I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 76 They will eventually become legends

Chapter 397 They will eventually become legends

September 9th dawned early, because the sun came out early enough.

Half an hour after the game, the scorching sun hung high in the sky. The blazing red color should have stung people's eyes, but today its brilliance was simply snatched away by that curtain of light.

To be precise, it was the picture in the light curtain that took away the past.

Many people couldn't help but express heartfelt emotions when they saw the giant sword colliding with the phoenix. This emotion was not only admiration for Ling Xiaoyun and Yun Xi, but also regret for this battle.

Why regret?

That's because everyone suddenly thought, if this battle took place outside, under the blue sky, on the majestic mountains and rivers, what kind of thrilling scene would it be?

But it didn't, and the battle took place in this small space.

Therefore, the roar was particularly deafening, and the fire caused by the collision of powerful spiritual powers instantly swept through the entire maze.

Tianling High School and Qi Feng High School were swallowed up by the flames before they could retreat.

Xiaguang arrived one after another, picking up players one after another.

The mechanical sound echoed in the ears of all the viewers throughout the Tianling Continent.

[Pray that Ye Nianhan, Lu Qi, and Nangong Yao will be eliminated]

[Mo Wenxuan, Li Qisheng, and Zhuang Chengyan of Tianling University were eliminated, and Ai Yong'e joined the battlefield]

Before the winner of Yun Xi and Ling Xiaoyun could be determined, their companions had been eliminated one after another.

The so-called "when gods fight, mortals suffer", this is a bit like that saying.

The flames were not real flames. They swept through a large area of ​​the maze and then dissipated. Under the fluctuation of space, the audience saw the two figures.

Ling Xiaoyun sat on the ground, his shirt torn, revealing a solid body covered with scars and blood.

There was blood at the corner of his mouth, and the bright red blood slid down the arc, making his face even paler.

Everyone knew that he was completely unable to fight anymore.

What about Yun Xi? What about Yun Xi?

Everyone quickly moved their eyes away.

Yun Xi held the Frost Sword in his hand and leaned against the wall tiredly. His clothes were also torn, and his lower abdomen, arms, and neck were all exposed. Light blue spiritual power protected him on his left and right sides.

No blood or injuries could be seen, only the fair and translucent skin.

She was like a girl who escaped from the war, her clothes were ragged but she was as beautiful as a fairy, but no one felt a trace of blasphemy or desire, because no one could ignore the sharp heroic spirit between her brows.

Yun Xi supported the wall with one hand and swung the long sword with her right hand. The white mist covered her seductive skin.

"you lose."

Her face was equally pale, and even her voice seemed particularly weak, but what she said made everyone unable to help but be surprised.

Ling Xiaoyun struggled for a moment, trying to get up, but at this time he was like a person who had just come out of the operating room. Although his arms were there, he couldn't use any strength.

He finally sat helplessly on the ground, raised his head, and opened his mouth, as if he had a lot to say and a lot of questions to ask.

But in the end, it just turned into a simple sentence.

"You are so strong."

Yun Xi is really strong. She does not have a strong background like him, nor rich resources, nor mountains and rivers, but she has made it this far and convinced herself.

Ling Xiaoyun sighed: "I lost."

As soon as the voice fell, the glow came.

There was no uproar, not even any emotion or sigh.

Everyone was silent, watching everything in the light curtain.

Today, the Celestial Calendar honors September 9, 5321. This is a day worthy of being recorded in the history of Tianling.

This battle is a battle worthy of being watched and learned by countless younger generations.

The battle was decided, but the two players deserved everyone's respect.


There was a soft sound, and someone couldn't help but clapped their hands.

"Bah bang bang!"

More and more applause sounded. There was no noise or noise, just uniform applause, which represented everyone's respect for Yun Xi and Ling Xiaoyun!

The battle between Yun Xi and Ling Xiaoyun came to an end, which also marked the end of the battle between Qi Feng High School and Tian Ling High School.

Ai Yong'e was no match for Yun Xi and was easily eliminated. In this match, only the pale Yun Xi was left on the field.

Tan Tian stood in the center of the competition stage, his clear and deep voice echoing in all directions.

"The Tianling Reward Finals competition is over! The winner is the High School of Prayer!!!"

No one will ignore the dialogue between the two before the battle. The winner takes the crown and the loser ends.

Qi Feng won, and they didn't need to compete in the second or third games. They were the winners of this Tianling Award.

This time, the violent noise finally exploded like fireworks. The people present were all cultivators, but they still shouted like ordinary people, shouting "Qi Feng", "Yun Xi", and "Ying Nian Ling" .

No matter who wins the Tianling Awards in the future, Qi Feng will be the most watched champion in history!

Yun Xi was still standing in the secret realm. She didn't know if she heard everyone's shouts. She turned her head and looked at the projection, her eyes seemed to be looking at the audience, and then she smiled happily.

It was really happy, because of the victory, but also because of living up to it, so this smile was beautiful. In the black maze, it was like a snow lotus blooming in the dark abyss, instantly stunning the world.

The shouts in the Fengyun County auditorium were the loudest. Cheng Kaiming wanted to make his voice hoarse, but as he shouted, he burst into tears without restraint.

Winning the championship... They won the championship in the Tianling Awards... This is something Cheng Kaiming never thought about before participating in the Tianling Awards.

It's not sad, it's excitement, it's happiness. He's so happy that he cries. That's how he behaves now.

The four of them did not participate in the knockout rounds, but their contribution to Qifeng's ability to enter the knockout rounds as the first in the group is indispensable, so they have the right to cry and be proud of it.

So when Yun Xi and the others came out of the secret realm, the four of them and the two division commanders were also called up.

Today, they are all winners!

"Yun Xi——"

After Ying Nianling came out of the maze, she rushed directly to Yun Xi, and then said aggrievedly: "I lost."

Why did you lose? She didn't know either. Anyway, she had already been eliminated by the time she reacted.

Yun Xi patted her head lovingly and comforted: "It's okay, I won."

Qi Feng has Qi Feng's confidence. It doesn't matter which one of them loses, the other one will bear the hope.

When Ying Nianling heard Yun Xi's comfort, she smiled sweetly, took out a lollipop and handed it to Yun Xi: "Do you want to eat it?"

Yun Xi smiled softly: "Let's celebrate winning the championship today."

She took the lollipop.

"Xiao Xi!"

As soon as she took the lollipop from Ying Nianling, Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan rushed over and hugged Yun Xi's delicate waist.

"We are the champions! We are the champions!"

Yun Xi raised his hands. If one of them hadn't been holding a lollipop, it would have seemed like he was surrendering.

She looked up at the sky. The fireball in the sky raised the temperature on the ground and was so bright that no one dared to look at it for a long time.


She sighed softly, her eyes a little moist.

The closing ceremony of the Tianling Awards was not grand in terms of complexity, but it still aroused the exclamation of countless people.

Because it was Wei Huating who presented the award to Qifeng.

This is the first time since the establishment of the Tianling Award that Hua Ting personally awards the award. It can be said that Qi has earned enough honors.

But no one was jealous because everyone knew they deserved it.

It's incredible to think that a team of seven women and three men actually became the champions of the Tianling Awards.

From awarding awards to speeches, the closing ceremony cannot be said to be long, but it does take some time.

After the closing ceremony, everyone came to Feng Zixiao.

Feng Zixiao nodded to them with satisfaction, his eyes were not only filled with relief, but also self-evident joy.

While Qi Feng became a legend, Fengyun County also created a myth.

Feng Zixiao stretched out his hand and put it on Yun Xi's shoulder.

The powerful and pure spiritual power was injected into Yun Xi's body, and her fatigue disappeared instantly.

Just as Yun Xi was about to salute and thank her, Feng Zixiao stopped her.

"If you are happy today, you don't need to worry about these complicated etiquettes."

Yun Xi smiled happily, innocent and innocent like a little girl.

Feng Zixiao looked at her and sighed in his heart, how great would it be if this little girl could become his daughter-in-law? It's a pity that her son is so unworthy and not worthy of her at all.

Thinking like this, he glanced at Feng Weiyan.

Feng Weiyan, who was lightly fanning himself with a fan, felt a chill in his body, wondering if the temperature drop this year is coming too fast?

Many people came to send blessings to Qi Feng and Yun Xi. Feng Zixiao watched patiently. These were his juniors from Fengyun County. They won the championship, and he was equally proud.

After dealing with everyone, it was almost noon.

Feng Zixiao said with a smile: "Go back first. According to the previous agreement, I will give each of you a spiritual weapon. If you don't need it, you can exchange it for other things."

Except for Li Wuluo, Yue Cheng, and Cheng Kaiming, everyone in Qi Feng actually has their own spiritual weapons, so there is not much shortage of spiritual weapons.

Yun Xi thought of something and said, "Your Majesty, I was lucky enough to obtain a spiritual bead, and I want to inlay it into my sword."

She had obtained a water-attributed spirit bead during the trial in the Xilin Mountains. She had kept it for several years but never had the chance to use it.

It's not that she doesn't want to use it, but it's extremely difficult to embed a spirit bead into a spiritual weapon. Yun Xi can't do this, so she can only ask others to do it.

The problem is that she can't afford anyone else.

So it has been put on hold.

Now that we have this opportunity, we can ask Lord County Prince to help.

Feng Zixiao nodded and said in a gentle tone, "Okay."

"And me and me." Xiao Lingyuan raised his hand, "I don't use spiritual power, but I want to learn a stronger spear technique."


"I want a protective spiritual armor."


"I think……"

On this day, Prince Fengyun was like an elder in the family. He was full of patience and pampering towards these children. He listened carefully to each of their demands and satisfied them one by one.

He had very little contact with Yun Xi and the others, but in just over two months of Tianling Shang, he gained countless good moods.

People from Fengyun High School and Tianyuan High School followed behind. Seeing the lively chatter of the people in Qi Feng surrounding the Lord County Prince, they were envious and laughed out loud at the same time.

Time is like this, years are like this, life is like this, everything is fine.

At noon, everyone in Fengyun County did not return to live in Lingting. Instead, the Lord of the County personally treated them to the most luxurious restaurant in Tianling County for the best meal.

The huge dining table is specially prepared for spiritual cultivators. The dishes are placed in the center. They can just flick their chopsticks to eat whatever they want, and the dishes will naturally float to them.

There is no need to worry about the problem of not being able to pick up vegetables.

Feng Zixiao sat in the first seat, Yongming sat on his left, and Yun Xi on the right.

This shows how much he appreciates Yun Xi.

Everyone ate the food happily. It seemed that after the morning's appeal, the Lord Prince was no longer as majestic and scary as before, and he felt much more approachable.

Feng Zixiao simply ate something and then put down his bowl and chopsticks. He was a strong man in the Luck Spirit Realm, and food actually had no appeal to him.

He only took two bites because of the atmosphere, and he wouldn't be willing to eat more.

Putting down his chopsticks, Feng Zixiao said: "The Tianling Award is over today, but your story is not over yet. The competition time of Tianling Award this year is extra long, so you missed the golden period of Gaowu enrollment. Many Gaowu teachers They will all stay temporarily in Tianling County."

"If nothing else happens, they will find you tomorrow."

The Tianling Award has only been over for less than half a day, and the Gaowu selection is about to begin. Everyone had not chewed the food in their mouths yet, and they looked a little confused.

too fast……

Everyone thinks so.

Feng Zixiao knew what everyone was thinking and reminded: "Time is always the most valuable thing in the world."

Of course this would not have happened in the past, but with this year's reform of the competition system, the group stage alone lasts for twenty-seven days, not to mention the subsequent knockout rounds.

As the competition lasts longer, enrollment will naturally be missed, which is helpless.

Yun Xi didn't say anything. She and Xiaoying had already determined their high martial arts skills. If they wanted to go to Tianling Gaowu, they could only go to Tianling Gaowu.

The three Huating adults have personally invited her and Xiaoying to join the alliance, how can they still run away?

Feng Zixiao didn't know this, so he added: "In my opinion, Tianling Gaowu is naturally the best. Next, Qingyuan Gaowu, Lingyun Gaowu, Jiangming Gaowu, Cangling Gaowu, etc. They are all good choices.”

Tianling Gaowu can be said to be independent of other major martial arts, because it is the only Gaowu founded and managed by the Tianling Alliance himself, and the students there can basically be regarded as preparatory members of the Tianling Alliance.

But it is not easy to enter Tianling Gaowu. The school only recruits 198 people every year, and only 22 people can be selected from each state.

This arrangement is firstly because Tianling Gaowu's selection of students is strictly reviewed, and secondly, it is to prevent Tianling Gaowu from snatching up all the good students.

If all the good students go to Tianling Gaowu, what is the significance of the existence of other top Gaowu students?

Feng Zixiao's words undoubtedly pulled everyone out of the joy of winning. Tianling League's enrollment restrictions are not a secret. He said this to remind everyone.

It is impossible for you to enter the same high martial arts school.

Everyone was silent, including Yun Xi.

She thought that she would not face graduation problems after reincarnation, but now it seems that there is separation everywhere.

The bad news is that she has no choice but to go to Tianling Gaowu.

The good news is that this is not the first time she has been separated from others, so she can bear it fairly well.

After all, it's just a separation, not a farewell.

? ?Thank you everyone for your monthly votes. The Tianling Reward is finally over. I didn’t expect that I have written more than 70 chapters. It’s so many. The subsequent plot needs to be carefully conceived. I hope I won’t get stuck. After all, I have no manuscripts saved. Oh oh oh oh...



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