Tang Danxin's home is a two-story small house, which does not occupy a large area, but is very clean and has an elegant layout.

Yun Xi walked in and looked at it carefully.

The sound of gentle footsteps came, and a woman was walking down the stairs, holding on to the escalator.

This is a woman who looks quite young, but her hair is completely white and her eyes are lifeless. It is obviously caused by a serious loss of spiritual energy.

However, the aura on her body made Yun Xi a little concerned-Zhu Ling Yuan Cheng.

This is the first Ling Zhuancheng that Yun Xi meets after coming to the end.

When Tang Danxin saw this woman, a smile immediately appeared on her face, and her voice was much sweeter than before: "Mom, I'm back."

The woman smiled gently, nodded, then looked at Yun Xi and asked, "Is this your new friend?"

The woman and Yun Xi looked at each other, and Yun Xi seemed to feel a hint of warning in each other's eyes.

Tang Danxin said: "Mom, this is senior Yun Xi, a newcomer from outside. Senior Yun Xi, this is my mother, Tang Lin."

When she heard that it was a newcomer from outside, Tang Lin's eyes immediately changed. She asked Tang Danxin: "Did anyone see you bringing her here?"

Tang Danxin said: "No, I pay attention to my surroundings."

Tang Lin nodded: "Go and make a cup of tea first."


When Tang Danxin went to get the tea, Tang Lin said to Yun Xi, "Sit down, the house is relatively simple."

His tone suddenly softened a lot.

Yun Xi was not polite and sat directly at the tea table, followed by Tang Lin who sat opposite her.

"Miss Yun is very young."

As soon as she took her seat, Tang Lin spoke.

Although her current condition is not good, her eyesight is still strong. Some spiritual beings are young because of their realm, but this is not the case with Yun Xi. Although her realm is high, there are no traces of age erosion between her eyebrows.

Yun Xi said: "Sometimes being young is not a good thing. If you are too sharp, you will easily be jealous."

Tang Lin smiled: "That's true. Did you just come to the end today?"

"Well, about half an hour ago."

Tang Lin looked quite surprised and asked, "Appeared directly in Chaoyang Street?"

Yun Xi asked: "Is there any problem?"

Tang Lin explained: "Chaoyang Street is a slum area, and the entrance to the examination of the seal of life is in the rich people area. Therefore, if you are a newcomer, you will usually be sent directly to the rich people area."

"So that's the case, but maybe my situation is a bit special."

The life seal taught by Tianzhang is not complete yet. An incomplete life seal naturally cannot start the assessment, so it is not surprising that she was not passed to the rich people area.

Tang Lin did not ask what was special about Yun Xi, but continued to ask, "Did Danxin take the initiative to find you?"

"Yeah. She said she wanted to cooperate with me. I didn't know much about Zhongyan, and I just needed to get some information from her, so I agreed. She wanted me to help her get the vitality, but her own vitality was still there. It's quite rich, so what she wants..."

"It's for me." Tang Lin said, her voice a little low and helpless.

"Her father had already left before she woke up. In order for me to see my daughter wake up, he transferred all his remaining vitality to me and closed his eyes in front of me. Now, for Danxin's sake, To keep me alive, I’m also trying to find ways to help me accumulate spiritual energy, but it’s useless…”

Tang Lin looked back at Tang Danxin who was boiling water in the kitchen, and said in a low voice: "No matter how we try to remedy it, the speed of the loss of life energy will always be greater than the speed of absorption. Here, premature death is doomed. In fact, besides saving her, I After she was born, I didn’t provide any help during her growth, but she was always bound by me from the moment she woke up.”

"Miss Yun, you and I have just met each other for the first time, and we don't know each other's background, but I still implore you,

If there is a chance, please take her out. "

Tang Lin raised her head and looked at Yun Xi, with tears in her eyes and a look of pleading in her eyes.

Seeing her look like this, Yun Xi sighed softly and said, "Everything in the world is unpredictable. I can't give you any hope."

Although Tang Lin's eyes moved her, she was not here for the foreigners living in the end. She had her own responsibilities and tasks and could not make any guarantees to Tang Lin.

Yun Xi's words did not make Tang Lin give up. She said seriously: "Miss Yun, I have lived in the end for hundreds of years, in rich areas and slums. I have left my footprints in every place here. I My understanding of Ending is better than anyone else, at least few can compare with me. What Danxin knows is what I told her."

"I can do my best to help you pass the test of the Living Seal, as long as you help Danxin get a leaf."

Tang Lin said in a serious tone: "With the Life Seal activated, you will definitely not be the only one to enter the End. There will definitely be your competitors and enemies there. You will have to fight against those people sooner or later. Why not facilitate a deal between us?"

Yun Xi was silent for a moment and asked: "How much do you know about the test of the seal of life?"

Tang Lin said: "In the test back then, I was only one step short of obtaining the Life Seal. Different spiritual worlds, different Life Seals, and even different eras have different selection methods. I have met The information learned by many people who have gone through the test of the Seal of Life will definitely be helpful for you to participate in the test in the future."

Tang Lin's words made Yun Xi a little moved. She came to the end directly to stop Master Tian's actions. She had never seen the seal of life, and she didn't know what the subsequent assessment process would be. If she could know it in advance, The information about the seal of life will definitely save her a lot of trouble in the future.

"I will think about it."

Yun Xi did not agree immediately. She still needed to discuss this matter with You Xiyun.

Seeing Yun Xi relax, Tang Lin immediately showed a smile on her face and her expression became more relaxed.

At this time, Tang Danxin also brought the brewed tea over, and she said to Yun Xi: "Senior, you can stay downstairs later, and I will help you clean up the room."


Yun Xi didn't care whether the tea tasted good or not. She sat back on the chair, holding the tea cup, and looked out the window.

The alley here is deep and even darker at night. If it weren't for the light sign at the door, nothing would be visible outside the window at this moment.

Ever since she was mistakenly introduced to the Wangshen River Basin, the subsequent development of events has completely exceeded her expectations. It only took less than an hour to enter the end, but it seemed to her to be an extremely long time.

Because it is too unfamiliar and there are too many things to know.

Yun Xi asked: "Generally speaking, after entering the end, does the test of the life seal begin?"

Tang Lin replied: "It won't start directly. The test of the Living Seal needs to be activated, and to activate a Living Seal, nine original spirits are required."

"Native spirit?" Yun Xi felt that she heard countless new terms this night.

Tang Lin asked: "Dan Xin should have told you about the aborigines and the foreigners before, right?"


Tang Lin said: "If the strength of the foreigners in the End depends on their realm, then the strength of the aborigines depends on their spiritual intelligence. In the End, the aborigines are divided into five stages according to their spiritual strength. From weak to weak The strongest ones are named Xingsui, Lingqi, Enlightenment, Zhijie, and the original spirit."

"The haunted person cannot speak, and only absorbs the spiritual energy by instinct, and is most active at night. The enlightened person has opened his mind and learned to communicate, and usually opens some small shops to exchange for spiritual energy. The enlightened person has not only thought and Human beings are not much different, and they even have a certain level of strength themselves, and the aboriginal people at this level have the ability to forcibly control the evil spirit."

"Intelligence-level people are not only good at scheming, but also know how to take advantage of the weaknesses of human nature. They can even burst out with power equivalent to the small or even the ultimate level of slaying spirits by the aliens. As for the original spirits... you can treat them as slaying spirits. They are powerful people with perfect spirits, but what is different from the normal perfect spirits is that they not only have the unique ability of rebirth of the aborigines, but they can also create a large number of evil spirits."

Tang Lin paused, took a sip of tea, and said solemnly: "In other words, even if you don't count other people, a single native spirit is already like an army. If you want to obtain a native spirit, you often have to It requires several Soul Killers to work together to capture it successfully, which is a very difficult process. In addition to being powerful, the original spirits will form their own forces. At the same time, they also have a strong sense of danger. Once they sense danger, they will run away. "

"No one can outrun them in this final realm."

Yun Xi was dumbfounded when she heard this. According to this, wouldn't she not have to collect native spirits?

That's not right, she doesn't even know where the creature seal is, so what's the use of collecting native spirits?

Tang Danxin added at the side: "Those we met outside before were the evil spirits, and the Tie Yu you saw was the spiritual enlightenment. As for the boss Guang Qing who was drunk at night, he was at the enlightenment level. Zhijie Very few, and they usually only live in wealthy areas, where the life is rich and the people make more money."

Tang Lin asked: "Did you just get drunk at night?"

Tang Danxin explained: "I hid from those evil spirits in the past, but I didn't go inside and didn't meet those people."

Yun Xi said: "Are there many native spirits?"

Tang Lin said: "It's not that much. It is a big world in the end. It is divided into ninety-nine domains. Each domain has three to four native spirits living in it. The domain we are in now is called Sailun. There are a total of three native spirits here, all living in different areas. If you are just one person, I do not recommend that you go after them. And even if you don't collect native spirits, sooner or later someone else will. Yes, you don’t actually have to worry about this.”

Yun Xi knew that what Tang Lin said was true. Even if she didn't take action, Tian Zhangjiao would definitely find a way to collect enough native spirits, so she didn't have to worry at all.

At this time, a slight vibration sounded. Tang Danxin took out her mobile phone from her pocket. She looked down for a few times and her expression changed slightly.

"Mom, the news about Miss Yun has been spread."

Tang Danxin put her phone on the table, and there was an announcement hanging on the lit screen.

[Reward: A new final foreigner appears in Chaoyang Street, and his realm is in the spirit-killing realm. A reward of 1,000 living spirits is now offered to investigate his traces. If he can be invited to Guijiao, an additional 1,000 living spirits will be rewarded. Below is a photo of this person. 】

The picture under the announcement was a picture of Yun Xi taken by surveillance cameras in Tie Yu's store. Because it was relatively close and the angle was good, it looked quite clear.

This announcement was only sent out less than two minutes ago, and there are already many retweets and comments below.

Among these comments, there were those who were surprised and pleasantly surprised by the appearance of the newcomer, and some who expressed admiration and greed for Yun Xi's appearance, and there were many dirty words among them.

Yun Xi looked at these comments without changing her expression. No matter whether these people's comments were disgusting or not, there was one thing Tang Danxin was right about.

In the eyes of these people, he is indeed a hot commodity.

Especially since he appeared alone, with no other companions, and even his realm had not reached the perfection of killing spirits.

Such a condition, in the eyes of these foreigners and aborigines, is undoubtedly a piece of fat meat that everyone wants to take a bite of.

Tang Danxin said with some worry: "This news must have been spread by Tie Yu, otherwise Guijiao would not have known it so quickly."

"Who is Guijiao?" Yun Xi asked.

Tang Lin said: "It is a force in the Sailun Domain. Its founder is called Xuwan, one of the three native spirits I told you before. "

Yun Xi's eyes narrowed. She had only been here for a few dozen minutes, but she was already being targeted by local snakes, and the reward amount was really not small.

Tang Lin was not surprised at all by this. She said, "Every new foreigner who comes here will face this situation. The aborigines want to suck the spiritual energy from you, and the foreigners want to take away your life." Protective leaves, there are dangers everywhere here, and most creatures are your enemies."

Yun Xi held the teacup in her hand and asked, "How do you usually deal with this kind of situation?"

"I suggest you hide for a while. Although the spiritual energy of the people here has been lost, and the strength has declined a lot, there are so many people, and together they can still produce an extremely powerful force, not to mention that there are still indigenous people here. There are people watching from the sidelines. The leaves on your body cannot completely help you to be immune to the aboriginal life energy absorption. If those intelligent or even native spirits forcefully take action, it will have a certain impact on you. "

"When you get in touch with other people who have entered the End, and stay together, you will save yourself a lot of trouble."

After all, to put it bluntly, they are all a group of elderly people. Even if these people are not low in level, their physical condition has declined significantly. How can they compare with young people?

Tang Lin asked: "Did you enter the end of life alone?"

"There are others, but they are separated."

Naturally, she would not stupidly admit that she came in alone. Tang Lin took the initiative to cooperate with her, not only because she was interested in her personally, but also Yun Xi's other companions.

If she knew that Yun Xi came in alone, her attitude would definitely change.

Thinking about this, Yun Xi put down the tea cup, stood up and said, "I'm going to rest first. Let's talk about the rest tomorrow."

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