[I was reincarnated as a single school beauty] []


A gentle cry awakened Qingchan from the river of memory. The scene in front of her changed. She turned her head and saw Hongling looking at her with a worried expression.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Hong Ling held her shoulders and asked with concern.

Qingchan shook her head, smiled slightly, and said, "No, I just suddenly remembered some past events."

She smiled, and then her smile gradually faded. Because she recalled those things, she also realized that the outside was more dangerous than she thought, and those people were more powerful.



"The small success of killing the spirit is not enough." She held Hong Ling's hand and said firmly, "We can't relax."

Hongling nodded: "I understand."

Qingchan hugged her gently, and then through the recovery of her own memory, she suddenly thought of something.

She looked deeply at Hong Ling, who tilted her head in confusion.

"Hong Ling, do you still remember what happened before you were rescued by the lady?"

The moment Qingchan asked this question, Hongling's pupils suddenly shrank. The past was playing in her mind like a movie, and her face turned pale in an instant.


Qingchan and Hongling, who were still the objects of concern just now, turned around at this moment.

"I-I remember."

Hong Ling said with a trembling voice. Even if hundreds of years had passed, she would still feel uncontrollable fear whenever she recalled the experiences of those years.

"It's okay, Hongling, it's okay."

Qingchan hugged Hongling, feeling her trembling body, and reached out to gently touch her back.

Under Qingchan's comfort, Hongling gradually regained her composure. She said softly: "Qingchan, many people are dead. They were all killed by me."

Hong Ling was saved by Yun Xi from Feng Ming and others back then, but now, they all know that Feng Ming and others are members of Tian Zhangjiao.

No one pursued it, but that didn't mean that no one didn't know that Hong Ling was once a member of the Heavenly Master.

It's just that Hong Ling was still a little girl who couldn't even speak a few words, and her knowledge of the entire world was almost zero. Now times have changed, and she has also been reborn and has become a super strong person in the Soul Killing Realm. If she recalls the past, she may have a clearer understanding.

"What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Several figures appeared in front of them, and Xiao Lingyuan and others rushed over after noticing their strangeness.

Qingchan helped Hongling sit down and said, "It's nothing serious, I just remembered some past events."

"Hong Ling, can you tell me what you remember?"


Hong Ling held Qingchan's hand tightly and began to recall everything she had experienced back then.

At that time, Hongling was not called Hongling.

Before the age of four, she was called Qingyou. After the age of four, she had a new name, or in other words, a new code name.

Called 4315, it means that she is number 4315 among the selected children.

Qingyou, who was only four years old at the time, had no idea how many children Tian Zhangjiao had chosen. She only knew that since they were taken away, their names and lives had been taken away.

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[I was reincarnated as a single school beauty] []

These children were locked up in a dark place and had to soak in a blood-red lake for more than an hour every day.

They were asked not to speak, not communicate, not cry, not laugh... otherwise they would be punished.

They have just begun to awaken their spiritual wisdom and have not yet had any understanding of everything in the world. They have been deprived of all cognition at an early age and are like silent walking zombies.

In the first three years, they maintained the frequency and soaked in the lake every day, but the time gradually increased from the first hour to the next ten hours.

Later, the color in the lake gradually faded, and they would be divided into groups at regular intervals. Following the instructions of the Heavenly Master, they began to plunder each other's vitality. The loser died, and the winner entered the next round of plunder.

In the past, Qingyou didn't know the meaning of these actions, but now Hongling has understood that Tianzhangjiao trains people who can carry a large amount of life energy and blood through layer-by-layer selection.

In that long selection process, only two people were left.

One is her, number 4315, and the other is also a girl, number 671.

The Heavenly Master did not let the last two survivors continue to kill each other, but gave them a new name and started a new life.

One is called Blood Boy, and the other is called Soul Boy.

Qingyou didn't know what the soul boy's mission was, but she would often follow Tian Zhangjiao's people to leave that dark place and go to the sun to do some shady things.

That year, there was a sudden change in the deserted city. In order to obtain the Holy Spirit Fruit as soon as possible, Master Tian arranged for Feng Ming and others to take her to the deserted city and water her with Qi and blood to make the Holy Spirit Fruit ripen in advance.

But when it was about to be done, an uninvited guest came unexpectedly.

Yun Xi and others broke into the deserted city and fought a big battle with them. Not only did they seize the Holy Spirit Fruit, they also took away the people, causing Master Tian to lose all his personal property.

And it was from that day that she escaped from the control of Master Tian, ​​and began to transform from a manipulated puppet into a living person. Then, she also got a new name.


until now.

Hongling spoke very slowly. It was obviously a story that was not too long, but it still kept her telling it for a long time. Even though it had been hundreds of years since she left Tianshangjiao, she already had a new understanding of the world, but Some changes seem to have penetrated deep into the bone marrow and are difficult to change over time.

That's not a habit, it's a mental disorder.

Everyone listened patiently to Hong Ling's story, and their expressions gradually became angry.

If everyone's previous anger towards Master Tian was due to their several attacks on Yun Xi, then now, they are angry at the existence of the force of Master Tian and everything they have done in the past, and they feel murderous. meaning.

Xiao Lingyuan clenched her fists tightly and said through gritted teeth: "I didn't expect that this Headmaster Tian would actually do these things. They are indeed not good people! A bunch of beasts!"

Ye Nianhan's face was particularly ugly, but she was also confused: "But what is the purpose of Master Tian doing this? Is it to rely on the strong blood of living beings to obtain something special?"

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[I was reincarnated as a single school beauty] []

They have been with Hong Ling for a long time, and they know that this girl's physique is indeed special. The exaggeratedly thick vitality and blood in her body, before her spiritual cultivation, has far exceeded that of a powerful person at the level of luck.

If it weren't for Yun Xi's relationship and her own youth and ignorance, with her physique, she would have been taken to Weiyangtang for study.

But after so many years, the Qi and blood in Hong Ling's body has not brought much impact or change to her life. Why did Tian Zhangjiao raise two children with such strong Qi and blood?

This is the confusion that surrounds everyone after hearing this story, and no one here can answer this confusion.

Qingchan lowered her head and stared at the ground. No one could see that her green pupils were trembling violently at this moment.

Memories came back to her and she knew more than anyone else present.

Indeed, with the erosion and precipitation of time, some fragments of the life seal may have undergone considerable changes, and it requires a certain amount of life energy and blood to be reactivated.

But the reason Tian Zhangjiao went to such great lengths to cultivate two children with such strong vitality and blood was not just to activate the fragments, they wanted more.

For example... if you can't get her soul, which is the soul seal, you can cultivate a brand new soul to control the soul seal!

They have been making multiple preparations a long time ago! Shockingly thoughtful and cautious!

If this is the case, the leader's actions that day were not just those of thousands of children. They must have had bigger actions, and they could think of these methods...

Who is behind Tianzhangjiao?

She tried hard to control her emotions, raised her head, and said to everyone: "This Heavenly Master may be more terrifying than we imagined. We cannot relax now. This is a war against time, and we cannot accept failure."

The sudden serious tone made everyone stunned. Everyone looked at Qingchan. For some reason, Qingchan seemed to have matured a lot in an instant?

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, but in the end they smiled and said at the same time: "That's necessary!"

Xiao Lingyuan rolled up her sleeves: "When this thousand years pass and I leave this place, I will make Xiao Xi look at me with admiration!"

Everyone was high-spirited and began to return to their respective places to start the long practice.

Qingchan looked up at the huge time wheel with a solemn expression.

'Chongxiao, you must hold on...'

The reconstruction of Jianyue Sect is not a simple process, but after receiving the news from Yu Linqiong, Yun Xi and the other three also knew about their trip. The news about Tian Zhangjiao and Yi Dao was eventually discontinued. .

Once the news is gone, there is no need to worry about what to do next.

So the three of them accompanied Yu Linqiong and the others and spent half a year rebuilding Jianyue Gate on a small plain more than a hundred miles away from Jianyue Mountain. It has high temperatures all year round, withered grass and yellow leaves, and a lack of water. Although the natural environment It's also a bit bad. At least there aren't many monsters around, and the level is not high. In addition, there is a city not far from here, so it will be relatively safer.

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[I was reincarnated as a single school beauty] []

In this reconstruction, they directly built a small town. Relying on the remaining resources of Jianyuemen and the subsidies from Lingshen Pavilion, it should be okay to persist for a few years.

The rebuilt town was called Jianyue City. On that day, the sun was shining brightly, and the high temperature almost distorted the air. Even with the protection of the spiritual formation, most of the victims in the city were still hiding in their houses, unwilling to endure the outside. Exaggerated temperature.

In the center of Jianyue City, there is a secret realm. The secret realm was jointly created by Yun Xi and others. Like many other shelters, food for the survival of the people in the city is grown and raised in it.

At this time, in the secret realm, Yun Xi stood in the field, her palms flowing with spiritual power, and she sprinkled a piece of cool rain all around. All things grew, and all the vegetables grew in an instant.

On the edge of the field, You Tingjing crossed her arms and looked at this scene with a smile in her eyes, saying: "Xiao Yunxi is becoming more and more proficient in the use of Qilin inheritance. If she returns to the Demon Realm, she might be able to bring guidance to the Demon Clan. Let’s make some changes~”

After finishing today's work, Yun Xi wiped the sweat from her forehead, walked over and said, "What do you think I am? The Demon Continent is so big, I can't change it."

Yu Linqiong said with a smile: "With Miss Yun's ability, it will be a matter of time."

Although she didn't have as much contact with Yun Xi as others, she had a kind of heartfelt trust in Yun Xi, and it wouldn't even be an exaggeration to call it worship.

Gu Qingxian looked at this vibrant land and said, "It's enough to be as it is now. Let's go, it's getting late."

The smile on Yu Linqiong's face gradually dissipated, and she said with some reluctance: "Aren't you going to stay for a few more days?"

Yun Xi said: "Having been here for half a year is long enough. There are still many places in Tianshen Continent that I haven't been to yet. I have to keep walking. I'll leave this place to you. Don't worry, we will come and have a look when we have time. of."

Seeing that Yun Xi had said this, Yu Linqiong no longer pressed, and just said: "Then let's have another meal together?"

Seeing the reluctance in Yu Linqiong's eyes, Yun Xi hesitated for a moment, but finally relented. She smiled and said, "That's alright, I'll cook."

"It's been a long time since I've shown off my skills, so I'm a little rusty. You guys will just make do with it."

At Yu Linqiong's home, Yun Xi served plates of fragrant dishes.

Since she first entered Taiwei, Yun Xi has almost never cooked again. Over the years, she has either been practicing or busy with other things. When she picked up the kitchen knife again today, she actually felt a sense of unfamiliarity. , fortunately after cooking a few more dishes, that feeling slowly came back.

"Try it first?"

The three of them looked at the good-looking dish, picked up their chopsticks and tasted it, and then their eyes widened.

Gu Qingxian was surprised: "You guy, are you such a good cook?"

"Haha! I'm still regressing now. I'll make something better for you later. "

"Then I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Oh~ I have been with Xiao Yunxi for so long, and now I have just tasted Xiao Yunxi's food~ It's so sad, 嘤嘤嘤~~" Youting Jingjing was about to cry, with a look of grievance on her face.

"Okay, you! You're the one who does the most, and you're the best at it!"

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[I was reincarnated as a single school beauty] []

Yun Xi picked up a piece of braised pork and stuffed it directly into You Tingjing's mouth. You Tingjing opened her mouth and ate the whole piece of meat, with a blush of satisfaction on her face.

'Too fake. ’

Yun Xi, who has known Li Zixiao for so long, noticed at a glance that the blush on You Tingjing's face was not true shyness.

"Where are you going next?" Yu Linqiong asked.

Yun Xi did not answer immediately, but turned to look at Gu Qingxian first. Gu Qingxian said: "In the past six months, Lingshen Pavilion, in cooperation with some local forces, has indeed wiped out a few drug dens, but that's all. As for Huo Yi said that there is no news now. Even the northern border, which was the most active at the beginning, has now calmed down. "

The death of Wang Mu in battle has attracted the attention of Yi Dao. The other party patiently hid, and it was really difficult for them to find traces of the other party, especially since the spiritual energy of the Tianshen Continent is now chaotic, and it is too easy to hide people in the suburbs.

Not to mention that Ling Shen Pavilion's focus is still on the return of the mainland.

Yun Xi thought for a while and decided: "Then let's go to Bai Zhan Sect and explore that Meng Wang."

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