Life in Gaowu is relatively boring. It is neither as full of courses as a martial arts school nor as many activities as in a university.

Except for special circumstances, Gao Wusheng's life basically revolves around two points, practice and tasks.

Schools rarely organize competitions, especially top universities like Tianling Gaowu, which are superior to other major martial arts schools. Competitions have no meaning to them, and are far less tangible than an actual combat mission.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the students of Tianling Gaowu can be said to be extremely competitive, and can also be said to be very free.

In the last few months of this school year, Yun Xi spent all her time with Qingchan and the three of them. She found a Chinese teacher for Hongling to teach her how to read. At the same time, she also regularly checked Qingchan and Xuanxuan's practice. As a result, the strictness made Qingchan and Xuanxuan miserable.

Of course, this does not mean that Yun Xi has nothing to do. She also maintains steady practice under such living conditions. When her three children are in class or sleeping, she even occasionally goes out on a mission, and every time She would come back before sunset, but most of the time she would practice in the ashram on the first floor.

With her strong physique, once she enters samadhi, her cultivation speed is completely beyond the reach of ordinary people, and she doesn't know how Ying Nian Ling can surpass her.

In July, the weather in Tianling County has become extremely hot, and Qingchan and Xuanxuan are sweating profusely every time they come back.

Hongling, on the other hand, stays at home all day like a dry girl, eating snacks and watching TV every day, and her life is very uncomfortable.

In fact, under Yun Xi's investigation, Hong Ling has the potential to cultivate spirits. She also has spiritual veins, and her talent is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

To put it bluntly, her body can withstand such strong life energy and blood, how could she not be able to cultivate her spirit.

But Hongling has a special identity. It took the Tianling Alliance several months to investigate her identity. She is undoubtedly a human race, and her red hair and red pupils are extremely eye-catching features. Logically speaking, Such a person should be able to find out his life experience easily, but there is no information from the Tianling Alliance.

Hong Ling seems to have appeared out of thin air, with no roots or origins.

Under such circumstances, it is not easy for her to cultivate her spirit. However, according to Weiyang Hall, Hongling's condition is getting better and better, her performance is unexpected, and she should be able to be normal. integrated into this world.

As long as it can be ensured that she will not pose a threat to the Tianling Alliance and Tianling Continent, then she can naturally be given the power to practice.

Yun Xi naturally has nothing to say about organizational arrangements.

On this day, Yun Xi stayed at home and read the news on the Tianling Order. After the incident in Desolate City, Lingying Hall had many more tasks than before, but this did not have much impact on Yun Xi.

Because her realm is not enough for her to take on those difficult tasks.

The task difficulty system in Tianling Continent is extremely strict. Tasks with difficulty levels below the level of the psychic realm are basically handed over to various schools. Only those tasks with difficulty levels above the level of the psychic level will be dispatched by the Tianling Alliance.

This is why the lowest basic strength of the inner halls of Tianling Ten Hall is the psychic realm.

The students of their current class can join the alliance in advance, mainly so that they can learn and understand the rules, regulations and operating methods of the alliance in advance, and by the way, it can also speed up their pace of becoming members of the inner hall.

The Tianling Alliance has good intentions for their students.

Yun Xi lay on the sofa and looked at the tasks on the Tianling Order.

After this period of understanding, Yun Xi also discovered that the main job of Lingyingtang is to deal with problems that ordinary officials cannot solve, such as unrest between monsters, spirits, and the rise of evil cults...

"Recently...there have been a lot of monster incidents."

Among Lingyingtang's recent dozens of missions, at least half were related to monsters. They were either going to a certain mountain range to suppress a monster riot, or going to a certain town to deal with a group of monsters attacking humans.

Yun Xi asked: "Yimeng, do you know what is going on?"

Yimeng shook his head: "How could I know about the turmoil of your heavenly spirits! But this is indeed a bit weird. Normally, monsters will not leave their territory, whether they are powerful monsters or weak monsters. They have a strong sense of territory. They will not easily infringe on the territory of other creatures, especially if they have no plans.”

The recent invasion of monsters. Those monsters are not here for livelihood at all. They do not steal cattle, sheep and livestock, but simply kill animals. This has caused panic in many places.


Yun Xi curled her lips and thought silently.


The phone on the table vibrated several times, and the screen lit up.

Yun Xi picked up her phone. The screen saver was a photo of the girls.

Turning on the phone, someone in the "Yunxi Force" group sent a message.

[Cheng Kaiming: @Flying Tide, squad leader, is it convenient for you to come out now? I want to ask you a favor. 】

Yun Xi glanced at the message and replied immediately.

[Flying Tide: Where are you? 】

Cheng Kaiming sent the address.

[Ye Nianhan: Do you need our help? 】

[Xiao Xi’s Ling Yuan: I just broke through, you can come over now! 】

[Yaozi: What a coincidence, I had a breakthrough yesterday! 】

[Xiao Xi’s Ling Yuan: Nangong Yao, are you looking for trouble? 】

[Lu Qi: I’ve also made a breakthrough and can come over. 】

In the past few months of seclusion, everyone has basically succeeded in breaking through to a higher realm. I originally wanted to spend more time to stabilize the realm, but since my friends are in trouble, let's help first.

More and more people appear in the group chat, all saying that they can help.

But soon, Cheng Kaiming's reply came out.

[Cheng Kaiming: Don’t bother everyone so much, it’s enough to have the squad leader help]

[Flying Tide: Well, let me come directly. Xiao Yuan'er, if you have nothing to do, come back first and help bring Hong Ling down. 】

[Xiao Xi’s Ling Yuan: OK~! 】

As soon as they heard about bringing red water chestnuts, everyone quickly became interested. Cute children are always liked by others.

After Yun Xi made the arrangements, she turned to look at Hong Ling, who was eating potato chips and watching TV, and shouted: "Hong Ling."

Hongling slowly turned her head.

"My sisters will be back later. You and your sisters will rest at home. I have to go out first. Do you understand?"

Although Hong Ling has not seen Xiao Yuan'er and the others during this period, Yun Xi has been showing her photos to identify them, helping her to accept these brothers and sisters in advance.

Hongling blinked and nodded.

She is not clingy and is very obedient, so it is actually very easy to take care of her.

Yun Xi nodded, and after Xiao Yuan'er and the others got home, they gave a few instructions and left quickly.

The Gaowu school Cheng Kaiming studied in was Lingyun Gaowu, which was also in Tianling County, but not in the same urban area as Tianling Gaowu.

In the past year, Yun Xi and the others have not met much with Cheng Kaiming. They have just entered Gaowu and have their own busy schedules. Most of the time they communicate through video. This is also the time when college students graduate and go to different schools. normality after.

This is the first time Yun Xi has encountered such a thing like today.

"It can't be that something happened..."

A trace of worry emerged in Yun Xi's heart.

Half an hour later, Yun Xi arrived at the address given by Cheng Kaiming. It was a small milk tea shop. Because it was during working hours, there were not many people in the shop, so Yun Xi immediately saw the person sitting in the corner. Cheng Kaiming and Li Wu were also with him.

In order not to be recognized, Yun Xi basically wears a hat and sunglasses every time she goes out. She also tries to choose loose and simple clothes to avoid attracting too much attention.

But even so, Cheng Kaiming and Li Wu were still able to recognize Yun Xi at a glance.

They waved and Yun Xi walked over.

Sitting opposite them, Yun Xi moved the brim of his hat slightly upwards and pressed his sunglasses up on his nose, revealing a pair of delicate and beautiful eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Kaiming and Li Wu looked at each other, and the former said with a serious face: "Squad leader, Li Xinyu and Luo Yue, something is wrong recently."

Yun Xi frowned. When she saw that there were only two of them here, she guessed that the matter might be related to Li Xinyu and the two.

She asked: "What happened?"

Cheng Kaiming explained: "The recent whereabouts of Xinyu and the others have been a bit strange. Before, Xinyu and the others would often take time to get together every month, and sometimes even take on tasks together. But starting from a month and a half ago, our Suddenly there was a lot less contact. Many times when we approached them, they said they didn’t have time.”

"At first I just thought they were concentrating on practicing, but then I heard someone said that I saw Xinyu and the others at Yu Tanzhang's place, and I became suspicious. So we followed them for some time and found that they have been basically every Saturday lately. I will go to Yutanzhang on time. I will stay there all day long and won’t come back until late at night.”

"In order to avoid mistakes, Da Zhuang and I secretly investigated Yu Tanzhang during this period, and then discovered something was wrong."

Cheng Kaiming looked around vigilantly and said: "The place where Yu Tanzhang is located is a suburb in the south of the city. There are more rocks there, sparsely populated, and few people go there. There is a temple named Yu Tan Temple. , every Saturday, a temple fair will be held in Yutan Temple."

"Normally, a temple will only hold temple fairs on the first, fifteenth day of each month and on certain special days. Yutan Temple holds temple fairs too frequently, and whenever they hold temple fairs, no one usually pays attention. Yutan Temple will soon become lively, and many people will go to participate in the temple fair."

"We have been observing for two consecutive weeks and found that there are very few old people going to the temple fair. They are basically young and middle-aged people, and among them, practitioners make up the majority."

Cheng Kaiming lowered his eyes: "I'm a little worried, are they..."

Yun Xi knew what she wanted to say, so she made a gesture of silence. It was okay to think about the idea of ​​a cult, but to say it out, some proof was needed.

She recalled carefully and found that Li Xinyu and the others had not spoken in the group during this period, which was indeed something wrong for them, who were always enthusiastic and talkative.

According to Cheng Kaiming's observation, there may be something wrong with Yutan Temple.

Yutan Temple is not a temple of worship. Logically speaking, even if a temple fair is held, spiritual practitioners should not join in the fun, let alone young people.

Yun Xi suddenly remembered something: "I remember today is Saturday."

Cheng Kaiming said: "Yes, they should be on their way to Yutanzhang now."

He specifically chose this time to call Yun Xi here. Compared to his narration, perhaps it would be better for Yun Xi to go and see it in person.

Yun Xi put her hand on her chin and thought for a moment.

She could understand why Cheng Kaiming and the others chose to find her instead of their teacher. First, it was because of trust, and second, they knew that they were already members of the Tianling Alliance and had considerable power behind them.

"Well, if this matter is as you guessed, it must be a big deal. Leave the rest to me, don't go there."

Yun Xi said to them.

Cheng Kaiming and Li Wu nodded. At this time, they could only ask Yun Xi.

After leaving the milk tea shop, Yun Xi came to a deserted corner and took out the Tianling Token. After thinking about it, she sent a message to Su Zijian.

"Captain Su, I want to ask you something. Do you know Yu Tanzhang?"

Less than a minute after her message was sent, the message about Su Zi's meeting came back.

"Yu Tan Zhang? You know, the Yu Tan Temple over there is quite famous. It holds a temple fair every week, which is quite lively."

Yun Xi's eyes moved: "I heard that many spiritual cultivators also go to the temple fair, which is quite strange."

"Harm! Those who went there were all warriors. Yutan Temple, under the guise of helping warriors break through to the spiritual path, deceived many warriors. Originally, this temple should have been demolished a long time ago, but it said 'Since If there are people who are willing to place their hopes on these illusory frauds, let them do it. This is also a hurdle that spiritual practitioners must pass. In this case, we don't bother to care.

how? You thought it was a cult? "

The corners of Yun Xi's mouth twitched in embarrassment. She originally thought she had discovered something extraordinary, but she didn't expect that the Tianling Alliance already knew about it.

Yes, after all, it is a temple located in Tianling County. How could the Tianling Alliance not notice it.

However, after seeing the message from Su Zijian, Yun Xi finally understood why Li Xinyu and Luo Yue kept going to Yutanzhang.

Two months ago, Cheng Kaiming and Li Wu successively broke through to the spiritual path, which must have brought great pressure to the two of them. Later, they probably heard about this magical temple somewhere and took the initiative to send it to their doorstep. Fat sheep.

Seeing that Yun Xi had not replied, Su Zi continued to send a message: "Don't worry, Yutan Temple is not a pure money-making temple. They have the support of alchemists behind them, and they can indeed refine a small amount to help warriors break through." They rely on these medicines to make money. Although it is not legitimate, it is far from the level of a cult."

There is actually a fundamental difference between the Tianling Alliance for ordinary people and spiritual cultivators. When it comes to managing the world, the Tianling Alliance is particularly strong and resolutely prevents any adverse events.

But when it comes to spiritual cultivators, they will be appropriately relaxed, because if all the bad guys die, then those new students will also have fewer opportunities to experience.

This is why even though the Tianling Alliance is extremely powerful, it has never wiped out the bandit organizations in the wild.

It's all a conspiracy.

Yun Xi understood what Su Zijian meant and replied: "I understand, thank you Captain Su."

"It's a small thing, why are you interested in Yu Tanzhang?"

Yun Xi looked at Tianling Ling and smiled bitterly: "Two friends were also fooled. I thought they were abducted into a cult. Now that Captain Su has said this, I can feel at ease a little bit. I will solve it next. of."

"I see. I'll send someone over to help you later. Although Yutan Temple is very weak, there are many spiritual beings in it. I'm afraid you won't be able to cope with them. Okay, I still have work to do, so I won't talk about it for now. "

Seeing that Su Zi made the decision without any explanation, he immediately logged off without giving Yun Xi a chance to refuse.

Yun Xi had no choice but to accept Captain Su's kindness.

She took out her phone, checked the map, and rushed towards Yu Tanzhang.

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