"Classmate Ye Nianhan, congratulations on your growth."

Faced with Ye Nianhan's innocent doubts, only Qin Susheng could remain so indifferent.

Ye Nianhan looked a little shy: "It's all thanks to the teacher, I just have better luck."

The epiphany of two or three people can be said to be a coincidence. The whole class came to the epiphany at the same time, and everyone could see the fishiness in it.

This is the opportunity Qin Susheng brought to them.

Living in darkness for a long time, finally parting the clouds and mist to see the light.

The moment they stepped out of the dark clouds, their opportunity officially arrived.

This was the real purpose of Qin Susheng's promise to go to Gu Wanghai, to use his luck to interfere with the way of heaven and bring enlightenment to heaven. No teacher would be willing to do such a thing, but Qin Susheng seemed to be very familiar with it.

Qin Susheng smiled and shook his head, his soft eyes falling on the last person.

Yun Xi hasn't woken up yet.

As the most watched person in the class, her epiphany moment did not disappoint everyone.

The clear spring is flowing, and there is mist on the ground. It is surrounded by emerald green bamboos and swaying maple trees. The sound of gurgling water comes from the front, which is a foot-wide stream.

Yun Xi walked to the creek. The water was crystal clear, and almost transparent fish were swimming in it. They were spitting bubbles and spinning around each other.

On the banks of the stream, dwarf aqua-blue flowers bloomed, and the beautiful stamens exuded a light aura, floating like pollen.

Bamboo leaves rustled softly, maple leaves swayed, and colorful birds passed through the forest and stopped on the tree closest to Yun Xi. Their eyes kept turning and they tilted their heads to look at the outsiders below.

"Where is this...?"

The surrounding scene was like a fairyland, and Yun Xi didn't know how to react for a moment.


She heard a soft cry and immediately looked around, but saw no one.

After hesitating for a moment, she asked around a little louder: "Um... Excuse me, is there anyone there?"

The surrounding birds were frightened by her voice and flew away. After a while, they found that Yun Xi had no other actions and then flew back cautiously.

Continue to look at the outsider curiously.


An ethereal and clear voice came to Yun Xi's ears.

"Keep your voice down, you'll scare away my fish and birds."

This was a man's voice. The moment he heard the voice clearly, the image of an unparalleled and handsome young man automatically appeared in Yun Xi's mind.

For no reason, she instinctively determined that the owner of this voice was definitely a man with extremely good looks and a very noble status.

Yun Xi looked around again, but still couldn't find the source of the sound.

"Go upstream along the stream, but don't step on the flowers I have carefully cultivated."

Yun Xi bowed slightly and silently walked upstream along the stream.

The stream meanders all the way up, and the surrounding scenery is still as beautiful as a dream.

More birds and fish that Yun Xi had never seen appeared one after another. They each had different colors, reflecting the most brilliant light in the world. Yun Xi's eyes were deeply attracted by them.

"You don't have much time."

The voice sounded again, and it was the owner of the voice who was reminding her.


Yun Xi responded softly and quickened her pace.

A few minutes later, Yun Xi arrived at the source of the stream.

This is a large open space separated by bamboo forests. Only one towering sycamore tree stands in the open space, and its dense mushroom-like crown blocks a large amount of light.

Yes, it's light, not sunlight.

Yun Xi did not see the sun, as if the sky here itself was bright.

Yun Xi walked to the source of the stream on the trunk of the sycamore tree. There was a small jade pot tilted, and clear water flowed out of the spout continuously. When it fell into the stream paved with white pebbles, it turned into a spring stream. .

Beside the stream, there is a white jade table, and a man in white is sitting at the table.

Yun Xi did not approach immediately;

Instead, he bowed from a distance: "Junior Yun Xi, I have met my senior."

"Shh! Quietly, come on, sit down."

The man in white made a move, and a white jade stool appeared out of thin air at the other end of the jade table.

Yun Xi stepped lightly and walked over.

After getting closer, Yun Xi discovered that there was a chessboard carved on the top of the jade table, with black and white pairs placed on it. The man in white was playing chess with his head lowered.

Yun Xi sat down carefully.

Quietly casting her eyes on the chessboard, Yun Xi carefully observed the pattern of the chessboard, and then came to a conclusion.

She couldn't play chess at all, so she couldn't understand anything at all.


The man in white held a white piece and landed it somewhere on the chessboard. Then he nodded with satisfaction and continued to think about the next step.

Fortunately, he didn't ask Yun Xi what she thought of the chess game.

Yun Xi sat quietly aside, not daring to speak.

"Little girl, how did you get in?"

The man in white asked.

Yun Xi thought for a while and replied in a low voice: "I heard a bell and appeared here after entering samadhi."

"That's not what I asked."

The man in white smiled and raised his head.

These are facial features that cannot be described as "exquisite", and his appearance cannot be separated from the word "handsome". This man's beauty has surpassed Yun Xi's imagination.


This word naturally popped into Yun Xi's mind.

It's not how handsome this man is, but the dignity and holiness contained in his eyes and expression, which makes him completely transcend human restraints.

Yun Xi lowered his head subconsciously.

The man smiled helplessly: "It seems you don't know, that's all. Since you can come to me, it can be considered a fate."

"Let me give you a chance!"

The man picked up a white stone between his right fingers, picked it up with both fingers, and the white stone spun and bounced. Then, with a flick of his index finger, the white stone flew towards Yun Xi.

As if touched by spiritual power, Yun Xi couldn't help but raise her head, and Bai Zi stopped in front of her eyebrows.

The man in white had a brisk smile in his eyes.

Between Yun Xi's eyebrows, where Yun Xi could not see, a light blue water lotus mark slowly appeared, preventing Bai Zi from entering.

The light smile turned into another deeper smile, full of surprise, curiosity, and interest.

In confusion, Yun Xi met the other person's eyes. There was white light flowing in the deep black pupils, like a sharp knife piercing through the chest. At this moment, Yun Xi only felt like an ant being thrown into a volcano. , nowhere to hide.

All her secrets seemed to be revealed.

"It's interesting."

The man in white stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, stopped in front of the floating Baizi, and flicked it again.

Bai Zi turned into a stream of light and blended into Yun Xi's eyebrows.


Before the word "senior" was uttered, Yun Xi felt a fainting sensation in her brain, and she fell down. The next second, she disappeared into this space.

The clear spring is still flowing, and the birds are chirping sweetly. This place without outsiders is the place they are most familiar with and like the most.

The man in white stood up, his sleeves flicked, and the chess pieces on the table disappeared.

Patting his white clothes again, he walked forward leisurely with a smile on his face.

"Let's go and sit in Luoshui today."


The birds chirped happily, flapped their wings and flew away from the trees, surrounding the man in an orderly manner.

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