I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 92 Wait...that's not fair

Qingyan stood up while holding on to the wall. A strong murderous intention filled the air. The skeleton on the side also slowly climbed up from the ground, making the sound of bones rubbing together and walking towards them.

Qingyan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "I still underestimated you people!"

The black robe slipped off, and Qing Yan's face was completely exposed. Under the black robe, there was a head of cyan hair.

Qingyan twisted his neck, and the crackling sound was scary. He bent his fingers, and the silver threads swayed and danced under the light, looking gorgeous and dazzling.

"Oh, do you think that just saying a few harsh words will make you stronger?"

Yun Xi sarcastically said that Qingyan's strength was not strong. If the strength of Kirito he mentioned was similar to his, Senior Oreki should be able to handle it, right?

Although the senior looks lazy, he still feels very reliable.

"Hard words? No, I want you to understand how different the world is!"

Qingyan's green hair was flying, and the aura he showed was rising steadily, and his voice roared: "Do you think I only have this little strength? Hahahaha! I'm going to show you today, I..."

The roar stopped suddenly, and Qingyan's twisted expression gradually turned into shock.

"What's going on? How could this happen? My spiritual power..."

Yun Xi shook her hair in displeasure: "Let me tell you, since just now, you have been chirping non-stop, trying to show the unevenness of the world. Now I will show you the unevenness of the world!"

The clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and the waves surged.

Three Thousand Weak Waters·The Rising Tide!

"Wait! Wait! I haven't..."

Before Qing Yan finished speaking, Yun Xi's sword had already fallen.



Qingyan spat out a tube of old blood, and his whole body stuck to the stone wall, slowly sliding down and falling to the ground.

Yun Xi looked at him coldly and said, "Tell me, who are you? Who else is in the gang? Why did you come to attack me?"

Qingyan stretched out his hand with all his strength and said inarticulately: "No...no..."


Yun Xi came forward in confusion.



Yun Xi slapped his body hard with the blade of the sword: "Unfair? You didn't think about fairness when you scared me! What, the fifth level of the Heavenly Order is just like this? How can the world be different? I did see it. You can’t beat me, a fourth-level Heavenly Ranker. What kind of waste are you? Didn’t you like Yin and Yang just now? Angry? Come again? You’re more girly than me!”

When it comes to mentality, Yun Xi is a real expert.

Yun Xi couldn't help but shudder when she thought of the frightening feeling of a skeleton appearing after turning around. She felt that she might never forget this scene in her life.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Yun Xi picked up Qingyan's instructions with her sword and said, "I'm telling you, I'm in Fengyun County, but I'm known as a ruthless witch who kills without blinking an eye. If you ask the teacher to tell you now, As for the origin and purpose of this, I can still let you go.

If you don't say it,


Yun Xi took off the flashlight and placed it under her chin. The light illuminated her face from bottom to top, making her face look white and frightening. Her tone also contained a hint of threat: "I can't guarantee that you will suffer any inhumane torture!"

Qingyan was so frightened that he shivered and immediately shrank back: "I said...I said it all!"

Yun Xi snorted proudly: "Then explain it quickly!"

Qingyan said: "Actually, I'm just here to get the things inside!"

He pointed deeper into the cave.

Yun Xi raised an eyebrow: "Things? What's inside?"

This time it was Qingyan's turn to be shocked. His eyes widened: "You...you came in without knowing what was inside?"

Yun Xi thought of what Chitanda said and kicked Qingyan directly, dispersing the spiritual energy that was secretly circulating in him: "What, I saw a cave here. Can't you come in and take a look out of curiosity? You, on the other hand, are sneaking around He's following us sneakily and trying to kill us, so he's definitely not a good thing!"

Ying Nianling took a step forward and asked naturally: "Yun Xi, do you want to be him?"

Qingyan shuddered. How could this beautiful little girl say such cruel words in such an innocent tone?

The fear of death enveloped him, and Qingyan quickly waved his hands to deny: "I didn't mean to kill you! I just saw someone entering the cave before me, so I scared you. I didn't mean to kill you!"


Yun Xi held the Yuxi Sword and slapped his head, the sharp edge of the sword cutting off a few strands of green hair.

"You're not just bluffing! You're trying to scare people to death! My little shadow was so scared by you that he didn't dare to move at first!"

"Yun Xi." Ying Nianling pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, hehe." Yun Xi laughed and changed the subject, "Tell me, what is inside?"

"No...I don't know..."

Qingyan said without any confidence.

"Huh? I don't know? It's because I don't know, or I just don't want to say it!"

Qingyan shook his head repeatedly: "I really don't know. I was just sent here to pick up something. I really don't know what I want to pick up! It's my first time here too. In order to get here, my realm has been compromised!" "

"The realm has been damaged?" Yun Xi thought of the strange words he said before and suddenly understood, "After doing this for a long time, you talked so much nonsense. Do you think your realm can be restored?"

No wonder this person kept saying it was unfair...


Qingyan wanted to cry but had no tears. If he had known that this job would damage his realm, he would not have come even if he was killed. The superiors clearly said that everything was safe.

"But...where did you come from? Why would you compromise your realm by coming here?"

Qingyan immediately fell silent.

"Don't tell me?" Yun Xi pointed the tip of his sword at Qing Yan's neck, "To be honest, my spirit sword has never seen human blood since it fell into my hands! Do you want to be the first one? ?”

"Don't! Don't! Don't, I say, I say it all."

Qingyan raised his hands and confessed honestly: "Actually, I am from..."




Qingyan's last note was long, causing Yunxi to frown: "You're faster..."

"Yun Xi! Be careful!"

Before Yun Xi finished speaking, Ying Nianling's voice suddenly sounded.

Without any hesitation, Yun Xi used her body skills almost instinctively and dodged to the side.


Several sharp breaths slid across Yun Xi's cheeks and landed on the wall. Yun Xi turned around suddenly, and a fourth person appeared in the dark passage.

"Tongmu, you are finally here! Woohoo!"

Qingyan saw the person coming and ran over quickly.

‘This person is the Tongmu that Qingyan said? His companion? ’

Yun Xi's eyes were locked on this person. Like Qingyan, Tongmu's figure was also slightly thin, but the difference was that his thinness did not make people feel sick, but made people feel that this person was very energetic.

And his hair is different from normal people's black hair.

His hair is gray-brown.

"Did I meet the Shamate family?"

Yun Xi couldn't help but complain.

The man known as Tongmu glanced at Qingyan, who still had blood at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "What's going on! I've almost solved it over there, but you know you ruined my business!"

Qingyan looked embarrassed: "Well, there's nothing I can do about it. These two people,

I can't beat him..."

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