The Guild, which is Eulari's largest organization, itself controls the operation of the city of Eulari. Management of adventurers and dungeons, as well as trading magic stones and drops. This makes it necessary for anyone who is a member of Eulari to deal with the guild, and new adventurers who initially enter Eurali also need to register with the guild.

The most important thing for newcomers is to come to the guild as soon as possible to register, and then start looking for the family to which they belong.

Of course, finding dependents is not an easy task, and as a new adventurer, this should be the most difficult choice.

Of course, it is not the newcomer adventurers who choose their dependents that are difficult.

As long as it is not stupid, he knows to get into the better family. As long as there is an opportunity to get in, then there is no worry about not being able to develop in the future. Those powerful dependents definitely give more resources to their dependents than those of small dependents, so choosing a suitable dependents is very important for new adventurers.

It's just that in the face of those powerful dependents, they have never lacked excellent newcomer adventurers to join. Therefore, if you want to join those powerful dependents, you need to show your ability to be praised and cultivated.

Therefore, when facing those big dependents, it is not the newcomer adventurers who choose, but the other way around, it is the newcomer adventurers who show their ability to be chosen by the big dependents, and the position has been reversed.

After the position is reversed, the difficulty for newcomer adventurers to enter the Great Family Clan is that they do not have innate talent.

For example, do you know some special skills, or are you born with magic and so on.

These gifted adventurers are the first choice of the Great Dependents.

As for those adventurers who are so ordinary that they cannot be in ordinary people, then don't dream of entering the big family, the adventurers who are not capable will not be accepted by any big family, and it is even difficult to join a small family.

For newcomer adventurers, innate talent is very important, whether there is such a talent means whether there is a qualification to enter the big family.

Bell did not lack the qualifications to enter the Great Family Clan, but he did not want to enter the Great Family Clan.

On the one hand, it is because of the problem of the Lord God, and on the other hand, it is a problem of character.

Entering the Great Family Clan inevitably exposes his abilities, but doing so means being targeted by the entire Eulari. Sooner or later, his abilities might be exposed, but Bell didn't want to face that problem before he had grown up.

So when facing the guild receptionist, Bell asked the question he wanted to know.

"Excuse me, all the gods will come to the guild to register when they establish their dependents?"

The reception staff who received Bell was a young girl from the elven race, wearing a pair of teacher's oval glasses, and her cute face made people want to get close. The voice is very gentle, which may also be one of the conditions of being a receptionist.

Through the simple conversation just now, Bell knew that the elven girl in front of him was called Aegina Zur, the receptionist who received the protagonist in the original book, and it was no wonder that it made him feel so familiar.

Conscientiousness and responsibility are the characteristics of this Miss Aegina.

"Yes. The guild is a bridge between the gods and adventurers, and each god registers in the guild when he establishes a family. The guild will also recommend some adventurers with specific intentions to the corresponding dependents, but the guild is only a recommendation, not an arrangement, which requires special attention. "

Miss Aegina seemed to be saying "the guild can't directly arrange a place for adventurers, if you have this idea, you will die early", which was much gentler and more tactful, and also let Bell know why Miss Aegina was the ace receptionist.

"I know. I also know that a rookie adventurer can't get in touch with those big families, and I'm not going to trouble Miss Aegina in this regard. My intention is just to find an ordinary dependent, preferably a dependent who does not have a dependent, as the first person, Lord Shangshin should not be so picky about an incompetent adventurer like me. "

Bell's words were clear enough, and Aegina realized that she was thinking too much. She blushed slightly, she didn't expect that the newcomer adventurer who had just arrived in Olari would be so self-aware.

In fact, this is not to blame Aegina, after all, as a rookie adventurer, many people really dare to think about it. Just came to Eulari, knowing that Eulari's double kings thought of joining in, they would not worry. There are even some guys who think highly of themselves and think that they must become high-ranking adventurers, and joining the "Loki Clan" and "Freya Clan" is just a matter of course.

To be honest, every time I encounter those newcomer adventurers who are above the top, Aegina can't help sighing, she really wants to say to those adventurers, "Please don't be too presumptuous, those dependents are based on personal ability."

After those adventurers faced too much, suddenly facing a self-aware adventurer, Aegina was a little embarrassed in addition to some emotion.

"I'm sorry, I think you're that kind of adventurer."

"Miss Aegina is just facing too much. Please don't pay too much attention to what you just said, if you really mind, please help me find out if there is a suitable dependent. "

"No problem, please wait."

Immediately Aegina began to look for a suitable dependent, the rank of the dependant should not be too high, it is better to have no dependent. These conditions are easy to screen and not very demanding, so conclusions are quickly reached.

"Hmm... Bell-kun, your conditions are not very high, but most of the dependents already have dependents. "


Bell fell into a brief thought, he remembered that Hestia had touched the fish for a long time after his arrival, and he wondered if it was the time for the god to touch the fish. That is, he actually came early?

After getting this answer, Bell also fell silent.

The most suitable family for him is undoubtedly Hestia, but now that the god is still touching the fish, what can he do? Bell was also a little speechless.

"Enter the other dependents? No, the rest of the clan will not see my abilities. Any family member who wants to enter is not gratuitous, and some internal dependents are very philistine, and even need money to dredge up relationships."

So Bell quickly got an answer.

"Don't join any of the dependents for the time being."

Do not expose your ability, do not deliberately aggrieved yourself to join any dependents.

Now Bell was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the opportunity for that Hestia not to touch the fish.

Bell first thanked Miss Aegina.

"Miss Aegina, since this is the case, I will not join the clan for the time being. It was difficult to enter a family on my terms, and I had no money. So I would like to ask you to help me pay attention to the kind of dependents who have not yet joined. "

Aegina saw that Bell had already made a decision, and she was not good to say anything. As for things to keep an eye on, she will naturally help, after all, this is her job as a receptionist.

"I see. If there really is such a dependent, I will help you keep an eye out, Bell-kun. "

"Thank you very much."

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers... Ask for evaluation

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