I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 100 The mysterious realm (7)

In the vast desert, two slender figures were flying fast against the ground under the scorching sun. Behind them, a demon tribesman was chasing after them.

Xiao Lingyuan looked back in her busy schedule and saw that the man had no intention of giving up. He couldn't help but cursed: "This Flame Lion clan really has no shame. They don't have the ability to get the gems, so they came to snatch them from us! "

Ye Nianhan also frowned: "If we continue like this, we will be caught up sooner or later."

"Then what should we do? Turn around and fight back? Two on one... we can try it."

There was no fear in Xiao Lingyuan's eyes, but she looked a little eager to try.

Before, after seeing the dead Mo Wenxuan and the other two, they started looking for their companions from the Tianling Alliance. However, before they could find their companions, they happened to encounter a ruin that no one cared about yet.

With such good luck, they naturally obtained the gems inside the ruins first. However, when they just got the gems and walked out of the ruins building, they met the members of the Flame Lion clan head-on, and then the scene happened now.

Ye Nianhan pondered for a moment: "I will stop him later, and you take the gems and leave first."

Xiao Lingyuan glared: "Are you kidding me? You have thin arms and legs. That furry lion can kill you with two slaps!"

The other party is in the psychic realm and has a powerful bloodline of heavenly beasts. They are no match at all.

"But if we continue to delay this, none of us will be able to escape!"

Ye Nianhan said seriously: "Don't worry, with my speed, I can easily get rid of him by then."

Xiao Lingyuan shook his head: "No. At worst, we'd better give the gem to him."

Ye Nianhan said: "If you hand over this gem, I don't know when I will get it next. We have been on the second floor for a while. The relics here are limited. If all the remaining relics are taken away by others, then we will We can only grab it. With our current strength..."

"You're so verbose! That's better than getting beaten!"

Xiao Lingyuan turned around without hesitation, and with a flash of her fingers, a blue gem appeared in her palm. She clenched her fist and threw the gem in her hand.

call out--

The sound of gems flying through the air was drowned out by a louder sound,

A red light shadow fell from the sky and hit the Flame Lion Clan disciple hard.


This sudden attack directly smashed the Flame Lion Clan people into the ground. Amidst the explosion, the yellow dust scattered in all directions.

Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan were both dumbfounded. They looked between the dust in surprise, where a relatively petite figure walked out.

Snow-white long hair, crimson eyes, charming and charming face...

"Xiao Lingyuan! Ye Nianhan! I found you!"

Ying Nianling stepped on the head of the Yanshi clan disciple and waved to Xiao Lingyuan.

"Xiao Ying?"

Xiao Lingyuan and Ye Nianhan screamed in surprise, and then they both turned to look at each other.

"Where are the gems?" Ye Nianhan asked.

"Lost, lost." Xiao Lingyuan stammered in reply.

Ye Nianhan's eyes became slightly weak.

"I'll go find it right now!"

Xiao Lingyuan immediately flew in the direction where the gem was thrown, looking for the gem that he had used as bait but actually had no effect.

Ying Nianling tilted her head and looked at them doubtfully.


A violent roar came from under Ying Nian Ling. Not only was the disciple of the Flame Lion clan sneak attacked, but he was also stepped on the head by Ying Nian Ling. Such a shame and humiliation directly ignited the most violent anger in his heart. .

Spiritual energy surged from his palms and he grabbed Ying Nian Ling's ankles.

However, what he didn't expect was that before he could grab Ying Nian Ling's ankle, a talisman had already risen from under him. The green talisman bloomed and vines stretched out, instantly covering him up. The whole person is entangled.

Ying Nianling turned around, and a bright talisman also appeared in her palm. The talisman moved, and she slapped the man's chest with her palm.


Unbearable huge power was transmitted into his body, and the Flame Lion, who was so famous among his peers in the Sky Beast Continent, suddenly vomited blood, and his whole aura became much weaker.

Ying Nian Ling's beautiful crimson eyes were quite sparkling and smart. She looked at the other party and said crisply: "If you resist again, I will kill you."

The man's pupils shrank violently, and he didn't dare to move at all.

Ye Nianhan was walking slowly towards this side. She couldn't help but click her tongue when she saw how easily Ying Nianling subdued such a beast.

‘This girl’s current strength is probably much lower than even Xiao Xi’s, right? ’

Even though she has known Ying Nianling for only a year or two, her speed of advancement and her combat power are far superior to those of her peers.

In the entire Tianling Continent, apart from Yun Xi, no one else could keep up with her pace.

But this is good, with Ying Nian Ling here, their respect and mystery will be much more stable this time.

After dealing with the beast, Ying Nianling walked towards Ye Nianhan, looking left and right.

"Ye Nianhan, where is Yun Xi?"

Ye Nianhan said with a smile: "We haven't met Xiao Xi yet!"


Hearing this, Ying Nianling didn't show much disappointment. At least she had found two companions. She had just obtained the gems in the ruins when she met Xiao Lingyuan. If she follows this pace, she should be able to do it soon. Met other people.

Thinking like this, Ying Nianling's mood became much better.

Ye Nianhan glanced at the members of the Flame Lion clan who were still lying over there, and walked over.

When the man from the Flame Lion Tribe saw Ye Nianhan gradually approaching, he wanted to step back, but the talisman created by Ying Nianling was still binding him tightly, leaving him no room to escape.

His pupils were bright, and when he was about to transform into a beast, the ivy wrapping around him shone again, and they branched out into slender branches and stabbed into the man's body.


The man from the Flame Lion clan roared in pain, and golden hair gradually grew on his body.

But at this moment, a sword light stretched out from Ye Nianhan's palm, and the sharp edge of Feng Qi Sword penetrated his chest and directly pierced his heart.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief, and bright red blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. He couldn't believe that his life was about to end so soon.

Ye Nianhan firmly grasped the hilt of Feng Qi Sword and thrust the sword downward until it penetrated the opponent's body.

"Feel sorry."

She said softly, but there was no regret in her expression: "In order to avoid the revenge you may have in the future, it is better for you to die."

The sword energy was twisting in the opponent's body, and she quickly pulled out the Feng Qi Sword, bringing out a bright red arc.

"I found the gem..."

Just as the flames of the Flame Lion Clan disciples died, Xiao Lingyuan from the front had successfully found the gem and returned.

When she saw Ye Nianhan killing the beast, her eyes swayed slightly: "Kill?"


Ye Nianhan shook slightly, scattered the blood on the sword, and then put it back into the scabbard.

Xiao Lingyuan curled her lips: "I should be the one to make up for the last blow."

"It doesn't matter who comes."

"That won't work. I haven't killed any heavenly beasts yet."

Xiao Lingyuan put her hands on her hips and looked quite dissatisfied, but only the extremely observant Ye Nianhan could notice the obscure and complex emotions deep in her eyes.

In the end, this trial and battle turned into a fight between various forces.

Xiao Lingyuan wanted to take the initiative to take this life, but she forgot that the most ruthless among Yun Xi's forces was actually Ye Nianhan, who was extremely gentle.

Ye Nianhan sighed and said, "You can be responsible for destroying the corpse."

"That couldn't be better!"

Without saying a word, Xiao Lingyuan circulated his spiritual power and directly wrapped the dead man's body. In a moment, the body turned into dust, leaving no trace anymore.

Ever since Mo Wenxuan's death, they had understood that this time, there was no room for holding back.

What they were fighting for was the inheritance of the God, which was enough to affect the structure of the entire continent. For this inheritance, it would not be surprising no matter how many people were killed.

After eliminating the body of the Yanshi tribesman, Xiao Lingyuan suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Speaking of which, how come the bodies of Mo Wenxuan and the others are intact?"

Ye Nianhan was startled for a moment, and then he realized: "It's a bit strange."

They didn't kill other people before, so they didn't pay attention. Now that they encountered this kind of thing, they suddenly realized that killing disciples of other forces was tantamount to enmity. No matter how confident the Qingying clan was, there was no need to deliberately take risks. Bar.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they died at the hands of the Qingying clan.

Xiao Lingyuan asked: "Is it possible that you are deliberately framing the Qingying Clan?"

Ye Nianhan shook his head: "It shouldn't be the case. Among the major forces that have entered the mysterious realm, besides the Qingying clan, who else has the ability to kill the two of them instantly?"


Xiao Lingyuan touched his head and said angrily: "Then the Qingying clan is quite courageous. They kill people without destroying their corpses. They are obviously provoking us!"

Ye Nianhan said quietly: "They will pay the price."

Ying Nianling looked at the two of them doubtfully from the side, looking confused and not understanding what they were talking about.

"Don't think about this now, let's continue looking for gems. Xiaoying, did you get this?"

Xiao Lingyuan showed Ying Nianling the gem in her hand.

Ying Nianling nodded immediately and took out an identical one: "Yes!"

"Then there's only one left! Keep searching! Go, go, go!"

Xiao Lingyuan waved her arms. This time she met Ying Nianling, and the pressure in their hearts was relieved a lot. In this kind of fight, there is always a stronger thigh by your side to make people feel at ease.

"Ah sneeze!"

Nangong Yao, who was nesting in a small earth cave, suddenly sneezed. He rubbed his nose and said to himself in confusion: "Why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

"Cough cough cough..."

A violent cough came from the ruins. Xia Qingyao wiped the corners of her mouth with her hands. Her eyes dimmed slightly when she saw the blood on her palms.

The battle between them and King Kong Liyi and the others lasted for several quarters of an hour. The sun moved from overhead to the west, and the battle here was finally about to come to an end.

Xia Qingyao supported her body with a slender spiritual knife. Her hair was messy, her sleeves were completely torn, her fair and tender arms were covered in blood, and there were countless scars on her body.

Beside her, Li Zixiao and Lu Qi were in better condition. Their auras were much weaker, but their injuries were not as serious as hers.

In front of the three people, in the center of the ruins, a huge figure stood tall, even bigger than the Buddha statue beside it.

This is a huge chimpanzee, but compared to normal orangutans, its fur is brighter and its muscles are as hard as armor.

This is the posture after the power of Vajra activates the bloodline of the heavenly beast.

In the previous long battle, Li Zixiao and Lu Qi teamed up to kill three of the opponent's demon disciples in the first spirit realm, but Xia Qingyao was gradually defeated in the battle with Jingang Liyi.

King Kong Liyi is the strongest among the current King Kong clan. Even though he relied on the unique power inheritance of the heavenly beasts to reach the psychic realm at this age, he is still different from the less qualified heavenly beings like Jiao Wenyuan. The beast is different, he can fully control this power.

In the same realm of lower levels, heavenly beasts are much stronger than normal human cultivators.

All of this is due to the unique blood power of the Heavenly Beast.

When they were in Hunyuan State, the Tianling disciples had never fought against the Heavenly Beast. This was the first time Xia Qingyao had faced off against the Heavenly Beast.

Even though she had already highly underestimated the opponent's strength, the increase in the opponent's strength after activating his bloodline still exceeded her expectations.

Lu Qi looked at the scarred Xia Qingyao and asked, "There is still a chance."

They witnessed with their own eyes that Xia Qingyao was seriously injured by the King Kong Power in the previous battle. If it weren't for the fact that the Heavenly Beast also possesses external powers such as the power of blood, Xia Qingyao would be the winner of this battle.

The heavenly beast that activates the power of bloodline will not increase in realm, but its strength, speed, and recovery ability will be much stronger than normal.

This is the reason why Bai Qing was able to defeat the spirit warriors at the peak of the heavenly level back then. With the bloodline opened, their realm has not changed, but their own power is different from what it used to be.

As soon as Jingang Li looked at the three people with weak breaths, he sneered with anger: "Xia Qingyao, today is the day when you will perish!"

It raised its palms high and patted the three of them.

The violent spiritual power spread all around, blocking their escape route.

In fact, as long as they want to, they can actually escape separately, but doing so means that one of them will inevitably die in the hands of King Kong Liyi, which no one wants to see.

But the good thing is that King Kong Liyi can use the power of blood to increase his strength, and they don't have their own methods.

In other words, it is a method belonging to Yun Xi's forces.

The fingers of Xia Qingyao and the three of them flashed with light, and an identical pill appeared in their palms.

This elixir is round and bright, with an alluring fragrance.

Before King Kong Liyi's giant hand fell, the three of them took the elixir into their mouths.

Warm spiritual energy flowed through every meridian of the body. Under the gaze of King Kong Liyi, the scars on the bodies of Xia Qingyao, Li Zixiao and others healed instantly, and the whole person returned to its peak state.

The Spirit Restoration Pill, long before setting off for the Heavenly Beast Continent, Yun Xi exchanged her last few points for nine Spirit Restoration Pills.

Each of them has such a pill in their body.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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