"...Anyway, that's it. Speaking of which, they should have come to us on their own initiative."

After spending a few minutes, Yun Xi told Yimeng how Bai Qing and the others met and got to know each other.

Yimeng's expression was slightly relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief: "So, they don't know that I am in your body?"

"Of course, your existence is my biggest secret."

Putting aside the system that must not be exposed, Yi Meng is indeed one of Yun Xi's secrets, and only a few people, including Ye Nianhan, know about it.

"whispering sound!"

Yi Meng dismissed it.

Yun Xi asked: "If you can call them by name, it seems like you really know them. Why don't you tell me about them?"

After knowing that they didn't know that he was hiding in Yun Xi's body, Yi Meng became a little more relaxed and yawned: "There are only ten races of heavenly beasts in the Sky Beast Continent. They and I are of the same generation and we know each other." There’s nothing surprising, right? There’s nothing to say.”

"Really? Okay."

Yun Xi could tell that Yi Meng didn't want to talk more about her past. If that was the case, it was inconvenient for her to continue asking.

After ending her communication with Yimeng, Yun Xi came back to her senses and opened her eyes.

Bai Qing was still lying on her flat belly. He looked weak and didn't seem to be very interested in flying at high altitudes. The cold wind was blowing his hair, and a faint smell hit his face.

This is not the smell of monsters, but a light fragrance.

It seems that it is a good thing for monsters to love beauty... Yun Xi thought to herself.

"Xiao Xi."

As soon as Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan saw Yun Xi open her eyes, they immediately came over.

Xiao Lingyuan asked: "What are we going to do now?"

Yun Xi said without thinking: "Let's go to the second area to take a look. When the time is right, we can directly enter the first area."

After thinking about it, Yun Xi told everyone what You Tingjing said to him.

Ye Nianhan was a little worried: "Xiao Xi, are her words reliable?"

Xiao Lingyuan also looked unhappy: "Is that witch lying to you?"

Yun Xi lowered his head: "So what if it's a lie? You should always give it a try if you have the chance.

If you want to improve your strength, you can't be timid. "

When Xiao Lingyuan and others heard this, they couldn't say anything else.

Yun Xi has been in seclusion for half a year and has not been able to break through the spirit. Naturally, she is a little anxious. They all understand this.

But... would that woman named You Tingjing be so kind?

Doubts exist in everyone's mind, but no steps should be taken to move forward.

After driving for a long time, Yun Xi and the others finally arrived at the outskirts of the second area. Tianling's advance was faster than expected. At this moment, the second area was almost completely occupied.

The addition of the Heavenly Beast Continent has made the already obvious gap in the situation even clearer.

The casual cultivators in Hunyuan Prefecture never expected that the various forces that were composed of heaven-level warriors half a year ago would give birth to so many spiritual beings in just half a year.

Yun Xi is right. If you stay in Hunyuan State for a long time, you will easily become a frog in the well. Be it heavenly spirits or heavenly beasts, they are not from Hunyuan State, where there are enough resources to cultivate enough spiritual beings!

Yun Xi sat on Dapeng's back and looked down, with a calm expression: "It seems that Hunyuan State can no longer hold on. Even if the demons join the battlefield, it will not change the situation."

Xiao Lingyuan also lay on the back of the bird and looked under the net. The wind blew her short hair, showing her heroic spirit.

"Then shall we go directly to the first area now?"

"Well, just go ahead."

After patting Dapeng's head gently, the two big birds turned around and flew towards the distance.

A few hours later, as the sky grew dark, two giant birds entered the territory of the first area.

"Separately search for the volcano, and then contact each other after finding it."


Yun Xi asked Ying Nianling to follow Nangong Yao, Lu Qi and the others, while he and others took Bai Qing and Niu Wenhua, and divided their forces into two groups to find the extinct volcano You Tingjing mentioned.

The first district is slightly larger than the other districts. The urban area is vast and the products are relatively rich, so there are fewer mountainous areas here.

The strong wind blew the girls' hair. By the moonlight, Yun Xi and others focused their spiritual power on their eyes and stared at the ground to look for the volcano.

At a certain moment, Yun Xi heard Li Zixiao's cold voice.


Everyone turned to look.

The bright white moonlight fell on the earth in patches, and a towering volcano-shaped peak stood deep in the woods.

The volcano rises from the ground, and almost all of its body is covered with green plants. If it weren't for the conspicuous height, it would be easily overlooked.

"Is this really a volcano?"

Xiao Lingyuan looked at the green mountain peaks and felt a little puzzled.

When Bai Qing heard this, the fox's tail suddenly raised high, and he said disdainfully: "Stupid human, you don't know this! If an extinct volcano has been silent for a long time, it will become like this! Such a mountain is in our There are so many heavenly beasts in the continent, and I still dance on it all the time!"

Yun Xi was amused for a while: "You can also do disco? You should call it bouncy."

The little fox glared: "Didn't you say that jumping around with your butt twisted is called a disco?"

Yun Xi rubbed its belly: "You really know how to apply what you have learned!"


Bai Qing pushed Yun Xi's hand away with her hind legs and stood proudly on her shoulders.

Yun Xi smiled and said to Xiao Lingyuan: "Call Xiaoying Yaozi and the others over."


The roc flew toward the volcano, but did not fall in a hurry. If there was really a calamity elixir hidden in the volcano, there was a high chance that it would be guarded.

It is impossible for the spirit masters of Hunyuan State to let the Tribulation Spirit Pill stay here.

It is impossible to say that there are still spiritual-level monsters guarding... Yun Xi thought in her heart.

A quarter of an hour later, the Dapeng that Ying Nianling and the others were riding on flew over. The two parties met and everyone descended towards the mountainside.

Maybe it was because of the night, or the pressure the two big rocs put on the surrounding monsters, but when Yun Xi's forces landed, they didn't feel any movement around them.

"It's really quiet around here. It's obvious that the outside world has been beaten to a pulp."

Nangong Yao looked at the profound mountain forest and couldn't help but speak.

Cheng Kaiming also looked left and right and said, "It's a little too quiet."

According to the property resources in the first area, there should be more monsters here, but they didn't notice even a breath at this time.

Yun Xi's spiritual consciousness spread to the surroundings: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so everyone should be careful."


Everyone formed a formation and headed towards the crater.

Yun Xi stood at the front of the team and suddenly stopped: "Wait, there is someone in front."

Everyone immediately hid behind the big trees and looked forward.

Looking through the woods, they saw some figures walking back and forth under the moonlight.

Yun Xi looked carefully: "They are casual cultivators from Hunyuan Prefecture. They seem to be in charge here."

"So, the Tribulation Spirit Pill is really in it?!"

There were only three guardians they saw, and all of them were at the ninth level of heaven. In Hunyuan State, where spiritual beings were limited, the three ninth levels of heaven were already very powerful.

Yun Xi said: "Xiaoying, deal with them."


Ying Nianling took a step forward, dancing with her fingers, forming beautiful marks.

A crystal blue talisman rose quietly under her feet, and three streams of light overflowed, turning into ice marks and spreading forward in an instant.

Two seconds later, the three watchers had turned into three solid blocks of ice, reflecting the bright white light in the dark night.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but clicked their tongues.

Xiao Lingyuan sighed sincerely: "I never know how many tricks Xiaoying has left."

Yun Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I don't know either."

The guards were dispatched without bloodshed, and everyone immediately took action.

When passing three ice sculptures, the little fox jumped up and touched them with his paws.

"It's actually real ice..."

Ye Nianhan looked around carefully: "Since they are guarding here, does it mean that the entrance to the depths of the volcano is nearby?"

"It's possible. You guys should look for it first, and then I'll go up there and take a look."

Yun Xi ran towards the top of the mountain. There were thick bushes here. If there was an entrance, it might not be easy to find for a while.

She slowed down her pace all the way to the crater. The road to the crater was much wider than expected.

The moonlight is blocked by the leaves, and the light here is very dim.

Yun Xi took out the flashlight and looked around, looking at every corner, looking carefully, trying to find some useful clues.

Stepping on the solid ground, she shined the light on the surrounding trees. These trees were thick but not tall.

"Has it been broken?"

Yun Xi carefully observed the surrounding trees and found several broken trees.

The thick trees were broken, and traces of decay told Yun Xi that they were not cut down by humans, but more like they were broken by something.

"It broke the tree...is it a monster?"

Yun Xi thought that after landing, she found that there was no scent of monsters around her.

She continued walking forward, but suddenly her steps stopped and she stamped her feet.

"Is this land... too solid?"

Normal forest land is not to say soft in texture, but at least it has a clear mountain feel after stepping on it. But the land here feels more like walking on a bluestone road.

The ground was a bit too solid, as if... something heavy had been pressed against it!

Yun Xi brushed the ends of her long hair behind her ears and thought carefully.

"If a large number of monsters walked through here, they might have stepped on the ground more solidly and broken the trees. But why would they climb to the top of the volcano?"

With doubts in her heart, Yun Xi continued to walk forward, turning the flashlight's light to maximum.

The nearby forest is not very lush, but you can clearly see that there is indeed a wide road in the middle, which is covered with green spring grass, but there is not a single complete tree.

Yun Xi walked forward along this avenue and reached the end of the cliff of the crater.

Looking at the dark and deep abyss cave ahead, Yun Xi was in a trance. She recalled her experience in the cave in the Xilin Mountains. In order to leave the desert, she was almost submerged by lava and almost buried in the mouth of a giant dragon.

Yun Xi came to the edge of the cliff and held a flashlight to shine. However, she could only see some green plants on the cliff, some of which were emitting a faint light in the dark night.


It is a rare thing for spiritual plants to be born in the crater of a volcano, but the volcano looks like it has been abandoned for who knows how many years, so the ability to grow spiritual plants does not shock Yun Xi.

Yun Xi observed the surroundings again, but finally found no other clues.

But she already had some vague guesses in her mind.

"These monsters were most likely attracted by the Spirit-Calling Pill, and then jumped from the crater... No, even if you want to get the Spirit-Calling Pill, you shouldn't jump directly. Not every monster can fly. ,That is……"

Yun Xi's pupils suddenly shrank: "Could it be used as the raw material for the Tribulation Pill?"

This speculation made Yun Xi's heart beat suddenly, but she calmed down immediately.

She called out to Yi Meng in her mind: "Yi Meng, do you know what raw materials are needed to form the Tribulation Pill?"

Yi Meng, who was swimming in Yunxi's sea of ​​consciousness, flicked his tail, opened his eyes, and said impatiently: "How do I know this kind of pill? But since the function of the Tribulation Spirit Pill is to help people overcome the catastrophe, how much should it be? Is it related to natural aura?”

"Then with the density of spiritual energy in Hunyuan State, is it possible to cultivate a calamity pill?"

Yi Meng thought for a while: "Although the density of spiritual energy in Hunyuan State is extremely low, it has existed for tens of millions of years. It is not unusual for a calamity pill to be cultivated in such a long time."

Yimeng's knowledge was broader than Yun Xi's, and Yun Xi didn't question it too much.

"Did those monsters really jump to fight for the Spirit-Calling Pill?"

Yun Xi walked to the abyss again and stared down. However, it was so late at night, how could he see clearly.

"That's all. Let's meet up with Xiaoying and the others first and tell them what we have discovered."

When Yun Xi returned to where Xiao Lingyuan and the others were, everyone had already gathered together.

Seeing Yun Xi return, Xiao Lingyuan hurriedly said: "Xiao Xi, we found the entrance."

Yun Xi walked over and saw a cluster of chopped bushes and a rock half a man tall.

Next to the bush, there is a small hole.

Xiao Lingyuan explained: "The entrance to the cave was first covered by rocks and then blocked by bushes. If it weren't for Xiaoying, it would be really difficult for us to find it."

Ye Nianhan also added: "And during the search, we found many trees with signs of breakage."

Yun Xi's expression paused: "I also found it on the top of the mountain."

She looked at the road under her feet that led directly to the top of the mountain. The road was covered with green grass, which showed that at least this year, this road had not been traveled much, and the traces of broken branches and trees were still there, which showed that the time when it happened was not Far.


Everyone is not a fool, and they quickly thought of something strange in the mountains.

Yun Xi said in a deep voice: "If my guess is correct, around the time the Tribulation Pill was formed, the monster beasts suddenly ran madly towards the top of the volcano, and because they were too hasty and panicked, they directly broke the branches. .”

Xiao Lingyuan asked: "Then why are these monsters running towards the top of the mountain? Do they also want to obtain the Spiritual Tribulation Pill?"

Yun Xi shook his head: "I don't know about that. Maybe we can get some news after we get to the bottom of the volcano."

There was a pause.

"It could be dangerous."

"What are you afraid of! For the sake of Xiao Xi's path to becoming a spirit, I, Xiao Lingyuan, am duty-bound!"

Xiao Lingyuan patted her chest and promised, and the waves were turbulent for a while.

Yun Xi slapped her head angrily.

"If something happens to you like this, I won't blame myself to death."

"Well... Then in order to satisfy my curiosity, I have no obligation to do so."

"It's too late to change now..."


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