether can reach that height, if only Lv.10 could reach it so easily.

Hestia was more worried that Bell would make some crazy moves targeting demigods.

"Bell-kun, maybe there are other ways."

"No need for Lord God, this method is the best."

Bell was a man who was afraid of death, but he was not a man without a goal.

As a traverser, the last thing he lacks is arrogant ambition.

With the blessing of the system, maybe he can do what other adventurers can't do.

Of course, Bell is not completely without alternatives.

PS: Let's find the data.

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