The girl's slender eyebrows were raised slightly, the corners of her mouth were curved, and her smile was fresh and cute. Even women would be easily moved when they saw her.

If Ling Xiaoyun and Wei Wenlong were not the kind of people who covet beauty, and they had known Yun Xi for a few years, they might have been easily seduced by her.

But seeing such a beautiful smile, it would be a lie to say that there was no emotion at all.

Ling Xiaoyun controlled the brief fluttering in his heart and said with a wry smile: "Yun Xi, don't play this trick. We are still young and cannot bear it."

Yun Xi immediately put away her smile and said calmly: "Harm! Isn't this a bit of a foundation? It's just like a slap in the face! You should understand what I mean, right? If I rely on myself, I may not be able to cope with the two of Xiao Gufeng. "

'Redefining is a bit basic...'

Ling Xiaoyun and the others naturally knew what Yun Xi meant. He turned to look at Wei Wenlong. Wei Wenlong faced Yun Xi and said softly: "I don't represent the Wei family, but I will help you."

He has a very straightforward temperament. From the time he met Yun Xi until now, he recognized Yun Xi's character very much, especially after the battle in Zun Mysterious Territory. Except for Kang Zhi, the deserter, the relationship between them was stronger. Much better.

Under the influence of such multiple factors, Wei Wenlong naturally sided with Yun Xi.

Ling Xiaoyun knew Wei Wenlong's choice and was not surprised, nor would he make any random comments. He said: "I am the same in this regard. After all, we can be considered a life-long friendship. Since I have chosen If I tell you about the Yin Pavilion, I won’t just sit idly by.”

If Yun Xi had encountered this kind of thing before going to the Sky Beast Continent, Ling Xiaoyun might have said a few words at most and then the matter would have nothing to do with him. But we have experienced life and death together, and the feelings between each other have not been sublimated, but After all, it is different from before.

Ling Xiaoyun is very optimistic about Yun Xi. Children from big families like them have known for a long time that they need to build their own team or connections. Although Yun Xi is currently only a small spirit in the spirit transformation realm, her potential is far away. Above others.

Being able to make friends with such a person is by no means a bad thing.

Yun Xi cupped her fists and said, "Then I'd like to thank you two."

Ling Xiaoyun said with a smile: "You don't have to be so polite. It just so happens that you are free now? If you are, I can introduce someone to you."

Yun Xi thought for a while, it didn't matter if Mr. Wei met him later.

The top priority is to expand her network of contacts first. She can't think about Mr. Wei whenever there is trouble.

So, Yun Xi nodded: "Okay."

"Okay, then come with me."

Ling Xiaoyun stood up and walked out of the pavilion, followed by Yun Xi and Wei Wenlong.

On the way, Ling Xiaoyun reminded: "Yun Xi, regarding the matter of the Yin Pavilion, we should try to keep it a secret."

The existence of the Hidden Pavilion is actually not a secret to the top leaders of the Tianling Alliance, but under Yun Ling, the number of people who know the Hidden Pavilion is still very limited. The most taboo thing for a force is to let everyone in the world know its strength. At what level exactly.

Yun Xi replied: "Don't worry, I understand."

Yun Xi always knew what to say and what not to say.

After a pause, Yun Xi asked: "By the way, Ling Xiaoyun, you said that there are eight elders in Yin Pavilion. In addition to Xiao Gufeng and Gu Ningyan's elders, as well as your grandfather, there are five left. Those five should be There may be descendants."

Ling Xiaoyun said: "This is natural, but some are biological heirs, and some are just descendants of the same clan. As far as I know, only three of the eight elders have no heirs yet."

Although maintaining the virgin body can indeed facilitate cultivation, it does not mean that once the virgin body is broken, it will be completely impossible to go far. Everything in the world is more different from person to person.

For those old guys who have been cultivating for thousands of years, the longer they live, the more they envy others for having sons and grandsons, and the more they long for family happiness. This is human nature.

Perhaps one day in the future, the pure-hearted Ruo Xianzi will fall into the mortal world.

Yun Xi didn't think that much. She only cared about one thing: "In that case, Xiao Gufeng and Gu Ningyan should not be the only ones who care about my inheritance, right?"

Ling Xiaoyun thought for a moment and said: "Maybe, I can't be arbitrary about this kind of thing, but you don't need to worry too much, the people of the Eight Great Families are not stupid second generation ancestors, and it is basically not possible for chickens and dogs to rob and plunder. Can do it."

The Tianling Alliance is not a demon temple. Although there are also powerful people here, everyone checks and balances each other. The higher the position, the more cautious people are in their actions. It's not that they never do things that are harmful to nature, but they are very rare.

After all, those who can become the elders of the Yin Pavilion will not be extremely evil people.

After receiving Ling Xiaoyun's assurance, Yun Xi felt more at ease.

She originally wanted to ask the names of the eight elders of Yin Pavilion, but after thinking about it, she felt a little disrespectful, so after a slight hesitation, she did not ask, but after chatting for a while, they arrived at the destination of their trip.

Yun Xi looked up.

"Liu Yuetang."

The place Ling Xiaoyun brought them to was the headquarters of Liuyue Hall, one of the ten halls.

Thinking of Xiao Gufeng before, Yun Xi slowly turned his head like a robot and asked: "Ling Xiaoyun, isn't the person you introduced also the master of the hall?"

Ling Xiaoyun smiled calmly and said, "That's a good guess."

Then he walked into Liuyue Hall.

Ling Xiaoyun and Wei Wenlong were both disciples of Shaoguang Hall, and Yun Xi was a disciple of Lingying Hall. Because they had just returned from the Sky Beast Continent, their superiors gave them a period of leave.

Today, the three of them came to attend the commendation ceremony. They were dressed more luxuriously, so they stood out as soon as they walked in.

Many disciples of Liu Yuetang looked over, and many of them had shining eyes.

But this shining light was not directed at Yun Xi, but at Ling Xiaoyun and Wei Wenlong.

As one of the Ten Heavenly Spirit Alliance Halls, Liu Yuetang is mainly responsible for clerical work, such as task distribution statistics, or internal management of the city, etc...

This kind of work is usually done by people who are not very talented in spiritual practice and are more serious and careful in their work.

Therefore, the proportion of female disciples in Liuyue Hall is extremely high, making it a dream place for countless male disciples.

For women, handsome men are obviously more attractive than beautiful women.

The senior sisters looked at the three people who came in, and their eyes were more on Ling Xiaoyun and Wei Wenlong. However, compared with the eyes Yun Xi had received before, these women's eyes were obviously more reserved.

At this time, a senior sister came over and said, "Junior Brother Ling, are you here to see the deputy hall master?"

The three of them are not unknown people. The commendation ceremony was just held this afternoon, and there are not a few people in the league who know them.

Ling Xiaoyun nodded and asked, "Senior Sister Luo, is she here?"

The senior sister named Luo said: "The deputy hall master is in the office."

"Thank you, senior sister."

Ling Xiaoyun thanked him and led Wei Wenlong and Yun Xi towards the inner hall of Liuyue Hall.

"Do you come here often?"

Yun Xi asked as they walked through the wide corridor.

She noticed that Ling Xiaoyun knew the senior sister's last name.

Ling Xiaoyun said: "I've been here a few times, but I don't know many people."

After turning a few corners, the three of them came to an office door. Ling Xiaoyun knocked on the door. He didn't push the door in until a "Please come in" came from inside.

And Yun Xi also took advantage of the time he knocked on the door to look up at the number on the door.

[Deputy Hall Master’s Office—Ling Xinlan]

‘Ling Xinlan is Ling Xiaoyun’s relative? ’

The door was pushed open by Ling Xiaoyun, and they had already walked in.

In the office, there is a woman.

The woman has a beautiful face and exquisite facial features. She is wearing Liu Yuetang's clothes. Like Xiao Gufeng and the others, her clothes are more exquisite and gorgeous than those of ordinary disciples, and it looks like the material is extraordinary.

Ling Xinlan was sitting at the desk, seemingly flipping through some information in her hands. She didn't raise her head until Yun Xi and the others came in.

She first saw Ling Xiaoyun, and then saw Wei Wenlong and Yun Xi behind Ling Xiaoyun. When her eyes turned to Yun Xi, she paused for a moment.

Ling Xiaoyun saw Ling Xinlan and shouted: "Sister."

Ling Xinlan took her eyes away from Yun Xi and asked, "Why did you come to my place suddenly?"

Ling Xiaoyun smiled and said: "Bring Wenlong and a friend over to have a look, and introduce you to each other by the way."

Ling Xinlan glanced at Yun Xi and said, "Yun Xi, Tianling is the school beauty, I know."

For the first time, Yun Xi felt ashamed of her nickname.

Ling Xiaoyun smiled helplessly and said to Yun Xi: "Classmate Yun Xi, this is my sister, Ling Xinlan, who is now the deputy hall master of Liuyue Hall."

Yun Xi tried not to show any embarrassment and saluted Ling Xinlan: "Junior Yun Xi, I have met the master of the mourning hall."

Ling Xinlan waved her hands and said feebly: "It's Deputy Hall Master Ling. This Hall Master is still early."

Yun Xi was smart enough not to answer.

Because of Ling Xiaoyun's presence, Ling Xinlan acted relatively casually. She raised her chin in the direction of the coffee table and said, "Sit down. If you want to drink tea, pour it yourself."

The three of them walked over, Ling Xiaoyun took out the disposable tea cup, and the three of them poured themselves a cup of tea.

After Ling Xiaoyun poured himself a cup of tea, he poured another cup of tea and put it on Ling Xinlan's desk.

Ling Xinlan glanced lightly, Ling Xiaoyun smiled.

Ling Xinlan picked up the tea, took a sip, and said, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Ling Xiaoyun said: "Sister, just now Xiao Gufeng and Gu Ningyan approached classmate Yun Xi."

Ling Xinlan paused slightly with the tea cup in her hand, then she put it down and asked, "Is it to honor the gods and inherit the inheritance?"

Ling Xiaoyun nodded.

Ling Xinlan said coldly: "They move very quickly."

Ling Xiaoyun said: "After all, it is about the inheritance of Zun Shen. They can't bear it. Classmate Yun Xi has no background. Mr. Wei can't handle the affairs between them."

Although Xiao Gufeng and the others are much older than Yun Xi, in terms of generation, they can actually be called Yun Xi's peers.

It is not suitable for the elderly to take action in matters between young people like them.

Ling Xinlan understood and asked, "You want me to help?"

She knew that Ling Xiaoyun and Yun Xi had a good relationship, and this was only between Ling Xiaoyun and Yun Xi. Today was the first time she met Yun Xi.

Ling Xiaoyun nodded: "Well, sister will help me, right?"

There was no coquettish tone, but Yun Xi could still feel the intimate relationship between the two.

Ling Xinlan raised her forehead and said helplessly: "You've said so, how can I say no to helping?"

Ling Xiaoyun couldn't help but smile, turned to Yun Xi and said, "Classmate Yun Xi, you heard me. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to my sister."

Yun Xi stood up and saluted Ling Xinlan: "Thank you, Senior Sister Ling."

Ling Xinlan said: "There is no need to thank me. You have Mr. Wei to protect you. In fact, they don't dare to do anything to you."

In fact, as Ling Xinlan said, with Mr. Wei protecting Yun Xi, Yun Xi didn't need to worry too much. At least Xiao Gufeng and the others would definitely not dare to use any dirty tricks.

Yun Xi smiled and said: "It's always good to get to know more people. Junior sister has just joined the Tianling Alliance not long ago, so her social circle is very shallow."

Ling Xinlan is willing to help Yun Xi because she is very optimistic about Yun Xi's future, and Yun Xi will seek help from her because she also values ​​the power of the Ling family.

For both parties, this is actually a sure-profit choice.

And for the Ling family, helping Yun Xi was actually a disguised form of friendship with Mr. Wei.

Although the elders of Yin Pavilion are also in the spirit-killing realm, they cannot compare with Sanhuating in terms of status and power.

Especially Wei Huating, one of the more than ten spirit-slaying experts in the Tianling Alliance, he is truly one of a kind.

Ling Xinlan didn't pay too much attention to this. For her, her brother's thoughts were more important than getting any benefits.

When her younger brother said he wanted to help Yun Xi, she naturally did so.

Moreover, this kind of help is said to be helpful, but no one can say whether there will be a real chance to take action later. Now it is just a simple statement. Furthermore, although Ling Xinlan was reluctant to admit it, Liu Yuetang was basically a civilian staff.

Scholars... are not good at fighting.

Having already promised that she would take action, Ling Xinlan did not dwell on this topic. After she asked Yun Xi to add her Tian Ling Ling friends, she just thought of something and turned to look over there alone. Wei Wenlong drinking tea.

"Wenlong, have the Wei family contacted you in the past few days?"

Wei Wenlong is actually also a scholar, but his books are different. He doesn't like to talk. On occasions like this, he always keeps quiet and has a very low sense of presence.

At this time, he was drinking tea alone. When he was suddenly called, he raised his head and said, "No, Sister Lan, what's wrong?"

Ling Xinlan shook her head: "Nothing, just asking."

Wei Wenlong looked confused.

After chatting for a while, Yun Xi and the others left. Yun Xi wanted to treat Ling Xinlan to a meal, but the latter refused because of his busy work schedule, and agreed to have a meal next time when he had a chance.

Yun Xi had no choice but to leave with Wei Wenlong, while Ling Xiaoyun was left behind.

After the two left, only the brother and sister were left in the office.

Ling Xinlan looked at her younger brother and asked, "Is this your own decision, or the decision of your father and grandfather?"

Ling Xiaoyun said: "Of course it's mine, but I told my dad and he didn't object."

Ling Xinlan nodded, her eyes suddenly became suspicious: "You don't like her, do you?"

Ling Xiaoyun rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking about?"

Ling Xinlan smiled and said: "She is a very good girl. If you are interested, it would be good to chase her. If you don't understand, just come and ask for advice. Girls know better when it comes to chasing girls."

"I'm too lazy to explain to you."

Ling Xiaoyun turned around and walked out of the office.

"Bring a meal later. I want sweet and sour pork ribs."

Ling Xinlan's voice chased him from behind, and he raised his hand and waved.

? ?Yun Xi: Thank you Juan Juan (former LEIlei boss) for the 500 reward! Thanks for the pet reward!

? Hong Ling: Thank you... for the 15,000 reward. Well...a lot of rewards!

? Yimeng: Thank you for the 1,000 reward! It turns out someone still remembers me!

?  Thanks to Baby Yunxi for the reward!



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