I Was Once a Legend

Chapter 106: Naive Bayes

Eat enough to continue.

At present, the terrain structure of the island has changed a lot. When I went to the north to complete the map, this direction was basically still forest, but now the terrain is much higher. When Cui Zuojing sought to open the Bess Magic Gem Gate in the cave, the mechanism was activated, which changed the structure of the island to a certain extent.

After walking for about four or five miles, the trail reached the end. Cui Zuojing found a circle and found the stone with the eagle carved on it.

He smashed the stone and stepped back two steps. With a rumbling sound, a temple slowly rose from a distance.

The remaining scroll corresponding to the eagle is still with Alan. I don't know if it has any effect, but now I can't take care of that much, and the two march towards the temple.

Approaching, the temple looks clear. This is very similar to the Pantheon in the ancient Greek period. The sixteen columns of nearly 20 meters on the front support the towering roof, because it has just risen from the ground, the steps and the roof It was covered with dust and floating soil, but without losing its majesty.

Each column is engraved with complex reliefs and text, and Cui Zuojing presses against it, and the ingenuity of its carving is wonderful.

Cui Zuojing made a round orbit around the temple, and finally returned to the doorway, and found a crooked and nicked score on the inner side of the stone pillar.

The engraved thing is a sentence in English.

-I bless the dead.

"Look at this." Cui Zuojing pointed to Dong Zheng. Dong Zheng reached out his hand and carefully touched, said: "No matter the degree of corrosion of the score or the technique, it looks like it was left by the British Expeditionary Team, probably the translation of the sentence next to it?"

"Yeah, we don't understand the hieroglyph anyway, so we can only understand it like this." Cui Zuojing looked around, \"Listening is not a good word... Do you want to go in?\"

\"Go inside and see.\"

The two reached the door. The entrance of the temple was sealed by two stones. The special texture was the same as the gate with the Bessem seal in the cave.

There is a row of gaps in the middle of the door, and it seems that the corresponding institutional key is also needed. The two of them have no words, and tacitly began to search separately.

Dong Zheng found a square stone carved with A in a stone crack, and found a B-marked stone in the haystack. Cui Zuojing also found an A.

They buckled the three stones to the gap, and the width and height were suitable. According to the length of the vacancy, there should be fewer such four.

\"It must be related to a certain mythical monster. The probability of blind cats wearing dead mice alone is too low.\" Cui Zuojing was tired and sat on the steps to rest.

Today is a sunny day and there are no clouds in the sky. The rising sun shines directly on the sea and the island, and it quickly makes people feel roasted.

Dong Zheng also sat down next to him: \"So what should I do? This place must go in.\"

\"It’s good if Lao Lin is here, let him intuitively understand the solution, maybe he can pass directly.\" Cui Zuojing sighed and missed Lin Hangzhi very much, he walked to the side of the temple. Bian, \"Then a simple and direct way.\"

He knocked on the wall of the temple and found a relatively weak place after listening to the sound. He stopped and slowly grasped the Tang knife.

The power given to him by the pure white earth is brewing in every cell.

The Tang knife was inserted into the wall vertically, as easily as cutting tofu. After a few knives, the wall of the temple was opened by Cui Zuojing to a tens of centimeters wide and high.

The scabbard was lost in the underground cave, and Cui Zuojing hung the knife around his waist, and lifted his hand to wipe the forehead with sweat. The stone building the temple was very hard, making the weapon sharper and stronger. The greater the load.

Stone bricks are built entirely on layers, without the adhesion of cement and other building materials. Once there is a gap, it is much easier to extract other bricks around.

Dong Zheng began to pull the stone bricks hard, and Cui Zuojing rested for a while, and came to help. He had done some strengthening of the strength, and Jiner was quite big.

Mysterious and faint waves came from inside the temple.

Dong Zheng frowned, suddenly feeling that he had wandered in the heart since the battle with Hydera seemed to wake up again, showing a little sign.

It was a very mysterious feeling, like a guide in the midst.

He grabbed his bricks and paused, then unconsciously speeded up his movement, and in Cui Zuojing's surprised eyes, he stretched his arm into the gap.

Dong Zheng groped and scratched in the air, his fingers touched something.

In an instant, the light purple shielding field in the kernel world changed to dark blue, and various data and reptiles running on the information highway in an orderly manner seemed to be pressed the pause button, all stopped without warning.

At the same time, thinking stops.

There was chaos in Dong Zheng's mind, and the gods were ghosts. He leaned down and glanced into the temple.



A silent explosion occurred in the core world, and the instantaneous data flow flew into a straight line, radiating towards every corner of the core, and the messy lines appeared on the shielding position, gradually clear, and spread all over the sky.

Like a cobweb, the entire core is enveloped.

Dong Zheng groaned, he knew in his heart that something was wrong and he should be away immediately, but he couldn't control his body at all. He still opened his eyes and looked into the temple.

Light, bright yellow light on the altar.

The hole was blocked by him. Cui Zuojing didn't know exactly what Dong Zheng saw. The feedback from the prisoner link told him that Dong Zheng was a bit wrong. He raised his hand and wanted to pull Dong Zheng's shoulder and pull him over: "How come back- —”

At the moment when his finger touched Dong Zheng, a small external force finally broke the balance of difficult maintenance. The data flow broke through the firewall, out of the core, and rushed violently to the outside world, such as the shock wave after the explosion, and the invisible data radiated in all directions. Seems to destroy everything!

Cui Zuojing, who is the closest to Dong Zheng, bears the brunt of it. He only felt his head was stunned. All of a sudden, there were sharp howling in his ears. The whole person could not make any response, and even his breath could not be controlled autonomously.

After a few seconds, the howling sound disappeared and the world was silent.

The fly ash fell from the temple, the temple shook unsteadily, and the fine cracks climbed on the stone bricks that were pulled off. The blades of grass were all bent by the invisible strong wind, almost all of them were touching the ground, and all the leaves were tightly clenched. Holding the branch, do his best not to be swept away.

All of this appeared like a silent silent film in front of Cui Zuojing-he soon understood that it was not that there was no sound, but that he could not hear it.

Dong Zheng was still staring closely at the hole, and an increasingly violent storm erupted from him. It was terrifying that such amazing energy could erupt in a person's body!

But Cui Zuojing understood that this was already overloaded.


In a hurry, Cui Zuojing tried his best to extend his hand. He gritted his teeth and slapped it on Dong Zheng's face.

Dong Zheng's head was taken aside, he stumbled, and the light finally disappeared from his sight.

But he did not realize that at this moment, he was completely immersed in the core.

The lines are so dense that the cloth becomes a deep and light color block, intertwined to cover the whole sky.

Dong Zheng stood on the information highway, and countless data passed by him. He looked up, looking at the lines that still appeared, and outlined the outline of something.

It seems to be a palace.

The crack emerged from the gap and quickly spread to the whole wall of the temple, and soon became a piece. Under the watch of Cui Zuojing, it became precarious step by step.

Not only did the mental volatility erupting from Dong Zheng not weaken, but it became stronger. The man stood facing the wall, motionless. No one can see that in his eyes, the whole world is flashing, the core world.

Too strong mental interference even Cui Zuojing couldn't parry. The unbearable dizziness made him unable to recognize everything in front of him. Even the control of the body was gradually disappearing and being taken away.

He finally couldn't hold it anymore and knelt to the ground.

The outline of the palace has been outlined. Hundreds of steps emerged from the air. Dong Zheng stepped up, approaching the golden grand palace and the statues of angels and demons on both sides of the temple door.

Stepping up to the last step, Dong Zheng stood on the platform, with a statue holding a sword and a shield, naked upper body, blue-faced fangs, but with angel wings.

There is a line engraved on the sword held on the left.

"I bless the dead."

On the right, it is engraved "Everything will be destroyed."

Dong Zheng vaguely felt that he had seen this sentence from somewhere, but at this moment, apart from the things in front of him, there was nothing else that could distract him.

He raised his hand and pushed open the heavy hall door.

Light shines through the gap.

[Naive Bayes algorithm, loading is complete. 】

At this moment, the spiritual shock was strong and strong. Cui Zuojing only felt that his soul was empty, and something disappeared into his mind as if it had never appeared.

The shattered temple finally couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed.


As if to destroy all spiritual energy fluctuations, it seemed to stir something in the distance, causing a low and angry roar, and the gust of wind suddenly came from the west, across the small half of the island, and shattered the shrubs and branches, and the broken branches were smashed hard. On the back of the stone wall and Cui Zuojing.

Cui Zuojing fell to his knees and watched Dong Zheng's figure buried. Among the stones and flying dust that fell, his eyes were black and he finally lost all consciousness.

What do people in a coma do?

His consciousness was completely lost, no response to any external stimuli, breathing and heartbeat became weak, just like, indulging in a long and short black sleep.

When Cui Zuojing struggled from this state, there was only a confused chaos in his mind.

He couldn't open his eyes, couldn't move his fingers, but he could hear the sound and felt weak.

Hard under his body, he seemed to be lying on his back, and a cool thing fell on his face, a drop.

Is it rain?

What's up with him?

Cui Zuojing tried hard to think, but with a little thought, his brain was as painful as he was knocked by a heavy hammer. He wanted to moan, but he couldn't speak out. He had to give up all thinking and lay empty. With.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a minute, maybe an hour, just as he was about to fall asleep again, something soft and warm fell gently on his forehead.

It's like a feather falling there, and won't leave for a long time.

Cui Zuojing was puzzled. What fell on his face?

He was also a little afraid that it would be a bug, and he wanted to open his eyes to see how to get rid of it. After a while, the tactile sensation left, leaving a slightly moist trace, and the wind blew slightly.

Cui Zuojing was confused, after a long, long time, before finally fainting again, he finally reacted afterwards—

That may be a kiss.

The darkness swept him.

The author has something to say: 6, 12, 18 points are changed one by one, the manuscript deposit box is ready, a total of 10,000 words~

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