I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 27 6 Match Rules (Part 2)

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After the mist disappeared, there was a competition called the Soul-Living Fantasy Land.

Qin Susheng told everyone: "The Soul-Living Illusion tests willpower. As long as the contestants enter, they will forget that they are competing, and then they will face the same illusion, and the ranking will be determined according to the order of awakening events. Due to the nature of this competition , this does not provide advance experience!”

Although it does not provide experience, the competition system is clear and clear. The willpower test and the specific method of the test are naturally not available for everyone to experience, but it is worth mentioning.

Since the other thing is willpower, then this level is not something that requires the spirit.

Yunfeng said: "The Soul-Living Illusion does not test personal strength, so I do not plan to send spirit warriors to participate in this competition. After our discussion, Li Wu will be responsible for this level."

Among the ten people praying for the title, Li Wu is the one with the smallest presence, but he is the most loyal to practice!

He doesn't talk much and has a dull personality, but he has firm determination and belief in spiritual practice, so it is perfect for him to participate in this level.

Li Wu, who never spoke much, nodded and said in a rough voice: "I won't hold you back."

Cheng Kaiming patted Li Wu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Da Zhuang! I believe in you! You are the fattest!"

Li Wu glared at him fiercely and didn't bother to talk to him.

Seeing that no one showed the nervousness they were worried about, Yunfeng and Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

"Okay, let's move on to the next venue."

After the Soul-Living Illusion, there is the fourth game. This game is called the Battle of the Mountain of Swords.

Different from the previous three types of competitions, the Knife Mountain Competition is a complete competition of personal strength, but the venue of the competition is, as the name suggests, on the Knife Mountain!

Arriving at the intersection of the Knife Mountain Contest, Qin Susheng said: "The competition format of the Knife Mountain Contest is relatively simple. Compared with the explanation, it should be clearer if you just go in and experience it for yourself! In our original plan, It is planned that Yun Xi will be responsible for participating in the Battle of Knife Mountain.

But since Ying Nian Ling doesn’t know enough about the formation, then Ying Nian Ling will participate in the Sword Mountain Competition, and Yun Xi will participate in the Cloud and Mist Trace. Xiaoying, please pay more attention to the competition venues and competition formats of Daoshan Zhenghe.



Perhaps because Yunwu Mizhen disappointed everyone before, Ying Nianling responded very well.

After responding, everyone walked towards the entrance of the space.

The light surrounded them, the space was distorted, and they quickly disappeared into the competition arena.

When the world in front of her changed, Ying Nianling felt the same dizziness as before, and she subconsciously closed her eyes.

It wasn't until a certain moment when the spinning feeling gradually disappeared that Ying Nianling opened her eyes.

The sky and the earth were long, and a faint spiritual energy floated her in the air, and she looked around.

Bright sword lights enveloped her, and there were sharp blades everywhere under her feet, above her head, and all around her.

This place should not be called Mountain of Knives, but rather Sea of ​​Knives.

The power dragging Ying Nian Ling was slowly dissipating, and she began to use her own spiritual power to stabilize her figure. Ying Nian Ling stared straight ahead.

Ahead is a dark shadow.

This is her first round opponent.

In the official competition, fifteen players from the same group will enter the secret space of the Knife Mountain Competition, and those who enter the competition will be randomly assigned in pairs.

Except for one person who will be lucky enough to get a bye, the other fourteen people will fight in pairs, and the winner will advance to the next round to fight the next opponent.

Only the top four will receive corresponding points based on their ranking!

Because there are very few people who can score points in the Knife Mountain Competition, and the scores of those who score are not low, this is also the easiest matchup in all competitions to widen the gap.

This year's Tianling Award is more of a multi-faceted test in the group stage, but personal strength still takes the majority, because this is the way of competition that can best demonstrate the strength of one side!

Ying Nianling didn't understand the rules of this. She only knew that she should keep winning until she had no opponents. She was very good at this kind of thing, because she had never lost in a game since she was a child.

When the battle started, Ying Nianling discovered that during the battle, these thousands of blades would attack the two people in the battle.

These blades are condensed with spiritual light. If they are scratched once, the damage will not be much weaker than a normal spiritual strike.

Although the competition format of the Knife Mountain Contest is simple and clear, its dangers are undoubtedly much greater than other competitions!

After understanding Masao Toyama's competition system, everyone left this space one after another and returned to the competition stage.


Looking at the people coming out one by one, Yunfeng asked with a smile.

Li Xinyu blinked: "I was kicked out before I even started to experience it!"

Luo Yue came up and teased: "Because you are not a spiritual person! You can't even live in the sky, how can you settle on the Mountain of Swords?"

Li Xinyu glanced at her sideways: "Then you can gain a foothold?"

"Me? Of course I can't!"

Luo Yue said matter-of-factly.

Li Xinyu is not happy!

"Then you still look proud?!"

Luo Yue looked at her doubtfully: "I can't do it. Does it have anything to do with being proud of me?"

Li Xinyu: "..."

Instead of stopping the bickering between the two, Yunfeng mainly looked at Ying Nianling.

"I won't lose!"

Ying Nianling opened her round crimson eyes wide, and her red pupils shed a magical light.

Compared to Yun Xi's more noble and holy beauty, Ying Nian Ling is more like the son of an elf nurtured by the gods. She is cute and cute, which often makes people feel pity for her.

When Yun Feng saw Ying Nian Ling, he gave his word of assurance and became less talkative. In a competition like this where one is competing for personal strength, one still needs to trust the players more often.

"Let's go and check out the next arena!"

Walking towards the next competition stage, Qin Susheng said: "Then there are only the last two competitions left, namely the Beast Spirit Competition and Yuan Hai Qi Jin. These two competitions are different from the previous ones because they are both It’s a competition that requires three players to participate.”

In the six games, all ten players need to participate, and everyone carries the hope of the team's promotion. Therefore, not to mention the large number of spirit players this year, in terms of the pressure they bear, those warrior players are no less than the spirit players!

"The Beast Spirit Competition is the most suitable competition for warriors to participate in. In the Beast Spirit Competition, each team will be assigned to its own area. The space will be adjusted according to the overall strength of the participating teams, and the space will be generated within the space. Monsters of the same level."

"The beast spirit competition lasts for one hour. After the competition, the rankings will be compared based on the number of monsters hunted by each team, and points will be scored in turn."

"To put it simply, in terms of the competition system, when three top warriors enter, they will appear in an area where there are only peak heaven-level monsters, and when three spiritual people enter, they will appear in an area where there are only early-stage monsters in the early spirit realm. And if the spirit person brings If the warriors go in together, there will be both heaven-level monsters and spirit-level monsters in the area they are in."

"But the final score must be calculated according to the same ratio. For example, if the participating team has one spiritual practitioner and two warriors, then the monsters they hunt must also be one spiritual level and two heavenly level. The overflow is more than two After that, anything other than two will not count.”

"Compared to other competitions, this is the fairest competition for all warriors. Although this competition system is very unfair for spiritual warriors with a larger number, since we are on the side that is cared for, there is no need to It is necessary to emphasize the fairness of this competition system.”

Qin Susheng said these words calmly. For her, it is not important what the competition system is. What is important is whether these children can keep going?

Moreover, it is still easier for a spiritual person to defeat a first-level spiritual beast than for a warrior to defeat a heavenly level monster.

Because compared to warriors, spirit warriors have too many fighting methods. Monster beasts will not undergo huge qualitative changes when they reach the first spirit realm. Their real big change is when they are promoted from the spirit transformation realm to the spirit robbery realm!

Yunfeng said: "Needless to say more about the contestants in this competition, Cheng Kaiming, Li Xinyu, and Luo Yue will compete. During this period, you will practice diligently and read more to improve your coordination."

Li Xinyu and the other two nodded: "Understood!"

"Well, you are not allowed to experience the beast spirit competition. Let's go directly to the last competition stage."

Since there are only a few fixed maps for the Beast Spirit Competition, in order to prevent students from familiarizing themselves with the terrain in advance and making it easier to find monsters, the official has not enabled the experience of the Beast Spirit Competition. After all, compared to the Shadow Chasing Tower, the rules of this competition are simple and easy to understand.

"The last game is called Yuan Hai Qi Jin. Rather than me explaining it, it would be more convenient for you to experience it directly."

"Our tentative contestants for this competition are Xiao Lingyuan, Nangong Yao and Lu Qi. You three can just go in and give it a try,"


Others did not keep up, because no matter how adaptable Nangong Yao and the others were, no one could spare anyone to swap with them.

Nangong Yao and the three of them stepped into the secret realm together. The space twisted and magical power enveloped them. When everything stabilized, they found that they were in a world of almost complete darkness.

The reason why it was close was because there was still a faint light in the darkness, and this light came from in front of them.

This is a golden red rope, about the size of a thumb, and a hundred meters long.

The competition system of Yuanhai Qijin is not too complicated. This red rope is tied around the waists of three people in the team, and the three people advance together. The teams gain points based on the order in which they reach the finish line. During this period, the red rope must not fall off or break, otherwise it will be directly judged as failure and you will not even have the ranking.

However, behind such a simple competition system, hidden is a terrifying competition venue.

Since it is called Yuanhai, the venue for the competition is undoubtedly the sea!

The place where they are now is thousands of meters under the sea. Now there is a magical power to help them block the pressure from the one-kilometer sea. After the competition starts, this power will dissipate, and then they will have to carry the one-kilometer sea while protecting the golden light and red rope. Move forward under huge sea pressure!

The difficulty can be imagined.

And the most important thing is that in this deep-sea competition, teams are allowed to interfere with each other and break other people's red ropes to eliminate them. This method is within the rules.

Moreover, there will be monsters in the deep sea, and they will also take the initiative to attack the contestants!

Therefore, we can say without hesitation that Yuan Hai Qi Jin is the most difficult competition among the six competitions!

Nangong Yao looked at the red rope in front of him, thought for a while and said, "In the entire competition, the person in the middle is the most important!"

If three people advance together and have ropes tied around their waists, they must move forward in the most stable posture first. Then it is best to let the person in the middle take the lead and the people on the left and right to follow.

Nangong Yao continued: "The people in the middle are the best..."

"I...I'll be in the middle!"

While he was talking, Lu Qi took the initiative to speak.

Nangong Yao and Xiao Lingyuan took the initiative to look over. Nangong Yao actually wanted to say that he was the leader, not because he was strong, but because he planned to take the initiative to take over the most important position and help the two girls relieve their pain. pressure.

Seeing both of them looking over, Lu Qi took the initiative to explain: "If the person in the middle is too fast, the other two may not be able to keep up, right? And... you two are better than me. If you are around, you should I will protect you very well..."

Her idea is very simple. She is in the middle. Because her realm has just been stable, she is actually not as good as Nangong Yao and the others in terms of hard power.

In terms of speed, there is actually not much difference between the three of them, but she is still slightly inferior. If she takes the lead, Nangong Yao and the others can catch up with her even if she rushes at full speed!

And if they encounter an enemy, with the strength of Nangong Yao and Xiao Lingyuan, they can also protect the rope very well.

Nangong Yao and Xiao Lingyuan both looked at each other and finally said: "This is okay, let's try it first?"


The red rope was tied around the waist, leaving a distance of more than 40 meters between Nangong Yao, Xiao Lingyuan and Lu Qi.

This distance will give them more space to use their hands and feet, but at the same time, it will also make the red rope more easily exposed. They need to experiment on how to make it more suitable.

After the red rope was tied, the strange energy floating around them dissipated, and the strong sea pressure instantly pressed on the three of them. Fortunately, they explained that they used their spiritual power the moment they noticed the energy dissipated. Defense prevented them from being overwhelmed by the pressure.

With a thousand meters of water pressure, even spirits will feel the pressure, but the good news is that they don't have to worry about breathing. With the abilities of spirits, breathing in the water is not difficult.

This competition is specially prepared for spiritual beings!

Nangong Yao said: "The total distance is a thousand miles, and there will be road sign lights every ten miles. We will divide the road section into three sections and serve as conductors respectively. Based on the effect, we will decide who will be the conductor in the game, okay?"

Xiao Lingyuan put her hands on her hips and flicked her short hair: "I have no objection."

Lu Qi also nodded: "Yes."

Nangong Yao nodded. If the eldest sister is not in the team, then he, a grown man, will naturally have to bear certain responsibilities.

"Then, I'll be here first, get ready and go!"

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