"Otherwise, I'll wait for you to get off work. Didn't you say that I have a good bottle of wine? I have time to taste it tonight." Zhou Yuwen said to Antiy with a smile while driving the car.

But who knows that Antti froze, thought for a while and said, "Uh, I'm afraid it won't work today. I have an appointment tonight."

"It's okay, I have time anytime tonight." Zhou Yuwen said.

Andy smiled awkwardly: "I don't have time tonight."

Zhou Yuwen came to realize that, after a long time of trouble, Andi was rejecting herself, but you should think about it. Any girl who sees Zhou Yuwen rejects every girl in the morning and every girl in the afternoon.

Originally, Andy still had some expectations for Zhou Yuwen. After all, Andy is a 30-year-old single woman. She is in need, and Andy can’t contact other men, so Zhou Yuwen is her only choice, but even Is the only choice, Andi can't tolerate a man with two women.

When I first saw Lin Wenwen, Andy's first feeling was that this girl was very beautiful, very young, and very playful. Andy was very pleased that Zhou Yuwen could find such a girlfriend.

Because she has always been afraid that Zhou Yuwen will always be obsessed with herself when she is young, so Anti feels that she has committed a lot of sins. A 30-year-old woman and an 18-year-old boy are entangled with each other. A woman with a very upright outlook can't accept it.

So when she saw Lin Wenwen, Andy was a little relieved. Although she was also a little disappointed, she was still relieved. At the very least, Zhou Yuwen has her own life and has her own girlfriend, so she won't influence him because of herself.

So what do I want to do? It’s not bad for me and Zhou Yuwen to maintain this kind of relationship. I don’t let others know. Only myself and Zhou Yuwen can get what they need.

So to understand this, Anti took the initiative and personally picked a bottle of red wine last night and was ready to talk about life with Zhou Yuwen.

However, the scene last night stunned Andi.

There is another girl?

And this girl obviously looks much cleaner than the last one, which just gives people a feeling. The one in the morning is coquettish, like a little wild cat, while the girl I saw last night is much more dignified.

The important thing is that these two girls are both Zhou Yuwen's girlfriends.

This made Anti hesitate. She can accept that Zhou Yuwen has a genuine girlfriend, because that would be good for Zhou Yuwen and herself.

But Andy can’t accept that Zhou Yuwen is a scumbag!

He is playing with women.

This is Antti's first thought. It is not enough to have a formal girlfriend, there are two more, and he has to be entangled with himself.

Andy had been troubled all the time. She felt that a thirty-year-old woman was going to pester an eighteen- or nine-year-old boy. It felt like she was playing with him.

However, the result is that he is the one being played!


Last night, Andy sat on the sofa and drank red wine and thought she was funny. Originally, Andy always felt that Zhou Yuwen was the one who suffered, because Zhou Yuwen said so much love to herself and showed that she liked herself so much. I can't give him anything.

So after knowing that Zhou Yuwen had an entrepreneurial project, Andy tried his best to promote this project to compensate Zhou Yuwen.

After all, Zhou Yuwen suffered from this wrong relationship between himself and Zhou Yuwen.

He is only eighteen years old and immature in mind.

However, the one who is really immature is that I am right. I am ridiculously thinking about maintaining this relationship. In fact, Zhou Yuwen doesn't need it at all.

Anti thought about this, drinking red wine glass after glass, hugging her knees, thinking on the sofa, the more she thought about it, the more naive she became.

I even dreamt about having a future with Zhou Yuwen.

Thinking about it now, Antti really feels naive.

When he was drunk, Anti fell asleep on the sofa. When he woke up the next morning, Anti took a bath, and her tired eyes became sharp again.

She is still that strong woman. Although she has a serious claustrophobia, her three views are still very right. She shouldn't think about being secretly with Zhou Yuwen.

You shouldn't even have the idea of ​​maintaining this relationship. I should have stayed away from Zhou Yuwen decisively when I knew that Zhou Yuwen had a girlfriend.

There shouldn't be any ideas.

Now that I know that Zhou Yuwen's private life is chaotic, I should stick to my three views and stay away from such people. Business is still business, but outside of business, there should be no other ideas...

"Then when do you have time?" Zhou Yuwen heard the alienation in the words, and the humorous tone on his face slowly disappeared, and asked faintly.

Andy opened her mouth: "Well, if it's a work matter, come to me when I am at work. Our company is still very optimistic about your project."

Zhou Yuwen said: "Okay, then I'll be over this afternoon."

"Okay." After hanging up the phone, Anti felt that her heart was beating wildly, and Anti never understood how Zhou Yuwen, an 18-year-old boy, had tempered such a stable temper.

When he showed resistance, Zhou Yuwen's words seemed like he was about to do business, and he didn't have any nostalgia for himself.

Could it be that he has no feelings for himself at all, and everything is because of a momentary impulse?

Anti, a thirty-year-old woman, had her first love relationship that ended in failure, and it was only an eighteen-year-old boy who played with her feelings.

At first, Anti had made up his mind to forget Zhou Yuwen, thinking in her heart that no matter how Zhou Yuwen came to find herself in the future, she would be indifferent.

But I didn’t expect that Zhou Yuwen would be indifferent before he had time to be indifferent. This completely disrupted Anti’s plan. The more indifferent Zhou Yuwen, the more Anti could not help but miss Zhou Yuwen, but in the end it was because Zhou Yuwen was upset all day.

Zhou Yuwen has only been upset for a woman in this life. That woman is Zhang Tianze. From the moment Zhang Tianze rejected Zhou Yuwen, Zhou Yuwen knew that being upset for a woman is the biggest failure of a man.

If that girl likes you, no matter what you do, she will like you. If that woman decides not to like you, then no matter how hard she tries, she can’t get through with herself.

So when he knew that Anti planned to alienate herself, Zhou Yuwen didn't have any trouble in her heart. Instead, she called Joanna and asked Joanna to prepare materials, and went to Antina in the afternoon to discuss financing.

Long hate people's heart is worse than water, waiting for peace and flat ground to make waves. .

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