I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 57 The handsome young master Feng Weiyue

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The encounter between Feng Weiyan and Zuo Tong was within everyone's expectation, because from a God's perspective, the two men were going in both directions.

After they realized that the captain had the privilege of knowing the name of the player represented by the punctuation mark, they all had the same purpose - to capture the thief first.

Everyone is smart and understands how important the privilege of captain is in tactical arrangements.

Other players can only judge friends and foes through light spots, but there is no way to pinpoint each light spot to each person, which can easily lead to surprises.

To use the simplest analogy, if other colleges and universities encounter Qi Feng, they want to avoid Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling to eliminate others, but with four light spots, who can guarantee that they will target them except the captain? Someone other than Yun Xiying Nian Ling?

Many times one wrong choice can lead to the loss of everything.

Now Zuo Tong and Feng Weiyan, the captains of the two teams meet, if whoever is eliminated first, the other team will take the great initiative!

Zuo Tong held the broadsword tightly with both hands. The shining silver blade reflected the brilliance of the crystal, which seemed a bit dazzling in this black world.

Feng Weiyan unfolded his folding fan and put away his usual casual attitude, and his whole aura became sharper.

The battle made no noise, it broke out naturally!

Zuo Tong stepped forward with his right foot, and his whole body exploded out instantly. He swung his sword and slashed towards Feng Weiyan with a sharp whistling sound.

This is the good thing about a game that is personally supervised by the leader of the Tianling Alliance. There is no need to hold back when making moves, but there is no need to worry about human life.

Zuo Tong's sword seems simple and plain, but both the sharp sound of breaking through the air and the distorted space around it prove the ferocity of this sword!

Wanghai High School is the third seed in Hanling County. As its captain, Zuo Tong is naturally very capable!

Feng Weiyan naturally felt the domineering blow from Zuo Tong. His expression remained unchanged, and he stretched out his arm to block the unfolded folding fan in front of him!


The big knife landed in front of the folding fan, and the two spiritual powers collided with each other, causing violent waves.

Feng Weiyan's arms trembled slightly, such direct confrontation was not his strong point.

So he flicked his fingers, and saw the folding fan in his hand tremble slightly, splitting directly, turning into a series of jade slips, attacking around Zuo Tong, while he himself stepped back, avoiding Zuo Tong. Same edge.

Feng Weiyan's folding fan is called the Feng Ling Fan, and it is an ancient inherited spiritual weapon in Fengyun County. This fan can be transformed in many ways and is more powerful than ordinary spiritual weapons.

This was demonstrated by Feng Weiyan in the group stage competition at Daoshan, and Zuo Tong had already been on guard.

Zuo Tong reacted the moment he saw the Fengling Fan split. He twisted his body and swung out the sword quickly!

The light of the sword collided with the jade slip, forcing the jade slip back.

The moment the jade slip was shaken away, Feng Weiyan's figure immediately appeared. He opened his hand and the jade slip flew, falling into his hand and turning into a folding fan again.

Then Feng Weiyan waved his hand, and the folding fan opened towards Zuo Tong, bringing out a sharp edge!

This is not inferior to the sharpness of Zuo Tongdao!

Zuo Tong's eyes narrowed, the blade of the sword turned, and he immediately stopped him in front of him.


There was a crisp sound, and neither of them took advantage of the other.

But the battle obviously cannot end here. Although this is a game that tests strength, time is also particularly important in it.

The sooner you defeat the enemy, the faster you can support your teammates, and the easier it is to win!

Both men knew this, so they struck again just as the round was over.

The sword light shines in the black maze, but the folding fan emits light emerald fluorescence.

Feng Weiyan doesn't look like a warlike person in terms of his temperament or his weapons, but when it comes to fighting, he can always make full use of the flexible and changeable characteristics of the Wind Spirit Fan, launching extremely ruthless attack.

In a place unknown to them,

In fact, other players from the two schools also encountered each other, and fierce battles also occurred.

But the outside world is paying the most attention to the battle between these two people. This is not only because their battle is the most important, but also because their battle is really exciting!

Feng Weiyan is the only person in the Tianling Shang who uses a fan as a weapon. In addition, he is the son of Prince Fengyun, so he actually attracts a lot of attention.

Especially in the group stage competition, he once got a good result of second place.

The battle between the two was very intense. Wanghai University was ahead of Feng Yun in terms of overall strength, but this did not mean that Zuo Tong was stronger than Feng Weiyan!

As the son of a county prince and possessing an innate spiritual body, how could Feng Weiyan be weaker than Zuo Tong?

A violent gust of wind swept through this small space. The wind stood silently in the sky, and the clothes rustled.

There was a breeze lingering in his pupils, and everything around him could not escape his perception.

This is Feng Weiyan’s Fengyun Heart Sutra.

The wind was blowing violently, and Feng Weiyan's attack became even faster!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zuo Tong also started using his skills, and the sharp sword intent suddenly emerged from the spiritual power he exuded.

It was as if there were millions of sharp knives surrounding him, and just looking at it made people's eyes sting!

And just when the two were about to fight again, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded at this moment.

[Liao Donghao from Fengyun University was eliminated, Xia Andong joined the battlefield]

This mechanical sound was heard three times in a row, reaching the ears of the contestants and the audience.

Feng Weiyan's eyes narrowed slightly, realizing the tension of the situation.

In contrast, Zuo Tong breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his lips.

But the smile disappeared immediately before he could spread it, because he felt something was wrong with the wind around him.

He stared straight ahead, only to see Feng Weiyan still flying in the air, with his hands clasped together, a pair of index and middle fingers raised, and above the four fingers, the closed wind spirit fan was spinning rapidly.


The long voice echoed, and Feng Weiyan's eyes completely turned blue.

The Fengling Fan split and unfolded the moment the sound sounded, and the jade slips flew around, surrounding Zuo Tong in the blink of an eye.

The jade slips exude a weak but unyielding light, echoing each other from a distance, forming a strong wind formation, and the surrounding strong winds converge towards the formation.

This huge change immediately made Zuo Tong feel a lot of pressure.

Zuo Tong had seen this move before. Feng Weiyan had relied on this move to defeat other players from the general county in the previous competition at Daoshan.

The defeat of his teammates made Feng Weiyan feel the pressure. He probably wanted to end the battle quickly.

Zuo Tong understood what he was thinking, and he had no intention of backing down!

Zuo Tong held the sword with both hands and took a deep breath. The spiritual power in his body was adjusted crazily. The bright sword light stretched, and all the spiritual power surrounding him converged on the spiritual sword.

Since Feng Weiyan wants to end the battle, then he will do what he wishes!

The sword light was so powerful that it instantly covered the surrounding spiritual crystals.

Feng Weiyan saw the opponent's counterattack and had no reservations at all.

The spiritual lights on the jade slips converged, and the surrounding strong winds gathered, turning into a small floating dragon, making a deafening roar.

"Wind Spirit Jade Formation·Qi!"

The giant dragon roared, it flapped its wings and rushed to the left!


Zuo Tong roared, and under the storm, the bright sword light came up into the wind!

Sword light, giant dragon, strong wind...


Everything was swept together at this moment, turning into a majestic green-gold picture.

The collision of spiritual powers made a violent sound, which penetrated the thick maze and spread to other places!

The other players heard this sound clearly or faintly, and they all frowned.

Outside, all the spectators opened their eyes wide and stared at the light screen without blinking. The storm on the light screen had not subsided yet. A cyan hurricane swept across the entire space, and no one could see anything.

Until a certain moment, they saw a ray of light passing through the top of the maze and falling from the sky.

"Someone has been eliminated! Who is it?"

Everyone is curious, especially the teachers from Fengyun University and Wanghai University as well as other players who have not participated in the competition. At this moment, their fists are clenched and there is thick sweat on their palms.

The glow passed through the hurricane and brought up a figure.

The man fell into a coma, his clothes were torn, revealing his solid and majestic arms.

It's Zuo Tong!

"Zuo Tong was eliminated?"

The contestants from Fengyun High School were stunned for a moment, and then they suddenly shouted as if they had come to their senses: "We win! The captain wins! We win!!!"

The four contestants in the audience roared, and their excited voices even covered up the cheers of the entire spiritual field. Everyone felt their joy and excitement from the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone followed the sound and saw the four children hugging each other tightly, cheering and jumping.

But as they screamed, they suddenly started crying again. Because they are also under tremendous pressure. As the number one seed in Fengyun County, even the King of Fengyun County did not have much hope for them, but put his real hope on Qi Feng.

Under such an unfavorable situation, Fengyun High School's ability to advance into the knockout rounds was a surprise that shocked the entire county. But now, they may even survive the first round of the knockout rounds and enter the winner's bracket.

Perhaps only they themselves can understand the bitterness of this.

When everyone saw this, they all smiled, either congratulating or envious.

Only the players from Wanghai University looked sad and regretful at the moment. They did not blame Zuo Tong, because Feng Weiyan was really strong, otherwise he would not have been able to lead Fengyun University into the knockout rounds.

On Qi Feng's side, Yun Xi also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then said calmly: "Well, this result is not beyond my expectation."

"Fart! Your heartbeat just now was 1.5 times the normal rate!"

Yimeng created trouble in Yun Xi's mind, but it did not dare to pass on its consciousness to others, because there were too many strong people here, and if it made any overstep, it would be easily discovered.

Yun Xi also knew this, so she didn't say anything. She just silently controlled her spiritual consciousness and stuffed a dream into the purple seal, so that it wouldn't be annoying and distracting.

"You are cruel..."

Before Yimeng could finish his words of resistance, his soul was already locked up.

Yun Xi smiled slightly, and the sea of ​​consciousness became peaceful.

Of course, Xiao Lingyuan and others did not know that Yun Xi had experienced such an incident, so they all took a long breath of relief and felt much more relaxed.

"Feng Weiyan is indeed quite strong."

They already knew this from previous training.

[Zuo Tong from Wanghai University was eliminated, and Ma Yongxue joined the battlefield]

[Zuo Tong from Wanghai University was eliminated, and Ma Yongxue joined the battlefield]

【Wanghai University...】

The same words were heard three times, causing all the contestants in the maze to freeze in place.

"Captain...was eliminated?"

The players from Wanghai University were in disbelief.

"Zuo Tong...was eliminated?!"

The contestants from Fengyun High School were pleasantly surprised.

Somewhere the hurricane dissipated, leaving a mess all over the place.

Feng Weiyan sat against the corner of the wall and continued to take deep breaths.

Although he won the battle just now, his condition after the war was not good.

He must seize the time to recover his spiritual power and then help his teammates.

This is the advantage of a long game. As the winner, Feng Weiyan has enough time to adjust his condition before continuing to join the battle.

After resting for about twenty minutes, Feng Weiyan finally stood up.

In these twenty minutes, Fengyun High School was eliminated by another person, but the same was true for Wanghai High School. It was now four versus four, and he had the privilege of knowing the position of each player!

After the recovered Feng Weiyan rejoined the battle, the situation on the field finally changed significantly.

He did not go to join up with his teammates, but specifically went to catch those who were alone in Wanghai High School. When the time was right, he went to find his teammates. In the end, they all worked together and won the game at the cost of three people being eliminated. Success. Advance to the winner's bracket.

This outcome can be said to have been foreseeable after Feng Weiyan defeated Zuo Tong, so when the referee declared Fengyun High School the winner, no one was surprised anymore.

But many people are lamenting that Fengyun County this year is really different from previous years.

However, everyone also understands that the main reason why Fengyun County is so powerful this year is because the spiritual tomb has appeared in their county. The appearance of the spiritual tomb has caused many people in Fengyun County to obtain spiritual charm, and it is precisely because of the spiritual tomb that It is because of these auras that so many spiritual beings have emerged in Fengyun County.

This shows how powerful the Lingzhong is in Tianling Continent. It has easily supported a county that was once ranked in the middle and lower reaches.

It's just that the whereabouts of the spiritual tomb are so erratic that even the major princes cannot find out its location. Perhaps only those at the top of the Soul Killing Realm can get a glimpse of it, right?

When Feng Weiyan dragged his exhausted body back to the Fengyun County platform, everyone stood up.

Feng Zixiao nodded to his son, his face full of relief. Feng Weiyan's performance had indeed exceeded his expectations.

Feng Weiyan waved his hands, saying that he was tired and didn't want to work hard anymore.

After passing the county king, Feng Weiyan saw Yun Xi coming towards him, who patted him on the shoulder with a pleased expression: "Not bad. You performed well!"

Having known Yun Xi for a long time, Feng Weiyan also knew that under Yun Xi's seemingly calm and gentle appearance, he actually pretended to have a very casual and even stinky heart.

He responded with a wry smile: "Don't even think about taking this opportunity to indulge in the addiction of your seniors."


Yun Xi was not embarrassed when exposed and just laughed it off.

Feng Weiyan smiled and sighed, suddenly feeling that this woman was really interesting.

He twisted his extremely sore shoulders: "I'm going back to rest first. Fengyun High School's mission has been completed beyond the standard. Don't let everyone down if you pray for the title."

Yun Xi blinked and quietly gave a thumbs up: "Don't worry, I'm here for the championship this time!"

She is no longer the Yun Xi who was considered successful if she entered the semi-finals.

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