Zhou Yuwen kept asking about Shen Yu. To be honest, Lin Wenwen was a little unhappy. Zhou Yuwen asked Lin Wenwen if she knew the phone number of the village where Shen Yu taught.

Lin Wenwen said she knew.

"You send it to me."

"Why, my dear, aren't you in love with Tianze? Why, you are still disconnected from Shen Yulou, hey, scumbag!"

"You send it to me, I want to contact Shen Yu, be good." Zhou Yuwen said.

"Then you call me a nice sound." Lin Wenwen pouted,

"Good wife, hurry up." Zhou Yuwen was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Wenwen.

"Then you tell me, who is your favorite among the girls?" Lin Wenwen asked with a grin.

"You, you can do it, give it to me quickly." Zhou Yuwen said.

"Hee hee!" Lin Wenwen was very happy and turned over. She was alone in the dormitory at this time. She was dressed casually. The upper body was a sling. When I turned over, I could vaguely see c. The lower body was a pair of shorts and jade legs. There are socks on.

She likes Zhou Yuwen's appearance now, and she is thinking about what Zhou Yuwen needs to say.

25  "Are you endless? I asked you to call me Shen Yu!" Zhou Yuwen suddenly said fiercely.

Lin Wenwen was taken aback, and then said grievously: "What is the murder~ I will get out of bed and find it for you now!"

Shen Yu did leave his contact information when he left. Lin Wenwen just wrote it down on a piece of paper. Zhou Yuwen didn't come to find herself. Lin Wenwen had forgotten about it. Now she finally found it and sent her phone number to Zhou Yuwen. .

Zhou Yuwen didn't say anything, and directly hung up Lin Wenwen's call.

To be honest, Lin Wenwen is a little uncomfortable, why did she give up so much for Zhou Yuwen? Zhou Yuwen is still so scumbag? Don't even want to say a word to yourself and hung up, just hung up the phone?

The people around don't know how to cherish, but those who have left desperately want to please.

Isn't this mean?

Zhou Yuwen called on the phone, but no one answered for a long time. Finally, someone answered, but it was an old man full of dialects asking who to call.

Zhou Yuwen, is Shen Yu here?

"Oh, are you looking for Teacher Shen Yu? She is in class, let me call for you."

As he said, there was silence on the phone, and I faintly heard Teacher Shen, someone was looking for you~

The environment in Liangshan is very poor. Twenty volunteers from Shen Yu and his party are assigned to different villages. The other female student who is assigned to Shen Yu is another senior female classmate.

The school and the village committee are separated by a low earth wall. The weather is good today. Students in tattered clothes are sitting next to the jagged broken wooden tables. Their big eyes are full of longing for the world.

Shen Yu wears simple clothes with his face facing the sky. Maybe this is really a nurturing person. Shen Yu, who has not been seen for a few months, seems more mature and more beautiful. He always gives people an indescribable temperament. He is gentle and watery. , Is also pure and innocent.

She laughed so sweetly, walked to the earth hut, showed her teeth to the village party secretary first, and smiled cleanly: "Thank you, Uncle Ya."

The old man smiled stupidly and didn't speak.

Then she went into the house and answered the phone: "Hey, this is Shen Yu, may I ask you?"

In the low cabin, Shen Yu's body looked particularly tall, she wore a pair of blue tight jeans and a pair of sneakers.

Zhou Yuwen was silent for a long time after hearing Shen Yu's voice.

"Hello? Excuse me?" Shen Yu frowned.

For a long time, Zhou Yuwen didn't say a word.

"Zhou?" Shen Yu asked tentatively, with some expectations in his heart.

At this time, the phone was hung up. After the phone was hung up, Zhou Yuwen sighed. He really didn’t know what to say to Shen Yu. It’s already like this. How can I change it again? Tianze broke up, are you coming back?

Shen Yu is a very clean girl, is she really worthy of her?

A little bit of a scum is a little bit of a scum, but there is no need to see a scum, right?

The village party secretary is a small rural old man, his skin is awkward, his teeth are uneven, and his smile is a bit ugly. He smirked and asked, "Who is calling you? Teacher Shen?"

Shen Yu smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't know, he hung up."

"That's weird. I just answered it. It's a male doll with a nice voice."

"Man?" Shen Yu frowned, and the answer was ready to come out. It must be Zhou Yuwen, but why didn't Zhou Yuwen speak?

Shen Yu didn't have the mind to think too much, and continued to teach outside.

Liangshan is surrounded by mountains everywhere. Here, when one mountain is over, there is another mountain waiting. This place is isolated from the world. There are only a few old people and children. The only thing worthy of praise is that the moon here is particularly round and stars. very beautiful.

At night, a boy from the next mountain village sings there in order to attract a certain girl, and if the girl wants to sing, he will continue to sing.

Wan Lai was silent at night, only the small river by the village made a croaking sound.

Every moonlit night, Shen Yu would sit crookedly in the small dormitory that he helped organize in the village, take out the black leather notebook he had brought, and record his country life:

Life here is very tiring, but whenever I see the children’s eyes, I feel that everything I have done is worthwhile. Today, I received a call. Although you did not answer the call, I know that You called.

Every night, I hear men and women from the village next door singing love songs to each other. I miss you in the singing, but I know that no matter how I miss you, you will never miss me, Zhou Yuwen, you miss me. NS?

Zhou Yuwen admitted that he really missed Shen Yu today. He tossed and turned on the bed, even though he was sleeping beside him, Lin Wenwen, the sweet beauty goddess dreamed of by countless students.

However, Zhou Yuwen still couldn’t help thinking about Shen Yu, who was away from him. He walked to the balcony alone. The balcony on the flat floor has a good view. The river improvement project has started. The golden light shined by the moon little by little.

The moon tonight is very good, big and round, Zhou Yuwen thought, why did Shen Yu go to teach?

Is it because of yourself?

Did you do something wrong?

Do you want to get her back?

While Zhou Yuwen was thinking, Lin Wenwen was wearing cotton pajamas and put a coat on Zhou Yuwen from behind.

Zhou Yuwen found Lin Wenwen and asked gently: "Excuse me to sleep?"

"No, husband, don't freeze." Lin Wenwen cleverly hugged Zhou Yuwen from behind and said. .

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