Joanna was dressed in a decent white shirt, a black short skirt, and gray stockings close to her legs, plus a pair of high heels. She couldn't desire it anymore. She smiled and asked Zhang Tianze: "This lady, do you want to go to the meeting? Waiting in the living room?"

Zhang Tianze gritted his teeth angrily after hearing this, and said simply, you are the young lady, and your whole family are all young ladies!

After all, Joanna is twenty-seven years old. Seeing Zhang Tianze's desperate appearance, she didn't get angry. She smiled and said, "This lady, why are you so rude? I call you Miss to respect you. The English is miss. Then why are you still scolding me? If I don't call you Miss, could it be your eldest sister?"

"I." Zhang Tianze choked for a while.

Joanna continued: "Zhou, this is your girlfriend, right? Such a low quality? Do you really want to marry her? Or just play around?"


Zhou Yuwen saw for the first time that someone could make Zhang Tianze eat 25. It was a bit funny for a while, and then said in a serious manner: "Ahem, um, have a meeting first, Tianze, you just wait for me in the room, please help I will tidy up the papers."

After that, Zhou Yuwen put her hands in the pockets of her trousers and went out with Joanna. After going out, Zhou Yuwen naturally hugged Joanna’s waist and smiled and said, “Sister Anna, yes, this is my first time. Seeing someone make her speechless?"

Joanna smiled and walked out of Zhou Yuwen's arms without showing a trace, and kept her distance from Zhou Yuwen: "Is there?"

Zhou Yuwen still had the tenderness of Anna's waist remaining in his hands, rubbing his hands, saw Joanna hiding from herself, but didn't say anything, smiled.

The two went to the conference room to start a meeting. This meeting was mainly to dock the video business of iQiyi and Youku. It was September, and September of 2010 was an eventful month. This month 360 began to attack Penguins, and the two began to fight. No, any computer with 360 will prompt that Penguin is a virus software and ask the user to uninstall Penguin. Penguin also said that 360 is a virus software. If the user has 360, then Penguin will not serve it.

In the same month, Penguin launched its own free butler. At this time, I saw the strong user base of Penguin. In just half a month, the installed capacity exceeded one million.

The beginning of this war was dominated by 360, because some of the things that Penguin did before were too rascal for their peers, so others fell into trouble one after another.

But later everyone discovered that if Penguin is a little gangster, then 360 is simply an old gangster. Penguin has made a lot of money and gives people some soup, but 360 not only eats meat, but also drank all the soup. No benefit is given to others. The Internet tycoons who figured this out all turned their guns and started shooting at 360 together, and finally ended in a fiasco with 360. From then on, Penguin’s stock started all the way to Changhong. As for 360, because of all the Internet The company resisted. When the company couldn’t get the money from this group of companies, it could only start to pit users’ money. This is hard to say. It’s still early September, and the 3Q war has not yet begun, but someone has discovered that after 360 is installed, 360 will A pop-up window suggested to turn off the penguin, but the butler of the penguin was still incubating, so there was no counterattack.

The main content of their meeting was another one, that is, the founder of Kuaibo, who was formally sentenced this month, imprisoned for three years, and fined nearly 100 million.

Since then, in the field of video software, there has never been a player as selfless as Kuaibo, and major video websites have begun to conquer the land, and land is king.

Now there are two big kings, one is Youku and the other is iQiyi. They came over to discuss with Zhou Yuwen, hoping that Zhou Yuwen could abandon the video player market and concentrate on downloading software.

Xunlei Kan is completely compatible with Youku and iQiyi.

Zhou Yuwen, a representative of the two parties, only said that he is a businessman. As long as the price is right, he is willing to give up Xunlei Kan, but to be honest, although Xunlei Kan is called Xunlei Kan, it is now an independent player. Want to give up to you completely, so what can you give me?

The two sides are arguing for a while, and the arguing is bound to last for a day.

It took many days, but everyone knew the price. In the end, Zhou Yuwen had to give up Xunlei's look and converted into shares of iQiyi and Youku, which was about 6 to 7 percent.

It’s already more than six o’clock after the meeting. Joanna and Zhou Yuwen said: “In fact, we should not give up the video market. Video software may not have a smaller valuation than downloaders in the future."

Zhou Yuwen said: "Now Tudou has been acquired by Youku and pps has been acquired by iQiyi. It looks like a great deal. In fact, foreign capital has already settled in. We have not done so many projects. If there is time to open up new battlefields, let's forget it. , Let them do it by themselves, and we will wait to collect the money later."

"If Xunlei sees that it can sell for 200 million, I will use the money to invest in a small company that makes a video website." Zhou Yuwen muttered to himself.

Joanna asked, "Which company?"

Zhou Yuwen said: "Station b."

Opening the office door, Zhang Tianze was sleeping on Zhou Yuwen's desk. She was really tired after four hours of train ride from Jinling to Beijing today.

Joanna wants to ask Zhou Yuwen why he wants to invest in station b. I have never heard of it.

Zhou Yuwen stretched out her index finger to silence her, and whispered: "Let’s talk about it later, you go out first."

Joanna didn't have much feeling for Zhou Yuwen at first, but after hearing this, she couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous of Zhang Tianze.

She opened her mouth, then showed a smile, nodded and turned to go out.

Zhou Yuwen tiptoed over to take off his coat and put on Zhang Tianze.

Zhang Tianze slept very shallowly. He felt that someone next to him would wake up, and asked sleepily, "Xiao Zhou, are you over?"

With that said, Zhang Tianze hugged Zhou Yuwen's waist. The girl who just woke up was the laziest and the most coquettish. Now Zhang Tianze wants to hug her very much.

Zhou Yuwen nodded and said softly: "It's over, let's go, and take you out for dinner."

"Then I want to eat steak!" Zhang Tianze heard Zhou Yuwen's words and immediately said happily.

Zhou Yuwen hummed. .

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