Zhou Yuwen's tone was a little heavier, which might hurt Shen Yien's self-esteem a little bit. After He Youfeng left, Shen Yien looked at Zhou Yuwen so quietly, expecting Zhou Yuwen to coax himself.

However, Zhou Yuwen is a bit machismo. Even now, he doesn’t feel that he has done anything wrong. If you say that you are a little girl, even if you are a teacher, there is no use for you to stay here, and you can’t help. I have to spare my energy to take care of you, why bother?

So Zhou Yuwen ignored her, and left Shen Yien to stand there. After a while, Shen Yien might be standing tired and leaned against the wall.

After a while, still feeling tired, Shen Yien glanced at Zhou Yuwen, who was standing there with no expression, and was playing with her mobile phone.

Shen Yien became more and more unable to understand Zhou Yuwen. This guy is obviously so many years younger than himself. Why does he understand more than himself?

And doing it this way is the same as if he was still a child.

In other words, why do I care so much about his feelings?

Leaning against the wall for a while, Shen Yien felt a little tired, her legs squatted slightly, and finally the whole person leaned against the wall and squatted down. She was relatively thin and squatted down into a small ball, shrank at the foot of the wall, with her chin. Pillow on the chin, I feel my legs are a bit sore, and I regret staying.

But then I thought about it, I am a teacher, and it is reasonable to stay.

"There are chairs here, why don't you sit down?" Zhou Yuwen asked.

"I don't want to sit." Shen Yien put his head on his chin, looked up at Zhou Yuwen, and said angrily.

Zhou Yuwen, a 30-year-old man who often mingled with women, couldn’t even understand these things. Looking at Shen Yien’s expression, Zhou Yuwen asked directly: "Are you watching me standing all the time? Are you embarrassed to sit down?"

Shen Yien's blushing blushed. Zhou Yuwen was really right. She was afraid that after she sat down, Zhou Yuwen said, "It's useless for you to stay here. You're tired, why bother."

So seeing Zhou Yuwen standing there all the time, why is Shen Yien embarrassed to sit down?

I can only fight with Zhou Yuwen over there.

After Zhou Yuwen broke his disguise, Shen Yien opened his mouth, but refused to admit it, and asked, "What does it matter to me whether you sit or not?"


"That's fine, I'll sit and you continue to squat." Without saying anything, Zhou Yuwen sat directly on the public seat next to Shen Yien, and Shen Yien squatted there honestly.

Shen Yien's eyebrows moved, this guy, deliberately fooling himself?

Zhou Yuwen is still looking down and playing with his mobile phone. Zhou Yuwen won’t really be here waiting for Hou Mingming. He is searching for nearby hotels on the Internet, but the hotels near the hospital are all dirty, messy and fast hotels. Actually Zhou Yuwen If you live alone, you can live, the big man is not so hypocritical.

But there is Shen Yien by his side, Zhou Yuwen really needs to consider a little more.

He searched for a long time, and there was only a four-star hotel nearby.

In Shen Yien's eyes, Zhou Yuwen has been playing mobile phones just like this, and he doesn't care about himself. Shen Yien suddenly realized it, wondering why he is so stupid?

Why did he sit there, squatting here, his legs are still sore.

Shen Yien thought so, and stood up.

Seeing Shen Yien standing up, Zhou Yuwen's mouth showed a trace of contempt again: "Why? Stop squatting anymore?"

Shen Yien hated Zhou Yuwen to death, and sat beside Zhou Yuwen blankly without saying a word.

Zhou Yuwen searched the Internet for the phone number of a four-star hotel, and then got up and went to other places to make a call, some distance away from Shen Yien.

So Shen Yien could only see Zhou Yuwen pacing back and forth on the phone in the distance, but didn't know what Zhou Yuwen was talking about.

"Are there any rooms?"

"Well, the business suite is very good, the price is not a problem."

"Is there only one room? It doesn't matter, is it two beds?"

"You only have one room for a four-star hotel? Don't lie to me."

"No, sir, it's really unfortunate that you came here. It is indeed a room and a bed." The hotel customer service looked apologetic.

Zhou Yuwen looked at Shen Yien, who was watching him call. Shen Yien was wearing a goose yellow top and t-shirt, and his lower body was a pair of ordinary jeans with small feet.

Hou Mingming’s incident happened suddenly, so Shen Yien didn’t have time to pick up the clothes. The lower body was fine, but the upper body was obviously worn a little less, and in the night by the sea, the temperature difference between day and night was great, even if it was Zhou Yuwen could feel a little cold.

It is certainly impossible for Shen Yien to stay here all night.

So Zhou Yuwen asked, "Can your hotel send a special car to pick you up?"

"Yes, if you book our business suite, there is a special car to pick you up!" The hotel customer service is a girl with a sweet voice, with a strong Northeast flavor in Mandarin.

"Well, I'll book your hotel. You send a car to pick us up. Our location is..."


Zhou Yuwen reported the location to the hotel customer service, who said yes, our driver will be there soon, please wait a moment.

Afterwards Zhou Yuwen hung up the phone and turned back to Shen Yien.

Shen Yien has been watching Zhou Yuwen call, but when Zhou Yuwen hung up, Shen Yien quickly turned his head and pretended not to care.

Zhou Yuwen didn't know why, this Shen Yien had a temper with himself inexplicably, anyway, a big man would definitely not be able to know the same as a little girl.

Watching Shen Yien sitting there with his head down.

Zhou Yuwen took off his coat and put it directly on Shen Yien's body.

Shen Yien was taken aback, raised his head and watched Zhou Yuwen put his coat on him indifferently. Suddenly, he felt his heart warm, and he even felt a little sore in his nose.

"I don't want it, you just wear it."

Zhou Yuwen didn’t wear much either. When he came, he was wearing a sports suit with a T-shirt inside. Now that he gave the jacket to Shen Yien, Zhou Yuwen would not show his arms. Shen Yien didn’t want Zhou Yuwen to say that he was dragging him by coming. .

"Let you dress as you wear it. If you really think that you are a teacher, you can do everything. You are a little girl outside of school, do you know?" Zhou Yuwen said, banging the seated Shen Yien's forehead.

Shen Yien's forehead hurt, and he stood up and stared at Zhou Yuwen angrily.

Zhou Yuwen didn't expect Shen Yien to react so strongly, and smiled and asked, "What are you doing?

"You..." Shen Yi'en was really angry, staring at Zhou Yuwen bitterly.

Zhou Yuwen feels guilty when he sees Shen Yien like this: "I'm used to it... I'm sorry, Teacher Shen, hahaha~".

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