I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 34 Please enjoy the game

Chapter 355 Please enjoy the game

The moment the mechanical sound fell, fifteen groups of figures in the sea rushed out quickly. In the unspeakable tacit understanding, no one took action against other teams in this game.

Because everyone knows that once the red rope breaks, they will be eliminated directly. No one is confident that they can eliminate other people's teams without being eliminated.

At least, in this initial stage, seeking stability is the best choice!

Xiao Lingyuan and the other three watched the game carefully. This is the advantage for the teams that compete later. They can learn and make up for themselves by watching other people's games first, so that they can perform better in their own games later. It's just that this one is better, it's everyone in the group.

The total distance to advance into the Abyss Sea is a thousand miles. It is obviously a very difficult task for three people to advance together under the pressure of thousands of meters of sea pressure, and to always be on guard against monsters that may appear at any time.

This game lasted longer than the previous ones, and it also gave people a sense of déjà vu in a horror movie, because no one knew when a monster would suddenly emerge from the dark sea ahead. .

Slowly, under such high pressure, the game slowly passed. As the finish line was getting closer, sparks naturally appeared between the teams not far apart.

Everyone wants to get the first place, but how can it be so easy to get the first place?

Under the attention of countless people, the first Yuan Hai Qi Jin ended not well.

Of the fifteen teams, only five teams finally got points, and of those five teams, except for one which was the No. 1 seed from another county, the others were all county teams.

On just the first day, the teams in Group A proved to the entire Tianlingshang team that even if the competition system changes, the chief county is still the chief county, as the famous saying goes:

Your uncle is still your uncle.

Finally, amidst the commotion, the first day of Tianling Shang competition came to an end.

When the first day of competition ended, Prince Fengyun turned to look at everyone. Today's competition ended. In the first round of Group A rankings, Tianyuan University ranked sixth.

This is actually a very high ranking, because in the past, not to mention Tianyuan University, even Fengyun University was basically ranked seventh or eighth in the group.

As for Tianyuan High School, thanks to Li Zixiao's amazing performance and the stable performance of others, it was able to get sixth place, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Prince Fengyun's gaze swept across everyone's bodies, and everyone lowered their heads. Everyone dared to look directly into the prince's eyes.

After a moment of silence, Feng Zixiao finally said: "The performance of Tianyuan High School today is very good. For the next two teams, don't embarrass Fengyun County."

More than 20 people from Fengyun High School and Qifeng High School straightened up immediately.


Prince Fengyun didn't say much. The first day of the game had just ended, and everyone needed to go back and discuss their feelings after watching the game today.

With a wave of his hand, he sent everyone back to Lingting Residence.

After returning to Lingting Residence, each school immediately started a meeting overnight. This discussion lasted for several hours.

Late at night, the stars are in full bloom, the Milky Way pours in, and there are stars falling across the sky, as bright as streams of light.

On the top floor of the Ling Pavilion, the night wind was blowing. Yun Xi was sitting on the edge of the rooftop, dangling his calves, with clouds and abyss beneath his feet.


The sound of gentle footsteps came, and Li Zixiao came from behind Yun Xi.

Yun Xi put her hands behind her back and looked back at Li Zixiao. An even more amazing smile appeared on her beautiful face and said, "Here you are, how are you? Are you feeling better?"

Li Zixiao looked around and saw that there was no one else. Perhaps only Yun Xi would come to the rooftop to enjoy the breeze at this moment when everyone was nervous about the competition.

Hearing Yun Xi’s concern,

Li Zixiao slowly shook his head, came to her side, held up his skirt and sat down.

The evening breeze blew, blowing her black hair and skirt, and her exquisite and convex figure gradually emerged under the thin skirt.

She is indeed a beautiful woman, even if Yun Xi is sitting next to her.

Yun Xi looked at it for a moment and then looked away, looking up at the sky. The stars poured into her eyes, like a black pearl filled with shining stars.

"I...seem to have changed a lot..."

Li Zixiao was called up by Yun Xi, but it was she who opened the topic first.

She looked up and stared at the stars like Yun Xi, but her eyes were a little dazed.

Yun Xi recalled Li Zixiao's performance on the field today. In addition to being happy, she also felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

She sniffed and smiled: "Change is a good thing. If things remain unchanged, people will not make progress."

If she is still the same person as before, even if God gives her a chance to come back, she will eventually become someone else's plaything.

Yun Xi has experienced a completely different life, and even experienced a completely different gender. No one's life is more unique than hers. She should be the most twisted one, but among the team, she happens to be the most mature and steady.

Different experiences will indeed make people understand a lot of things.

Li Zixiao didn't try to understand the meaning of Yun Xi's words, because for her. All you need to do in life is set a goal and then pursue it with all your strength. It's that simple.

When she was young, her goal was to find her own place in the family; after being abandoned, her goal became to survive, for which she suffered hardships; until her spiritual veins awakened, her goal became to practice again, and she continued to Practice.

Now, her goal has changed again, but it is still very simple, as simple as only two words.

"Yun Xi."


Yun Xi turned her head, showing doubts in her eyes.

Li Zixiao hesitated for a moment and said: "...I actually really want to enter the knockout round."

Yun Xi nodded and said softly: "I know."

It is impossible for every player who advances to the Tianling Awards not to have expectations for the knockout rounds.

Li Zixiao turned his neck slightly and looked at Yun Xi. Their eyes met under the night sky.

The cold wind howled and the silence lasted for a long time.

Li Zixiao, who organized his words well, spoke his heart under Yun Xi's puzzled eyes.

"I really want to prove myself, but I can't force my wishes on others. So, I will try my best in every subsequent round."


The wind blew Yun Xi's hair on her forehead, and her gentle eyes slowly shrank.

She never expected that Li Zixiao's abnormal performance today actually came from this!

She wanted to prove herself through the Tianling Award. For colleges like them, entering the knockout round was an opportunity to prove themselves, but Tianyuan's strength was still not enough. It was too difficult for them to enter the knockout round.

It's a good thing that Li Zixiao wants to prove himself, but if the way to prove it is to advance, it would be unfair to others. She can't require her team members to get a good ranking in the competition just because she wants to advance.

They couldn't do it, she knew it, so she didn't blame them.

'It's okay to aim for the knockout rounds because you want to prove yourself, but it's wrong to blame your teammates for not qualifying for the knockout rounds. ’

One day in the past, Li Zixiao must have seriously thought about this issue, so today she is so tolerant of Tian Yuan's performance, but so harsh on herself.

Even if you can't advance to the knockout rounds, there is still a way to prove yourself to the world. She perfectly interpreted this sentence today.

For the first time, Yun Xi felt the word "gentleness" on Li Zixiao's body, and she felt inexplicably excited at this moment.

"You have really changed a lot."

She sighed sincerely.


Li Zixiao looked into her eyes. There must be a reason for a person's changes, but what is the reason?

Li Zixiao knew, but she didn't plan to tell Yun Xi.

The first round of Group A games allowed many teams to see the competition conditions of the new competition system.

In terms of results, the Zongjun team still has a certain degree of dominance, but in terms of performance and points, this year's Tianyuan University is already considered a small dark horse.

As the second seed in Fengyun County, they finished sixth in the group in the first round, announcing to other teams that this new competition system could indeed give them a chance to survive!

In the Group B competition on the second day, the competition was also extremely anxious and intense. Although there was no such amazing player as Li Zixiao on this day, there were still a few dark horses.

After six games, in the first round standings of Group B, two of the top four teams are from outside the county!

These two teams are different from Tianyuan High School. In the past records, they both have a record of making it to the knockout rounds.

In addition, there is another team in Group B that shocked all the teams, that is Qingyuan College from Lianting County, Lanzhou County.

In the second day of competition, Qingyuan University firmly ranked first in Group B with a terrible record of first place in six games.

The ace player of Qingyuan High School is Yun Xi and their old acquaintance - Xia Qingyao.

After the game ended the next day, everyone went back for a meeting as usual. On the way, Xiao Lingyuan sighed: "The overall strength of the county team is not at the same level as ours."

Li Xinyu pouted and said, "Obviously when we were in Hunyuan Province, everyone was not so different."

Yun Xi comforted him: "There are various reasons. There is nothing to complain about. In short, go for the competition. If you make it to the knockout round, you will be successful!"

Xiao Lingyuan hugged Yun Xi's arm and said softly: "It's not enough to just enter the knockout round, we have to enter the top ten!"

"Ah? Then Xiaoying and I are under too much pressure, right?"

"Huh? Who said we only rely on you? We will work hard!"

While talking and laughing, the heavy pressure slowly dissipated.

After the Group B match, the Group C match followed. After another day of competition, the top seed in Group C was undoubtedly the No. 1 seed from Jiangming County, Yuezhou, Jiangming University.

I also know Yun Xi, the ace player of Jiang Ming University, and even has a lot of kindness towards Yun Xi and the others. That is the scholar Wei Wenlong who travels around the world.

Time was passing, and every minute and every second seemed extremely tense. On the night after the Group C competition ended, in a conference room on the 23rd floor of Lingting House, Qi Feng’s teachers and players gathered together.

In the closed conference room, Yunfeng looked at these ten familiar faces and said: "I won't explain any unnecessary things. As of now, tomorrow's game all depends on your performance. The opponent's information and tactics The concentration is all according to what we discussed before."

"However, once the game starts, any changes may happen. The first thing you must ensure is your mental stability. You must not let others affect your rhythm."

Such a game is full of twists and turns, especially in the case of Zhuying Tower and Yuanhai Qijin. No one is sure whether others will take the initiative to interfere with them.


At this time, Yun Xi asked: "Second uncle, can I say a few words?"

Yunfeng nodded: "Okay."

Yun Xi stood up, looked at her friends, and took a long breath.

"Please just relax and enter the arena. Then you just need to enjoy the game seriously and don't worry about the knockout rounds. Because," Yun Xi suddenly had an unspeakable temperament, "Xiaoying and I will win the first place." one!"

Ying Nianling raised the lollipop in her hand and echoed crisply: "I will win the first place!"

Originally, everyone thought that Yun Xi would comfort and encourage them, but what they heard was these words.

Everyone was silent for a moment, and finally Xiao Lingyuan suddenly muttered dissatisfiedly: "Na na na! I said, it seems that someone looks down on us!"

"Yes, yes! It's really irritating!" Luo Yue imitated Xiao Lingyuan's tone.

"Tomorrow we must let the monitor take a good look at our practice during this period!"

Li Xinyu also imitated Xiao Lingyuan and spoke.

"Hey! Don't imitate me!"


Everyone joked with each other, and they were more motivated by fighting spirit than pressure. The Tianling Award is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate. They not only have to enjoy it, but also show the most perfect version of themselves just like Li Zixiao.

Seeing that everyone was still so hilarious at this time, Qin Susheng clapped her hands and said softly: "Okay, kids, let's adjust ourselves tonight. Tomorrow, we will compete!"


When the meeting was dismissed and everyone returned to their respective rooms, Yunfeng rubbed his eyes, leaned on his seat a little tiredly, and said softly: "Tomorrow is the time to verify the results of everyone's hard work over the past three years."

Qin Susheng looked out the door, as if the sound of the fun just now was still echoing in her ears, she couldn't help but smile: "To be honest, they really feel like they are here to enjoy the game."

Ever since they got the Tianling Award, Yun Xi and others have not shown a strong desire to win. They always look like laughing in front of others, and then secretly run out to practice in the middle of the night.


Yunfeng took a long breath: "I have been thinking that the trauma Xiao Xi suffered back then was really a good thing for her."

Qin Susheng smiled slightly, walked behind Yunfeng, took the initiative to rub his shoulders, and said softly: "You have worked hard during this time."

These days, in order to make Qin Susheng less hardworking, Yunfeng actually took the initiative to take on more tasks. Qin Susheng did not say these things, but she kept them in her heart.

Yunfeng's body froze, and his old face couldn't help but blush a little.

Under Qin Susheng's gentle massage, his body quickly relaxed again.

"Teacher Qin, actually..."


Qin Susheng turned her head sideways, and before Yunfeng finished speaking, she fell into a deep sleep.

He is too tired.

It’s a million words... After reading novels for so many years, it’s the first time I’ve written a novel with a million words. I feel like I have a lot to say, but when the words come to my head, I don’t know how to say them.

Updates are very slow during this period, and I'm sorry for that. There are a lot of things to be busy with now, and it takes a lot of energy just to ensure updates. However, since the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day are coming, I will try to write more and save more in these days. , otherwise I will lose everyone’s trust if I stop updating.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your support. I know not many people read this book, but I am grateful for everyone!

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