I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

The first year-end message: Happy New Year!

Ah...what are you talking about?

The first chapter of this book was released on January 28 this year. It has been more than eleven months now. Let me report the results to everyone first.

This book currently has 1.44 million words, 17,000+ collections, 700+ high-end items, and 180 each.

In terms of performance, this is probably a work that more than 90% of authors would want to cut off after seeing it, but I persisted in writing it and never tired of it.

Of course, this is mainly because of everyone’s support. In this regard, I am very grateful to you who have been following me, supporting and encouraging me!

If it weren't for your existence, this book would never have been written to this day.

You can't persevere just by relying on one person's passion. I didn't understand this until I wrote the book. Your support is very important to me. Thank you very much!

At the beginning, I wrote a lot of novels at once, including fantasy, fairy tales, suspense, and history...but I just signed this book about Transformation.

The book "School Beauty" was originally just a flash of inspiration. I didn't even have an outline. After signing the contract, I was extremely excited, and then I turned around and got stuck...

Later, I began to prepare an outline, take notes, design each continent, power, college, and write down every foreshadowing... Slowly, I found that writing a book is not easy, and originality is even more difficult.

In order to make the plot reasonable, I carefully thought about everyone's behavioral choices, and even changed the beginning several times, but fortunately, I was able to gradually satisfy the readers later on.

As my first book, I can actually accept it that it has reached this level. Although it is not satisfactory, it is an original work and a transformation after all. Compared with the fans, my lower limit is much higher. The lower self knows this very well.

But even so, there are still readers who support me, and the book club has gradually grown from two digits at the beginning to three digits now.

This is a great start.

In one year, I can’t say that I have grown much, but I have gained a lot of emotions. In the future, I will continue to work hard to code words and dedicate one complete story to you one after another!

Finally, Happy New Year! ! !

Please take care of me in 2022! ! !

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