I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 17 Companions who came out as substitutes

The name Qingyan had been forgotten by Yun Xi long ago, because he was a person who had not caused even a small disturbance in her life journey.

But now that Yun Xi saw the man with green hair and a smile that made his heart tremble, he immediately recalled this name.

When she was still studying at Qifeng High School, she went to the Xilin Mountains for the second random mission, where a ruins were hidden.

In that cave, she and Xiaoying met Qingyan and Tongmu. The four of them had a fight, but Qingyan and the two finally escaped.

Yun Xi originally thought that that experience was just a small accident. In the following years, she had no such accident and met those people.

Until today.

Qingyan was wearing a black tuxedo, like a noble man, with silver filaments wrapped around his fingertips and a smile on his eyebrows.

"Thanks to Miss Yunxi for remembering me, the three I brought here today are really beautiful!"

He made no secret of the admiration in his eyes, but he did not have the greed and desire that a normal person should have.

The red light comes from the branches behind the blue rock, which should be the roots of the blood tree above. These roots and branches emit bright red light like gems, but they are essentially different from the red leaves and red flowers on the tree.

It is transparent, like a white transparent bead suddenly glowing with red light.

It seems to be absorbing something.

Yun Xi's eyes followed the branches and found that the source of the light was deep inside.

"What do you want to do?"

Yun Xi questioned.

"What do you want to do?" Qingyan held his face in his hands, his eyes bloodshot, and the four skeletons beside him made a harsh friction sound and slowly twisted.

"Of course I'm going to help you get rid of this tree! The Desolate City has stood in Tianling Continent for tens of millions of years and is known as one of the four most dangerous places in Tianling. If it can be solved by a few small beginners, what do you think? , wouldn’t this seem interesting?”


Yun Xi frowned: "The disappearance of the fog outside has something to do with you?"

Qingyan snapped his fingers,

The crisp sound echoed in the cave.

"That's right, we spent a lot of effort to close the flowers on the other side of the deserted city, and now you can walk in easily. What, do you want to reap the benefits?"

Qingyan's eyes gradually became cold, and the skeleton beside him began to move forward step by step.

The sword in Yun Xi's hand trembled slightly, and the aura emanating from Qingyan could clearly tell that this person's realm was already at the peak of the First Spirit, two steps higher than both her and Xiaoying.

Coupled with the skeletons beside him and the teammates who may still exist behind him, to be honest, Yun Xi didn't think he and others could defeat them.

Of course, if you take the cultivation pill yourself, that's a different situation.

But two cultivation pills, eight years of cultivation were very important to her, and she never wanted to use them at this time.

For a long time in the past, she was actually able to use the cultivation pill, but she didn't use it.

The cultivation bonus of the cultivation pill depends on the current state and talent of the user. The stronger these two aspects, the better the effect of the cultivation pill.

According to Yun Xi's calculations, it is the best time to take cultivation pills in the Tribulation Spirit Realm, because that is the transitional stage from the third low level of the spirit to the peak spiritual person. Taking the cultivation pill at that time can increase her cultivation a lot. , be exposed to the threshold of Yunling Realm in advance.

In comparison, taking pills under or above the Tribulation Spirit is a bit wasteful.

Under this condition, the effectiveness of the cultivation pill cannot be maximized.

Above all, for a strong person in the Luck Spirit Realm, eight years of cultivation is a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, although Yun Xi had redeemed these two cultivation pills long ago, she had not used them yet.

People are always greedy, and Yun Xi is often no exception.

Yun Xi thought that from her own point of view, the random mission was completed. Even if she failed to bring back Yuan Huan's bones, the necklace was enough to prove everything.

As for the mission of the Tianling Alliance, it was already very clear at this time. These cultivators who did not know which force they came from were targeting the blood tree in the deserted city.

They are no match, and quitting at this time is actually the wisest choice.

Such thoughts flashed through Yun Xi's mind, and she glanced at her companions.

Everyone's eyes gradually became sharper.

‘Back off... back off! ’

We have come this far, why should we be timid?

The sword light shone in the cave, and Yun Xi looked at Qingyan coldly: "Has it happened that a few years have passed, and you have forgotten that you knelt down and begged for mercy when I beat you?"

This short sentence completely angered Qingyan.

Back then, Qingyan was beaten by them until he knelt down and begged for mercy because he scared Yunxi and Ying Nianling. If Tongmu hadn't arrived in time, he might have confessed on the spot.

In the past few years, he often recalled this incident. This was his first mission failure, and the person who failed him was now right in front of him.

Bringing up old things again, Yun Xi deliberately aroused Qing Yan's anger.

The silver threads were spinning, and four skeletons rushed forward instantly.

Zheng! !

Ding! !

The swords clashed, and Yun Xi and the other three also chose to take action at the same time.

Yun Xi and the others moved forward with their weapons in hand, the light of their swords and swords flying in the cave.

Ying Nianling stood behind everyone, dancing with her fingers, and printed several talismans of different colors on the ground.

The sigils rotated and were slapped on the ground together.


There was a majestic sound like an ancient bell, a ripple spread out in all directions, and the talisman instantly covered the entire space.

All kinds of brilliance shone and merged into the bodies of Yun Xi and the others. The three of them were surprised to find that their strength, speed, and even spiritual power operation had been greatly improved.

Yun Xi was running the Full Concentration Cultivation Method, and she felt that she was now capable of fighting even when facing the peak of the First Spirit.

Qingyan was also shocked by Ying Nianling's method. He frowned. The last time he failed was because of this woman. This time, he must not fall in the same place twice!

He flashed and dived towards Ying Nian Ling.

As soon as the afterimage appeared, a figure stood in front of him. Yun Xi held two swords, and the towering sword light struck like a violent storm.

"So strong!"

Qingyan moved his ten fingers, waving silver threads in the air, weaving into a spider web across the front of him, blocking the light of Yun Xi's sword.

But the power from the sword was still transmitted to his hand through the spider web built by the silver thread. Yun Xi was stronger than he imagined.

Yun Xi looked at Qingyan indifferently. The clouds and flowing water dispersed together. The Huayun Heart Sutra and the Luo Shen Heart Method were running at the same time, covering the surrounding areas.

"Dual skills?"

Qing Yan looked at Yun Xi in surprise. In the past few years, although her level was not as good as his own, her methods were obviously stronger.

He was irritated inside, and his fingers were still twitching. The four skeletons over there were being tightly entangled by Xia Qingyao and Li Zixiao, unable to come to help.

"After all, it's still that little girl! Damn it!"

He glared hatefully at Ying Nian Ling behind Yun Xi. If it weren't for the blessings of Ying Nian Ling's talismans, Yun Xi and the others would not be so powerful in terms of their level of combat power.

"Don't think that you are great just because you know how to do something!"

Qingyan said angrily, and when he put his fingers together, silver threads flew out from the surrounding walls instantly. They tumbled, glowed with silver light, and attacked Ying Nian Ling.

He had been waiting for Yun Xi and others here for a long time, so how could he not have prepared anything?

Yun Xi's eyes turned cold, Luo Shen's mind was running, and he was about to help Ying Nian Ling defend this offensive, when he heard Ying Nian Ling's calm voice.

"Yun Xi, don't worry about me."

Ying Nian Ling, who had bowed her head to form the seal, raised her head. The crimson in her eyes was different from the blood red in the cave, with a gentle and sacred aura.

She raised her arms slightly, and her breath suddenly burst out!

This momentary outburst made Yun Xi and the others immediately turn around and look at her in surprise.

The late stage of the first spirit!

In less than a year, Ying Nianling made another breakthrough, even faster than Yun Xi!

Ying Nian Ling's white hair was flying, her fingers danced gently, and the talismans were produced one after another, and the silver threads were scattered by the shock.

The talisman is not a formation, and it can be completely independent after being used. Qingyan thought that Ying Nianling could not take action again, but in fact she could fight for another 300 rounds.

"Yun Xi, you go in first and leave this place to me."

Ying Nian Ling's thinking was obviously much sharper than usual when she entered the fighting state. She said lightly, and a forest white talisman appeared under the feet of Yun Xi and the others.


With an extremely brief sound, the three people disappeared on the spot, and then the earth roared, and solid walls grew around them.

She was trapped here with Qingyan.

"What method is this?"

Qing Yan had no idea about Ying Nian Ling's methods. After seeing this instant change, his eyes widened in shock.

Ying Nianling's beautiful eyes were filled with coldness. With a tap of her fingers, the talismans slowly rose up one by one, with ripples of light, and the phantoms came out of the talismans one after another, with heavy footsteps.

White light shone, and after Yun Xi and the other three had appeared in that space, Yun Xi looked back and saw a gray-brown wall with flashing runes, and the sounds of fighting inside seemed particularly faint.

Xia Qingyao looked at Yun Xi with worried eyes: "Ying Nianling, will everything be okay?"

Yun Xi took a deep look and gave up: "Don't worry, she is better than me."

If Ying Nian Ling was still in the early stage of spiritual development, she might be worried, but now that she has broken through, she completely believes in her.

As for the small level difference in realm... When will Ying Nian Ling be able to treat her in terms of realm?

All along, that girl was actually the most powerful leg of Yun Xi's power.

"Let's go quickly."

Qingyan deliberately intercepted everyone. Their plot must be quite big, and it seemed that they had not yet succeeded.

Yun Xi didn't know why they came, but since she chose to stay and fight, she must not let these people's plans succeed.

The three of them quickened their pace and swept forward.

After the cave was a wide tunnel. The tunnel was not long and it reached the end in the blink of an eye. At the end was another cave.

"There is a formation."

As soon as Yun Xi stepped into the second cave, she immediately retracted her feet. A spiritual light flashed and landed on the place where she had previously landed. A deep, dark hole instantly appeared on the ground.

This formation looks quite dangerous.

Xia Qingyao tilted her head and stared at the direction of spiritual energy in the cave for a long time. She said in her soft and gentle voice: "I don't recognize this formation..."

As a child of a noble family, in addition to her cultivation, she is also knowledgeable. However, she has never seen this formation before, and it is extremely difficult to even distinguish the type.


Yun Xi said, pulling Yimeng out of the purple seal.

"What are you doing! I have a day off! You can't exploit child labor!"

A dream in the sea of ​​consciousness accuses, unwilling to do so. It lived only a very short period of time before it died, and it was indeed considered a child beast among the long-lived nightmare beasts.

"Stop talking nonsense and help me figure out how to break this formation!"

Yun Xi didn't talk nonsense to it. At this time, any waste of time may have dangerous consequences.

Hearing Yun Xi's anxious tone, Yimeng didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore and hurriedly began to explore the formation ahead.

Purple light lit up in Yun Xi's eyes, turning her pupils into lavender.

Yimeng carefully watched this formation through Yun Xi's eyes, over and over again, and his expression gradually became serious.

"What a strange formation."

Yun Xi frowned: "What's wrong? You can't unlock this formation either?"

Yimeng explained: "This is a silent killing formation. It contains seventy-seven forty illusory formations and ninety-nine eighty-one attack formations. Fortunately, you did not enter the formation. Once you enter this formation, you will It creates an illusion and makes you lose yourself. Moreover, the attack inside does not have murderous intent and is very gentle. Unless your spiritual awareness is extremely sharp, you may not be able to detect the enemy's knife even if it stops on your chest."

Yun Xi's face changed slightly: "Stop talking nonsense, just tell me if you can break the formation, right?"

Yimeng was speechless: "Why are you so impatient? You are not like a human lady at all. There is no way to break the formation in a short time, but I have a way to help you get through this formation. But...your two friends may have to You’ll have to suffer a little.”

Perhaps because of Yun Xi's urging, Yi Meng made it clear all at once.

"Although this formation is strong, it also has its weaknesses, which are its two formation eyes. Its phantom formation eye and attack formation eye are the core positions that control the entire formation. They are very important, but the person who casts the formation also knows In order to understand this, barrier protection was set up at both formation points.”

"If you want to break the barrier and destroy the formation, even you will need at least a whole day. But if you only need to suppress the formation eye, one minute is enough, but the problem is that two people must suppress the formation eye personally. Only the formation eye Only when my eyes are suppressed can I find my way out.”

They were now standing in the tunnel, looking through the front at the cave in front of them. Apart from the obscure flow of spiritual power, they could not see any exit at all.

This is of course not that the exit does not exist, it is just that this formation hides the exit.

This formation is very different from the formations that Yimeng knows. Even it is difficult to see through at a glance, and someone must help.

Yun Xi was silent for a moment: "Is there any danger?"

"Of course not in a short time. The key depends on whether you can get back in time. With their abilities, they should be able to suppress the time of a stick of incense."

Not a single dream was hidden.

Yun Xi thought for a moment, then turned to her companions and said, "Qingyao, Zixiao, I have a way to get through the formation, but..."

Yun Xi told them Yimeng's method.

"...This is the fastest direction at present, but it is very risky. If I fail to get back in time, then you..."


Li Zixiao spoke concisely and directly interrupted Yun Xi: "What should we do?"

Xia Qingyao also looked at her with questioning eyes.

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment before she realized that she was being too pretentious. At this time, mutual trust is enough!

"only need to……"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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