I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 45 The Identity of the God

[I was reincarnated as a single school beauty] []

"Is the god of Heavenly Headmaster actually about to wake up?"

Since Yun Xi is in retreat at the moment, the news about the god of Heavenly Master can only be brought to Ying Nian Ling.

When Ying Nianling heard about this incident, she was naturally quite surprised. When she left Tianling, the commotion caused by Master Tian was not as big as it is now. In the battle between the four spirits on the sea, Master Tian was the strongest Several elders have not come forward yet, and Ying Nianling did not understand the overall strength of Headmaster Tian until he entered the end.

Now that she knew that the god behind Headmaster Tian was about to awaken, Ying Nianling's expression became a little solemn.

She said: "Then how are you handling it now?"

You Ting Jing and Bai Qing took a deep look at Ying Nian Ling. This time they met again, Ying Nian Ling gave them a completely different feeling than before.

Mu Shenqing said: "Chongxiao and the others have already taken action to stop the deity. As for how long they can delay, we are not sure."

Ying Nianling thought for a while: "Yun Xi is now at the critical moment of reaching perfection and cannot be disturbed for the time being. The best way for us now is to start the test of the life seal in advance before the god comes to the end to determine the life seal. Belong.”

Shi Ting frowned slightly and said: "But Master Tian will not agree. The seal of life is in their hands now, and there is still a fragment missing to make it complete. As long as they do not agree, even if we have collected enough native spirits, we will not be able to make it complete." The test cannot be started."

Everyone was silent.

Indeed, with the seal of life in the hands of Master Tian, ​​the initiative is also controlled by them. As long as Master Tian doesn't want to do it, what can they do even if Ying Nianling and the others deliver the fragments and the original coffin? As long as they don't integrate the fragments into the Life Seal, Mu Shenqing and others will not be able to start the test in advance.

Xie Ze said unhappily: "Does it mean that we can only be passive like this?"

Mu Shenqing suddenly said: "There is a way."

Several people looked at her in unison.

She said coldly: "Find the Heavenly Master and grab the seal of life!"

Wangshen River Basin, the secret realm of pure whiteness.

Shi Jin, Gui Yuanzi, Li Yuan, Jin Wangzu, Bai Yao, and Qiongwei surrounded the six directions of the black coffin, while Chongxiao stood on the side of the black coffin.

The golden stream of light spreads in the pure white space. If you perceive it carefully, you can find that there seem to be golden thin lines in the void, connecting the seven of them together.

The seven people, like seven points of light, are connected to each other with Chongxiao as the center. With the formation formed by the seven of them, even if the Demon Lord takes action, it will be difficult to break through.

After the formation was set up, Chong Xiao looked at the black coffin and his eyes narrowed slightly. The formation had only been set up for a quarter of an hour or two. Why did the opening of the black coffin seem to be so much bigger?

And she was completely unaware.

After a brief thought, Chongxiao put her hand on the black coffin. Now that the formation has been arranged, she can try to close the black coffin again before the god wakes up.

There are such complicated formation patterns on this black coffin, which must have played a certain role in imprisoning this god.

Golden spiritual power condensed in Chongxiao's palm. Just when she was about to try to forcefully close the black coffin, her hair suddenly flew back. It was a breeze that should not exist in this secret realm.

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[I was reincarnated as a single school beauty] []

Chong Xiao was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed and he looked inside the black coffin.

maple--! ! !

A hurricane suddenly came out from the black coffin and hit Chong Xiao's body. Chong Xiao's reaction was astonishing. The spiritual power in his body was released instantly, but he was still forcibly shaken away.


There was deathly silence in the secret realm. Everyone froze their eyes and stared at the black coffin. Chongxiao landed on the ground and stabilized his figure, his eyes were like torches, and spiritual power gathered in his palms.

Everyone was silent, even holding their breath involuntarily.

Before entering the Wangshen River Basin, they knew very well what kind of existence they were going to face next, but when the other party was about to wake up in front of them, they realized that no matter how much preparation they made in advance, it was useless. It is the absolute oppression brought by the rank gap.


There was a soft sound, and everyone saw two white hands stretching out from the coffin and landing on the edge of the coffin.

The owner of the hands exerted a little force, and a figure emerged from the coffin and appeared in front of everyone.

It was a man with pale skin and a slender body. He looked very young, but because of the lack of color on his face, he seemed a bit feminine.

His movements when he stood up were very ordinary, and his eyes were lightly closed until he stood up completely, and then he slowly opened them.

Those pairs of blue eyes are as clear as the sky, but also conceal the turbulence of the sea.

Unlike the previous Demon Lord, the moment this man opened his eyes, the seven people present, including Chong Xiao, immediately felt a great sense of oppression. This sense of oppression made their hearts beat faster.

Fortunately, everyone present, except Shi Jin, is a demon clan with strong bloodline, and can rely on their own strong bloodline to resist this pressure.

Shi Jin's face was serious. After killing Yu Chichen, his understanding of Shinto became even greater. He couldn't tell when he would suddenly realize it and be able to completely enter Shinto. But he was like this, and the spiritual power in his body actually had The feeling of being out of control.

The man was dressed in white. After he opened his eyes, he glanced around calmly. After scanning everyone, he calmly walked out of the coffin.

It wasn't until he fully appeared in front of everyone that everyone realized that he was even barefoot.

Everyone began to breathe again, and faint breathing sounds came and went in the white space. Chongxiao frowned. Just when she was about to take the lead in taking action, the man suddenly looked at her and said:

"I didn't expect that you would stand in front of me after I woke up."

This unexpected sentence instantly interrupted everyone's actions. Everyone froze on the spot, staring at the man blankly.

Qiongwei looked at the man in white and then at Chongxiao, a little confused.

Chong Xiao was also stunned and a little confused.

Seeing this, the man continued: "When I asked you to protect Xiaoqing, my original intention was to guard him. Although the seal of life was destroyed, it was finally reunited. But I didn't expect that after thousands of years of getting along, you would actually care about a soul. He developed feelings and even stood on the opposite side of me for this reason."

When these words came out of the man's mouth, Chong Xiao finally understood. Her body shook and she staggered back a few steps. Her golden eyes trembled violently as she looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.

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[I was reincarnated as a single school beauty] []

"You, you are Tianzun?!"

! ! !

This short question immediately shocked everyone present and made it difficult for them to calm down.

Behind Tianzhangjiao, is it actually Tianzun? The former controller of the spirit world? How can this be? !

Even though he had already seen a living Demon Lord, Chong Xiao still felt that it was too ridiculous when he realized that the person in front of him was probably Tianzun.

She looked at Tianzun's completely unfamiliar appearance and murmured: "This can't be you... why?"

Tianzun said in a calm tone: "In order to come back and get back what originally belonged to me."

Everyone stared at Tianzun with their eyes wide open.

Until this moment, all the doubts about Tianzhangjiao were instantly solved.

Why does the Heavenly Palm Church seek to confuse the spirit world? Why does Tianzhang know so much about the living seal and can collect so many living seal fragments when there is no longer any legend about the living seal in the Hunling World? Why would Zhaotian Sect, one of the three major forces in the Tianshen Continent, betray the Hunling Realm and cooperate with Tianzhangjiao without any warning? Why can the Wangshen River Basin, as a small space, be connected to the Hunling Realm? Why does Tianzhangjiao know how to create new soul seals?

It's all because of him, because of Tianzun.

The inheritance of Zhaotian Sect comes from Tianzun, and naturally it is directed towards Tianzun. As the former master of the Hunling Realm, Tianzun planned to recast the Seal of Life while he was sleeping, intending to return to the Hunling Realm and take charge of the Hunling Realm. This is understandable.

It's just that all of this is too ridiculous! !

Chongxiao's eyes trembled. She looked at Tianzun, and she couldn't believe that the God of Tianzhang, whom she had always regarded as her enemy, was actually Tianzun who had fought alongside her.

If the Demon Lord knew, how shocked and unacceptable would she be?

Tianzun looked at Chongxiao like this and asked: "Now, are you still planning to take action against me?"


Chongxiao's red lips parted slightly, but it was difficult to say a complete sentence.

Take action? But the other party is Tianzun, and this world of mixed spirits is his world! His attack on the mixed spirit world is not called an invasion, but a return.

But if we don't take action, something will happen to those people in the end.

While Chong Xiao was hesitating, someone spoke. UUkanshuwww.uukkanshu.net

"When you said you wanted to get your things back, did you mean everything in the spirit world?"

The sudden sound attracted everyone's attention. Everyone turned to look and saw that Shi Jin had returned to his usual calm, and looked at Tianzun with a pair of black and white eyes.

Tianzun didn't know who Shi Jin was, but he still answered his question.

"Doesn't all this belong to me?"

Shi Jin looked at him and continued to ask: "So, you use so many people in Tianshen Continent as bait for you to wake up?"

Being questioned like this by an unknown junior, Tianzun's eyes became slightly vacant: "What do you want to say?"

The spiritual power flowing in Shi Jin's body added a bit of thickness to the calm voice.

"Chongxiao and you are old friends, but I am not. Whether you are Tianzun or Earth Zun, many people in the Hunling World have died because of you, and the Tianling Alliance has also suffered huge losses. If I just let you go like this today, I would not be able to Give an explanation to those dead old guys. Thousands of years ago, you failed to stop the natural disaster. Now the world of Hunling has changed and the order has changed. It is no longer the world you once had. You take it back as soon as you say it, which is a bit self-righteous. "

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For Tianzun, the natural disaster that happened tens of millions of years ago was an eternal pain. Shi Jin opened his scar in front of him, which made his expression gloomy.

But what made his face even more ugly was what happened next.

Because the moment Shi Jin finished speaking, a huge city, snow peaks, rift valleys, and abyss had already appeared in the secret territory!

Shi Jin actually took the initiative to attack Tianzun!

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