In fact, since that night, Anti has not forgotten Zhou Yuwen, but in the same way, she also knows that she and Zhou Yuwen are impossible.

And at this time, the singularity just appeared, and showed his love for Anti appropriately. After thinking about it, Anti finally decided to accept the singularity.

So tonight, Andy brought the Singularity home.

Singularity wants Andy to be his girlfriend.

When I met Zhou Yuwen and Zheng Weiwei in the elevator, Anti felt a little depressed, and comforted himself with the thought that he really is more mature than others.

For himself, maybe he is just playing around, so why do you think so much?

So he hesitated, and Anti told Singularity what she had done, that she was an orphan, and had a serious claustrophobia, and could not contact others.

"Even so, are you still willing to accept me?" Anti asked.

Hearing what Anti said, Singularity was a little surprised at first, but then he nodded and said that he was willing to accept it, because Anti was the most perfect girl he had ever seen.

When Singularity said so, Andy smiled with relief, and she said, thank you.

Then the two drank wine and the atmosphere was very good. Andy knew that compared to Zhou Yuwen, Singularity is more suitable for him. Regardless of age or other, Singularity is more suitable for being himself.

The two have common topics and hobbies, drinking together and listening to classical foreign music together.

Then, very late, Singularity wanted to kiss Anti, and Anti closed his eyes, thinking about accepting Singularity.

But when the singularity approached Anti, the smell on the singularity suddenly made Anti feel terrified. She was reflexive and pushed the singularity away suddenly.

Singularity didn't react at all, and was directly pushed to the ground by Antiy.

He looked at Andy with a look of disbelief, not knowing what to say.

Andy didn't know what to say, and could only say: "I'm sorry, I, I can't do it."

Singularity's surprised face finally showed a smile: "It's okay, Andy, I know you can't accept me now, but it's okay, I can wait."

"I'm sorry, you go back first, I can't do it." Antti said.

Singularity wants to say something.

But Anti's face was indifferent, and she just said faintly: "I'm sorry."

Singularity thought for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Then I will go back first, you, rest early."

(cfcb)   After talking about Singularity, he turned and left. Tonight is another lonely night for Singularity.

And tonight is not a pleasant evening for Andy.

In fact, Anti was ready to accept the singularity, but in the end, Anti still couldn't do anything, as if Anti couldn't accept anyone except Zhou Yuwen.

She was drinking wine in the room alone, glass after glass.

She curled up in a corner of the room, drinking wine so quietly, unknowingly it was early morning.

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

Anticipating that the singularity hadn't gone yet, and didn't look at the surveillance, he walked to the door. In fact, if it was the singularity, and waited here for so long, Antiquity should be moved.

But Andy couldn't do it anyway. She just said in front of the door: "Singularity, don't force me, I am really in a bad state today."

Zhou Yuwen outside the door knew that when he heard these words, the two seemed to be separated from each other and said, "Sister Andi, it's me."

"Is it you?" Andi was taken aback, not knowing whether to be happy or not.

She thought for a while and said, "What are you here for? It's so late?"

"I miss you and want to come and see you." Zhou Yuwen said directly without hesitation.

When Anti heard this, her body trembled a little. In fact, she now wants to give Zhou Yuwen's gift to Zhou Yuwen, but she is a mature woman. , It's late, you go back, isn't your girlfriend in the house?"

"She is asleep, you open the door, I want to see you." Zhou Yuwen said.

"I'm tired, and it's inconvenient at this night, you can go back." Antti said through the door.

Zhou Yuwen is like a rascal and unreasonable. He said: "If you don't open the door, I will stay here until you open the door."

"Don't do this..." Andi's voice was pleading, so she couldn't refuse Zhou Yuwen at all.

But Zhou Yuwen looked like a rascal at this time. He said, "Will you open the door? I just want to see you and do nothing."

"Don't tell me, when I beg you." Andi almost cried, covering her mouth, thinking for a long time, and controlling her emotions, she said: "Xiao Zhou, I'm really tired. Go back and accompany your girlfriend, I'm really not in a good mood right now."

"Then you open the door and tell me why it's not good, I can enlighten you." Zhou Yuwen said.

"No need, you go back."

Zhou Yuwen stopped talking. Andi saw that no one answered him, so he went to the computer to watch the surveillance. It turned out that Zhou Yuwen had been standing by the door and said nothing.

Anti was a little bit upset, and went back to the door and said: "Xiao Zhou, you go back quickly, don't you look like this?"

"Are you really unwilling to open the door? I just want to see you?" Zhou Yuwen said.

Andy thought for a while, feeling a little too unfeeling. She put her hand on the doorknob and asked carefully: "You, just look at me?"

"Well, I just want to see you, Sister Anti, I miss you." Zhou Yuwen said.

At this time, with a click, the door opened, and Anti opened the door with a cautious look, standing in front of Zhou Yuwen with a haggard look.

She is still wearing a work suit, a skirt, and a pair of black stockings. Although she is still 30 years old, the expression on her face is like a little girl who knows nothing about it.

Standing in front of Zhou Yuwen, she was really helpless. Zhou Yuwen looked at her like that. She couldn't bear it and wanted to close the door and said, "Okay, look here, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Yuwen pushed the door and walked in, hugged Anti directly, turned over, and slammed Anti on the door, closing the door by the way.

Zhou Yuwen directly forced a kiss.

Andi snorted, grabbed Zhou Yuwen's clothes, and wrinkled Zhou Yuwen's clothes. She wanted to resist, but she really went up in person, but Anti couldn't exert any strength all over, let Zhou Yuwen go. Do whatever you want with yourself.

The two kissed for a while, Zhou Yuwen had a trace of wildness in his eyes, just staring at Andy.

Andy couldn't bear Zhou Yuwen's gaze and lowered his head weakly. .

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