The moon will pass through the clouds late at night, spreading its radiance over the earth.

Yun Xi looked at the light at the end of the bed, listened to the even and soothing breathing in her ears, and thought about whether it was time for her to take action.

People's bodies tend to feel heavier after taking a bath, so Qingchan and Hongling fell asleep not long after lying on the bed.

Yun Xi waited until the two little girls had fallen into a deep sleep, then sneakily got up from the bed, put on her own sandals, and crept out of the room.

After leaving the room, Yun Xi walked directly towards a room. The rooms of Ye Nianhan and Xiao Lingyuan were right next to hers, but Yun Xi was not worried about being discovered at all.

Both of them knew that Qingchan and Hongling would be sleeping in her room tonight, so they would not bother her, let alone that they had to stand for so long today.

Yun Xi came directly to the door of Li Zixiao's room, reached out and turned the doorknob.

No lock.

Yun Xi couldn't help but smile, quietly opened the door, and got in sideways.

The door was closed, and there was silence in Li Zixiao's room. Yun Xi was not sure whether Li Zixiao slept or not, so she had to walk over quietly.

The rooms at home are basically on the same side, and the layout of each room is basically the same. Li Zixiao's room also has windows and a balcony, but it is smaller than Yun Xi's master bedroom.

Yun Xi stood beside the bed and could vaguely see Li Zixiao's face through the moonlight.

She was lying on her side with her back to Yun Xi, her breathing was even, her eyelashes were curved and long, and she slept peacefully.

Among Yun Xi's best friends, Li Zixiao is undoubtedly the most temperamental one. Her painful experiences since childhood have cultivated in her a cold personality that can repel people thousands of miles away.

When she was in Fengyun County, she felt that Yun Xi was unwilling to express himself, had a cold temperament, and was full of hostility towards everyone. She believed that she was not the only one who felt this way.

But in fact, only after getting to know Li Zixiao for a long time will you realize that she is actually a very strong girl who also loves to act coquettishly.

It's just that the way she behaves is very different from normal people.

It's hot summer now, but Li Zixiao's room doesn't have air conditioning.

It's not because she is a spirit and is not afraid of heat, but because she is cold. She is wrapped in a thin blanket, and because she is turned sideways, Yun Xi cannot see the rise and fall of her belly.

Yun Xi took off her slippers and climbed onto Li Zixiao's bed. When she was about to get under the quilt, she found that the blanket was pressed a little. She reached out and gently pulled it, but it didn't move.


She pursed her lips and pondered, and when she was thinking about whether she should use her strength to achieve a miracle, she suddenly felt the rhythm of the breathing in her ears change into a smile.

'woke up? ’

Yun Xi arched her eyebrows and pressed towards Li Zixiao. She lowered her head to her ear and sang softly with her sweet voice: "Little Zixiao, be good~ lift the quilt~ I want to come in~"

Li Zixiao's long eyelashes trembled slightly and continued to pretend to be asleep.

Yun Xi suddenly smiled as if she had succeeded in mischief. She turned over and lay next to Li Zixiao, lying on the same pillow as her.

Yun Xi did not cover herself with a quilt, and her body in short pajamas and short pajamas was exposed to the air. It was very cool. She looked at the ceiling blankly and asked softly: "Zi Xiao, do you remember the first time we met? When was it?"

No answer came to my ears.

"You must not remember, but I remember! It was on that school trip."

Yun Xi showed a nostalgic look and said with emotion: "Actually, I knew you before. You were already famous during the Dragon and Phoenix Competition, but at that time, I just knew that the real meeting and understanding of each other would be when we were at the beach by fate!"

"That was the first time I saw you up close, and I thought you were so beautiful! You have a cold personality. Although you are not very popular with others, I like you very much! That's why I got close to you."

Yun Xi turned around, looked at the back of Li Zixiao's head, and let out a dark laugh: "You guy, you must think that I am really gentle and nice, right? Hehehehehe!"

In the quiet room, Yun Xi's laughter seemed so proud and flamboyant that people couldn't help but want to hit her.

Unbeknownst to Yun Xi, Li Zixiao's eyes opened at some point. Because of her words, this cold-tempered girl's face turned as red as a ripe apple.

If the moonlight shone on her face at this time, I'm afraid it would also turn red.

But after hearing the wanton and arrogant laughter from behind Yun Xi, the redness on Li Zixiao's face quickly faded away.

She only hesitated for a short moment, then turned around with a "whisper" and looked into Yun Xi's eyes.

"Yeah! You're awake!"

Yun Xi's surprise seemed very exaggerated.

Li Zixiao said with a cold face: "It's really noisy."

Yun Xi said with a playful smile: "How did you know I was coming if I didn't make a noise?"

As she said that, she pulled up Li Zixiao's blanket and got in. Then she said, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. The inside of this blanket is even cooler!"

Li Zixiao's body has always been cold.

Li Zixiao glared at Yun Xi and retreated a short distance away.

But before she could move away, Yun Xi reached over and grabbed her waist, pulled her into his arms and said, "You are cooler than the refrigerator."

Yun Xi put her leg on Li Zixiao's leg, and the cold feeling came, making people feel cool. The so-called mobile air conditioner is nothing more than that.

"Huh? Why are you blushing?"

Yun Xi, who was enjoying the cold feeling, noticed that Li Zixiao's pretty face was gradually turning red.

Li Zixiao lowered his head and his voice became very soft: "It's too, too hot."

Yun Xi's body temperature was unexpectedly higher than that of ordinary people. Their skins were touching each other. When one was cool, the other would naturally feel a little hot.

But Li Zixiao's blush was not because of the heat.

"That's it."

Seeing her blushing like this, Yun Xi quickly took back her hands and thighs.

But the next second, Li Zixiao raised his head again, staring at her quietly with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"What happened again?"

This woman is so difficult to understand.


Li Zixiao's eyes dodge and hesitantly added: "Actually... it's not that hot either."


Yun Xi hugged her again.

"If you want my sister's arms, just say so. It's not shabby."

Yun Xi teased with a smile.


Li Zixiao gently hit Yun Xi's forehead with his head and said coldly: "If you keep talking nonsense, go back to your room."


Yun Xi hissed and lay face to face with her. She moved forward slightly and touched Li Zixiao's forehead and said, "The temperature on my forehead seems to be a little higher."

Li Zixiao closed his eyes again and said nothing.

Seeing her like this, Yun Xi smiled and closed her eyes to sleep.

When Yun Xi gradually fell asleep, Li Zixiao quietly opened her eyes again. The moonlight shone from behind her. Even if it did not fall on Yun Xi's face, she could clearly see the latter. s face.

Yun Xi is better looking than herself. she thinks.

She quietly moved her body, as if Yun Xi was getting closer.

"The scene of our first acquaintance... I will always remember it."

The voice was as soft as a mother coaxing a child to sleep.

The dark world, the dull space, and the horrible oppression lingered in Yun Xi's heart. Yun Xi opened his eyes suddenly and sat up quickly from the bed.

"Hahoo! Hahoo!"

Yun Xi held the bed with her hands, her upper body bent a little decadently, and her breathing was deep and rapid.

Had another nightmare.


There was a voice of doubt from beside her, and Yun Xi turned her head and saw that Li Zixiao was also awake and looking at her with a confused face, with a hint of worry hidden in his eyes.

Yun Xi scratched his head and forced a smile: "Good morning!"

Li Zixiao looked at her quietly.

Yun Xi turned to look at the window sill. The sky outside the window was getting colder, and it looked like it was only five or six o'clock.

Thinking that Qingchan and Hongling were still sleeping in the room, Yun Xi said to Li Zixiao, "I'm going back to the room first."

Li Zixiao was silent for a moment and nodded.

Yun Xi glanced at her, thought for a moment, and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Then he quietly left.

Like a thief.

Li Zixiao looked at her back. After being stunned for a while, he sat up from the bed and started to change clothes.

She could probably tell that Yun Xi had some psychological shadow due to the attack and had nightmares, but it was useless because she couldn't do anything to help.

Li Zixiao put on loose practice clothes, picked up the sword on the bedside table, walked to the backyard, and started practicing her sword swing.

"Just going to practice sword practice?"

After returning to her room, Yun Xi vaguely heard the sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air from the backyard, and guessed that it was Li Zixiao practicing his sword.

She returned to her bed, looked at Qingchan and Qingchan who were still sleeping on both sides, reached out and touched their heads, then put the pillow up, leaned her back against the bedside, and began to think about the nightmares she had had in the past few days.

From Yun Xi's point of view, she can't be said to be an inner demon, but her feelings at that time did make her feel death-like despair, so it was natural for her to be afraid.

Just like a person who is rescued from drowning never dares to go near the water again.

'But even if there is no inner demon, if I continue like this, my body and mind will feel tired sooner or later, and it will be terrible if I really become obsessed with it. ’

Yun Xi took a deep breath. Not only did she not put aside her feelings at that time, but she recalled them carefully.

The scene of her nightmare was the moment when she was transported by Jiu Ming. At that time, if Hua Ting had not taken action in time, she might have been captured.

Space transfer... that kind of space manipulation technique is completely different from my own dream-shifting formation. When I use the space formation, I can't see the black screen at all, and I can't feel the horror of nothingness.

But if they are all spatial arts, they should reach the same destination through different paths. I can't feel it, maybe because the time is too short and I don't pay attention at all.

In fact, when the other party transferred me, it was only for a short moment, but I could feel it so clearly...

‘Is it because I’m actually scared inside? ’

Yun Xi suddenly had such an idea.

She lowered her head, thinking that this should be the case, so she got up directly, changed into casual clothes and went to the backyard.


Because he had no opponent, Li Zixiao used a little spiritual power when using the sword, but he controlled the intensity well.

Hearing Yun Xi's voice, Li Zixiao put down the sword in his hand and turned around to look at her doubtfully.

"Can you help me?"

Yun Xi asked.

Li Zixiao looked at the different expression on her face and nodded.

"Then I'll start. Don't resist. I want to carefully feel the state of the space transfer."

As Yun Xi spoke, his fingers began to condense marks, and when he cast the Phantom Dream Formation, a spiritual formation rose up at the feet of Yun Xi and Li Zixiao.

In a flash of light, the two people exchanged positions.


Yun Xi looked at Li Zixiao and blinked.

"It's too fast...I can't react at all. Try again?"

Li Zixiao did not refuse and nodded lightly.

The light shines again.

"... How about trying again?"

The light flashed again.

"Come again!"


"I feel something!"

"Don't stop! Come again!"

"Hurry, hurry up! Just hold on!"

"I'm almost ready! One last blow!"

In the early morning, the sun rises in the east. Summer day comes quickly, the weather gets hot quickly, and people get up quickly.

When Xiao Lingyuan and the others came to the courtyard, Yun Xi was standing under a tree. She closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something, while Li Zixiao collapsed under another tree next to her. His face was pale and he looked like he had been spoiled.

No way, she is not very adaptable to space transfer. It is strange that she is not uncomfortable after being transferred so many times in a short period of time.

However, she turned to look at Yun long as she gained something.

Xiao Lingyuan first looked at Yun Xi, who had closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking about, then walked to Xiao Lingyuan and asked, "What's wrong with Xiao Xi?"

Li Zixiao thought for half a breath and said: "Get rid of the heart disease."

"Get rid of heart disease?"

Several people were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered Yun Xi's exclamation on the first morning back, and immediately asked with concern: "Is that done?"

Li Zixiao shook his head: "I don't know."

Yun Xi's trance lasted longer than everyone imagined. When everyone woke up, she was still standing under the tree.

Fortunately, there are no such things as plane flights in Tianling Continent. They can fly home entirely on their own, so they don't have to worry about delays or the like.

Yun Xi stood under the tree, recalling how he felt when he kept using the space transfer formation just now. Just like a person will gradually become unfamiliar with the word after writing the same word too many times, Yun Xi was in the space that he repeated many times. After the transfer, I also gained new insights.

‘The strong ones rely on tearing apart space to move, but my formation is about changing positions among each other. Although the limitations are huge, there should be no difference in essence. Just now, during the many transfers, I seemed to feel a dark world in an instant. ’

‘So, maybe it was just fear that made me react like that. ’

Yun Xi became more and more convinced of her conjecture. She felt that she had not been exposed to death in the first place, but that she was too afraid of death.

The self in the past life and the present self, no matter which one it is, has already died once, but facts have proved that even people who have been resurrected will not be fearless of death.

‘So I did it for a long time, just because I was afraid of death? ’

Yun Xi opened her eyes and scratched her head in confusion, not daring to tell everyone this conclusion.

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