I was reincarnated as a single school beauty

Chapter 159 Ruohuating’s courtyard

The commendation ceremony in the afternoon was held at the Tianling Alliance headquarters. The process was not complicated, but it was broadcast live on the entire network. The performance was very grand and the rewards were quite generous. They provided a lot of training resources and very good spiritual skills.

At this stage, they no longer have any need for weapons. The most useful ones are spiritual crystals, followed by spiritual skills and elixirs.

The person in charge of the commendation ceremony was Tang Xiaoshu. After the ceremony, everyone else went back, only Yun Xi stayed.

It was not Tang Xiaoshu who left her behind, but herself.

The live broadcast has ended and everyone has dispersed. Yun Xi and Tang Xiaoshu are walking in a place with few people. The latter asked: "Why don't you go back? Is something wrong?"

Yun Xi didn't hide anything, and said: "I want to visit Ruohuating, and then I want to ask Mr. Wei some questions. Besides, I haven't talked to Aunt Tang for a long time, which is weird!"

She winked playfully.

Mr. Wei asked Yun Xi to rest for a few days before coming over, but after a nightmare last night, Yun Xi felt that it would be useless for him to just rest, so it was better to come over earlier.

Tang Xiaoshu couldn't help but laugh. She pinched Yun Xi's nose gently: "You have a very sweet mouth! Come on, follow me."


Yun Xi followed with a smile.

The two people, one older and one younger in age, walked in the same direction. On the way, many Tianling disciples saw Tang Xiaoshu and greeted him respectfully, and also smiled at Yun Xi.

Yun Xi was not arrogant just because she was held in her lap. She was also very polite and smiled at the memories of her senior brothers and sisters.

While walking, Tang Xiaoshu asked, "How was your rest last night?"

Yun Xi said honestly: "You didn't have a good rest, you had a nightmare."

"When you dreamed that you were attacked?"

Tang Xiaoshu also learned from Luo Daofang the whole process of their attack, and knew that Yun Xi was almost taken away by Jiu Ming.

Yun Xi nodded, thinking about how she felt at that time, her heart couldn't help but tighten, but thinking about the teacher's melodious piano music, she felt a little calmer.

"It was the first time I experienced that feeling, it was so scary."

Just like a drowning person who is saved when his life is in danger,

As if he has been filled with fear of rivers and lakes since then, Yun Xi now feels a little difficult to breathe just thinking back to that moment.

After all, Tang Xiaoshu is a person who has experienced countless storms and waves, and said: "This is not entirely a bad thing for you. Many people will never be able to come into contact with the powerful people in the spirit-killing realm. If you can gain insights from it, it will be good for you. There will be a lot of benefits in your future. But if you can’t get out, you may have inner demons."

Yun Xi hugged her shoulders: "Forget it about your inner demons, I don't want that thing!"

Tang Xiaoshu smiled: "It depends on you."

Yun Xi puffed up her cheeks. She wasn't worried that she would have inner demons anymore. She wasn't that fragile yet. She was still afraid, but she wasn't worried about getting inner demons because of it.

The reason why she felt fear was not because she was afraid of Jiu Ming Shi Yuan, but because the feeling of powerlessness made her despair.

Powerlessness comes from the low level of one's own realm. As long as one raises his own realm, he will naturally have nothing to fear.

Yun Xi did not continue to struggle with this topic, but thought of what Qingchan said last night, and asked: "Aunt Tang, I heard that Tianyun Martial Arts School is going to hold a three-month trial for those students. ,why is that?"

Tang Xiaoshu answered quickly and seemed to be relatively clear about the matter.

She said: "This is a decision made within the league. Times have changed. Children today can no longer enjoy life as leisurely as before."

She didn't say how the times were different, but Yun Xi knew that this was probably related to the turmoil of monsters and other things. The world of spirits has not been peaceful these years, and no one knows what accidents will happen in the future. The Heavenly Spirit Alliance Be prepared in advance.

After understanding this, Yun Xi also understood, but she thought that the training method of Tianyun Martial Arts School was still a bit too dangerous, and she didn't know if the teachers could take care of it.

After asking the questions she was concerned about, Yun Xi stopped asking any questions and just chatted with Tang Xiaoshu. She didn't have any sense of restraint towards her seniors. She chatted very naturally and interestingly, and she would act cute from time to time. Acting like a baby made Tang Xiaoshu happy.

Not long after, the two arrived outside a large courtyard.

Tang Xiaoshu said: "If Hua Ting is inside, go in by yourself, I won't accompany you."

Yun Xi bowed slightly to Tang Xiaoshu: "Thank you, Aunt Tang."

Tang Xiaoshu smiled and said "It's okay", turned around and left.

Yun Xi raised his head and took a look at the courtyard in front of him. Like Mr. Wei's tea pavilion, this courtyard was also very unique. It was white and elegant, independent of the huge work areas, and had an elegant style similar to Ruohuating.

The wall of the courtyard is not very high. Standing outside, you can see some trees in the courtyard. There seems to be a rockery?

Yun Xi came to the courtyard door. Before she could knock on the door, a cold and sweet voice came out.

"come in."

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, then opened the door and walked in.

After closing the door again, Yun Xi turned around and looked at the courtyard. Inside the courtyard wall was first a green plant area, then a stream about two or three meters wide, with a bridge on the stream and irregular smooth stones, and then some There are flowers and plants, and finally there is a big house.

It's actually not very big, but it's obviously a bit wider for a person living alone.

Yun Xi smacked her little mouth, thinking that this small courtyard that looked simple and elegant from the outside turned out to be like this when she entered.

Sure enough, people are multi-faceted.

After walking across the small stone bridge, Yun Xi came to the house.

The door was open, but Yun Xi did not walk in immediately. Instead, he called out: "Ruo Huating, junior Yun Xi has come to see you."

"Just come, don't be so formal."

Ruo Huating walked out of the house.

Perhaps because he lives alone at home, Ruo Huating is wearing a summer white dress and does not look as majestic as before.

However, this outfit combined with her elegant temperament makes her feel like a fairy on earth.

Even though he is several thousand years old, he is still so handsome and elegant, which is really enviable.

Yun Xi thought of this, wondering if she would be as youthful as Ruo Huating in the future?

If you have a system, you will definitely do it!

Ruo Ganyu saw Yun Xi and asked, "Why are you here?"

Yun Xi explained: "I came here to attend the commendation ceremony. I just came over after it was over."

"Recognition ceremony?"

Ruo Ganyu was confused for a moment, then nodded.

After meeting with the leader yesterday, she came back to rest and recover from her injuries. Mr. Wei was responsible for the subsequent arrangements, and she didn't know.

She asked: "What do you want from me?"

Yun Xi nodded vigorously, took out a small wooden box, and handed it over: "Ruo Huating, this elixir is called Fu Ling Dan. It should be helpful for your injury?"

Yun Xi is not a fool, how could he not see that Ruo Huating was seriously injured in yesterday's battle.

Ruo Ganyu smiled lightly: "You do have a heart."

She took the small wooden box, opened it, and saw the elixir with a strong fragrance inside.

He picked up the elixir with two fingers, put Ruo Ganyu into his mouth, and swallowed it.

The entrance of the elixir turned into a stream of clear water, flowing to every part of Ruo Ganyu's body, completely treating her internal injuries in an instant.

Ruo Ganyu's pupils condensed slightly, he closed the wooden box with a calm expression and said, "The effect is not bad. Did you refine this elixir yourself?"

Yun Xi stuck out her tongue and said with some embarrassment: "I didn't practice it, I got it by accident before. Didn't I recover all the injuries? When I usually use it myself, the injuries heal instantly."

Ruo Ganyu smiled and said, "You also said it's you. My physique is different from yours. If the injury can be easily restored with just one pill, then there is no need to be so cautious."

Yun Xi opened her mouth, thinking that was the case, but after thinking about it carefully, it was obvious that the spiritual veins of a strong person in the Spirit Killing Realm were different from those of an ordinary spirit person, so it was natural that the injuries would be more difficult to recover from.

She never thought about the possibility of Ruo Huating lying, so Yun Xi didn't dwell on it and just suddenly said: "So that's what happened."

I originally planned to come here and give him a Restoring Pill to cure Ruo Huating's injury before leaving, but now that the injury is not completely healed, it seems a bit embarrassing and embarrassing to leave like this.

Yun Xi looked around and asked, "Does Ruo Huating usually live here?"

Ruo Ganyu should have noticed Yun Xi's embarrassment and responded patiently: "Well, it's convenient and quiet here."

The headquarters of the Tianling Alliance is actually not quiet at all. After all, there are so many spiritual cultivators here, and there is no guarantee that there will be a few discussions. Yun Xi often heard some noises when walking outside, but if Huating's courtyard It's really quiet inside.

Because there is a formation to isolate the noise from the outside world.

Being Huating is a bit of a privilege.

Yun Xi glanced around and asked curiously: "Can I take a look?"

Ruo Ganyu smiled: "Go ahead."

Yun Xi smiled and walked around along the small stream. The stream two or three meters wide made a circle around the house. In addition to the bridge and stones seen at the entrance of the courtyard, there was also a small wooden structure behind the house. The rockery where the house is higher is not big in area, but it is just a little taller.

Yun Xi saw two trees on the courtyard lawn next to the rockery, one on the left and one on the right. The tree crowns intersected, casting a large shadow between the two.

Summer resort.

Yun Xi thought so.

Ruo Huating gives the impression that she is pure-hearted, but her residence obviously has a unique flavor. Yun Xi likes this kind of courtyard very much.

Ruo Ganyu walked behind Yun Xi and watched her take off her shoes, stuff her socks into her shoes, run barefoot to the lawn, and lie down directly on the spot.

Some disobedient Xiaocao persisted, which made Yunxi's back feel a little itchy, but she didn't mind at all. She rested her head on the grass without feeling dirty, and looked up quietly.

The branches are luxuriant. The leaves in summer are not as green as spring, but when the sun shines on them, they also exude a summer beauty, like the sun shining through the glass on the desk with books. Above, what passes through here are leaves, shining on a young and lively girl.

The haze caused by the nightmare was swept away, and for the first time Yunxi had plans and expectations for her old life.

Ruo Huating saw that Yun Xi could be so lively and active by himself, and couldn't help but smile, a soft and beautiful smile.

After lying on the grass for a while, Yun Xi quickly got up. Her little feet, which were as perfect as white porcelain, stepped on the grass. The toes were round and the nails were clean and smooth. It was obvious that they had been trimmed and maintained regularly.

"It's nice here."

Yun Xi said sincerely.

Ruo Ganyu smiled lightly: "When you become Huating one day, I will give this place to you."

"That should take a long time!"

Yun Xi said this, but there was no hint of frustration in her tone. She had always been very confident in herself.

"If you practice slowly, you can always do it."

Ruo Ganyu patted her shoulder: "Okay, let's stop here today. It's getting late, so go back."


Yun Xi put on her shoes and socks and gave Ruo Ganyu a junior salute: "Then I'll go back first."

"Yes." Ruo Ganyu nodded, then suddenly called Yun Xi again after a moment.

"Ruo Huating, is there anything else?"

Yun Xi turned back in confusion.

Ruo Ganyu asked: "Just keep the rest of the Restoring Pill for yourself. Shi Rong and their injuries are not serious, so there is no need to give it to them."

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, then replied after a while: "I understand."

Gently pushing open the courtyard door, Yun Xi left Ruo Ganyu's courtyard, but she did not go home directly, but walked towards Mr. Wei's tea pavilion.

Ruo Ganyu sensed Yun Xi's aura and suddenly felt that having a child might not be a bad thing.

Everything has its pros and cons. Being obsessed with cultivation can certainly enhance your realm and strength, but when you really take time off to focus on life, you will naturally envy those who have children and enjoy the happiness of a family. .

The strong may not be invincible, but they are certainly lonely.

Less than ten seconds after Yun Xi left, a figure appeared in Ruo Ganyu's courtyard.

Ruo Ganyu asked without looking back: "If you are not writing and drawing in your study, how come you have time to come to my little yard?"

The leader of the alliance was wearing a wide plain robe, and his tone was a little helpless: "I originally brought some elixirs to see if they could help you recover from your injuries, but now it seems that it is a little late."

Ruo Ganyu curled her lips and said nothing.

For people of their level and relationship, not speaking up means being kicked out.

But the leader of the alliance did not leave, but said quietly: "This child has so much to hide!"

Ruo Ganyu raised her eyebrows slightly, turned back to look at the alliance leader, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

The leader of the alliance said: "Uncle Wei likes this child very much, what about you?"

Ruo Ganyu's eyes were filled with scrutiny and he said quietly: "He is a very good child."


The leader of the alliance smiled slightly, and then his expression became extremely calm: "The old guys in the Yin Pavilion know about Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling."

Ruo Ganyu's eyes flashed and became sharp: "Don't they already know?"

"It's different now. They know that Yun Xi and Ying Nian Ling have received the inheritance of the gods."

No matter in anyone's eyes, "respecting the inheritance of gods" is an important point that cannot be ignored.

Ruo Ganyu said coldly: "What they obtained is nothing more than a Buddhist Dharma and a spiritual weapon, which is of no use to people in our realm."

Although the Buddha's inheritance carries the name of the inheritance of gods, it is after all a inheritance that has passed tens of millions of years. What can be left behind is very limited, and it cannot help spiritual beings in their realm to transcend the shackles of heaven and earth.

If it was the one in the tomb, there might still be some hope.

"It's of no use to us, but it's very attractive to young people."

The leader of the alliance had a calm expression on his face, turned around and disappeared into the yard.

Ruo Ganyu's face changed slightly and he reacted immediately.

...Not all strong men are childless like her.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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