I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 122 A common study trip

Since people from Tianyuan University arrived late, they could only choose the remaining wooden houses.

Fortunately, there are many wooden houses in the town, and they are not very different from each other, so no one pays much attention to them.

After choosing a house, it was natural to clean the house. The students of Tianyuan University cleaned their temporary residence, while the students of Qi Feng had gathered together early, hiding aside and muttering.

Cheng Kaiming lowered his voice and said with a heavy expression: "In this situation, we have fallen into a trap!"

Tu Buxiao was heartbroken: "I thought Teacher Qin was a gentle, kind, friendly and considerate teacher, but I didn't expect that she would actually engage in such a hateful scheme!"

Luo Yue slapped Tu Buxiao on the head: "Don't speak ill of Teacher Qin."

Seeing that the girls said this, the boys immediately echoed: "That's right! Teacher Qin is doing it for our own good!"

'A bunch of traitors! ’

Tu Buxiao's fat face was full of grievances.

Li Xinyu said: "The key now is that our next study life will probably be spent with Tianyuan."

She said with a sad face: "Although we have all made great progress, that is Tianyuan High School, and only Fengyun High School in the entire Fengyun County can surpass them. Is Teacher Qin planning to spur us on?"

The hot girl Luo Yue was not as afraid as she was. Her voice was a little loud: "What are you afraid of? It's not like the whole Tianyuan High School is here, it's just one class. Don't forget, we still have the monitor here!"

"Yes, yes! The squad leader is now at the sixth level of the Heavenly Order!"

Speaking of Yun Xi, everyone was immediately full of confidence.

Yun Xi smiled: "Don't count on me. This is class training, not mine. If something really happens, I alone can't turn the tide."

Ye Nianhan clenched his fists and spoke in a low voice: "Well... I'm still here."

Yun Xi held her hand and said to everyone: "Anyway, don't panic and be afraid. What happened to Tianyuan High School? As long as they dare to provoke us, let them see how powerful we are!"

"work hard!"

"come on, come on, come on!"

Everyone shouted, and then returned to their respective cabins, each adjusting their state.

Ten minutes later, Qin Susheng and Gu Qin called everyone to gather.

People No. 80 walked to the small mound in front and stood in front of Qin Susheng and Gu Qin respectively.

"Line up!"

Gu Qin shouted coldly, and Tianyuan's students immediately stood up in five columns and eight rows, moving quickly and uniformly.

On the other side, Qin Susheng clapped her hands: "Everyone, stand still."

Although the voice was soft, the students' performance was not lazy. In just a few seconds, everyone formed a large queue.

Qin Susheng nodded, and then looked at Gu Qin.

The two people's eyes met, and no words were needed.

Qin Susheng took a few steps back and walked to the side. Gu Qin was the only one in front of the two classes.

Gu Qin looked at the two classes and said in a stern voice, "Have you rested?"

"Get some rest!"

Tianyuan's students answered loudly, but Li Zixiao, who was at the front of the crowd, was aloof and silent and said nothing.

Gu Qin looked coldly at the students praying for the title, and asked again: "Have you rested?"

Only then did everyone realize that it was not just Tianyuan’s class who was being asked.

After hesitating for less than half a second, the Qi Feng student responded loudly.

"Get some rest!"

‘Why do you feel like you are seeing military training? ’

Yun Xi was a little surprised by this modern teaching method.

Gu Qin nodded: "Not bad."

"I have already introduced myself before, so I won't waste time and go straight to our topic today."

"Dear students, from now on until you leave here, students from Tianyuan Class and Qifeng Class will go on a study trip together!"


The crowd was noisy. Although everyone had already guessed that something similar would happen, they were still surprised and panicked after hearing it with their own ears.

The surprise is that Tianyuan class,

Because there is Yun Xi in the prayer class.

The one who is panicking is the Qifeng Class because the Tianyuan Class is too powerful.

"I will announce your next training rules. Starting tomorrow, for the next ten days, you will conduct training according to my plan. After my training is over, Teacher Qin will lead the team for another ten days. Study and training.

If you perform well enough, you will be free to rest in the remaining few days!

Understand? ! "


The Tianyuan class is full of energy, while the Qifeng class looks weak in comparison.

Qin Susheng watched from the sidelines, examining the two classes, comparing the gap between them in her mind.

After the announcement, Gu Qin did not let the two teams disband, but instead transformed into two spiritual birds.

The spiritual bird fluttered and flew in mid-air.

Qi Feng Ban looked at the two spiritual birds in confusion.

Gu Qin said lightly: "Since we are practicing together, we should not stick to the old class restrictions. These two spiritual birds were transformed by my spiritual power, and they can only withstand a powerful blow from the fourth level of the heavenly level at most. It can only fly up to a hundred meters.

I will give you ten minutes. After ten minutes, these two spiritual birds will be in the hands of two people. In the next twenty days, those two people will serve as the monitors of the Tianyuan class and the Qifeng class respectively. "

"The thirty-nine team members are at your disposal."

"Of course, if anyone destroys the spirit bird or puts the spirit bird into the storage ring, his college class will lose the qualification to snatch it."

As soon as this statement came out, the prayer group was in an uproar.

Gu Qin's meaning is very obvious. Re-appoint the squad leader, re-appoint the members, and only two people can get the two spiritual birds. If those two people are from the same university, then the other university will undoubtedly lose it from the beginning. It’s enough to save face.

They looked at the Tianyuan class. The forty people on the other side were not surprised at all. They had obviously experienced it for a long time.

‘We must not let Tianyuan High School snatch these two spiritual birds! ’

This is the common sentiment of the students of Qi Feng Kendo Class 1.

Gu Qin's expression was cold and serious: "Does anyone have any objections?"

Tianyuan made no move.

Qi Feng and everyone looked at each other in confusion, not knowing how to react. Frankly speaking, judging from Tian Yuan's performance, it was obviously not the first time they had encountered this kind of thing, and this was unfair to the Qi Feng students.

But none of them dared to say these three words, because wasn't this a disguised form of cowardice?

When it comes to robbing spiritual birds, does it really matter whether you have experience or not? What really affects the results is strength.

The sound of shoes grinding against gravel was heard, and Yun Xi took a step forward.

Attract all eyes in one step.

Gu Qin looked at her expressionlessly: "Classmate Yun Xi, what objections do you have?"

Yun Xi said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Teacher Gu, I have no objection, I just have a question that I would like to ask the teacher to answer."

Gu Qin's eyes flashed with surprise and confusion: "Say."

The sun has risen slowly from the east, and the golden sunlight falls on Yun Xi's beautiful face, which is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

The girl in the painting is saying:

"I would like to ask, as long as I can capture the spiritual bird, can I use any means?"

The words that are neither humble nor arrogant reveal unabashed confidence.

For a moment, the students in both classes opened their eyes wide.

Only Li Zixiao's cold eyes moved slightly, and the corners of Ye Nianhan's mouth raised slightly.

Gu Qin smiled.

"As long as you don't hurt others and don't kill others, any method is fine."

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