I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 36 Ye Nianhan’s choice (Part 2)

The competition continues, and the Shadow Chasing Tower-shaped race is quickly halfway through, and all fifteen contestants have reached the fifty-fifth floor.

Along the way, Ye Nianhan and Du Ruolong encountered each other many times, which surprised both parties. They themselves did not expect that the routes they chose would be so similar.

In addition to this, Du Ruolong was even more surprised, because they had all climbed to more than fifty floors, but even at this level, Ye Nianhan was still on par with him.

This girl went faster than she expected.

There are monsters attacking from time to time while flying. The 60th floor is very close, and there will only be four entrances to the next passage. At this time, the chance of everyone meeting will be greatly increased, and this is where they finally sprint. stage.

The farther back you go, the smaller the area of ​​each floor of the tower is, and the distance on each floor becomes shorter and shorter.

When entering the intersection on the 60th floor, Ye Nianhan... and Du Ruolong met again.

The two of them looked at each other in the air, and then spontaneously displayed their spiritual power.

collapse! ! !

With the sound of sonic boom, the two of them immediately began to increase their speed at this moment. Their speeds skyrocketed, turning into two tiny streams of light and rushing toward the finish line.

Ye Nianhan's spiritual veins shone, the spiritual power in his body flowed rapidly, the wind was blowing under his feet, and his figure suddenly appeared several miles away, leaving Du Ruolong behind who was also accelerating!

"What a speed!"

Outside the stadium, there were screams of surprise.

Qingyuan Gaowu's teacher said with great interest: "I remember, apart from the Group A competition, this is the first time that someone has been able to surpass someone from the main county in the second half, right?"

The teacher of Fenghuang Gaowu nodded: "This year's Tianling Awards, there are quite a few amazing female cultivators."

In the world of Tianling's cultivation, the proportion of female cultivators is not large, only about 30%. If additional conditions such as extraordinary talent are added, the number of male cultivators should be several times that of female cultivators.

This can be well proven by the fact that Li Zixiao was the only female cultivator to advance to the second round in the previous Group A competition.

Qingyuan Gaowu’s teacher said: “I have high expectations for these girls this year.”

Both Qingyuan and Fenghuang are both Gao Wu who have put a lot of effort into cultivating outstanding female cultivators. They are very happy to see female cultivators perform well in the Tianling Awards.

In the arena, Du Ruolong's pupils suddenly shrank!

Ye Nianhan actually surpassed him, which was beyond his expectation!

Du Ruolong didn't show the slightest panic. Now was not the time for a conflict.

He stared closely at Ye Nianhan's slender back and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Nianhan exerted his strength and directly surpassed Du Ruolong, but she did not relax at all because she knew very well that there was not much spiritual power left in her body.

In order to kill the monsters that tried to attack her shadow with one blow, she did not deliberately save her spiritual energy, which would have a certain impact on the future.

Ye Nianhan bit her lips tightly and kept moving at a high speed. The spiritual power in her body was rapidly flowing away because of her unreserved explosion.

Soon, Ye Nianhan arrived at the eightieth floor. Among the last twenty floors, there were only two entrances to each floor. Now she was confident that with her own speed, others would not be able to catch up with her.

But the question is, can I maintain this speed and reach the finish line?

She knew the answer.

But after entering the eightieth floor, she still did not slow down.

Ye Nianhan didn't want to fight, not because she couldn't beat them, but because she was very confident in her speed.

She believed that at this point, absolutely no one in the group could catch up with her, so as long as she continued, the first place would naturally fall on her.

However, everything will not be as easy as imagined.


A sword chant sounded from behind Ye Nianhan, and Du Ruolong finally took the initiative. She launched an attack on Ye Nianhan.

In fact, at this time, Du Ruolong only needs to keep moving at his own pace, then he can also get a good ranking, but he does not want to do this. His goal is to be first, so he cannot allow Ye Nianhan to run behind him. Front.

When Ye Nianhan sensed the attack coming from behind, she immediately turned around. Looking at the incoming spirit sword, she also threw her Nian Shuang Sword.

The spiritual sword flew quickly, and the sword was glowing with spiritual light.


The two swords intersected, and the crisp sound echoed in the valley, and the surrounding white mist faded a few minutes.

Ye Nianhan fell back and gasped heavily. Her background is not as good as Du Ruolong's. After dozens of levels of high-speed flying, she has very little spiritual power left.

If you really continue to fight with the opponent, you will definitely lose in the end.

But if she just runs forward like this, her speed will not be faster than the opponent's sword, and using her spirit to control a sword is far faster than a person.

If she wants to escape before the opponent's sword arrives, she must be faster than the sword. This is actually not impossible...

Ye Nianhan frowned, thinking and struggling in his heart.

She glanced back at Du Ruolong. Du Ruolong's route still overlapped with hers, following closely behind her. The spiritual sword in his hand was shining with light, ready to go.

Time did not allow her to hesitate. After Ye Nianhan struggled for a moment, his body suddenly slowed down and he stepped away.

Du Ruolong looked at Ye Nianhan's actions in surprise. The sword in his hand paused for a moment without taking action. He tentatively moved forward and found that Ye Nianhan, who was retreating to the side, had no intention of attacking him.

So he accelerated directly towards the finish line. Ye Nianhan looked at his back, sighed softly, and followed.

"...This? Why did she give in? How could this person give away the first place for nothing?"

"Yes! This is too strange. Why did you just give in after a symbolic resistance?"

"Why give it away for free? Don't you think that Ye Nianhan still has the energy to fight Du Ruolong?"

"That is, with Ye Nianhan's background, if he really continues to fight and gets injured, he may not even be able to keep the top two."

"Then you won't just give in, right?! There's no blood at all!"

"Bloodiness? This is a competition, of course winning or losing is more important! Bloodiness, how much is it worth?"

"How can you talk to me, a cultivator..."

Ye Nianhan's move that was beyond everyone's expectations obviously caused an uproar in the audience. Everyone was talking about it, and many people even quarreled because of her choice. If the big guys from the Tianling Alliance weren't present, I'm afraid they would have been put on the spot. There will be a fight in the audience.

For these viewers, today's shadow-chasing tower is not as visual a feast as the previous days, but it is particularly exciting.

Because in the first two days of Group B and Group C matches, the No. 1 seeds from Zongjun often led others by a long way before the sprint stage. When no one could catch up with them, of course they would not. May be blocked.

Therefore, getting first place is a matter of course.

But today is different. The players in the arena don't know, but the audience can see it clearly.

In today's competition, Du Ruolong from Yuhuan University was also a long way ahead of the other players, except for the amazing Ye Nianhan.

This is the first player in the shadow-chasing tower these days who can compete with the commander-in-chief, and she is a woman.

But just when everyone was optimistic about Ye Nianhan and had expectations for her, she actually gave up the first place!

This is really incredible!

Many people are angry.

However, most of them were low-level cultivators or ordinary people watching the battle through the screen. The princes present knew very well that the reason why Ye Nianhan gave in was because she didn't have much spiritual power left.

Compared to Du Ruolong, Ye Nianhan's background is still slightly inferior. In fact, if her sword could be better, she would be able to save more spiritual energy when dealing with those monsters.

In such a long-term spiritual energy consumption competition, any waste of spiritual energy will become the key to affecting the direction of the game.

Ye Nianhan was right to give in, but to the audience who had hopes for her, her choice was really annoying.

At Fengyun County, Yongming slightly squinted his eyes and glanced at Fengyun County Prince.

He knew very well that for these big shots, what was important in many cases was not necessarily winning or losing, but more likely face.

Prince Fengyun looked calm and looked at the light curtain on the field, with no expression on his face at all.

Yongming, who knew Prince Fengyun well, knew that the Prince was somewhat dissatisfied with Qi Feng.

He turned his head and looked at everyone at Qi Feng High School. Everyone was staring at the screen. The only one who responded to his gaze was Yun Xi, the captain of the Qi Feng expedition team.

Yun Xi's face was also calm, and the surrounding discussions did not affect her at all. She met Yong Ming's eyes and gave him a slight salute.

Yong Ming thought that these children could not be blamed, so he said: "Your Majesty, this Ye Nianhan's sword does not seem to be of high quality."

The Nian Shuang Sword is just a spiritual sword that has just entered the spiritual level. In this competition where everyone has one spiritual weapon, Ye Nianhan's Nian Shuang Sword is indeed of a low level.

Feng Zixiao glanced sideways for a moment, glanced at Yong Ming who was speaking for Ye Nianhan, and his eyes narrowed.

Yong Ming quickly lowered his head and stood respectfully beside Feng Zixiao.

"If it were me, I should make the same choice."

Another cheerful voice sounded, and Feng Weiyan walked out of Fengyun High School and came to Feng Zixiao's side.

Seeing that his son had helped to speak, Feng Zixiao sighed and finally said: "After today, give her a sword."

Yongming said respectfully: "Yes."

Yunyang Yunjia.

Xuanxuan and Qingchan were stunned when they saw Ye Nianhan giving in.

They don't have much idea about the strength of spiritual cultivators and the so-called spiritual power foundation. They only know that Sister Han seems to have given up on her own initiative?

Xuanxuan looked at Yun Yi and Xu Qinghan in confusion. Just when she was about to ask something, she heard Yun Yi speak first.

"Yes, Ye Nianhan is brave enough to make such a decision at such an important moment."

Xu Qinghan nodded and agreed: "Yes. If she forces a fight with Du Ruolong, I'm afraid she will be seriously injured, and she won't even be able to secure second place."

After hearing this, the two little girls realized that Sister Han's choice was the right one.

They continued to focus on the screen, thinking that second place was also a very high ranking.

The first shadow-chasing tower competition in Group D had already decided the first and second place the moment Ye Nianhan made a concession.

When the game ended and all the contestants left the secret realm and walked out, there were shouts and shouts from the audience.

This reaction made the other contestants feel confused, and they looked at the audience in confusion.

Fortunately, Tianling Shang did not sell tickets and ordinary spectators were not allowed to watch the game live. Otherwise, Ye Nianhan would have been scolded.

After this game ended, an inexplicable atmosphere emerged throughout the Zhutian Spirit Field.

When leaving the competition stage, Du Ruolong passed by Ye Nianhan and looked at her face seriously without lowering his voice at all: "Change to a better sword, you have two more chances."

The clear voice echoed around, heard not only by the audience present, but also by those watching the live broadcast.

Ye Nianhan was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Du Ruolong gratefully, lowered his head and saluted slightly.

Du Ruolong didn't return the gift and turned around to leave. After today's competition, he already had an understanding of Ye Nianhan's abilities.

Back at Yuhuan High School, my teammates from the same team came up to me, and someone said teasingly: "Not bad, Aaron! I couldn't tell you are quite gentle!"

Du Ruolong said without changing his expression: "Her sword is indeed a bit weak."

A newly entered spiritual sword has no power to resist in front of his sword.

But this is only one of the factors. Du Ruolong is confident that even if the opponent changes to a better sword, he will still not be his opponent based on his background.

The reason why he said this to her was because Du Ruolong himself still had expectations for the next competition. He did not want Ye Nianhan to be depressed because of this defeat, which would affect subsequent competitions.

He is looking forward to the next two encounters.

On the other side, Ye Nianhan lowered his head after returning to Qifeng.

Although she got a good result of second place, she still looked very apologetic.

"I'm sorry, everyone..."

She admitted her mistake in a low voice.

This guilt does not come from her grades, but from her choices.

People from the other two schools couldn't help but look over, and even Li Zixiao showed a rare hint of concern.

Yunfeng looked at Ye Nianhan who lowered his head, let out a long sigh, and asked, "Why do you do this?"

Ye Nianhan raised his head and looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and said nothing.

Everyone who prayed for the title immediately understood what she meant. They all looked at each other with complicated expressions and could not bear to criticize Ye Nianhan.

They have been with Ye Nianhan for so long, and they have practiced with each other quite a lot. Naturally, they know Ye Nianhan's strength better than others.

Based on their understanding of her, in the last moment of the competition just now, Ye Nianhan had the ability to compete for first place, but she chose to give up the competition.

Others might think that she had to give in because she had insufficient spiritual power, but Yun Xi and the others knew very well that Ye Nianhan... she did not want to expose her full abilities.

Even in such an important competition, she still has to hide her clumsiness, and I don't know whether to scold her or praise her.


After hesitating for a long time, Ye Nianhan finally spoke: "If we can enter the knockout rounds..."

The second half of the sentence was not spoken, but everyone already understood what she meant.

She thought they could advance to the knockout rounds, so she didn't want to expose everything in the group stage. However, this was unfair to herself.

Qin Susheng walked to Ye Nianhan, stretched out her hand, gently rubbed her head, and said distressedly: "Silly boy, you don't have to think so much."


Ye Nianhan raised his head, his eyes a little moist.

It's sadness and self-blame.

Qin Susheng shook his head: "It's okay. Since the decision has been made, we will bear the consequences for you."

They cannot judge whether Ye Nianhan's choice is right or wrong, because the result is still unknown. If her concession today can really be effective in the subsequent games, then what she did is naturally correct.

But if her behavior caused Qi Feng to fail to get a few points from the top four in the first round, then she would have no choice but to continue as previously agreed.

Yun Xi looked at the sympathetic Ye Nianhan and stood up.

The shadow-chasing tower shape ended, and the next cloud and mist made her appear.

"Get first and give everyone the power to choose."

She walked to the competition ring with this idea in mind.

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