I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 239 The inheritance of the predecessors

"How? Who won?"

Seeing Qingchan's eyes shining after tasting the teppanyaki meat she made by herself, Yunxi turned the spatula in her hand with confidence on her face.

Qingchan looked at the roast meat on the plate and could only lower her head and admit defeat.

"You, you win."

As she spoke, she carefully took two steps back. Looking at her tight calves, she seemed to be ready to escape.

Yun Xi was amused by this girl and stopped scaring her. Instead, she said: "Since I won, in the next period of time, you should learn to cook from me. If you learn well, I can consider not eating you."

"Really, really?"

"Why did you lie to me?"

"I, I will study seriously!"

The little girl immediately raised her face.

"see your performance."

After the cooking competition, Yun Xi generously gave Qingchan the roasted pork she made.

As for herself, she started meditating.

When thinking about the previous random missions, Yun Xi suddenly remembered one thing, that is, she had obtained the aura of a senior with Feng Weiyan and the others in the spiritual tomb.

At that time, the senior told them that there was his inheritance in Lingyun, and as long as they stepped into Lingyun, they would naturally get the inheritance.

However, Yun Xi has been on the spiritual path for two months now, and it seems that she has not made any discoveries in this regard.

She restrained her spiritual consciousness and observed her spiritual veins.

Compared to the warrior realm, after entering the spiritual path, her spiritual veins were more crystal clear and tough than before, and the spiritual power flowing in them became stronger and purer.

Of course, the most important thing is the powerful ability to control spirits, to sense and control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This is the most essential difference between spiritual practitioners and warriors.

Yun Xi was immersed in the world of her own spiritual veins, her spiritual consciousness flowing with the spiritual light, and finally found a crystal white light spot deep in the spiritual veins that seemed to be almost perfectly integrated with the surroundings.

‘This should be the inheritance left by our predecessors. It was hidden so deeply, no wonder I didn't find it. ’

The little man transformed by Yun Xi's spiritual consciousness slowly approached the light spot. After confirming that there was no danger, the little man gently stretched out his hand and touched the light spot.


Without any sound, the light spot slowly expanded, and finally completely enveloped Yun Xi's spiritual consciousness.

Her consciousness was wrapped, and Yun Xi only saw a white light surrounding herself. When she opened her eyes again, she was in a calm water surface.

At her feet, there is an endless blue water surface, connected with blue sky and white clouds on all sides. It is a very beautiful world.

After Yun Xi was slightly shocked by such a scene for a moment, her attention immediately focused in front of her.

The reason was simple. Standing in front of her was a woman who looked exactly like her.

‘Are you trying to defeat yourself again? ’

Yun Xi looked at that flawless and beautiful face and felt confused.

However, to her surprise, the fake Yunxi did not attack her.

The other party started to move alone. She reached out to the water and made a move, and a little blue water gushed out.

Condensed into a slender female sword.

Fake Yunxi held a water sword in her hand and started a sword dance. While the sword dance was going on, white mist was drifting away.

‘This is the Heart Sutra of Transforming Clouds? ’

The Huayun Heart Sutra is a technique that Yun Xi has been practicing and using. This set of techniques originated from family inheritance and is the Yun family's unique technique.

Kung Fu will determine the attributes of spiritual power. Normal people can generally only learn one Kung Fu, but Yun Xi can learn and use two. She was still doubtful about this before, but now she has figured it out, and she is probably following it. Related to saints.

Compared to the Luo Shen Heart Technique, Yun Xi uses the Hua Yun Heart Sutra more frequently.

The most important reason for this is naturally that the effect of Luo Shen's Heart Technique is so unbelievable that it easily attracts attention.

But in addition to this, there is another reason, that is, although Luo Shen's mind method is strong, it does not have any offensive characteristics.

This is a magical technique that is biased towards auxiliary nature.

But starting from Hunyuan Prefecture, Yun Xi’s use of the Luo Shen Heart Technique was significantly higher than that of the Huayun Heart Sutra. The reason is also very simple. As the realms of himself and his opponents improve, the usefulness of the Huayun Heart Sutra becomes less and less in battles. .

‘Why did she cast the Heart Sutra of Transforming Clouds? And that swordsmanship, why haven’t I seen it before? ’

Yun Xi watched the mirror image man perform the Heart Sutra of Transforming Clouds, and doubts emerged in his heart.

But soon, her doubts disappeared.

Because compared to his own, this fake Yunxi's Heart Sutra of Transformation seems to be a little different.

Little ripples were created on the blue lake, and white mist rose around "Yun Xi" and soon enveloped the surroundings.

As if to take care of Yun Xi and give her the most intuitive viewing experience, the white mist is not thick, but very light. You can vaguely see a figure dancing a sword in it.

This is a set of swordsmanship that is different from Wuyun Swordsmanship and Weoshui Sanqian. Compared with the two sets of swordsmanship that Yun Xi has learned, this set of swordsmanship appears to be more swift and fierce.

Yun Xi watched intently, making comments while watching the changes.

‘This set of swordsmanship is far superior to the two sets of swordsmanship that I am good at in terms of speed and sword power. However, its shortcoming is that it is too straightforward. Although it is powerful, it is too easy to block. ’

As a female cultivator, Yun Xi naturally prefers softer and more changeable swordsmanship. Such a rigid swordsmanship is just fine when encountering a female cultivator. If she encounters a male cultivator, it will be difficult for her to possess the strength. Advantageous.

"Yun Xi" continued to dance with the sword.

Suddenly, the sword came out like a dragon, and with a split second thrust, it cut through the surrounding white mist and struck forward. But at the moment when the sword came out, the surrounding white mist suddenly trembled and surged instantly.

The white mist surged wildly, and a cloud sword appeared in an instant. The cloud sword turned and pointed at the place where the water sword in "Yun Xi"'s hand was attacking, and attacked at the same time!

"This is!"

Yun Xi looked at the scene in front of her in shock. She could definitely judge that the Heart Sutra of Transforming Clouds could never be transformed into mist, but this fake body could do it.

If the Huayun Heart Sutra can be offensive, then her future fighting methods will really be like clouds and mist, ever-changing.

‘The clouds are formed, and the swordsmanship is brave. Is this the inheritance left to me by my predecessors? ’

The skeleton man saw Yun Xi's shortcomings, so he left the things that were most helpful to her in the inheritance.

The advanced Heart Sutra of Transforming Clouds and the tough and fearless swordsmanship.

Yun Xi bowed deeply to the mirror image man who was still dancing his sword.

"Thank you, senior."

The inheritance of the Skeleton Man cannot be mastered overnight. When Yun Xi finished his first observation and opened his eyes, the sky was already dark.

There was a "crackling" sound from the ground nearby. Qingchan sat on a stone and built a fire in front of her.

‘I also know how to light a fire. ’

Yun Xi was quite satisfied with the child's performance.

"Are you hungry?"

The little girl nodded: "Yes."

Yun Xi took out a pile of ingredients, spices and kitchen utensils and placed them in front of her.

"Make it yourself. If it doesn't taste good, I'll eat it."

Qingchan immediately trembled with fright and quickly started to build kitchen utensils.

It was said that Qingchan would do it by herself, but in fact Yun Xi was still not idle. Since she said she would teach this little guy, she would naturally not break her promise.

With a flash of inspiration, Yun Xi tied an apron on her body and began to teach.

"I'm going to ask you to fry today..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Xi suddenly noticed that the height of the pot did not seem to be much different from Qingchan's. If she wanted to cook, this girl was probably not tall enough or strong enough.

"I'll teach you how to cook Nine Treasure Porridge first."

"Nine treasure porridge?"

This was the first time Qingchan heard this name.

Yun Xi raised a finger and explained seriously: "The so-called Nine Treasure Porridge is a special food made a year ago by a great man from the Yun family in Yunyang City, Tianling Continent. Because of its complex and diverse ingredients, It is known as the Nine Treasures Porridge. Rumor has it that I...ah, no, in order to refine the Nine Treasures Porridge, that great man once traveled through mountains and rivers to many dangerous places in the world such as Tongtian Peak, Xuanming Valley, Warcraft Mountains, and Guwanghai to obtain various kinds of porridge. All kinds of ingredients were used, and it finally took ninety-nine and eighty-one days to cook."

When Qingchan heard this, her little face suddenly became filled with admiration and fear: "Then...will it take a long time?"

Yun Xi shook her finger: "Of course not. What I will teach you will be the simplified version of the upgrade. The operation is actually very simple."

"First, boil the water, then pour in the ingredients, cover the pot, wait until the time is right, and then add some seasonings..."

As he spoke, Yun Xi began to guide Qing Chan to make porridge step by step. Yi Meng in the sea of ​​​​consciousness couldn't hear Yun Xi bragging here, so he ran into Ziyin early.

When the moon was hanging in the sky, the faint fragrance of porridge had begun to permeate the woods.

Although Qingchan is young, she seems to have a good talent in cooking. Yunxi cooks by feeling and does not understand some professional guidance methods. But even so, Qingchan still understood many of the key points she said. .

Yun Xi watched her slowly stirring the porridge with a long spoon, thinking that if he could teach her well, then he could teach her the task of cooking in the future.

However, she will definitely not be able to get in, and since she is not a Tianling person, settling in will be a bit troublesome.

Let’s talk about it then.

"Porridge...the porridge is ready."

While she was thinking, the little girl said timidly.

"Well, then you can eat it."

Qingchan was stunned and asked in a low voice: "You...don't you want to eat?"

Yun Xi smiled: "I am not an ordinary person. When it comes to food..."

There was a little hope in the girl's eyes, as if she wanted Yun Xi to taste the porridge she cooked.

"Well! If you're not hungry, just have a small bowl."

The little girl was obviously relieved and took the initiative to help Yun Xi fill a bowl.

Yun Xi took it and tasted it carefully. Although it was still somewhat different from what she made, it was pretty good.

"Not bad, keep up the good work."

Her simple compliment made the little girl relax immediately.


She whispered back.

After finishing the porridge, Qingchan put all the bowls and utensils into the pot and walked towards the forest with them.

"Where to go?"

Yun Xi asked.

"Well, there is a stream over there that can wash these."

Qingchan lowered her head, not daring to look at her face.

"Oh. Now, take this, it's too dark, be careful."

Yun Xi handed her a flashlight.

"There's a button there, press it and it turns on."

"Okay, okay."

Qingchan first put down the kitchen utensils, looked at them with a flashlight, and pressed the switch.

A bright light suddenly flashed.


Qingchan was so frightened that she immediately took two steps back. This was the first time she saw a technological product from Tianling Continent.

After taking a flashlight and looking around, she roughly understood the use of this thing, so she continued to pick up the kitchen utensils and walked towards the stream.

After Qingchan left, Yimeng came out of the purple seal and roamed freely in Yunxi's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Yun Xi, why do you feel that you are a little harsh in your treatment of this child?"

Yimeng and Yun Xi have known each other for some time, and after spending time together day and night, they understand her temperament quite well.

Although he is a cheap master who likes to say some incomprehensible words from time to time, his personality is still very kind and gentle.

Whether it was Li Zixiao or Lu Qi, she was keenly aware of each other's problems and took the initiative to lend a helping hand.

It cannot be said that he was not gentle with Qingchan this time, but his attitude was slightly different.

Yun Xi said matter-of-factly: "There is always something different about treating children. In fact, the main reason is that I am not very good at dealing with children."

Thinking of Qingchan's timid appearance, Yun Xi felt that she might scare the other person if she was too gentle.

His eyes fell on the black mountain forest. The leaves blocked the moonlight, making everything look eerie and eerie.

‘It’s better to follow up and take a look. ’

The mountain forest was dark, Qingchan stepped on the dirt and walked forward with a flashlight.

When she followed Yun Xi to rest under the big tree, she had seen a stream nearby.

If possible, she hoped to wash the kitchen utensils and then take a bath upriver.

With her vague memory, Qingchan searched for a long time in the mountains and forests, and finally found the stream after going around and around.

The stream is about three or four meters wide and not deep. The water is clean and crystal clear.

Qingchan looked around with a flashlight and found that there were no people or animals. She put the flashlight aside with a stone and started cleaning the dishes.

Although she is very young, her working methods are not unfamiliar at all.

Holding the dishcloth, she washed the dishes seriously.

Soon, the dishes were washed by her.

After washing, Qingchan picked up the bowls, picked up the flashlight and walked slightly upstream.

After walking about ten meters, Qingchan placed the bowl on a cleaner stone. After looking around again, she placed the flashlight on the stone.

There was a slight cool breeze blowing in the forest, and she suddenly shivered, not from cold, but from panic.

In any case, she was just a child under ten years old. Walking alone in such mountains and forests, it would be a lie to say that she was not afraid.

‘How about we go back directly? ’

Qingchan looked at the stream in front of her and felt a little confused.

The confusion only lasted for a short while and then quickly disappeared.

Because she sweated too much today and her body is still sticky. It is human nature to love cleanliness.

Qingchan clenched her fist.

"It's okay...it's okay...it's okay..."

After cheering herself up for a while, she walked to a stone and took off her shoes and clothes.

Under the bright white moonlight, there is a child's body that is so petite that it has not yet begun to develop.

Qingchan stretched out her little feet and stepped into the stream.

The stream hit her legs, which were a little cold.

But compared to the uncomfortable feeling on her skin, she still chose to be cold for a short while.

After gritting her teeth, Qingchan walked completely into the stream.

The whole person was immersed in the stream, and the coolness coming from all directions made Qingchan shiver. She quickly took the time to clean her body.


But just when she had just started cleaning, there was a slight sound next to the stream.

Qingchan turned around and looked.

He faced a pair of ferocious beast eyes.

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