Yun Xi and the others felt a little embarrassed when they heard the Buddha state their purpose of coming here so bluntly.

Fortunately, before they spoke, the Buddha spoke again: "Since you have awakened me, you should also understand what to do if you want to obtain my inheritance."

The three of them and one fox immediately said: "Senior, don't worry, we will definitely shoulder the important task of protecting Buddha City!"

The Buddha smiled lightly and said: "This is very good. Don't rush to pass it on. Let me take a look first."

He closed his eyes and opened them again after just a breath.

"It's interesting that you can still come all the way here under such circumstances. You are not simple."

Obviously, he already knew everything that happened in the mysterious realm.

Yun Xi lowered his head: "Senior is ridiculous, junior is just using some opportunistic methods."

The Buddha's smile did not diminish. He waved his hand and disappeared directly with Yun Xi and the others.

The abbot looked at the place where several people disappeared in an instant, and was slightly absent-minded. This must be the so-called spiritual power.

The disappeared Yun Xi and others appeared on the top of the clouds. Under them, there was a small world.

There is only one continent in this world. The continent is surrounded by the sea. When the sea extends to a certain point, there is only black nothingness. There are mountains, forests, lakes, deserts and rivers on the continent, but there is only one city, and there is a huge Buddha statue in the city.

This is the complete appearance of the world where Buddha City is located.

"Do you know where this is?"

The Buddha's calm voice reached the ears of several people.

Several people looked at each other, and then Yun Xi replied: "Inside the Stone of the Secret Town?"

The Buddha shook his head: "No."

Bai Qing shook his tail unconsciously: "Is it possible that he has returned to the world of ghosts?"

"Hundred Spirit Realm?" Buddha asked in confusion, and immediately understood, "So it's called the Huddled Spirit Realm now..."

He shook his head again: "It's not the Hunling World where you live. This is another plane that is relatively independent from the Hunling World."

"Another dimension?"

Hear this,

You Tingjing and Bai Qing both widened their eyes, but Yun Xi and Ying Nianling's expressions did not change.

Yun Xi was mentally prepared for this kind of thing. She thought that when she was on the blue planet, there was still a vast universe outside. It was not surprising that there were other planes outside this world of ghosts.

Ying Nianling didn't care about this at all. She just accompanied Yunxi in. Among other things, including inheritance, perhaps only food could attract her attention.

The Buddha turned to look at them and said: "The heaven and earth are so big, and the universe is so vast, how could it end in a world of mixed spirits?"

You Tingjing and Bai Qing's eyes trembled slightly. This was the first time they heard such a thing.

You Tingjing keenly noticed that Yun Xi didn't seem surprised, and she asked, "You don't seem surprised at all?"

With the Buddha in front of her, her tone of voice became much more normal.

Yun Xi simply explained: "I have read many books before, and I have mentioned it above."

This is a fact, so Yun Xi cannot be considered lying.

Not a book?

But when it comes to this, Yun Xi is confused again: "Then why is the Buddha City located in another plane, but the inheritance of the senior Buddha appears in the Hunling Realm?"

Although the Buddha's spirit body is translucent, his facial features are still clear, so his slightly playful expression is also particularly clear. He looked at Yun Xi and asked with a smile: "You don't know?"

Yun Xi's big eyes blinked: "Well... what should I know?"

The Buddha laughed several times and said: "Then you little guy are very lucky! I have awakened again after so many years. I am in a good mood today, so I will take you to see the world of ghosts thousands of years ago!"

Not seeing any movement from the Buddha, several people disappeared in place again.

There is a Lingxiao Pavilion in the Nine Heavens. It is located under the dome. It is blue and white in color and is extremely holy.

Outside such a sacred attic of Lingxiao Pavilion, there were five figures standing, three men and two women. They were dressed differently, but the noble temperament exuding from them was intimidating.

Yun Xi and the others followed the Buddha and appeared in front of the five people. They had a panoramic view of the five people's faces, and then their eyes trembled violently.

Because the one on the right among these five people looks exactly like the Buddha standing next to them at the moment.

Yun Xi and others immediately turned to look at the Buddha. Before they could express their doubts, various deafening roars were heard in their ears.

Several people immediately turned around and looked in the direction the five figures were facing.

When the bright light shone on the faces of several people, they were unable to ask any questions.

The originally blue sky shattered like glass, and darkness swept across the sky. Countless meteors fell from the sky, carrying blazing flames, and fell to the earth.

The sky... fell.

"The sky is falling, we can no longer protect this place."

A clear and pleasant voice came from behind several people. After hearing the voice, Yun Xi and others turned slightly sideways and focused their eyes on the five figures again.

The one who just spoke was the woman on the left among the five people.

"She is the Demon Lord." Buddha introduced them to them from the side.

"Demon Lord..."

The eyelids of several people jumped. First they were shocked, and then they all looked at Bai Qing. Bai Qing had already stood up straight in Yun Xi's arms.

Seeing that no one responded to her, the Demon Lord continued: "I promised the Nine-Tails to protect the safety of the Snow Fox least, I must retain some of my bloodline. I don't want to see other demon clans die in vain. So, I I will hide with them."

This short sentence directly made Bai Qing's fox tail stand up, and his originally narrow fox eyes became round and round.

After the Demon Lord expressed his intention, the man in the middle asked: "How long do you plan to hide?"

"He is the Heavenly Lord and the master of our plane." The Buddha continued to introduce.

The expressions of Yun Xi and others have calmed down slightly, but the shock is still there. When the Buddha first introduced them, they all knew that these five people were all gods.

Five venerable gods... In the past tens of millions of years, there have been no five venerable gods born in the Hunling Realm. However, tens of millions of years ago in the Buddha's mouth, there were five of them in the same dynasty in the Hunling Realm.

The Demon Lord said calmly: "After I pass away, they will be able to come out. Presumably by then, this place will be completely new."

Tianzun was silent for a moment and then asked: "What about you?"

This time it was the Buddha who spoke, the Buddha from thousands of years ago.

He is wearing a golden cassock, his head is shiny, and the cinnabar mole between his eyebrows is particularly eye-catching. He is a very handsome monk.

Buddha said: "I found a hidden place in another plane and plan to move Buddha City there."

"The whole building?"

"The whole building."

Tianzun was silent again.

Gu Xi But this time another man next to Tianzun spoke: "There are millions of people in Buddha City. How do you guarantee that they will not be excluded by that world?"

"He is the Martial Lord, not of the same race as us." The spiritual Buddha on the side was still introducing.

The Buddha said calmly: "The Lord of that place is an old friend of mine. And I will set up a prison to protect them in a pure land, shielding them from the aura of heaven and earth, thus concealing the secrets of heaven."

Several other people couldn't help but look moved when they heard this. Wu Zun said calmly: "You will die if you act like this."

The Buddha raised one palm in front of him, and his voice was still calm: "It is worth sacrificing one person to save thousands of lives. As the god of faith in Buddha City, I should lead them to live."

This time, Wu Zun and others fell silent.

But they were silent, but the expressions of Yun Xi and others changed again. They turned their heads and looked at the Buddha with complicated eyes.

There was admiration, emotion, and doubt.

Facing the looks they cast, the Buddha just smiled faintly, seeming to be quite emotional about himself back then.

The one who broke the silence was the last woman who had never spoken.

"I'll leave."

"She is the Sword Master."

This time, even if the Buddha didn't introduce it, Yun Xi and others could probably guess it.

Because the sharp sword spirit emanating from this woman can be clearly felt by people even after thousands of years of time and space. Obviously they can't even touch each other, but they can feel that indescribable Sharp sword intent!

This man must be an unrivaled swordsman.

The Sword Master continued: "I'm going to find that person and give him a sword."

Tianzun's eyes flickered slightly: "He will die."

The sword master was not afraid: "He will die eventually. Instead of living for a hundred thousand years, it is better to strike him with a sword."

Tianzun stopped trying to persuade her.

After Jian Zun, Wu Zun finally spoke again. He raised his head and looked beyond the shattered sky: "I will also leave and go back over there."

Everyone was not surprised by this. Fire and meteors were reflected in Tianzun's eyes. Seeing the devastation of all the creatures in the world, he finally said seriously: "I will stay."

The four people turned to look at him.

Tianzun stretched out a hand and lifted it slightly, and the meteors in the sky suddenly stopped. The flames on their bodies were still rising, but they never fell to the ground.

Tianzun's tone seemed a bit vicissitudes of life and fatigue.

"If the sky falls, there must be someone to hold it up for them, just for a while."

Will die.

After four moments of thinking, they did not say this sentence.

The world stood still, including the flames on the meteors, the hair of the five gods, the smoke on the ground, and the fallen leaves floating in the air.

"You can only see so much."

The Buddha spoke softly, his voice seemed a little weak.

Yun Xi looked at him and found that his body had become more transparent.

"Do you have anything you want to ask? Each person only has one chance to ask."

Although he looked very young, Yun Xi and the others were stunned to see the look of "kindness" on the Buddha's face.

Yun Xi spoke first: "Are you... still alive?"

Buddha knew she would ask this question. He smiled and said: "He died a long time ago, and now he is just a ray of remnant soul."

You Tingjing then asked: "Who is the 'him' that the Sword Master wants to use his sword against?"

"The person who caused the sky to collapse, the heaven and earth to become chaotic, and the meteors to destroy the world. Although he did not do it himself, he had a lot to do with it. As for his name, I have never known it."

As soon as the Buddha finished speaking, Bai Qing hurriedly asked: "Demon Lord, is it possible that you are still alive?"

In fact, it wanted to ask many questions, such as who the Nine Tails refers to, and what race the Demon Lord is... But when it was really its turn to ask, it realized that it was more concerned about the one reserved for the Snow Fox Clan. The senior demon king of the clan’s bloodline.

Buddha shook his head: "In the chaos of heaven and earth, it is not easy for her to protect some members of the demon tribe. And even for us, our lifespan is not endless. Tens of millions of years... is too long, no one can survive." "

After Bai Qing heard such a definite answer, his expression became obviously depressed.

After all three of them had finished asking, Ying Nianling finally asked.

Several people's eyes turned to Ying Nianling. The dull hair on the top of the little girl's head received the signal like an antenna and reacted under their gaze.

She thought about it for a long time before asking: "Why were there so many gods before, but not now?"

Her question directly made Yun Xi's eyes light up. This little girl usually looks cute and cute, but she never expected to lose her temper at critical moments. This is indeed an issue worth paying attention to.

Even Yun Xi and the others had not thought of it before.

The Buddha did not answer immediately, but asked doubtfully: "Honor the gods?"

Yun Xi explained the current level of spiritual power in the Hunling World in layers.

The Buddha suddenly understood and couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect that tens of millions of years have passed and after the world has changed, even the hierarchy of practitioners has changed. Fortunately, I still speak fluently, otherwise I would be the only remaining inheritance. , it is difficult to preserve it well.”

Yun Xi and others did not dare to laugh with him.

After the Buddha finished speaking, he took the initiative to return the topic to Ying Nian Ling's question: "But having said that, your girl's question is a very good one. Do you know what is the most important thing in this world?"

Yun Xi and the others naturally shook their heads.

The Buddha said: "For a dimension, the most important thing is the living beings."


Several people expressed doubts and were a little confused. It wasn't that they had a better answer, but they wanted to know why it was this answer.

The Buddha said: "Heaven and earth were created for the purpose of nurturing flowers, grass, trees, mermaids, birds and beasts. Only in the plane of living beings can spiritual energy be born. The more living beings, the more abundant spiritual energy will be, and the spiritual practitioners will be able to walk further." Far."

"When the sky collapsed back then, the Hunling World? Lost too many creatures and lost too much spiritual energy. Normally, after tens of millions of years, the Hunling World should have returned to its previous state and even become more victorious. However, But you didn't do this. I think it's because wars break out frequently."

He spoke calmly, but his tone was very firm.

Yun Xi and You Tingjing looked at each other, and the former said: "Senior is at a loss as to what to say. In the past tens of millions of years, there have been countless wars, large and small, in the Hunling Realm."

The Buddha nodded: "That's it. It's just that all the spirits are not of the same mind. They even invade each other and have their own grudges. The spiritual energy cannot be condensed into a seal, so the speed of the birth of spiritual energy will naturally be too slow."

‘Create spiritual energy into a seal? ’

Yun Xi and others were a little confused when they heard this, but they finally understood why the spiritual energy in the Hunling World was so thin. It turned out that there was another reason behind it.

But even if they knew, there was nothing they could do. The hostility between Tianling Continent and Tianmo Continent had lasted for millions of years. It was an irreconcilable hatred that they could not change.

There will be no absolute peace in the world, Yun Xi has known this for a long time.

After helping the four people to clear up their doubts, the Buddha smiled faintly.

"Okay, I've shown you and told you, now it's time to get down to business."

:. :

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