I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 44 I will take the lead and get beaten

In the end, Yun Xi failed to ask the reason why Li Zixiao appeared there. After the two of them joked for a while, they dispersed and started doing their own things.

Yun Xi returned to her room and took out the two volumes of music scores given by Shi Jin and looked at them carefully. With her level, there was actually no problem in playing normally, and her performance today was actually not bad.

But Shi Jin was obviously not satisfied, so Yun Xi had no choice but to spend more time studying.

Fortunately, this was music and not English, otherwise Yun Xi might have fallen asleep with her eyes closed after watching it for less than two minutes.

"Why are you looking at this stuff?"

When Yimeng's voice appeared, whenever a strong person from the Tianling Alliance appeared next to Yun Xi, it would hide in the purple seal to prevent exposure.

Although Shi Jin is not the Governor of Gui, he is not a weakling in the Tribulation Spirit Realm. It is easy to detect a young nightmare beast - as long as it dares to send out mental fluctuations.

Yimeng, who always thought she had hidden it perfectly, didn't know that Yun Xi had confessed it long ago.

Yun Xi didn't hide anything from it, and told it what happened between herself and Shi Jin.

Yimeng's big purple eyes looked a little confused: "Your talent for cultivation is so good, why did he ask you to learn instrumental music? You humans are really weird."

Yun Xi retorted: "You can attack indiscriminately, it's just that Senior Shi is a little weird."

She thought for a while and tried to defend herself a little: "Don't all masters have some quirks?"

Yimeng's tail flicked: "You have one too?"

Yun Xi asked back: "You finally know that I am also a master?"

Yimeng sighed, too lazy to argue with this narcissist.

Yun Xi sighed helplessly: "It's impossible to practice all year round anyway. This way, I can earn some spiritual crystals and learn more things. There's nothing wrong with that. It just happens to save me from taking on some tasks."

Students of Gaowu often have difficulties in tasks and practice. "Should I do more tasks first to accumulate more points, or should I retreat to improve my strength first?" This question has been lingering in the minds of most people, and many people have difficulty making a choice. People with this disorder often sit blankly for a whole day because of such a problem. In the end, they feel helpless and decide to do whatever their friends do.

Yunxi now has resources provided by Shijin,

But you don't have to worry too much about the school's points, as long as you can ensure that you get into higher education.

She touched her chin: But then again, she is already a member of the Tianling Alliance... why do she still continue to go to school?

This question is worth pondering.

After thinking wildly, Yun Xi looked at the sky outside the window.

"I'll go! Why is it almost night? Where did my time go?"

She didn't read the book or practice. If her sensible spiritual pulse hadn't learned to practice automatically, she would have wasted half a day.

Yun Xi patted her face and began to read the music score in the book seriously.

The two books given to her by Shi Jin are called "Jin Yi Lu Yu". They are two volumes, with a total of ninety-nine pieces of music. Yun Xi has never seen every piece of music. According to Yun Xi's own judgment, These songs were most likely composed by Mr. Shi himself.

If that were the case, then the senior would be worthy of respect. Although he said he was doing it to kill time, no one would use something they didn't like to do something to kill time.

Cultivation is inherently boring. Is it possible that besides practicing, you have to do things you hate?

Yun Xi looked at these songs carefully, but it was a pity that she didn't have a piano in her hand, otherwise she could have practiced them first.

"Well, you can buy a rack tomorrow and use it first."

As she said that, she thought of the guqin she used when playing in Zuisifang today. It was a pretty good qin, and she didn't know where they bought it.

Without a piano to practice, Yun Xi simply read the music. If she encountered something she couldn't understand, she would write it down in a small book and ask questions later when she studied with her seniors next time.

She was so fascinated by the music that she didn't know that her performance at Zuisifang had been filmed and was now widely circulated on Wanmin.com.

Until Xiao Lingyuan ran back in a hurry.


Yun Xi was studying the music score intently when the door to her room was suddenly kicked open.

Xiao Lingyuan walked towards Yun Xi holding her cell phone, pointing at the video on her phone, and said loudly: "Xiao Xi!! How can you go to a place like this! If you need a woman to accompany you, tell me! I've always ...Xiao...Xiao Xi?"

Before Xiao Lingyuan finished speaking, Yun Xi's eyes full of murderous intent drifted over.

She was completely immersed in the ocean of learning, and was suddenly interrupted by Xiao Lingyuan. It was like being woken up mid-sleep, and her anger suddenly rose.

"Little~ Yuan~er~"

Her voice was soft and her tone was solemn.

"Xiao...Xiao Xi."


In the living room, Ye Nianhan sat barefoot on the sofa, and Xia Qingyao and others sat beside her.

They heard miserable wails coming from the second floor, and a figure flew out of Yun Xi's room and fell to the living room floor, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Ye Nianhan calmly tore open the package of a bag of potato chips, took out a piece of potato chip and bit it lightly, making a crisp sound.

"Have you seen it? Xiao Xi will explain this kind of thing. If we ask rashly, the result will be like this."

Xia Qingyao nodded obediently, thinking that she had learned.

At dinner time, after everyone came back, Yun Xi roughly explained today's events to everyone.

"Huh? Why did that senior teach Xiao Xi musical instruments?"

Xiao Lingyuan sat next to Yun Xi and asked doubtfully.

There wasn't even a trace of scars on her body. Yun Xi didn't do anything harsh to her. It's just that this girl was a good showman. She always liked to perform in an exaggerated way, and then used it to make Yun Xi feel guilty, so that she could do it more conveniently. Take advantage.

Yun Xi said: "No matter why, as long as there is no harm, it doesn't matter if you study. It just so happens that everyone needs to take a break and take on some tasks again, which is good."

Ye Nianhan asked: "After Xiao Xi has finished practicing, can he play it for us?"

As soon as she asked her question, everyone's eyes immediately turned to Yun Xi.

Yun Xi held her chopsticks in her mouth and pondered for a moment: "Well... it's not impossible. You can be responsible for the dance."

"I may need to retreat again. After all, I have rested for several days."

Ye Nianhan said hurriedly, and then kept eating.

Taking this opportunity to eat, Yun Xi briefly talked to everyone about the arrangements for the next period of time, and then called Ye Nianhan out.

The stars were shining brightly tonight, and Yun Xi sat on the roof, holding her hands behind her back, looking at the sky.

Ye Nianhan came to sit next to her and asked doubtfully: "Xiao Xi, what's the matter?"

Yun Xi looked sideways at her: "Aren't you in trouble?"

Ye Nianhan's heart skipped a beat, he lowered his head and said with a guilty conscience: "Xiao Xi, you already know everything."

Yun Xi held her chin with her hand: "If I don't know, are you not going to tell me?"


She tried to argue: "I didn't agree to the original governor, so I thought it would be okay if I didn't say anything. Well..."

Ye Nianhan closed her eyes, and Yun Xi poked her forehead with her finger.

"Then I don't even know you were abducted by someone else to be a wife."

There was some resentment in his tone.

Ye Nianhan hugged his forehead and whispered: "No way..."

She raised her head: "But today the former Governor came to me again and said that I could not be his daughter-in-law, but he wanted me to become his disciple. I'm still hesitant."

She looked at Yun Xi with a questioning look in her eyes, as if she was asking Yun Xi's opinion.

Yun Xi said: "This is a good idea. Your talent is not weak. If you can take Gui Du as your teacher, it will be of great benefit to you in the future. Moreover, the recitation technique comes from the original family after all. Although you are I got it from the spiritual tomb, but the seniors at the spiritual tomb are also from the original family... Huh? Maybe the senior at the spiritual tomb is of higher seniority, and it’s not necessarily that you are the senior sister, senior sister, and uncle of the former Governor of Gui. Hehe!"

Ye Nianhan smiled and said: "I don't dare. But I also think it's good. If you really worship the former Guidu as your teacher, if you encounter difficulties in the future, you won't have to rely on Xiao Xi to take action."

Yun Xi pinched her face and said sullenly: "Why do you say it as if I despise you?"

Ye Nian made a humming sound, not knowing what he was talking about.

The two were playing around and suddenly stopped what they were doing.

Yun Xi turned her head and looked at an edge of the roof, where half a head sprouted, and a pair of beautiful eyes secretly looked at herself under the stars.

As if she noticed Yun Xi looking over, she shrank her head and hid it.

Yun Xi and Ye Nianhan looked at each other and both smiled.

Yun Xi condensed a small ball of spiritual energy and threw it directly: "Stop hiding, everyone has seen you."


There was a muffled sound under the eaves, and Xiao Lingyuan jumped up.

"Hehe! Xiaoxi, what a coincidence, you are also waiting for the sunrise here?"

Yun Xi was so angry that she said, "It's just not long since nightfall. Why are you waiting for the sunrise?"

Xiao Lingyuan stepped across the roof and trotted over to Yun Xi and sat down next to her. She was not embarrassed at all: "Watch the night rise first, and then wait for the sunrise!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand under Yun Xi's right arm and hugged Yun Xi's right hand.

Then he made a face at Ye Nianhan and stuck out his tongue.

Ye Nianhan smiled helplessly and did not argue with her.

However, Yun Xi took the initiative to reach out his left hand, hooked Ye Nianhan's arm, and said jokingly: "You can't favor one over the other, you are all my wings."

So Ye Nianhan naturally hugged Yun Xi's other arm and stared back at Xiao Lingyuan with provocative eyes.

"Xiao Xi! Xiao Xi, you can't hug her!"

Xiao Lingyuan said dissatisfied.

Yun Xi said "poof": "You are just stingy, let's see how you get married in the future."

Xiao Lingyuan shook her head quickly: "I don't want to get married! I want to be with Xiao Xi forever."

"Eh~~ I don't want it! I hate you so much!"

"...Wu~ Xiaoxi doesn't want me anymore~ Wuwuwu~"

"Come on, who are you lying to?"

"We already know Xiao Yuan's methods, crying is of no use to Xiao Xi!"


During the rest period, most of the nights were spent in the meditation room on the first floor. Although there were not enough resources for everyone to absorb, meditating quietly was better than sleeping.

As soon as early morning came, everyone left in a hurry, either to do school tasks or to do Tianling League tasks. They were all like high-achieving students with part-time jobs, having to work and study at the same time.

Therefore, when daytime comes, Yun Xi is the only one left at home.

Because of Shi Jin, Yun Xi didn't need to take on Gao Wu's mission, so she just practiced quietly at home.

But not long after practicing today, there was a knock on the door outside the house.


Yun Xi's spiritual awareness was sharp, and she noticed someone coming from outside even in the retreat room. She walked out of the retreat room, walked to the entrance, and opened the door.


The door opened, and the sun shone in from the east. The person at the door was facing away from the light, making it difficult to see her face clearly for a while, but Yun Xi still recognized her at a glance.

"Oiran in floating clothes?"

The person who came was none other than Fu Shang, the oiran of Zuisifang who had a romantic relationship with Yun Xi yesterday.

Fu Shang bowed respectfully to Yun Xi: "Hello, Fairy Yun Xi."

Yun Xi looked around and found that the only woman coming was Fu Shang, so she opened the door.

"Come in first."

There are too many women living in her family. Even if her friends are not at home now, it is not suitable for men other than Nangong Yao and others to enter.


Fu Shang thanked him and walked in very carefully.

"sit down."

Yun Xi pointed to the sofa in the living room.


Fu Shang sat on the edge of the sofa, not daring to make too much noise.

Yun Xi secretly looked at her with calm eyes, analyzing her character through her actions.

She is obviously older than him, but she is extremely careful in every move she makes and her demeanor is quite respectful. This is very different from Yun Xi's first impression of Fu Shang in Zuisifang yesterday.

She poured Fu Shang a cup of hot tea and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Fu Shang picked up the teacup and took a sip before saying, "Fairy Yunxi, I came to you because of what happened yesterday."


Yun Xi frowned and said, "You should know that there will never be a performance like this again."

Because of Shi Jin, Yun Xi played a song at Zuisifang yesterday, but as a result, there was a commotion on Wanmin.com last night.

Judging from the current social atmosphere in Tianling Continent, most ordinary people are not able to accept the existence of flower pavilions like Zuisifang. Of course, Zuisifang was not originally opened for ordinary people.

Yun Xi, who was hailed as the school beauty of Tianling by the world, played a piece of music in Zuisifang. No matter how nice the music was, her appearance in Zuisifang had a far greater impact than the average person.

She is also a public figure. She may not care in her heart, but it is impossible not to completely ignore these rhythms in her behavior.

Fushang waved her hands quickly and said: "Fairy Yunxi misunderstood, I am very lucky to be able to play a song with Fairy Yunxi. I came to visit today just to..."

Seeing Fu Shang's hesitation and hesitation, Yun Xi immediately understood what she meant and asked proactively: "Do you want the lyrics and music of that song?"

Fu Shang nodded quickly: "Yes! Excuse me, is it okay?"

Yun Xi said: "If you just want lyrics and music, then it doesn't matter."

Upon hearing this, Fushang immediately smiled happily: "Really? Thank you, Fairy Yunxi!"

Yun Xi shook her head, brushed her fingers over the storage ring, and a sheet of music appeared in her hand.

"take it."

Fu Shang took the sheet music, took a serious look at it, and seemed a little excited.

She stood up, bowed deeply to Yun Xi, thanked Yun Xi sincerely, and left quickly.

Before leaving, she didn't forget to add: "Fairy Yunxi, please don't worry, I came here secretly, no one noticed me on the way."

It seems that she also knows that her identity will have a bad impact on Yun Xi.

Yun Xi didn't pay too much attention. Even if she was discovered, she probably wouldn't be able to notice it herself.

After Fushang left, Yun Xi rubbed her temples, feeling helpless.

But at this moment, Yimeng's voice suddenly reached her ears.

"This floating oiran..."

Yun Xi's ears perked up and she immediately became alert: "Is there something wrong with her?"

Yimeng said seriously: "She is the fox girl."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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