In the pale world, with no other colors around, Ziyang and Yunxi looked at each other.

Ziyang looked at Yun Xi, then looked around, and said, "Conscious space? Are you planning to compete with me in spirit and will?"

When he asked this question, his tone was calm, not nervous, but without the previous disdain.

In a head-on confrontation, Yun Xi would definitely not be his opponent. Because of this, Yun Xi had just tried his best to use his own blood as a guide to arrange a spiritual formation to force the two of them into the consciousness space.

If they were on the battlefield, their bodies would be very dangerous now, but this is a competition. Apart from the two contestants, there will be no other people on the field. Because of this, Yun Xi dared to do this.

Ziyang understood Yun Xi's thoughts. She was not as strong as him, so he planned to have a mental duel. After all, Yun Xi's previous life was You Xiyun, and You Xiyun was also a powerful person at the Spirit Killing Perfection level back then. The power is naturally very strong.

But even if You Xiyun was alive, he was still no match for him.

"Do you think you can beat me in terms of mental strength?"

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Yun Xi's expression also looked very calm. She knew why Ziyang was calm, but she was more confident than Ziyang.

Because she and You Xiyun have never been one person, but two people. Their souls are fused, and their mental power and willpower are simply not comparable to others!

As Yun Xi's thoughts turned, light blue light waves emerged behind her, spreading and shrouding Ziyang!

Seeing this scene, Ziyang also frowned, his consciousness flowed, and the light like a blazing flame appeared behind him, also spreading to the surroundings, heading towards Yun Xi's thoughts.

Compared with the confrontation between spiritual powers, the competition between spirit and will is much simpler. There are no fancy applications and no colorful pictures. There is just an atmosphere of silence and death.

When the two people's mental powers came into contact, their expressions condensed slightly and became serious.

The pale world is occupied by blue and red, and the boundaries between the two colors are twisted, both trying hard to devour each other.

The battle of mental strength is a long process. The two of them fight to see who can't hold on first.

The two mental powers continued to impact, and Yun Xi and Zi Yang stared at each other closely.

During the duel, Ziyang was the first to speak: "I have always been curious about who is behind you and why you can know where the fragments of the living seal are."

Yun Xi put his hands in his pockets and replied calmly: "Want to know? Tell the person behind you, I don't mind telling you."

Naturally, Ziyang would not tell her, but instead guessed to himself: "In today's Hunling world, no one except Chongxiao knows about the existence of the life seal, so the so-called soul transfer back then was actually You Xiyun Is it a trap set up by Chongxiao? She has lived for so many years and controls the soul, so it is not surprising that she can sense the existence of the fragments of the living seal."

Zi Yang looked at Yun Xi as he spoke, with a slight smile on his face, as if he had seen through everything about Yun Xi.

Yun Xi's eyes were slightly surprised. She didn't expect Ziyang to think like this, but if she thought about it carefully, the existence of the system was indeed beyond the cognition of normal people. They would never enjoy the existence of the system, and in today's Hunling World Judging from the pattern, it can indeed only be related to Chongxiao.

Especially the fact that Chong Xiao has clearly sided with them further confirms this idea.

Ziyang saw the surprise in Yun Xi's eyes and became more convinced of his thoughts, so his eyes became colder.

This Chongxiao has ruined so many good things for them. After they get the approval of the seal of life this time and go out, they will get rid of that sparrow as soon as possible!

Yun Xi saw murderous intent in Ziyang's eyes, and her face was slightly cold. No matter how Ziyang saw the connection between them and Chongxiao, the fight between them would eventually end in death.

"But there's one more thing I'm curious about." Ziyang continued.

Yun Xi looked at him and remained silent.

Ziyang said to himself: "Who got rid of Shen Yuan's remaining soul in the mysterious land of Yuanhai back then."

In the Yuanhai Secret Realm back then, according to their plan, these nine fragments would definitely fall into their hands. Even if something unexpected happened in the middle and Yun Xi snatched two of them, as long as Shen Yuan's remnant soul wakes up, they can still deal with it extremely easily. Get rid of these guys who are not in the Luck Spirit Realm. But it turned out that Shen Yuan's remnant soul was killed by a strange figure just after he woke up. Tianqiao and the others didn't even see that person's face clearly, they only knew that it was a woman.

But in this world, is there any woman who can get rid of the remnant soul of a revered god so quickly? Even You Xiyun in his heyday would never be able to do it.

Yun Xi also recalled what happened that day. Of course she would not expose the existence of the Demon Lord. She just curled her lips and said slightly sarcastically: "I killed him. What? Are you scared?"

Ziyang would not believe her. He said: "Sooner or later, these questions will be answered. You may not know that the Lord will definitely wake up completely within three years at most! Do you think you can really win?"

"You talk a lot!"

Yun Xi was not irritated by Ziyang's words, and her expression still looked particularly calm.

Seeing Yun Xi's expression, Ziyang's face gradually turned ugly.

Because as time went by, he discovered that the proportion of blue in the entire space was getting heavier and heavier. Yun Xi's mental power was beyond his imagination, and he was actually no match for him!

Realizing this, Ziyang began to use all his mental power, not to attack Yun Xi, but to attack the space.

They were locked here by the formation arranged by Yun Xi. As long as this consciousness space was broken and the consciousness returned to its original form, Yun Xi would definitely not be his opponent.

When Yun Xi saw Ziyang's actions, she quickly suppressed him with her strong mental power.

"What? You don't have confidence in yourself anymore?"

While being mentally suppressed, Yun Xi let out a slight mockery.

Ziyang didn't answer. He looked at Yun Xi solemnly, his thoughts flowing.

He didn't quite understand why Yun Xi's mental strength was so strong. This was not the mental strength that a spirit-killing master should have at all. He could be sure that Yun Xi's mental strength had definitely exceeded that of a man who was famous for his strong mental strength. Bai Yao, the leader of the Snow Fox Clan.

He suddenly thought of the fact that You Xiyun had appeared with Yun Xi when Sanxing and the others kidnapped Tang Danxin, and he suddenly reacted, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in shock:

"Didn't you and You Xiyun have a relationship before and after the soul transfer?!"

Yun Xi raised her eyebrows and did not deny it: "I just guessed now that you are really stupid."

Ziyang suddenly felt a chill in his heart, he should have thought of it a long time ago!

With You Xiyun's strong strength and will, how could he possibly have a split personality due to the memories of more than ten years after his soul transfer!

Especially in the battle between the two personalities, Yun Xi clearly has the upper hand!

Unless, there is no relationship between Yun Xi and You Xiyun at all. This also explains very well why Yun Xi is awake, but You Xiyun is still able to wake up and control his own body to fight. Why is it obvious that only After completing the slaying of spirits, Yun Xi's mental strength was actually stronger than her own.

They were never one person, but two!

Ziyang actually felt a little frightened when he realized this. If this was true, wouldn't it mean that Yun Xi should actually be stronger than You Xiyun?

His mind was a little confused for a while, and he didn't know how to conclude the relationship between the two.

He widened his eyes and asked in disbelief: "Yun Xi, who...are you?"

Yun Xi shrugged: "You already called me by my name, so why bother asking who it is? Give up early, Ziyang. You can't win."

She left these words pretending to be mysterious, and her vast mental power suddenly suppressed her, destroying Ziyang's restless spirit in an instant!

The space vibrated, and a blue color as clear and quiet as the sky enveloped the entire world. Under this blue light, Ziyang's figure slowly dissipated.

Looking at the gradually transparent consciousness, Yun Xi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What's going on? Why are they both standing there so still?"

During the mental battle between the two, the audience outside the venue only saw the two people who were originally fighting fiercely suddenly froze in place after Yun Xi's formation. They closed their eyes and lowered their heads, as if falling into sleep.

Looking at the appearance of the two people, someone soon realized.

"This is a spiritual formation. Yun Xi has pulled Ziyang into the consciousness space. She plans to compete with him for spiritual power!"

"Fighting with mental power? Could it be that Yun Xi is a spiritual cultivator? I have never seen her use mental attacks before!"

"So what? A master of slaying spirits, even if he majors in spiritual power, can't compare with someone who has touched the divine way!"

Everyone was talking about it. By this time, they all saw Yun Xi's plan, but no one thought that Yun Xi could beat Zi Yang in terms of mental strength.

Everyone is right, the gap between their realms is too big.

Everyone stared at the light screen intently. Although they all said that Yun Xi had no hope, the expectation in their eyes was not less.

Suddenly, the two still people moved slightly.

"Moving! They're moving!"

Someone yelled excitedly, and then he shut up after being slapped hard by the person next to him.

Under the spotlight, the two sleeping people moved at the same time, but in slightly different ways.

Ziyang's body trembled slightly, and he fell backwards without any warning, fell directly into the long river, and sank to the bottom of the river.

Yun Xi's eyelids trembled slightly. She gently opened her eyes and looked in front of her. There was obvious fatigue in her clear and beautiful eyes, but her figure was stable and she stood firmly in the air.

She lowered her head and looked at Ziyang who was in a coma. She was about to take this opportunity to get rid of him, but a glimmer of light came on and Ziyang had been sent off the battlefield.

The game was over.

Outside the arena, the ninety-nine domains were completely silent. Everyone stared blankly at the light curtain. They watched with their own eyes as Ziyang fell, Yun Xi woke up, and the game came to an end. No sound came out of their mouths.

Until that sound [the game is over. Winner: Sailun Domain, Yun Xi] spread to all directions, and everyone came back to their senses.

Endless cheers and shouts rang out, deafening.

After Yun Xi left the arena, the cheers continued. Countless people gathered around, wanting to hug Yun Xi and lift her up high. Fortunately, Zichuan and the others reacted too quickly and directly stopped everyone.

But at the same time as they stopped him, their eyes towards Yun Xi became more complicated than before.

This is the first time in the history of Zhongyan that a Zhongwaimin who has attained the realm of slaying spirits has won the championship. Yun Xi has created the history of Zhongyan and become a generational myth.

Perhaps no one will be able to surpass her for many years to come.

Hearing so many cheers in her ears and hearing her name being chanted in everyone's mouths, Yun Xi showed a satisfied smile. She waved to everyone before holding Ying Nianling's hand and leaving.


On the way back, Yun Xi turned to Ying Nianling and smiled.

Ying Nianling nodded, hugged Yun Xi's arm and said happily: "Better than me!"

After saying that, he raised his head again and looked at Yun Xi: "I have to thank You Xiyun properly."

The reason why he defeated Ziyang today was because You Xiyun used his mental power to win. This was You Xiyun's idea for Yun Xi, including this formation, which You Xiyun also taught Yun Xi. Yun Xi only used it for one day. time to successfully master it.

"No need to thank me, I don't want to lose to Ziyang."

You Xiyun's voice came from Yun Xi's neck, UU Reading www. uukanshu. nnet A white stone shimmered slightly, proving You Xiyun's awakening.

Yun Xi smiled slightly and asked, "Zi Yang may have guessed our relationship. What are you going to do?"

"You'll have to go back sooner or later, it doesn't matter."

You Xiyun was not aware of the previous communication between Yun Xi and Zi Yang in the consciousness space, but after hearing what Yun Xi said, she probably knew what Zi Yang had guessed. After all, Yun Xi's mental strength was beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

But she didn't care at all about this. She was already ready to return to her true form, so what if her relationship with Yun Xi was guessed? At this point, is there anyone who has the ability to change anything?

When she dared to show up in person, she was already prepared to be exposed.

Regardless of whether Ziyang knows that the relationship between You Xiyun and Yun Xi is not simply about their identity before and after soul transfer, it will not change the grudge between them.

There must be a break between them and Headmaster Tian.

Hearing what You Xiyun said, Yun Xi also smiled with relief. Indeed, now that things have happened, what else is worth caring about?

After a brief silence, she looked at the sky in the distance and said softly: "This Bailian Ceremony is over. Next, let's wait for Pavilion Master Mu and the others to come in..."

When Ying Nianling heard this, her eyes became sharper than usual: "At that time, it will be time to fight them decisively. But before that, I have to help Peng Zan and the others obtain the Soul Seal of the Night Spirit Realm."

She came to the end of the world through the Xiaoling Realm. People from the Xiaoling Realm would naturally charge compensation for allowing her to take this trip.

Yun Xi reached out and touched Ying Nianling's head, pressing the white hair on her head under the palm of her hand.

"Okay, you take part well, I'll wait for you outside."


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