I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 14 Attacking Ye Nianhan (2)

City of Yunyang, Sunshine Orphanage.

"Grandma Dean, is this a competition?"

In the classroom of the orphanage, a TV set was installed at some point, and what was playing on the TV was this championship.

The children sat in front of the TV and stared at it intently.

The old dean looked at the small words "Individual Quarterfinals Game 1" displayed on the TV and said, "This should be it."

As soon as she finished speaking, the referee's voice came from the TV.

"The first game of the quarter-finals: Qi Feng Ye Nianhan versus He Xing Wang Ting!"

"It's Sister Han! I heard Sister Han's name!"

A child shouted loudly.

Then they saw Ye Nianhan appearing on the screen on the competition field.

The old dean stared intently at the slender and tall figure on the screen, and his eyes suddenly became moist.

"Grandma Dean! Why are you crying?"

Some children saw the old dean's eyes moist and ran over to ask.

The old dean rubbed her head: "It's okay, grandma is just too happy."

Twenty years ago, she would never have imagined that the child she picked up would one day stand on the biggest stage in Fengyun County and attract the attention of millions of people!

The realization and touch at this moment made this old man unable to hold back his tears any longer!

At the same moment, the Yun family in Yunyang!

In the recent Fengyun Games, the entire Yun family industry has entered a period of slow development. Even Yun Yi, who has been busy all the time, arranged his work early and returned home to watch the Fengyun Games.

Just kidding, what is this family fortune compared to my precious daughter?

In the entire hall of the Yun family, a projection was cast on the wall, surrounded by people from the Yun family.

Yun Yi and his wife each held a child and looked at the projection screen. Qingchan and Xuanxuan sat together, holding their hands tightly and staring at the screen.

There were many Yun family housekeepers, guards and servants around who were also nervous.

Everyone looked at the screen intently. What was shown on the screen was the individual competition, and Ye Nianhan was about to appear.

Although it is not Yun Xi who is watching, the outcome of Ye Nianhan's game is equally important, because it is related to whether Qi Feng can successfully advance to the Tianling Award!

"Sister Han!"

Xuanxuan made a nervous sound when she saw Ye Nianhan. They couldn't understand the game, but they also knew that winning or losing was very important to Yunxi, Ye Nianhan and the others.

Qingchan pursed her lips. A few days before the competition, Yun Xi had a video chat with her. At that time, Yun Xi seemed relaxed and comfortable.

But she could still see that the young lady was not as relaxed as she appeared, because the time when the young lady was really comfortable was when she was traveling in Hunyuan State, and she always remembered the young lady's expression during that time.

That was different from this time.

She clenched her fist tightly with her other hand, hoping that Ye Nianhan would win successfully.

Yunze Yunli is two years old this year. They don’t like competitions at all, but after their mother said they could see their sister, they immediately obediently stayed in front of the competition!

In fact, during the top 16 of the individual competition, there was already a battle between spirit beings. Two out of ten spirit beings were eliminated!

But the excitement presented by those two games indeed far exceeded the battle between warriors.

Now that the quarter-finals have begun, many viewers have given up watching the team competition and directly shifted their perspective to the individual competition.

There was a huge shout in the field, and Ye Nianhan heard one voice after another cheering for her.

Over the past two years, Yun Xi and the others have already accumulated a large number of fans, and those people are not the only ones who support Yun Xi, Ying Nian Ling and others!

Love the house and the crow,

Many viewers hope that each of them and the entire university will achieve good results!

When Ye Nianhan and Wang Ting both stepped onto the competition field, the referee's call rang out.

"Both sides are ready, let the game begin!"

The moment the referee's voice fell, the audience became quiet, but the sound of sword roaring sounded in the field!

The spiritual swords of both sides were unsheathed, and the battle was about to begin.

Ye Nianhan's Nian Shuang swords drew a cold light, and his whole body instantly rushed in front of Wang Ting.

The spiritual sword cuts horizontally!

This is the first time she has used her sword in this competition, and it is also the first time she has attacked with such ferocity.

Ye Nianhan knows very well where his advantage lies - speed. She has a strong talent for speed, and even Yun Xi is not as good as her in this aspect.

Use your extraordinary speed to get the upper hand!

This is what happens in battles between strong men. Once whoever gets the upper hand will easily gain the upper hand!

The same was true for Wang Ting. He also guessed that Ye Nianhan would find a way to seize the opportunity, but he did not expect that the other party would attack in such a rough and direct way.

Among the colleges and universities competing for the third seed of the Tianling Award, the most difficult one to deal with is the Qifeng College.

The problem is not that they are powerful, but that people know too little about them.

They are all girls and rarely participate in combat exchange activities. The most effective information about their position so far only comes from their performance in the ring at Qi Feng High School.

But it has been two years since then.

Ye Nianhan's speed exceeded Wang Ting's expectations, and also exceeded the expectations of the leading teacher at Hexing University.

Wang Ting fell into a passive position all of a sudden!

Ye Nianhan took the opportunity, and the attacks fell like a thunderstorm. The spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was mobilized at the same time, condensing sword lights in an attempt to block the opponent's path.

After Yun Xi proposed the full concentration cultivation method to them, Ye Nianhan and others began to practice it hurriedly. Although it was extremely difficult, it was of great help to them.

The most effective point is that it can help them achieve the effect of multitasking, which can often have unexpected effects in battle.

The sword light shot quickly from Wang Ting's back, and Wang Ting was overwhelmed by the two-sided attack.

Ye Nianhan's sword was so fast and fierce that he didn't even have a chance to resist the sword light behind him.

Knowing that he would be beaten to death if he continued like this, Wang Ting made no reservations and shouted loudly, his spiritual veins flickered, and his spiritual power suddenly exploded, shaking all around!

His purpose was simple, to interrupt Ye Nianhan's rhythm, and then take the initiative to take the rhythm into his own hands.

However, the idea was good, but the next scene once again exceeded Wang Ting's expectations!

The moment Wang Ting's spiritual power exploded, Ye Nianhan also released all his spiritual power without reservation. At this moment, both her sword power and body aura were many times better than before!

Wang Ting's spiritual power bombarded Ye Nianhan's body, but Ye Nianhan used his body-protecting spiritual light to resist it!

Wang Ting's pupils dilated, and he could already tell that Ye Nianhan was going to eliminate him in one go! She resisted her own counterattack, but she didn't intend to give herself even a chance!

The twin swords of Nian kept slashing at them, but Wang Ting resisted in embarrassment.

The sword light in the sky fell quickly and impacted Wang Ting's back.

The spiritual light protects the body, and Wang Ting can only use his spiritual power to bear it if he can't take the chance to resist it with his sword.

And it was this endurance that made him tremble, and a crack suddenly appeared in his originally airtight defense!


Qin Susheng in the audience clenched her fists and whispered.

Chu Shuyi also saw this flaw and felt particularly nervous!

The teacher at Hexing High School immediately felt nervous and realized something was wrong!

At the moment when everyone was nervous, Ye Nianhan decisively seized this fleeting opportunity, and his sword intent suddenly broke out at this moment!

‘Nanzijue: Thoughts of death! ’

The sharp sword intention was like a god of death wrapping around the Nian Shuangjian at this moment, and the violent sword intention centered on the Nian Shuangjian, raging crazily towards the surroundings!

Ye Nianhan's eyes were condensed and he stabbed out with a sword!

Wang Ting raised his right hand and struck out with the spirit sword in his hand, trying to resist Ye Nianhan's sword.

Ding! ! !

A huge sword chant echoed, and everyone saw a spiritual sword flying across the sky, and finally stuck on the ground. While everyone held their breath, Ye Nianhan's sword stopped just a finger's distance from Wang Ting's chest.

"The game is over! I pray that Ye Nianhan wins!"

The referee's voice echoed in the ears of every spectator, and fierce cheers instantly broke out in the field!

Ye Nianhan's name resounds throughout Fengyun Spiritual Field. After this battle, she will become famous in Fengyun!

Under the stands, both Qin Susheng and Chu Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief. The latter jumped up happily, waving his fists and shouting Ye Nianhan's name.

In the team competition arena, Yun Xi and others heard the fierce cheers from the audience. They looked at the audience, then looked away, and each laughed.

Yun Xi smiled and said: "It seems that Nian Han has won!"

"Then we can't let Nian Han down!"

Xiao Lingyuan appeared with Li Xinyu holding a spear.

At the end of another day of competition, Qi Feng still maintained a victorious attitude and moved forward. He Xing's players were eliminated in the quarterfinals. It can be said that they have lost the qualification to compete for the Tianling Award.

Unless they can get the top two in the team competition, but with Fengyun University and Tianyuan University in front of them, they obviously can't do it.

At night, the Qifeng lounge was peaceful.

Before the joy of advancing to the semi-finals could spread in everyone's hearts, huge pressure followed.

Tomorrow is the semi-finals and finals!

After winning the semi-finals, Ye Nianhan will compete for the individual championship.

If she loses in the semi-finals, she will have to fight for third place, so no matter what, she will have to fight two battles tomorrow.

Ye Nianhan sat in the breath control room and looked at the information in his hands.

Tomorrow's opponent in the semi-finals is named Han Chengyi, who is from Guyuan University.

The other top four pair is Feng Yun and Tian Yuan. In this year's individual competition group draw, Tianyuan and Fengyun were unfortunately drawn into a group. Therefore, they met in the semi-finals in advance, and one of them was destined to miss the championship and runner-up.

Fengyun and Tianyuan had seven and six spirit users respectively. They had an absolute advantage in numbers. Therefore, in the individual competition, the two universities sent out the second strongest spirit person in the team.

In terms of paper strength alone, the individual contestants from these two universities are definitely the two strongest in the individual contest this year!

Once the outcome of the battle between Ye Nianhan and Han Chengyi is determined, there will most likely be a gap of two between them - second and fourth.

The one who reaches the finals will have a considerable advantage in points, paving the best path for the team competition.

Although Guyuan is weaker than Fengyun and Tianyuan, they have been regulars in the Tianling Awards in the past. They have won the third place in the Fengyun Competition for four consecutive years, and they are Qifeng's strong rivals!

This semi-final match is particularly crucial!

After a night of rest, the game on the eighth day began.

Compared with other competitions, the one that attracted the most attention today was still Ye Nianhan's battle in the individual competition.

Anyone who understands the competition system knows that this game will determine who will take the initiative in the team competition!

For everyone in the audience, this year's Tianling Award seed quota is still Fengyun Tianyuan plus one other university, but this time there is an additional competitor named Qi Feng.

As time went by, the individual competition on the eighth day was held as scheduled!

The first of the two semi-finals matches in the morning was between Fengyun and Tianyuan.

After the players from the two sides came on stage, there was a fierce confrontation. Ye Nianhan stood in the audience and watched, feeling that compared with them, he still seemed a little inadequate.

After all, it has only been less than two months since I became a spiritual breakthroughr.

In such a compact game, any bit of spiritual power can affect the balance of the game.

The battle between the two leading universities in Fengyun County is extremely fierce. Both of them are stronger than the other players in terms of their respective spiritual power and combat skills.

If Ye Nianhan or Han Chengyi were to face either of them, it would be extremely difficult.

The fierce battle lasted for a full quarter of an hour before it came to an end. Xu Fan from Fengyun University narrowly defeated Qi Ming by a small margin and entered the final first.

"The game is over. Fengyun Xu Fan wins!"

After this game ended, ten minutes later there was a battle between Ye Nianhan and Han Chengyi.

The staff came on stage to repair the competition ground that had been damaged by the battle. Ye Nianhan took long and slow breaths in the audience to adjust his condition.

Xu Chengyi is an extremely powerful student at Guyuan University. In the Dragon and Phoenix Competition that year, he advanced to the top sixteen.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the Dragon and Phoenix Competition can almost predict the pattern of each school in the next three years.

Nowadays, almost all the spirits in the Fengyun Competition are those who achieved extremely high rankings in that competition.

Xiao Lingyuan, Ye Nianhan, Nangong Yao, and the three of them would still be at the ninth level of the heavenly realm now if they had not found the opportunity in the spiritual tomb.

Ye Nianhan recalled the information about Han Chengyi in his mind.

The opponent is a stick cultivator who broke through to the spiritual path about three months ago. His stick skills are strong and fast. It is impossible for him to directly rely on the opportunity to defeat him like he did against Wang Ting, so he can only go head-on. fighting.

Han Chengyi's mental method is similar to Nangong Yao's Chongjun mental method, which enhances strength. Therefore, when fighting against him, one must pay special attention to dodge. Once he is hit hard by the opponent, he is likely to be seriously injured and defeated.

At this time, time often passes very quickly, and ten minutes fly by.

The referee's voice sounded.

"The second game of the semi-finals. Qifeng Ye Nianhan versus Guyuan Han Chengyi."

"Invite both players to come forward!"

Ye Nianhan took a deep breath and stepped onto the competition stage amidst the cheers of the crowd.

The two looked at each other from a distance on the stage and saluted each other.

"Game start!"

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