Sometimes Zhou Yuwen feels that a scumbag is really bad. He originally thought that he had so many girlfriends. It would not hurt to divide one if he felt inappropriate. However, he did not expect that Zhang Tianze, who is the easiest to break up in Zhou Yuwen's eyes, is so rigid and would rather commit suicide. It doesn't count as breaking up with Zhou Yuwen.

Zhang Tianze asked Zhou Yuwen if he really wanted to marry himself in the future.

Zhou Yuwen said yes, he will definitely marry you.

Zhang Tianze said: "Then you can play whatever you want."

Zhou Yuwen was speechless and didn't say anything. She took care of Zhang Tianze for two days in the hospital and fed Zhang Tianze to eat. Zhou Yuwen had to hold him to the toilet when Zhang Tianze peeed at night.

Mother Zhou wants to come over and take care of it.

In fact, Zhang Tianze was also very poor. He had no father since he was a child, and no one took care of him at the last hospital. Zhou Yuwen said no, he came by himself.

At night, Zhang Tianze said quietly on the bed: "Xiao Zhou, are you asleep?"

Zhou Yuwen slept very lightly, so he closed his eyes and said, "Just say what you have to do."

"I," Zhang Tianze hesitated and stopped.

Zhou Yuwen said, "What's the matter?"

"I want to eat it, duck blood fan." Zhang Tianze said weakly. He hadn't eaten anything that tasted in the hospital for the past two days. Now Zhang Tianze has no taste in his mouth, and suddenly he wants to eat duck blood meal.

But there was no one else around, so I could only look at Zhou Yuwen weakly, and said pitifully.

Zhou Yuwen closed his eyes and squinted for a while without speaking.

Seeing that Zhou Yuwen didn't speak, Zhang Tianze pouted, and she didn't want to bother Zhou Yuwen.

After squinting for a while, Zhou Yuwen got up and said, "I'm going to buy it for you, do you want anything else?"

Zhang Tianze was overjoyed and said, "Two more crab rolls, right?"

"Well, is that enough?" Zhou Yuwen asked.

Zhang Tianze thought for a while and asked, "There is still a cup of sour plum soup?"


"Nothing," Zhang Tianze said.

Zhou Yuwen put on his coat and turned to go out.

When Zhou Yuwen walked to the door, Zhang Tianze stopped Zhou Yuwen again.


Zhang Tianze suddenly changed his name, which surprised Zhou Yuwen. Zhou Yuwen asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Tianze said, "Thank you."

Zhou Yuwen couldn't help but laughed when he heard it, and said, "When you get better, thank me again."

So Zhou Yuwen drove his mother's BMW x3 from the (cfcc) third-class hospital to a small alley near Xinjiekou. He originally bought a duck blood fan.

But looking at the steaming duck blood fans, they felt really greedy, so they said to the old couple who were still selling things over there, "Uncle, please have another one."

"Good Le!"

Two duck blood vermicelli, five crab roe buns, and a few sauce cakes and sour plum juice.

After everything was bought, Zhou Yuwen drove to the hospital.

I bought something back.

Zhou Yuwen helped Zhang Tianze do it. This girl is still wearing a pink striped hospital gown, with two buttons opened, revealing the snow-white skin inside.

Not to mention, the ailing appearance is really a bit pretty.

But Zhou Yuwen and Zhang Tianze are also old husbands and old wives after all. Zhou Yuwen helped Zhang Tianze button up the buttons and said, "Don't catch a cold."

Zhang Tianze should be considered helpless at this time. Girls only appear helpless when they are sick. Children at this time are indeed easy to chase.

After setting things up, Zhang Tianze looked at the duck blood fan in front of her, and she said: "It seems that the doctor is not giving this to me, right?"

Zhou Yuwen said: "It's okay, we eat secretly."

Zhang Tianze chuckled.

Zhou Yuwen said: "Can I still feed it? Can you eat it yourself?"


So Zhang Tianze and Zhou Yuwen started eating supper together in the hospital. Not to mention, eating a bite of steaming duck blood fans in the middle of the night really felt different.

After many years of this incident, Zhou Yuwen almost forgot about it, until there was a chat, an interview show interviewed Zhang Tianze, and asked her and Zhou Zong the most romantic thing you remember?

Zhang Tianze nodded, saying that it was the time at the hospital.

The host asked, why are you in the hospital?

Zhang Tianze said slightly, saying that he was a little awkward at the time, and Zhou Yuwen was about to break up with him, and then cut his wrist if he couldn't think about it for a while.

Upon hearing this news, both the host and the audience looked astonished. The host hurriedly asked how they broke up.

Zhang Tianze smiled faintly and did not answer the question. She said: "In fact, thinking about it after so many years, I still don't regret it, because if it were not for that suicide, he would not be with me in the hospital. Then I was greedy, I thought Eat duck blood fans, but it was three o'clock in the evening at that time, I was very embarrassed, I told him, I want to eat duck blood fans."

"He bought it for me, and I still remember it, that night, we were really happy to eat, it was my happiest night." Zhang Tianze replied sweetly.

This is something that happened many years later. Zhang Tianze choked off the head and tail. In fact, after eating duck blood fans, Zhang Tianze is full of duck blood fans. She loves to be clean again, and it's been a long time since she doesn't take a shower.

Zhou Yuwen said you can't take a bath now.

Zhang Tianze also knew that he didn't speak like this.

Zhou Yuwen thought for a while, dipped hot water, put a hot towel, and brought it over.

Zhang Tianze asked: "What's wrong?"

"Take your clothes off, I'll wipe it for you."

Zhou Yuwen said.

Zhang Tianze really feels that Zhou Yuwen is doing everything well except for his heart, but there is no way. The better Zhou Yuwen does, the less Zhang Tianze doesn't want to share Zhou Yuwen with others.

That night, Zhang Tianze was very moved, but when she thought that Zhou Yuwen might treat Lin Wenwen or other women in this way, she couldn't be moved.

Zhang's father told Zhang Tianze that to learn to endure, it is normal for a man to have a few confidantes outside, and the main thing is that he has to be tolerant.

But Zhang Tianze has studied for a lifetime and has not learned to forbearance. All she always wanted to do was to take Zhou Yuwen as her own.

After wiping the body, Zhou Yuwen asked Zhang Tianze if there was anything else, Zhang Tianze shrank in the quilt, and she said, "I'm cold."

"Then I will give you an extra bed quilt?"

"Don't, Xiao Zhou, will you come in and hug me to sleep, okay?" Zhang Tianze asked.

Zhou Yuwen said: "No, what if you are pressed down?"

"But I can't sleep if you don't hold me." Zhang Tianze pouted and said, "I really want you to hold me.".

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