"We're here, Yunyang City."

On the evening of the third day after setting off from Tianling County, as the sun set, Yun Xi and others saw the outline of Yunyang City.

"Hmm...it seems a little different from before!"

Standing in the cloud machine and sticking his head out of the "window", Xiao Lingyuan looked at the city growing under the burning clouds in the distance and said with blinking eyes.

Ye Nianhan also stared at it carefully for a while, waiting for the cloud machine to get closer and the city's appearance became clearer. She just said: "It seems... it's more lively than before."

The former Yunyang City was just one of many small towns in the surrounding area. Although the city had a large population, it was not as vibrant as it is now.

They stood on the cloud machine and looked down. It was dusk and it was supposed to be time to eat, but there were a large number of cars and people coming in and out of Yunyang City. The construction outside the city was also better than a few years ago. It's much better, and the style of the whole city seems to have been upgraded to a higher level than before.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "This should be the star effect, right? Your fame has grown so much in recent years, which has naturally led to the development of your hometown."

Ye Nianhan smiled and said: "It's all Xiao Xi's credit."

"Yes, yes! It's all my fault!"

Yun Xi accepted the compliment unceremoniously.


"This guy is so stinky!"

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Lingyuan raised her index finger and pointed: "Xiao Xi, we can praise you, but you can't be so narcissistic, you have to stay humble!"

He looked like he was preaching.

Yun Xi looked at Xiao Lingyuan, raised his hand, made a fist, pressed his right palm against his left fist, and his bones made a crisp sound.

"What did you say?"

Xiao Lingyuan was happy and undaunted, and said proudly: "I say, this is indeed Xiao Xi's contribution! It's amazing."

Yun Xi smiled immediately and patted her shoulder: "That's true!"

Xuanxuan approached Ye Nianhan and whispered: "Sister,

Sister Lingyuan is so timid~"

Ye Nianhan smiled and explained: "Xuanxuan, you can't talk nonsense. She's not a coward, it's just her nature."

Xuanxuan's mind was spinning, but she didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

"She has never been bold in front of Xiao Xi."


Xiao Lingyuan's eyelids twitched and she turned her head: "I can hear you even if you tell me!"

Xuanxuan looked at her and blinked innocently, looking harmless.

Xiao Lingyuan: "..."

This damn girl!

Therefore, being young has the advantage of being young.

"Okay, we're here, let's get down."

The cloud machine fell, and Yun Xi and others returned directly to the ground. As soon as they landed, Yun Xi waved his hand, and a long business car appeared on the roadside.

Yun Xi raised an eyebrow at Xiao Lingyuan: "Let's drive."

"Why am I driving! Nianhan and the others also have driver's licenses!"

Xiao Lingyuan said she was unwilling, but she still sat in the driver's seat honestly. Ye Nianhan was right. In front of Yun Xi, Xiao Lingyuan had no time to be strong-willed.

Everyone got on the car and walked to the city with peace of mind.

When passing the city gate, the city guard stopped the car.

The city guard knocked on the car window: "Hello, please show me your pass."

The car window was pulled down, revealing half of Xiao Lingyuan's face. When the city guard saw Xiao Lingyuan, he was surprised and said: "Miss Xiao...?"

The moment the word "Xiao" was spoken, Xiao Lingyuan raised a finger, and the city guard quickly lowered his voice.

Xiao Lingyuan nodded and said, "We want to go home and we haven't prepared a pass. Is that okay?"

Hearing the word "we", Chengwei quickly looked through the open window to the back of the car. There were not many people he could see, but he happened to see the eldest lady of the Yun family.

Yun Xi smiled slightly at him.

This made him feel flattered immediately, and he hurriedly said: "Of course, ladies, please come in."

As he said that, he moved out of the way.

The black car drove into the city.

The city guard stared blankly at the long car driving away, as if there was light in his eyes.

‘Miss Yun… just smiled at me! ’

No regrets in this life.

The colleague next to him patted him on the shoulder and asked strangely: "What's wrong? You looked stupid. Was there something wrong with the car just now?"

The man coughed twice, pulled his colleague to the side, and whispered softly: "I tell you not to get excited, there are Miss Yun and the others in that car!"


The colleague's foul language attracted the attention of many people at the city gate. He quickly lowered his voice and asked: "You kid, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

He said in embarrassment: "They won't let me, how dare I say that!"

The colleague suddenly felt regretful and could only stare blankly in the direction of the commercial vehicle.

Over the years, Yun Xi's status in the hearts of the people in Yunyang City has become higher and higher, and he is almost a deified figure.

This is not because she is good-looking or outstanding, but because of her rise, along with the entire Yunyang City, the tide has risen in Fengyun County. In these years, under the deliberate preference of Fengyun County, Yunyang City has developed rapidly, and the nearby areas were originally developed. Many cities above Yunyang City have been rapidly surpassed by Yunyang City in just a few years.

And because the Yun family is located in Yunyang City, Yunyang City has now become a check-in point. This remote small city has now become a tourist attraction.

Nowadays, the family living conditions of the vast majority of the people in Yunyang City have been improved by more than one level. In fact, there are still statues or plaques of Yun Xi and the others in some parks or mountain peaks in the city.

Although Yunyang City is small, it is also a city with a lot of history. From ancient times to the present, they have only produced a group of extremely outstanding talents like Yun Xi. In Yunyang City, they can be said to be unprecedented.

Naturally, Yun Xi and others didn't know that they were already loved to such an extent by the people of Yunyang City. They were just in the car, talking about their upcoming trip.

Xiao Lingyuan said: "I will send Nianhan and Xuanxuan to the sunshine first."


They had all said hello to their respective families, and they didn't come back secretly, so there were no surprises.

Yun Xi leaned against the car window, looked at the street scene outside, and said with a smile: "It's been a few years since I came here, and the changes have been really big. I almost thought it was no longer Yunyang City."

Lu Qi said: "Change is a good thing."

"Indeed." However, Yun Xi still felt a little regretful, "But I just don't know if we can still find the path we used to skip classes."

Everyone was surprised, especially Qingchan and Xuanxuan, whose eyes widened. Miss (Sister Yun) skipped class?

Lu Qi asked for them: "Xiao Xi... have you skipped class before?"

Yun Xi touched her nose: "Well...it's all brought by Xiao Yuan'er."

"That's not true! It's Xiao Xi who pulls me and Yao Zi away every time, saying that life without skipping classes is nothing!"

Xiao Lingyuan drove the car and retorted without looking back.

Before she became obsessed, Xiao Xi was always naughty. She skipped classes, fought, grabbed things, and did everything. She was led astray by Xiao Xi!

Qingchan's eyes flashed and she asked, "Miss, is it true? Isn't it wrong that I didn't skip class?"

Yun Xi quickly covered her face and said, "Don't listen to her nonsense, skipping class is wrong!"

Although she skipped classes both in her previous life and in this life...

Lu Qi suddenly asked curiously: "Speaking of which, I don't know what Xiao Xi's temper was before. Is it the same as now?"

Yun Xi's heart skipped a beat and she said with a smile, "Well... about this, actually..."

"I know, I know! Let me tell you!"

Xiao Lingyuan's hand was still holding the steering wheel, but her head was turned back to look at everyone. At this time, she was very excited.

Yun Xi reminded: "Show me the way!"

"Oh, you have spiritual knowledge!"

Xiao Lingyuan directly dispersed the spiritual consciousness.

Everyone: "..."

It’s really convenient for spiritual practitioners.

Xiao Lingyuan said excitedly: "If you ask me what Xiao Xi was like before, just ask me. I know best! Xiao Xi was very naughty in the past!"

"W-No way!"

Yun Xi looked ashamed. She had been reincarnated for many years, and she had already accepted her current identity and past in her heart.

In fact, when one person's soul is transferred to another person and completely inherits everything about her including memories, it is difficult to separate the two.

Xiao Lingyuan said: "Xiao Xi and I have known each other since we were in the crib! Xiao Xi always bullied me and Yaozi when we were young. My mother said that she always snatched my pacifier. I guess Xiao Xi later liked to snatch other people's pacifiers. Things’ personalities were also developed at that time!”

"Grab, snatch the pacifier?"

Including Li Zixiao, Xia Qingyao, Ying Nianling, everyone looked at Yun Xi with a strange look.

Yun Xi covered her face, feeling extremely ashamed.

"Who can say for sure what happened when I was little? Xiao Yuan'er, shut up!"

However, it is naturally impossible for Xiao Lingyuan to shut up. She is eager to share Xiao Xi's past with others. This is not to let everyone know Yun Xi better, but to let everyone know that she is the only one who has been with Yun Xi from the beginning to the end. She knows everything about her.

And for her, it also has a sense of showing off.

"Ever since I can remember, Xiao Xi likes to wear princess dresses, just like a little princess every day, but she doesn't like to be clean at all! She always likes to go out and fight with the boys on the street, and then gets all dirty. Every time She wanted to be scolded by her mother, but she never changed! She would still continue to fight, and if she won, she would take away other people's things. Because no one could beat her, she took away many toys!"

Everyone looked at Yun Xi in surprise.

"No, that's not the case. I was... just restless... I have to compensate for things like that!"

Yun Xi's explanation was particularly pale.

"There is really compensation!"

Although the waist is secretly helping her compensate.

"But Xiao Xi has been very smart since before! Our spiritual veins are still open. When she was learning Chinese characters, she always refused to listen to the class, and then she always got the highest score in the class. That's why she felt that class was boring, so she always He made me and Yaozi skip classes."

"At that time, my husband criticized her, and she pulled out three of his beards in front of the whole class. He screamed in pain, saying that we were the worst class of students he had ever taught!"

Everyone continued to be surprised and stared.

Qingchan didn't believe it and asked: "Then...is that really the lady?"

She looked at Yun Xi and found that Yun Xi had leaned his head slumped against the car window, his face was ashen, he completely gave up resistance and began to show off.

Not to mention Qingchan, even Li Zixiao, who had known Yun Xi for a longer time, felt that the Yun Xi described by Xiao Lingyuan was completely different from the Yun Xi she knew.

Ye Nianhan is okay, because she and Yun Xi have been in the same class for six years. Before Yun Xi went crazy, she was indeed a girl with a not-so-good personality. But after walking away from the edge of death, Yun Xi grew up in an instant. , a drastic change in temperament, directly pulled her out of the corner of loneliness, and helped her become one of the luckiest people in the world.

Hearing Qingchan's question, Xiao Lingyuan said: "Of course it's Xiao Xi! It's just a little different from the current Xiao Xi."

Yun Xi's heart tightened, and her ashen face changed slightly.

Xuanxuan said with a smile: "What's the difference? You clearly mean the two of us are the same! Sister Yun is so gentle, how can she be like what you said!"

Not to mention Yun Xi, even Ye Nianhan's eyes flashed vaguely.

Only Xiao Lingyuan, her expression did not change and she replied: "That's right! I also think that Xiao Xi has changed a lot since she experienced some things! But this is good!"

She looked at Yun Xi, with strange emotions in her smart eyes.

"I like Xiao Xi better now!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Aren't you talking about my past? Guan Xi doesn't like anything!"

Yun Xi turned her head and faced the car window, with a faint blush on her ears.

Qingchan also said loudly at this time: "I, I also like Miss very much, I always have!"

Hong Ling paused. She still knew what the word "like" meant, so she said, "Hong Ling... also likes my sister very much."

Ye Nianhan said softly: "Compared to the Xiao Xi before, of course I prefer the Xiao Xi after I met him!"

"Yes, Sister Yun is great!"

Xuanxuan was taken out of the orphanage by Yun Xi in the name of the Yun family. If it weren't for Yun Xi, Ye Nianhan alone would not be able to afford her study in Tianyun Martial Arts School.

Lu Qi sighed, thinking of the scene when she first met Yun Xi in the ancient ruins. It was the first real encounter between herself and Yun Xi, and she extended her hand to her without hesitation.

"Xiao Xi...has always been a very good person."

Ying Nianling's crimson eyes flickered: "Yun Xi has always been a very good person!"

But she never left her after meeting Yun Xi! Great vision!

Xia Qingyao agreed: "The food she makes is delicious."

After everyone finished speaking, their eyes gradually turned to Li Zixiao. Li Zixiao twitched his lips, wondering how it could suddenly unfold like this when he was just talking about Yun Xi's past at the beginning.

She frowned, just glanced at Yun Xi, and said nothing very stubbornly.

On the other hand, it was Yun Xi who finally couldn't help but speak. She turned around and said angrily: "You are enough for each one of you! What are you saying, all kinds of weird things, really, really! It's so annoying. ! Those who don’t know, still think that you are... Aren’t you talking about my childhood? You can change your words and topics. You are really, really stupid! You are so stupid..."

Her incoherent expression caught everyone's attention. They had known Yun Xi for so long. They had seen the serious and rigorous Yun Xi, the naughty and playful Yun Xi, and even the calm and decisive Yun Xi. But like this Yunxi.

It's the first time.

‘So she was still so cute? ’

Everyone's heart couldn't help but beat a little when they saw that Yun Xi's pretty face was filled with blushes one after another, her eyes had a dizzy feeling, and she was so embarrassed that she was at a loss what to do. .

Everyone lowered their heads in unison, their faces flushed.

'So...so cute. ’onclick="hui"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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