After hearing what Chong Xiao said, the Demon Lord was silent for a moment, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

No one is qualified to comment on the matter between Chongxiao and Xiaoqing.

She said: "It doesn't matter if you shape the body. After all, she is a fruit that fell from the tree of life, and its essence will remain unchanged after all. Although I have never heard of a soul entering the end in a human form, but in this way Considering Xiaoqing's identity, her perception of the end is definitely deeper than ordinary people, and it is not even impossible to find the tree of life. Therefore, I suggest that when you enter the end, it is better to act together with her."

For Chong Xiao and others, their biggest advantage now is nothing else but the existence of Qingchan.

As a former soul and a fruit that fell from the tree of life, Qingchan must be much more adaptable to the end of the world than others. If Qingchan can lead the team, she will definitely be able to save those who enter the end of the world. Go to a lot of trouble.

Chongxiao said: "In this case, we have to wait another seven years."

Today's Taiwei is operating at full capacity. People inside can't come out, and people outside can't get in.

If Taiwei is forcibly opened, the power that Taiwei has stored for many years will be wasted. Such a huge loss will definitely not be allowed by the Tianling Alliance.

Demon Lord Feng Qingyun said calmly: "It's only been seven years. Do you think that little girl can't hold on for so long?"

Chong Xiao thought of the news brought by Gu Qingxian and the others, and thought of Mu Shenqing's words that You Xiyun had been able to use his original power, and his worries about Yun Xi in his heart were indeed lessened.

Seeing that Chong Xiao didn't reply, the Demon Lord didn't push her. She was just here to provide some information help. The specific decision was up to Chong Xiao and the others.

Demon Lord asked: "You said before that Master Tian's seal of life still needs one fragment to be complete? So, Master Tian has only collected twenty-nine fragments in total?"


The Demon Lord thought: "In that case, including Yun Xi's seven pieces, there are only thirty-six pieces known so far, and there are still fourteen fragments that are missing..."

Chongxiao's eyes lit up and he asked: "Can you find the fragments of the seal of life?"

Demon Lord said: "You can give it a try. In the past seven years, I will help you search for it. As for how many you can find, you can only rely on fate."

If it was the Demon Lord who just came out, she would definitely not be able to find the fragments, but she had absorbed Shen Yuan's remnant soul before, and now her condition has recovered a lot. Although she was not the holder of the Living Seal in the past, she was familiar with Tianzun after all, and was relatively familiar with the Living Seal, otherwise she would not have kept a fragment in the Demon Lord's secret territory.

With her current consciousness, if she is close enough to the fragments of the living seal, she should be able to sense some aura.

Chong Xiao said: "In this case, I will contact all parties later and reveal the information. As for your identity..."

"Try to keep it a secret as much as possible. I don't want to cause any big commotion. If it weren't for the relationship between you and Xiaoqing, and the relationship between me and that girl Yun Xi, I really don't want to get involved in your trivial matters. Sigh..."

After living alone for tens of millions of years, the Demon Lord's will has been wiped out. Now she has little desire for cultivation or profit.

Now, she just wants to wait until she fully recovers to travel around the world and take a good look at this vast universe.

Thinking of this, the Demon Lord waved his hand and said: "Let's go, there is a little fox waiting at home. If there is news, I will come to you."

After saying this, without waiting for Chongxiao to try to persuade her, her figure turned into countless cherry blossom petals, fell on the lake, and then disappeared.

Zhuyi said from the bottom of his heart: "As expected of a god, this way of leaving is in a much higher style than us."

Qiongwei glanced at Zhuyi, but instead of complaining, he asked strangely: "Who is the little fox she is talking about?"

Zhuyi shook his head and guessed: "It should be the Snow Fox clan, right?"

"It's Bai Qing,

In the Demon Lord's secret realm, Bai Qing received the inheritance of the Nine-Tails. The Demon Lord was extremely fond of the Nine-Tails back then. As Bai Qing's descendant, she would naturally not be stingy with her teachings. Chong Xiao immediately guessed who the fox was, and then said, "Qiong Ling, please contact everyone again. The next arrangements need to be reworked." "


After re-gathering the powerful people from all sides, Chong Xiao told everyone all the information revealed by the Demon Lord on the grounds of "finding it from ancient books".

When they learned the news, everyone's reaction was undoubtedly the same as before, extremely shocked.

No one thought that there were so many dangers behind the Gate of Ending.

Chong Xiao thought for a while and said: "There is something that I have been hiding from everyone before, that is, the original soul of the Life Seal is still alive and in the secret territory of Taiwei. In seven years, after she comes out, I will arrange for her Come and lead the team, determine the final candidate and then enter the final realm together, this will also give everyone an extra point of protection."

Everyone was shocked and turned their attention to Shi Jin one by one, but Shi Jin's face was calm and there was no emotion at all caused by the news.

Chong Xiao said: "Then this matter will be settled for now. After seven years, we will enter the final stage. Before that, no matter whether everyone has the opportunity to enter, we should try our best to take good care of ourselves and be prepared to face the challenge."

After saying that, she looked at Mu Shenqing and others and added, "You don't need to worry too much about You Xiyun and Yun Xi. With their methods, nothing will happen."

Not to mention Yun Xi, after all, You Xiyun was once a super strong person. Now that his original power is available, he will definitely be able to cope with it even in that environment.

Mu Shenqing and others remained silent, but they did not insist on asking to go in.

If Zhong Yan Nei is really what Chong Xiao said, then if they force their way in in their current state, they may not only not be able to find Yun Xi and You Xiyun, but they will also help Master Tian fuse the complete life seal in advance.

The scene in front of him was changing. When he crossed the light door, You Xiyun did not directly enter a certain world.

She was in a space of endless white light. In front of her eyes, light curtains emerged. Each light curtain was a different world.

There are ancient houses standing with green floor tiles going all the way; there are tall buildings rising one after another, and the streets are busy with traffic; there are neon lights flashing, and gangsters are raging in the streets and alleys...

You Xiyun has lived for thousands of years, and for the first time she discovered that there are so many things in this world that she has never seen before. Her eyes kept scanning these pictures, and after a brief hesitation, she finally walked towards the scene. Neon lights.

In addition to being a little curious, she also found that the houses there were densely packed and the alleys were complicated. If she didn't want to be discovered by Tian Zhangjiao, this kind of place should be a good choice.

When the figure passed through the light curtain, You Xiyun had already appeared under the colorful neon lights.

Red and yellow lights shone in from the light sign of the store in front. You Xiyun stood in the dark alley. The light just hit her feet. She sniffed gently, and there was a certain smell in the air. It smells like a stinking ditch.


At the sudden sound, You Xiyun turned around quickly and saw a huge mouse crawling into the entrance of a broken floor tile. Before entering the hole, it looked up at You Xiyun.

You Xiyun's eyes narrowed, and he instinctively felt something was wrong, so he immediately reached out and took a breath.

"Squeak squeak!!!"

The mouse screamed miserably, and its body, controlled by You Xiyun from the air, continued to struggle, and finally exploded into a pool of blood mist, which was sprinkled into the sewer.

After killing the mouse, You Xiyun lowered his head, looked at the palm of his hand, felt the fluctuations of spiritual power in his palm, and frowned slightly.

Because she found that although her state had not changed at all, her strength seemed to have been reduced a lot. Under normal circumstances, the mouse should have died instantly, and there would be no chance of screaming.

You Xiyun tried to use the spiritual power in her body. As the spiritual power overflowed, she discovered the problem.

The environment here is different from the mixed spirit world. Once the spiritual power is released, its power will be greatly reduced. She cannot even control the spiritual energy spilling between heaven and earth at will.

But other than that, she didn't find any benefits.

Just from the feeling just now, You Xiyun discovered that not only was the aura here much richer than that in the Tianshen Continent, but even the aura of life was extremely strong.

It’s hard to imagine that a place with such strong spiritual energy would have such a bad smell...

"What place did I choose..."

You Xiyun helplessly held his forehead, and then replaced Yun Xi.


The moment Yun Xi opened her eyes and saw the scene in front of her, she already uttered the quintessence of the Chinese nation.

"What the hell is this place? Didn't I enter the Gate of the End? Did I travel through time again?"

On the necklace around his neck, You Xiyun's voice came out leisurely, saying: "This is the world inside the Gate of Ending."

Yun Xi blinked: "Is there such a world inside the Gate of Ending?"

"Not entirely. There are many different worlds, but I chose this one."

Yun Xi walked out of the alley and looked around.

The sky here is dark at the moment. Under the night, countless neon lights are shining with colorful light. The light shines on the ground. There are puddles of water stains on the dark ground, and the road is slightly uneven.

At this time, the loudspeaker on the stone pillar in front made a sound with rather poor sound quality.

[As night falls, the Guardians of the End of the World would like to sincerely remind everyone that Chaoyang Street is very dangerous at night. Please return to your residence as soon as possible and avoid going out. I would like to reiterate again that all foreign residents are asked to return to their respective residences as soon as possible and avoid going out. 】

There were only a few people around, and only the sound of the radio echoed in Yun Xi's ears.

Yun Xi stood under the light. From near to far, more and more scenery came into her eyes. She was extremely convinced of what kind of place she had arrived.

"You seem to be familiar with this place?" You Xiyun noticed that Yun Xi's mood was different, and facing such a strange place, there was no curiosity at all, only surprise at the beginning.

Yun Xi shook his head: "I can't say that I'm familiar with it. I just saw it in an anime in my last life."



You Xiyun thought about it carefully, and then remembered that Tianling did have movies and animations, but...

She asked doubtfully: "If I remember correctly, cartoons...or the cartoons you are talking about, are things for children? Do you still watch these? You were not an adult before your soul was reincarnated, right?"

"You're kidding! How could I not be an adult!" Yun Xi said righteously, "Animation should be more suitable for adults! It would be too wasteful to watch it for children!"

You Xiyun was silent for a while, seemingly speechless.

As a cultivator, it was difficult for her to understand Yun Xi's brain circuit in life.

Before the two of them could continue to argue over this issue, the door of a nearby shop suddenly opened.

The sound of the iron door opening was particularly loud at night. Yun Xi turned around and looked slightly startled.

Because it was not a person who opened the door, but a bundle of iron bars.

It was a strange creature made of three iron rods. Its lower body was separated from the three iron rods to form a three-legged walking form. The three iron rods were bonded together in the middle, with the shape of a face drawn in the middle. Two iron pillars hung from the top, like hands.

It is now a door opened with these two irons.

Not to mention Yun Xi, even You Xiyun was so big and this was the first time he had seen such a creature.

Yun Xi stared at the iron monster with alert eyes and said nothing.

The iron monster looked at Yun Xi with a smile on his face: "New here?"

Yun Xi still remained silent.

The iron rod in the middle of the iron monster pointed toward the house and said, "Come in and sit down. Don't worry, the new ones have a protection period. I can't harm you."

Seeing the iron monster walking into the store with three legs, Yun Xi hesitated for a moment and followed him.

She did not feel any danger from the iron monster.

Walking into the store, Yun Xi found that there were not many items in the store. They were basically radios, walkmans and other items.

"Do you want it? You only need ten points of spiritual energy. Since you are new here, I can give you a 20% discount."

The iron monster noticed her eyes and said enthusiastically.

Yun Xi frowned: "Generate spiritual energy? What do you mean?"

The iron monster's eyes were surprised. It looked at Yun Xi carefully and said, "Girl, you didn't know anything, so you just came to the final realm, right?"

"So what?"

Yun Xi's tone was not friendly. From the moment she opened her eyes, she felt that this place gave her a bad feeling. You Xiyun also felt the same.

This feeling is like a human being living in the sea. Even if he can breathe freely, the obstruction caused by the sea water will still make people feel uncomfortable.

The iron monster smiled and said: "It's interesting. I have lived here for so long, and you are the first person who dares to show up without knowing anything. I really don't know how you got this place."

It walked in front of Yun Xi, bent its iron body slightly, made a gentleman's salute, and said: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Tie Yu, I am the manager of Chaoyang Street, welcome you here. All your doubts, I can answer it all for you.”

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