I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 198 A different experience in the world of martial arts

A peaked cap and sunglasses are basically Yun Xi's must-have outfits when going out.

As a person who is not a star but is better than a star, she has always followed the principle of traveling in a low-key manner.

After taking a taxi, Yun Xi directly reported her destination to the driver, and then looked down at the mission for this trip.

The location of the mission is a suburb of Xicheng District, Fengyun County. The word "Fengyun County" can represent both the main city of Fengyun County and the entire county area of ​​Fengyun County.

The main city of Fengyun County is huge. The Xicheng District alone covers an area larger than many small and medium-sized cities.

The more megacities like this, the worse the public security is than in some smaller cities.

Because the forest is bigger, there are more birds.

No matter how prosperous Fengyun County is, it still has villages and other places. The suburbs are the so-called rural areas. Such places are often filled with spiritual cultivators who rely on their own cultivation to dominate.

Yun Xi looked at the detailed explanation on the mission scroll and said to himself:

"Our trip is going to a village called Mufu Village. I heard that there are a few heaven-level spiritual cultivators living in the mountains over there. They often go down the mountain to steal the livestock and silver coins of the villagers in nearby villages, leaving many people who are not rich to begin with. The family is even worse. Hateful! Really hateful!"

Yun Xi looked at the detailed explanation and frowned: "There are people in this group who are good at formations. The government sent people to arrest them many times but they couldn't be found. The only time they were found, they were beaten up. It's really embarrassing. .”

Those who maintain law and order are basically ordinary people or warriors. Spiritual people are arrogant and will never condescend to become security soldiers.

Therefore, if the security forces cannot solve the problem of chaos caused by spiritual cultivators, it is usually left to students from major universities to solve it.

This can not only solve problems, but also help schools train students and give students a way to earn points.

Kill three birds with one stone.

When Yun Xi arrived at Mufu Village, the sky had darkened a lot, and the car slowly left.

Yun Xi stood at the entrance of the village and could see people working on the fields in the village. Roosters croaked and dogs barked in the distance, and the air was filled with the unique rural atmosphere.

It's not a pleasant smell, but it's not unpleasant either.

Yun Xi did not enter the village rashly, firstly because she did not want to attract other people's attention, and secondly because she planned to wait until dark.

In fact, Yun Xi can try to go to the mountain to find those gangsters. Youying Nian Ling doesn't have to worry about the formation at all, but she still wants to see with her own eyes how evil those people are.

Yun Xi has her own opinions and will not make a decision easily based on a piece of paper.

"Yunxi, are you sure you can wait for someone tonight?"

When Yimeng saw Yun Xi's movements, he immediately guessed what she was thinking.

"Give it a try. I can't wait to go to the mountains and serve them all in one pot."

Yun Xi has great ideas.

Night fell and the stars shrouded the sky.

The evening wind blew, and various branches and leaves rustled softly. The mountain streams were whispering, and dark shadows were sliding past.

"Yun Xi, someone is coming."

Ying Nianling sat behind a big rock and ate a lollipop. Her ears moved deftly and she immediately judged that someone was there.

"I see."

Yun Xi, who was also hiding behind the big rock, poked his head slightly, rolled his eyes, and saw several figures sneaking into the villagers' houses or livestock pens.

"Being a gangster stealing food is really too humiliating for a spiritual cultivator."

Yun Xi felt a little ashamed after seeing them stealing things. How lazy could this person be to become a thief?

After confirming their actions, Yun Xi acted out of the darkness.

Three minutes later.



Screams echoed in the mountain village,

Awakening the sleeping villagers.

The villagers got up from their beds, put on their clothes, and ran towards the entrance of the village in a panic.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's not like those gangsters are here again, are they?"

"It's them again? When will this day end? How about we report it to the official?"

"Is reporting to the police useful? It's been several months, but no one has been arrested yet?"

The villagers talked a lot and ran towards the place where the sound came from.

At the entrance of the village, they saw several people who were tied together and all fell into a coma.

The villagers opened their eyes wide and were shocked.

On the mountain, the wind is blowing and the stars are shining brightly. Unlike what is shown on TV, the mountains at night are not scary.

Yun Xi walked on the mountain path and looked around with burning eyes. She did not rely on Ying Nian Ling, but chose to explore the formation by herself.

She has been in the Formation Club for a year, and Yun Xi has not made any progress.

"The Lost Forest Formation."

Yun Xi quickly realized what kind of formation this was.

"How to break the confusing forest formation?"

Yun Xi carefully recalled the knowledge she learned when learning the formation. A few minutes later...


The crisp crackling sound spread deeper into the mountain with the night wind. Someone ran out of the mountain forest in panic, and then received a fist education from the Tianling school beauty.

Early August.

Yun Xi walked out of the training room swaggeringly. She had worked hard for a month. Not only had her actual combat ability been greatly improved, but her pockets were also bulging.

There is nothing happier than having money!

If so, then you can still make money without having to work.

The surrounding training rooms opened at the same time, and she was not the only one who exited the training state.

Everyone gathered for a moment and walked towards the teaching building together.

"This year's dragon and phoenix competition should begin, right?"

While walking on the road, Xiao Lingyuan could always take the initiative to start a conversation.

Yun Xi thought for a while: "It should be today."

At the beginning of August, when second-year students from colleges and universities across the mainland are preparing for their academic experience, the college entrance competitions in various states and counties have also begun.

Fengyun County's second Dragon and Phoenix Competition kicked off today. Yun Xi heard what Li Xinyu said.

The format of the competition is the same as the first one. The difference is that this year there is no innate spirit body, but there are definitely many talented people.

In fact, according to the official statistics of the Tianling Alliance, in recent years, more and more heaven-level graduates have emerged from various martial arts schools. Although they are generally concentrated in the first to second level of the heaven-level, these are all opportunities. Become a spiritual person.

"I heard that among the new students in Fengyun County this year, there are more than ten martial arts school graduates who are at the fourth level of the Heavenly Level."

Xiao Lingyuan curled her lips and said, "There are more than we had at that time."

There were only seven or eight Heavenly Level 4 students in their class, but there were two evil students, Feng Weiyan and Ying Nianling.

Yun Xi flicked her finger on Xiao Lingyuan's forehead and said, "Why do you always pay attention to these things when you have nothing to do? If you have this time, practice more. Today, the rules of martial arts training will be announced."

"I know, I know! Xiao Xi is just like a mother!"

"Then I won't care about you anymore. Nianhan, Xiaoying, let's go."

"No! Xiao Xi, I was wrong!"

When I came to the teaching building today, many people had already arrived from each class.

Jianghu experience can be said to be the most important course in the entire college career, so everyone gets up early to come and don't dare to be careless.

Yun Xi and Ye Nianhan came to Kendo Class 1 and listened to the heated discussion among the classmates.

Some people say that this year's martial arts training should be the same as in previous years. They go to the frontiers to experience military life or go to other cities to experience martial arts. Others say that because of the special circumstances of this year's students, the martial arts training process will change.

In short, there are various opinions, and no one can convince anyone.

When the alarm bell rang, Qin Susheng walked into the classroom.

Yun Xi looked at Qin Susheng who was in great spirits and thought of her second uncle.

Yunfeng had already taken the spirit-restoring pill she gave him, but he did not go to the border again. Instead, he continued to stay here to teach, and he did not even tell a few people that he had recovered from his injury.

She wasn't sure how Qin Susheng managed to make Yunfeng behave like this, but this gentle teacher was indeed very capable of controlling her second uncle.

Qin Susheng stood on the podium, and the class automatically fell silent without any need to express it.

Qin Susheng was silent for a moment, seeming to be considering how to speak.

After a while, she finally said: "Students, this year's Jianghu experience arrangements have been announced."

Qin Susheng's tone was slightly solemn, which made everyone feel a little pressure in their hearts.

"Teacher, is it a little different from previous years?" Cheng Kaiming asked.

Qin Susheng nodded: "Since the situation of students in major states and counties this year is very different from previous years, there is a new rule this year."

"All colleges and universities in the mainland have a deadline of August 25th. All second-year students in the school who have reached the mid-level heaven level or above before then will go to Hunyuan Prefecture for martial arts training. Starting on September 1st, it will last for 12 months. , it won’t end until September next year.”


"Teacher! Is it true or false?"

"You're kidding!"

Before Qin Susheng finished speaking, the class was already talking about it, and everyone looked in disbelief.

On the contrary, Yun Xi was stunned for a while. She secretly turned her head to look at Ye Nianhan and asked in a low voice: "Nianhan, why is everyone reacting so loudly?"

Ye Nianhan leaned down slightly, hiding under the back of the front table, and explained in a low voice.

"Xiao Xi, that Hunyuan State is very dangerous."

"Is it dangerous? Isn't that one of the Nine States of Tianling?"

Ye Nianhan stared at her calmly, while Yun Xi blinked her big eyes with a harmless look on her face.

Ye Nianhan admitted defeat and sighed: "Xiao Xi, the nine states of Tianling are Zhongzhou, Xuzhou, Yuzhou, Yizhou, Lanzhou, Cangzhou, Hanzhou, Yunzhou and Yuezhou. Hunyuan State does not belong to Tianling Continent."

Yun Xi straightened up: "Really? I always thought that Hunyuan Prefecture was one of the Nine Prefectures!"

Yun Xi has heard of the name Hunyuanzhou, but only once.

Yun Xi didn't know exactly where Hunyuan Prefecture was.

Just listen to Ye Nianhan explain: "Hunyuan State is a continent located in the center of the Hunling World. It is surrounded by the sea and does not belong to any of the four major continents in the Hunling World."

"Because the geographical location of Hunyuan State is not good, the land is not fertile, and the spiritual energy is not even as strong as the Demon Continent, so no continent is willing to spend energy to occupy this continent."

"Because of this, as a small continent without the rule of a big clan, Hunyuan State has become a paradise for desperadoes. People from all continents who have committed serious crimes will run to Hunyuan State if they don't want to be caught."

"As time goes by, Hunyuan Prefecture has more and more people, and its development has become more and more chaotic. Finally, the name 'Hunyuan' was born. There is no strict system there, and everything is done with fists. It is the only one to bring ancient times to the forefront." The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, is preserved to this day."

The diligent and studious classmate Yun Xi suddenly realized: "So that's it! Then, that place is very dangerous!"

Ye Nianhan nodded.

Yun Xi pondered for a moment, then suddenly reacted and shouted: "The school actually lets us go to such a dangerous place to practice?!"

Her shout attracted the attention of all the students around her, and Yun Xi immediately sat down obediently.

Yun Xi was rude but made the class quiet for a while. Qin Susheng stood on the podium and looked down at the whole class.

Her expression was no more relaxed than her classmates: "Students, the rules for this martial arts training are not determined by the school, but are orders issued directly by the Tianling Alliance headquarters."

"All students in the mid-level heaven level and above must go to Hunyuan State to experience the real world of life and death."

This time, everyone stopped talking.

But each of them still kept a look of disbelief on their faces. Why would the Tianling Alliance issue such an order?

In a place like Hunyuan State, the death rate is even higher than that of the Demonic Spirit Battlefield.

No one is not afraid of death, especially if they are only nineteen or twenty years old.

Qin Susheng took in everyone's expressions and paused slightly when she saw Yun Xi.

Because everyone else was either shocked or scared, but Yun Xi, this girl... she looked excited.


Qin Susheng ignored the child's expression and said softly: "Students, this is an order from the Tianling Alliance. No one is allowed to violate it. Your class is very different from the previous sophomores. If we use the previous training methods, we will treat you It doesn’t help much growing up.”

But even if it is to allow the younger generations to go further, we cannot push them into such dangerous places!

Qin Susheng sighed in his heart, but could not say these words.

She said softly: "Listen to me, Teacher Hunyuanzhou has been there a few years ago. The order there was chaotic, but it was not to the extent of killing others indiscriminately."

"The birth of Hunyuan State is because of the deserters in ancient times, but over time, people and things have accumulated, and even Hunyuan State will change greatly. So you don't need to panic too much."

"There are no absolute requirements for martial arts experience. In the past, if you came back alive, the experience would be over. Although the rating is related to Gao Wu's decision, it is not as important as life."

"Therefore, children, after you arrive in Hunyuan State, you must always pay attention to your surroundings, be careful in everything you say and do, and do not cause trouble."

"Especially women!"

Qin Susheng's eyes swept over Yun Xi, Ye Nianhan, Li Xinyu and others.

"It's best to go in disguise."

There are still people who are interested in sex in Tianling Continent, let alone a place like Hunyuan State.

At this time, Yun Xi raised his hand.

"Teacher, I want to ask a question."

"You ask."

"Teacher, I want to know if there are any forces in Hunyuan State? What is their approximate strength level?"

Qin Susheng thought for a while and said: "Of course there is some power, but due to the reputation of Hunyuan Prefecture and the influence of environmental and other factors, the strength of the aboriginal people there is generally low now, basically stable below the spirit ones, but there are also some The existence of those who are new to the spirit.”

Those who want to achieve spiritual success must not only have a strong understanding, but also have abundant resources.

What Hunyuan Prefecture lacks most is resources.

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