Yun Xi crossed the wall and came to a deserted place.

There are no black walls or dark tomb passages around. This is a world under the blue sky.

It was barren on all sides, not even a hint of green could be seen, only boundless yellow.

This is not a desert, it is a desert.

Yun Xi looked around. Ying Nianling, Xiao Lingyuan, and Ye Nianhan were not there, and they could not even detect their breath.

There was no fear or panic on her clean face, but she said clearly: "As expected, I guessed that this formation is not that simple. I'm afraid everyone has been completely separated."

"Huh? Am I still here?" Yimeng couldn't control his bad mouth.

"Are you really a female?" Yun Xi began to question its gender.

"So what if it's a male?" Yimeng asked.

"I'll castrate you."

"I'm a female!"

It responded decisively and quickly.


Yun Xi snorted coldly, turned around and looked around. There was a broken road ahead. She seemed to be standing on a high place now.

Yun Xi looked around again and walked towards the break ahead.

The moment he reached the cliff, the scene in his field of vision suddenly widened several times. Yun Xi lowered his head and saw the vast land.

She was on the top of a yellow peak about a thousand feet high, with the peaceful land below her. She focused her eyes with her spiritual power and saw a pyramid rising from the ground that looked very small from her perspective.

It reminded her of the Egyptian pyramids.

‘Could it be that... the owner of the tomb is also a time traveler? From ancient Egypt? ’

Yun Xi habitually complained in her heart before continuing to observe.

There was only one pyramid on the ground that she could see, but there were many yellow peaks of varying heights.

"It seems that I may not be the only one who comes here."

Yun Xi looked at those yellow peaks. Because they were too far away, she couldn't see clearly whether there were people on them, but she could make some judgments based on her situation.

"It seems that from the moment you stepped into the ruins, you were already undergoing the test of the ruins."

Meng Ye, who has a bad mouth, came here for a rare analysis, even though all he said was nonsense.

Yun Xi said: "This ruins is more complicated than I imagined."

Yun Xi had been curious before. Since the ruins appeared due to the loosening of the formation, why could only those with martial arts skills break through it?

There is only one possibility,

That is, at the beginning of the construction of the formation, the builders of the formation added more restrictions on the warriors, but relaxed them a lot.

As for the purpose, Yun Xi guessed that it was mostly due to inheritance.

No one wants their inheritance to be cut off, from ancient times to the present.

So since they entered the ruins, although they have encountered troubles, they have never been beyond their ability to bear.

Sharp arrows are poisonous but have little power.

There are many bats, but they won’t chase them to death.

So what now?

Yun Xi rubbed her chin and thought: "Does this mean we are going to have to find a way to get down on our own?"

"Warriors don't know how to conquer the void. If you fall off such a high cliff, you'll probably die suddenly on the spot. There should be some other means, or you can only climb."

Yun Xi analyzed in his mind: "But I don't need to panic, because I am not an ordinary warrior."

Thinking this, she smiled proudly, stood on the edge of the cliff, and jumped.

The petite figure is like a grain of sand in the entire desolate land, inconspicuous and eye-catching, and the clouds are hanging towards the ground.

There was a whistling wind in her ears. This was not her first time flying, but it was her first time flying by herself.

The spiritual power is protected on the surface of the body to prevent the wind from being too strong or too strong and causing one to be unable to open his eyes.

Feeling the thrill of free fall, Yun Xi finally understood why some people preferred skydiving in their previous lives. ,

This feeling of detachment and fear made her feel extremely excited.

The wind roared rapidly, and she had already fallen half the distance, not to mention half the height left. Even if she landed at this moment, even if all her spiritual power was used to protect her body, she would still not be able to escape the fate of landing in a box.

"Yun Xi, are you desperate for your life?"

Yimeng's panicked and anxious voice sounded from her sea of ​​consciousness. She didn't understand why Yunxi's brain was broken at such a young age.

She is a warrior!

"Why panic? Next, it's time to witness the miracle."

Yun Xi once again realized her dream of "I want to say this once", and suddenly a red light flashed in her beautiful pupils, as if flames were rising.

Phoenix Feather Divine Art Exhibition!


A phoenix cry resounded across the sky, the sharp whistling sound masking the strong wind, and red flames burned on Yun Xi's back.

maple! ! !

A small cluster of flames expanded hundreds of times in just an instant, turning into a huge flame.

The flames spread out left and right, rising and burning, swaying in the strong wind, which was very spectacular.

The next moment, the blazing flames suddenly shook, blooming and spreading like a firework.

The flames disappeared, and a pair of red, gorgeous, and delicate phoenix wings grew out of the flames. The soft feathers were as red as the flames, and the outline was charming and beautiful as a dream.


The phoenix wings behind Yun Xi that were stretched out even larger than her own fluttered slightly, and her speed, which was originally falling to the ground rapidly, increased by one point again.

"Gan! It's been too long since I've practiced. I made a mistake. Come back again."

The phoenix's wings fluttered again, and Yun Xi's falling figure immediately softened a lot.

She flapped her phoenix wings gently, like a goddess descending from the sky, and flew towards the pyramid.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Yimeng's tail was pulled down, and his big purple eyes were about to pop out.

"Yunxi, are you cheating?"

Its childish voice was filled with shock and a hint of...fear?

Yun Xi frowned and said in surprise: "How do you know? I have been cheating for many years."

Yimeng opened its small three-petal lips.

I want to say something, but I don’t know where to start, so I look back at a loss...

It knew that during the months when he was sleeping and absorbing the Heart Soul Grass, Yun Xi might have had another opportunity, and it was an extraordinary opportunity.

Because as a nightmare beast, one of the top races in the monster world, it can clearly determine that Yun Xi's wings are definitely derived from the phoenix.

Why does a human being have the inheritance of the Phoenix?

Behind this problem, there is an increasingly heavy reality.

That is, as early as millions of years ago, various mythical beasts such as phoenixes, true dragons, and unicorns have become extinct. It is precisely because of their extinction that monsters such as the nightmare beast, golden crow, dragon turtle, and other monsters have the opportunity to rise.

So the question is, since the mythical beast has become extinct, where does Yun Xi’s inheritance come from?

Yi Meng wanted to ask, but finally held back. Knowing too much may not be a good thing. No one understands the meaning of this sentence better than it. It will not make the same mistake twice.

However, if people from the Heavenly Beast Continent find out about Yun Xi's Feng Yu, those old guys may not hesitate to start a war to snatch her away.

"Yunxi." It called her name.


Yun Xi is enjoying the feeling of flying.

"If you meet people from the Sky Beast Continent, be sure not to use your flying skills in front of them."

Yun Xi nodded: "I will pay attention to this even if you don't remind me."

She has always been very clever.

Yimeng said "hmm" and stopped talking.

Yun Xi knew that its mood might have changed slightly at this moment, so she took the initiative to ask: "What, don't you want to ask something?"

Yimeng shook his head: "I don't want to."

Yun Xi nodded: "Then what do you think?"

Yimeng said seriously: "It's decided, I will hold your thigh tightly from now on."

"You are such a clever dream."

Yun Xi couldn't help but laugh, then she spread her wings and slowly landed on the ground.

After landing, the phoenix feathers behind Yun Xi began to shrink and finally merged into her back and disappeared.

Yimeng's mental power quietly overflowed, and he observed Yunxi's pink back through her clothes, but there was no trace at all.

"I said, even if you are a little female nightmare beast, isn't it a little bad to peek at a girl's back like this?"

Yun Xi's malicious voice sounded.

Yimeng immediately withdrew his mental energy and muttered in a low voice: "You don't like to touch this and that in the shower..."

Yun Xi's face turned red immediately, and she became angry and said: "If you dare to mention this again, I will put you in the purple seal, and you will never come out again in this life!"

Yimeng immediately covered her mouth, not daring to make any more noise.

Only then did Yun Xi let it go.

Yun Xi's landing point was in front of the pyramid tower, and she raised her head.

When she was at the top of the peak, she saw that the pyramid was just such a small one. Now when she came to the foot of the tower, she realized that the pyramid was not that small. It was half as wide as a Qi Feng, and the height was relatively low, only a few dozen. 10 feet high.

Yun Xi looked around and said to himself: "Actually, the wasteland I am in now is probably larger than the ruins seen outside the ruins."

Yi Meng said: "Many ancient ruins are like this. There are formations inside to help form a variety of spaces. The actual area is much larger than it appears from the outside. The ruins we are entering now are larger than many ruins. complex."

As long as he doesn't talk meanly, Yimeng still has some uses.

"This is a good thing, and it shows that the opportunities here are definitely not small."

Yun Xi circled the pyramid, looking for a way in.

After circling for more than half a circle, Yun Xi finally saw the entrance to the pyramid.

Under the huge pyramid, the entrance is a square with a width of only two meters. The entrance is dark, and it is unknown what exists inside.

Yun Xi turned around and looked at Huang Feng in all directions, focusing her gaze. On some Huang Feng that were relatively close to each other, she could see a small ant slowly jumping downwards.

Of course it was not a real ant, but a human being.

Flying skills are not only difficult to practice, but generally can only help people levitate for a short period of time. For example, Yun Xi's "Phoenix Feather God Technique", which is directly "Wuhu", is the only one, and there is no other one.

Others want to get down from the peak and can only climb.

‘I’m way ahead of them and I have to take advantage of this opportunity without hesitation. ’

This is seizing opportunities. In addition to strength, time is also very important.

Yun Xi no longer hesitated, her eyes were resolute, and the spiritual power in her body was slowly moving. After everything was ready, she stepped out on her long, slender legs and stepped into the world in the pyramid.

"Yun Xi?"

Ying Nianling, who followed the stream of light, turned around and saw neither Yun Xi nor anyone else.


She shouted loudly and anxiously, but no one responded.

Got separated...

Ying Nianling immediately realized that she was separated from everyone, and she was alone again.

Subconsciously, Ying Nianling took out a black robe and covered herself, hiding her petite body.

Hiding her body under the black robe, Ying Nianling walked forward with a lollipop in her mouth.

She came to a site. In front of her were ruins. The earth-yellow walls were half collapsed, and yellow weeds grew around them, like a group of abandoned ancient temples.

Ying Nianling walked among the ruins, her small and cute ears twitched slightly, and she heard the sound of footsteps, not far away, but very light.

There were others here, people she didn't recognize.

She didn't check for anyone else, because there was more than one footsteps, so Ying Nianling just kept walking forward.

When they were about to approach the depths of the ruins, Ying Nianling suddenly stopped.

Her ears heard other sounds, which were heavy and had a frictional texture.

In addition to humans, there are other creatures here.

Although Ying Nianling was naive, she was never careless in the face of danger. She turned around and hid behind a ruined wall.

Just in case, she danced her fingers again and formed a translucent talisman.

The talisman was half a meter in diameter and fell at Ying Nian Ling's feet. Invisible energy spread from it and surrounded Ying Nian Ling.

Gradually, the energy gradually changed, and Ying Nianling's figure disappeared.

Invisible! Her sigil contains almost all functions.

The figure blended into the place perfectly, Ying Nian Ling restrained her aura, and the aura of the talisman also weakened to the extreme.

This invisibility is only within the range of the talisman, and she cannot leave this range.

But it didn't matter, she was already very close to the depths of the ruins.

Ying Nianling stood up on her tiptoes, stretched her neck, and tried her best to look past the low wall and look forward.

The world ahead was flat, with no collapsed houses and half-remained khaki walls, but a huge rock altar.

In the center of the altar, there is a large stone coffin.

Is he the owner of the ruins?

Ying Nian Ling's crimson eyes blinked slightly, she stood on her tiptoes, felt more and more breath around her, and remembered Yun Xi's explanation.

"If we are accidentally separated, don't panic. It is a ruins place with many formations. Being separated does not mean death, so there is no need to worry too much about each other."

"What we have to do is continue to work towards the opportunity of the ruins. As long as we have the same goal, we will always meet again in the end."

"However, remember not to act rashly. If you do encounter some inheritance, be sure to be cautious first. If there are people around, wait for them to test the water first. If there is no one, just take one step at a time."

"If you are in danger, don't hesitate to crush the message board and ask for help."

She didn't forget a single punctuation mark of what Yun Xi said. She judged the scene in front of her and came to a conclusion.

If there are people around you, hold your hand first and see what they do.

Ying Nianling, who was in the invisible state, thought like this, squatting on the ground in a "sit obediently" posture with her legs in her arms, her little face serious, waiting for others to explore the way.

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