On the empty battlefield, fierce fighting continued.

Haoxuanmo has a long sword in one hand and a short blade in the other. He can advance, attack, retreat or defend.

Yun Xi waved the Luo Shen Sword in her hand, and with each sword strike, endless and fierce sword intent came out.

Yun Xi's swordsmanship is very superb, and her sword intention is also very strong, but this is not enough for her to cross the threshold between the great success of killing spirits and the perfection of killing spirits. What she really relies on, in addition to her own powerful field, is the Luo Shen Sword. its own strength.

As a divine weapon, the Luo Shen Sword is naturally much stronger than a spiritual weapon. A normal spiritual weapon will inevitably be injured by its edge in a fight with the Luo Shen Sword. However, Haoxuanmo's weapon is not a spiritual weapon, but a spiritual weapon. An illusory weapon condensed from the combination of the realm and the spiritual ink map.

Therefore, even if it is damaged, it can be quickly restored to its original state with Hao Xuanmo's abundant spiritual power supply.

This greatly reduced Yun Xi's weapon advantage.

Yun Xi's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she thought about countermeasures.

It will definitely be detrimental to her to continue dragging on with Hao Xuanmo like she is now. No matter how solid the foundation is, it will be difficult for those who are behind in the realm to compare with the leader in spiritual power, unless the other party is forcibly promoted like You Xuankui. The sequelae are serious.

Therefore, Yun Xi must try to make a quick decision.

Right now, she had only two ways to break Hao Xuan Mo's rhythm. One was to change her attack method, and the other was to use powerful spiritual skills to directly break through Hao Xuan Mo's defense.

Compared with the former, the latter is undoubtedly more difficult.

So, Yun Xi waved his hand, and the Luo Shen Sword flew out, and at the same time, the jade of benevolence transformed into a jade spear in his hand!

Yun Xi held the spear in his hand and stabbed Hao Xuanmo directly in the chest!

Hao Xuanmo looked shocked. In the previous battle, Yun Xi had not shown any skills in spear skills. At this moment, he suddenly shot out a pistol like a dragon, which surprised him.

He immediately blocked it with his side sword, and the tip of the spear pierced the short ink blade.

call out--

With a sharp whistle, the Luo Shen Sword turned back at this moment and slashed towards Hao Xuanmo's waist.

Hao Xuanmo knew that this sword was extraordinary and immediately used his long sword to block it.

Bang! !

There was a soft sound, and a wave of spiritual energy suddenly came.

The Ningshuang Sword and other spiritual swords have now condensed into the Guili Sword Formation, and the blue void sword fell from the sky, heading straight towards Hao Xuanmo's head.

Hao Xuanmo frowned. When he was watching the battle before, he felt that Yun Xi's fighting methods were somewhat diverse. This diversity did not mean that Yun Xi was good at many spiritual skills, but that she had a strong mental power.

Such a powerful mental power allows Yun Xi to easily multi-task during the battle. Coupled with her meticulous control of spiritual power, she can display completely different spiritual powers at the same moment.

And this is something that no one else can do, not even the current leader of the Tianling Alliance.

It was precisely because of this ability that Yun Xi was able to defeat the weak and the strong in many battles.

The giant sword of nothingness fell from the sky. Hao Xuanmo had a cold face, and his spiritual power was running all over his body. He suddenly burst out, and the powerful spiritual power soared into the sky, but it suddenly stopped after reaching a certain critical point!

Yun Xi's domain has a suppressive effect on other people's spiritual power, and the intensity of this effect increases with the distance of the spiritual power from the body. Therefore, as long as he controls his own spiritual power not far from his body, Yun Xi's domain will have a suppressive effect on other people's spiritual power. He won't be able to suppress it.

Powerful spiritual power rushed out and turned into a light shield to block Hao Xuanmo's head. But just when he thought it would block the giant sword of nothingness, a powerful aura suddenly came from in front of him!

The tip of Yun Xi's spear shook, light blue spiritual power circulated, and a long light blue dragon actually appeared on the jade spear!

Hao Xuanmo thought that Yun Xi's shots and swords were to pave the way for the sword array above her head, but he didn't expect that she actually planned to break through head-on!

Everyone knows that Yun Xi is a sword cultivator, but at this moment she gave up her best swordsmanship and actually chose to use gun skills to break through!

This sudden turn of events was somewhat beyond Hao Xuanmo's expectations. When he saw Yun Xi's gun shaking and turning into a dragon, he immediately stepped back and turned the short blade in his hand, trying to miss Yun Xi's gun!

But since Yun Xi had prepared this move, he would not be easily blocked by him.

The blue dragon on the spear roared, and the sound was as thick and heavy as Yun Xi's spear!

Hao Xuanmo's short blade struck the spear, but he found that the power of Yun Xi's spear was beyond expectation. Hao Xuanmo's arm trembled slightly. Yun Xi's spear was prepared, but he hastily blocked it. At this moment, huge power was transmitted to his arm, and he wanted to use his spiritual power to fight back, but Yun Xi was even more powerful and had no intention of giving him a chance!

Haoxuanmo's eyes were slightly cold. When Sanxing lost to Yun Xi before, although he didn't ridicule him, he still felt that Sanxing had lost Zhu Ling Yuanyuan's face. But now when he faced Yun Xi, he realized Everyone who has not officially played against Yun Xi will underestimate Yun Xi.

What makes Yun Xi extraordinary is not her visually stunning spiritual skills, but her acumen for combat and her strong adaptability. She knows exactly how to fight.

Haoxuanmo didn't know if Yun Xi had a unique talent in this area, but there was no doubt that You Xiyun must be involved behind this.

And this is indeed the case. As a cultivator, You Xiyun had fought against many strong men in the Hunling world, including him. Therefore, You Xiyun knew very well that the best way to defeat Haoxuanmo was What.

Yun Xi doesn't have to study hard. As long as she understands, she can do it naturally.

Hao Xuanmo kept retreating in an attempt to relieve his strength, but Yun Xi followed closely, and his strength became stronger and stronger.

He knows that if he continues like this, he will inevitably get injured, and once he is injured, he will definitely be at a real disadvantage in the subsequent battle!

The giant sword of nothingness above his head has disappeared, but the Luo Shen sword next to him is still chasing after him.

Haoxuanmo glanced at the Luo Shen Sword and made up his mind!

He shook the long black sword in his hand, the ink flowed, and the Luo Shen Sword flew out immediately. The Luo Shen Sword was knocked away and flew back immediately!

But just for this time, Haoxuanmo threw the long sword directly at Yun Xi, heading towards Yun Xi's neck. The ink on the long sword spread out, and instantly turned into countless sharp blades, filled with Dangerous smell!

He knew very well that Yun Xi's Luoshen Heart Technique had powerful healing capabilities, so his attack must have the ability to threaten the opponent's life!

In order to block this sword, Yun Xi must use his strength to block it. At that time, he can use the free short blade to block the Luo Shen Sword, which will perfectly resolve this crisis!

Yun Xi was shocked when she saw the sword flying towards her. She saw what Hao Xuanmo was thinking, so naturally she wouldn't let Hao Xuanmo succeed!

When the long sword flew towards him, Yun Xi immediately retracted his right hand and attacked with the gun held in one hand with his left hand, then raised his hand directly in front of him to block it.

She actually planned to use her flesh and blood to forcefully block this sword!

Hao Xuanmo's expression suddenly changed. He did not expect Yun Xi to be so decisive. However, while retracting one of his arms to defend, the momentum of Yun Xi's spear also weakened. He immediately seized the opportunity, and his spiritual power began to circulate immediately!

The perfect aura of Killing Spirits erupted. He regained his strength and slashed the spear with the short blade in his hand. At the same time, he made a fist with the other hand and blasted away at the Luo Shen Sword!

boom--! ! !

All the collisions happened almost at the same moment. The huge spiritual impact was transmitted, and Yun Xi and Hao Xuanmo flew out one after another!

The spiritual waves dispersed, and in the wilderness, the two people faced each other from a distance.

Hao Xuanmo's left hand and Yun Xi's right hand were both a bloody mess at the moment. They stared at each other with coldness in their eyes.

Hao Xuanmo lowered his head and glanced at his left hand. He had just transferred the spiritual power to the maximum extent, but he was still injured by the Luo Shen Sword. He knew that the sword was extraordinary, but he still seemed to underestimate it. , he even suspected that Yun Xi's sword was not a spiritual sword at all, but a divine sword!

Otherwise, how could it have such powerful lethality without being controlled by anyone?

But he has never seen the divine sword, so he dare not make any conclusions.

Yun Xi didn't take a second look at the injuries on her body and directly used the Luo Shen Mind Technique. The seemingly serious injuries returned to their original appearance in an instant.

Such abnormal recovery ability made all the spectators outside take a breath. As slaying spirits, they knew very well how difficult it was to recover from injuries after being injured by a powerful opponent.

The wounds caused by the spirit-killing master are accompanied by powerful spiritual energy, so they may seem like just bloody wounds, but they also contain the opponent's powerful spiritual power. If you want to recover from the injury, you must first expel the spiritual power left by the opponent. .

Otherwise, not only will the injury be difficult to cure, but the spiritual power will still torture the person and he will be miserable.

But Yun Xi doesn't need to do this at all. Not only can she heal her injuries instantly, she can also use Shenluo Tianheng to directly eliminate the spiritual power left by the opponent.

After recovering from her injuries, Yun Xi gently flicked the spear in her hand. The jade of benevolence turned into a wrist guard and wrapped around her hand. The Luo Shen sword flew back. Yun Xi took a deep breath and the spiritual power in her body quickly changed. stand up.

She could easily remove the injuries Hao Xuanmo had left on her, but Hao Xuanmo couldn't.

He underestimated the power of the Luo Shen Sword, and one of his hands was injured. This was her chance to pursue the victory, and this time, she didn't have any fancy means.

She only has one sword.

maple--! ! !

The majestic spiritual power unfolded, and the originally quiet river in the domain suddenly boiled. Countless water flows surged out, and the huge waves spread out, covering the entire place like a vast ocean!

Hao Xuanmo's expression changed. The last time he saw such a large ocean transformed from spiritual power was the Wangchi Sea in Qi Chi's domain a few years ago!

But this time it's not a field, but a sword skill!

The ocean was surging, and Yun Xi stood in it. The powerful sword force flowed out of her body. She exhaled the breath in her body, and her eyes glowed with a different brilliance at this moment!

Luo Shen Sword Technique·A drop in the ocean! !

Wang Yang suddenly spread out to both sides, and Yun Xi suddenly slashed out with his sword! !

boom! ! ! !

The majestic sword energy penetrated the world and came directly in front of Hao Xuanmo!

Hao Xuanmo's face darkened, and he threw out the short blade in his hand. The spiritual ink map suddenly returned to his hand. On the way, the ink flowed like a living thing. The endless ink mountains and rivers flowed out, turning into mountains, rivers, heaven and earth to protect him in front of him!

The long sword slashed at the mountains and rivers, and the light blue sword light slashed at the dark ink. At this moment, the ultimate spiritual light exploded, covering the sky and the sun. Everyone heard a deafening roar, and then the entire wilderness suddenly exploded. Countless gravel flew up into the sky, and dust enveloped everything!

Many people in the outside world stared at this scene in shock, with extremely shocked expressions!

This sword skill had been exposed before when Yun Xi saved Tang Danxin!

At that time, her sudden sword attack caused Sanxing and Ciyue to block it at the same time. At that time, everyone knew that Yun Xi had a very powerful sword move.

But it wasn't until today that they understood that Yun Xi's sword strike that time was not even complete. At that time, her sword power had not yet risen, but it was just a sudden strike. But at this moment, her momentum was complete, and she slashed with the sword. Chu, he is so strong!

Sanxing looked at the light curtain in mid-air, clenched his gums, and looked a little gloomy. Yun Xi's performance today was even more amazing than when he fought with him before. This shows that when fighting him, Yun Xi actually Not using all my strength yet.

She was obviously not as good as him, but she still won the battle without trying her best. This fact made him feel extremely humiliated!

In the light curtain, on the battlefield, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and the wilderness was in a mess. The ground was full of potholes and gravel. On top of these gravels, Yun Xi held a long sword in his hand, standing alone, and his tall figure faced him. The wind blew her long hair up, and the sun fell on her delicate face, making her even more beautiful and charming.

Opposite her, Hao Xuanmo clutched the spirit ink map tightly, his arms were lowered, his clothes were partially torn, his hair was messy, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. He no longer had the elegance and indifference of the previous leader of Zhaotian Sect.

His eyes trembled slightly as he looked at the figure holding the sword. At this moment, he saw that it was not Yun Xi, but Mu who was seriously injured by his sneak attack, but still endured the injury and fought to the death with him. God pours.

He felt the injury inside his body, and his expression was a little complicated.

Yun Xi's sword is very strong, but after all, he is a strong man of the generation, and his strength has improved significantly over the years. The entire Tianshangjiao, except Ziyang, is not his opponent at all. Yun Xi wants to defeat him directly with this sword It's basically impossible for him.

But in this round of fighting, he was indeed at a disadvantage, and his internal injuries were also very obvious. If he continued to fight, he might have a chance to turn defeat into victory, but his injuries would definitely be more serious.

His lips trembled slightly, and after several hesitations, he finally said those three words.

"I lost."

Unlike Sanxing's unwillingness and anger when he lost, although Hao Xuanmo's defeat seemed more embarrassing, neither the audience nor himself felt ashamed. Therefore, today's Yun Xi was an eye-opener for everyone. .

From the group stage to the quarterfinals, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Yun Xi always brings surprises to people.

Hao Xuanmo left the arena and returned to the Dark Side Realm. As he left, he looked back at Yun Xi's figure again. At this moment, he was not looking at Yun Xi, but Mu Shenqing.

Emotions always come unreasonably, and he has never felt so guilty and missing Mu Shenqing as he does now.

His guilt and longing will not reach Mu Shenqing's heart at this moment. Even if Mu Shenqing does, she will not hesitate to draw her sword against Hao Xuanmo.

Hao Xuanmo felt guilty not because of his sudden conscience discovery and sudden remorse, but because of his defeat.

He lost to a young junior whom he had never looked down upon before.

[ps: I’m very sorry that I haven’t updated much during this period. I’m back home now. Updates have been restored and the number of chapters has returned to 4,000 words. However, a buddy of mine is getting married on the 19th. I’m going to be the best man for my good brother. I’ll take a look. Can you write more in advance and save the manuscript? If not, I may take a day off]

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